
用实力说话!张伟丽成功卫冕金腰带 回击对手挑衅

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

昨天,中国首位UFC冠军张伟丽,在UFC 248比赛中,击败波兰挑战者乔安娜(Joanna),成功卫冕!此前,对手屡屡垃圾话挑衅,甚至还开中国疫情玩笑。

Zhang Weili has envisioned knocking out Joanna Jedrzejczyk

Joanna Jedrzejczyk left disfigured after Weili Zhang defeat at UFC 248


Joanna Jedrzejczyk and Weili Zhang were both taken to hospital after their epic five-round war UFC 248.

epic /ˈɛpɪk/

表示“壮举;惊人之举”,英文解释为“a long and difficult job or activity that you think people should admire”举个🌰:

Their four-hour match on Centre Court was an epic.


Champion Zhang clung on to her strawweight belt after being given the nod by split decision following on the best fights in the promotion's history.

cling on to

1)表示“抓紧;紧握;紧抱”,英文解释为“to hold on tightly to sb/sth”举个🌰:

She clung on to her baby.


2)表示“不愿放弃;坚持”,英文解释为“to be unwilling to get rid of sth, or stop doing sth”举个🌰:

She managed to cling on to life for another couple of years.



名词,既可以单独使用,也可以用作修饰语,表示“47.6公斤及以下级别的职业拳击手(的)”,英文解释为“a professional boxer weighing not more than 47.6 kg (105 pounds).

give the nod

表示“被选中;得到许可”,英文解释为“to be chosen for sth; to be given permission or approval to do sth”举个🌰:

He got the nod from the team manager (= he was chosen for the team).


split decision

表示“分歧判定”,英文解释为“the award of a fight on a majority verdict of the judges as opposed to a unanimous decision.”

Former champion Jedrzejczyk however was left disfigured by the punishment she took over the 25-minute battle.


表示“将(某人)毁容”,英文解释为“If someone is disfigured, their appearance is spoiled.”举个🌰:

Many of the wounded had been badly disfigured.



She tried not to look at the scarred, disfigured face.


"It doesn't matter, I carry myself as a champ with the belt or without," she said. "I was very proud of her, congrats Weili."

carry yourself

表示“带…姿态”,英文解释为“If you carry yourself in a particular way, you walk and move in that way. ”举个🌰:

They carried themselves with great pride and dignity.


The co-main event in Las Vegas took just seconds to ignite as both women looked for an early advantage.


1)表示“激起”,英文解释为“If something or someone ignites your feelings, they cause you to have very strong feelings about something.”举个🌰:

There was one teacher who really ignited my interest in words.


2)表示“点燃;着火”,英文解释为“When you ignite something or when it ignites, it starts burning or explodes. ”举个🌰:

The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses.


Jedrzejczyk looked to weaken the champion's legs early in the opening session while both were caught by heavy punches.

Zhang appeared hurt after the second session as she was helped back to her corner after being caught square in the jaw by her challenger's kick.


作名词,表示“ 重拳击打;用力的捶打”,英文解释为“a hard hit made with the fist (= closed hand)”,如:a punch in the face 打在脸上的一记重拳。


作副词,仅用于动词后,等同于squarely,表示“正对着地;径直地”,英文解释为“directly; not at an angle ”举个🌰:

I looked her square in the face.


But a straight right from the Chinese landed flush in the third round as Jedrzejczyk's forehead began to swell up.


名词,表示“右手拳”,英文解释为“a blow that is made with your right hand.”同样就有left,左手拳。


作副词,表示“平齐地”,英文解释为“so as to be level or even.”

swell up

表示“膨胀;肿胀”,英文解释为“to become bigger or rounder”举个🌰:

Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.


And Zhang continued to apply the pressure to the Pole's head through the final 10 minutes to secure a narrow victory.


表示“争取到”,英文解释为“If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort.”举个🌰:

He was disappointed by his failure to secure the top job with the bank. 他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。

She was given the nod by two judges, 28-27, while the other scored it the same way for Jedrzejczyk.

The champion used her post-fight interview to offer her support to those suffering from coronavirus.


表示“(用以构词)表示“...之后”; “后...””,英文解释为“Post- is used to form words that indicate that something takes place after a particular date, period, or event.”如:the post-1860 era1860年后的时代。

The post-fight interview

It took Zhang three weeks to travel from China to Las Vegas because of the virus with her journey including stopovers in Bangkok and Abu Dhabi.


表示“中途停留”,英文解释为“A stopover is a short stay in a place in between parts of a trip.”举个🌰:

The Sunday flights will make a stopover in Hangzhou. 


"It took a long time to get here because of coronavirus in our country," she said. "Our country is suffering but I hope everyone can come together and fight together and we can beat it."

In the main event at UFC 248, Israel Adesanya clung on to his middleweight title by beating Yoel Romero.

The fight failed to live up to its billing with fans leaving during the contest and booing regularly throughout.

live up to

表示“达到”,英文解释为“If someone or something lives up to what they were expected to be, they are as good as they were expected to be.”举个🌰:

Sales have lived up to expectations this year.



1)可数名词,表示“营业额”,英文解释为“the total amount of business that a company does in a particular period of time”,如:billings around $1 million 一百万元左右的营业额。

2)不可数名词,表示“(演员表上的)排名,演员名次”,英文解释为“the position, especially an important one, that sb is advertised or described as having in a show, etc.”如:to have  top/star billing 衔主演。

3)不可数名词,表示“开具账单”,英文解释为“the act of preparing and sending bills to customers.”


表示“发出嘘声(以示不满)”,英文解释为“If you boo a speaker or performer, you shout "boo" or make other loud sounds to indicate that you do not like them, their opinions, or their performance.”举个🌰:

People were booing and throwing things at them.


Adesanya was given the nod by all three judges with scores of 48-47, 48-47 and 49-46.

Joanna Jedrzejczyk: It’s time to take back what’s mine

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