

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

@LearnAndRecord 的同名微博,每天都会更新一些英语习语翻译词汇中国特色话语翻译词条故事听力,以及视频听写等等内容供大家学习&记录,帮助大家把刷微博的零碎时间充分利用起来,欢迎各种打卡~


回到聚光灯下 step back into the spotlight;

有助缓解衰老带来的焦虑 help relieve anxieties over aging;

明确反对针对女性的年龄歧视convey a clear message against the ageism confronting women;

在中国社交平台引发热议 make huge waves across China's social platforms


发布暴雨黄色预警 issue a yellow alert for rainstorms;

暴雨继续袭击中国大片地区。Heavy downpours continue to batter large swathes of the country.肆虐 wreak havoc;

日降水量 daily precipitation;

提高应急响应 step up emergency response;

预防洪水可能引发的山体滑坡等灾害 guard against possible disasters such as landslides;

受暴雨袭击地区部分河流水位超警戒线。The water levels of many rivers in the affected areas exceeded the danger mark.


北斗导航卫星系统 BeiDou Navigation Satellite System;

标志自己的北斗导航系统全面建成 mark the completion of the deployment of its own global navigation system;

进入对地静止轨道enter the geostationary earth orbit;

加强兼容性、互操作性和资源共享 strengthen compatibility and interoperability and resource sharing;

为用户提供更优质、多样化、安全可靠的服务 provide users with more qualified, diversified, safe and reliable services;

为新基建奠定基础 lay the foundation for new infrastructure construction


得到控制 under control;

确诊病例 confirmed cases;

本土传播病例locally transmitted cases;

被新冠病毒污染contaminated by the novel coronavirus;

适合病毒存活 contribute to preserving the virus;

体温检测temperature check;

日常必需品 daily necessities;

海鲜商贩 seafood vendors;

高速收费站highway toll booths


抗疟剂药物 anti-malaria drug;

降低病亡率reduce mortality rate;

内部证据 internal evidence;

“团结试验” “Solidarity trials”;

试剂 test kits;

维护多边主义 uphold multilateralism;

全球治理体系 global governance system;

延长宵禁 extend nighttime curfews;

禁止公共集会 ban public gatherings


突发公共卫生应急响应级别由三级调至二级 raised public health emergency response from the third to the second level;

人际传播 human-to-human transmission;

物品环境污染contamination of articles and environment;

中高风险区域 medium and high-risk areas;

对农产品市场进行消毒disinfect farm produce markets;

本土传播病例 domestically transmitted cases;

跨省团队旅游interprovincial group tours


本土新冠肺炎病例 local COVID-19 infections;

集中医学观察centralized medical observation;

核酸检测 nucleic acid tests;

恢复体温检测resume temperature checks;

公共场所消毒 disinfection of public areas;

大规模筛查 extensive screening;

采集咽拭子collects throat swab;

上门询问 door-to-door inquiries;

发热门诊 fever clinics

【北京疫情扩散风险很高 支持北京市提升核酸检测能力】

防止疫情扩散蔓延 stem the spread of COVID-19;

聚集性病例 cluster cases;

流行病学调查 epidemiological investigations;

发现并控制感染源头 identify and control the source of infection;

提升核酸检测能力boost nucleic acid testing capacity;

重点人群 key population groups;

无症状感染者 asymptomatic cases;

发热患者 febrile patients;

加强所有医疗机构发热门诊规范设置和改造。More efforts should be made to establish and renovate fever clinics at all medical institutions.

消杀 disinfection and sterilization;

内防反弹 prevent a resurgence of the outbreak at home;

农产品批发市场 wholesale farm produce market

【中国第一时间报告疫情 迅即应对阻断疫情蔓延】

不明原因肺炎病例cases of pneumonia of unknown cause;

第一时间报告疫情promptly reported the situation;

开展病因学和流行病学调查conduct etiological and epidemiological investigations;

公布新型冠状病毒基因组序列release the genome sequence of the novel coronavirus;

出现局部社区传播和聚集性病例community spread and clusters of cases emerge;

应对处置领导小组a leading group on the disease response;

病原鉴定pathogen identification


海洋观测卫星 ocean observation satellite;

组成我国首个海洋民用业务卫星星座form China’s first satellite constellation for marine civil service;

观测海洋水色observe ocean color;

海岸带资源 coastal resources;

表面温度surface temperature;

海洋灾害marine disaster;

卫星发射中心satellite launch center


确诊患者、疑似患者、发热患者、确诊患者的密切接触者confirmed cases, suspected cases, febrile patients who might be carriers, and close contacts;

应收尽收、应治尽治、应检尽检、应隔尽隔The policy of ensuring that all those in need are tested, isolated, hospitalized or treated is implemented;

早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗early detection, reporting, quarantine and treatment;

集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治The infected should be treated in designated hospitals by top-level doctors and with all necessary resources guaranteed.

“外防输入、内防扩散”两大环节forestall inbound and intra-city transmissions


欧洲疫情有所好转,但是全球范围内,新冠疫情继续恶化。Although the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe is improving, globally it is worsening.

易感susceptible to infection;

经济衰退 economic recession;

极端贫困extreme poverty;

悲观预期pessimistic projections;

缓解不良影响alleviate the adverse impact;

带来重大全球性挑战pose major global challenges


抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动白皮书a white paper on China’s battle against COVID-19;

切断病毒传播途径cut channels for the transmission of the virus;

经过艰苦卓绝的努力,中国付出巨大代价和牺牲,有力扭转了疫情局势。Through painstaking efforts and tremendous sacrifice, and having paid a heavy price, China has succeeded in turning the situation around. 个位数 single digits;

病亡率 fatality rate;

灭活疫苗 inactivated vaccines;

反对污名化和疫情政治化oppose stigmatization and politicization of the virus;

走出人类历史上这段艰难时刻,迎来人类发展更加美好的明天emerge from this dark moment in human history into a brighter future

【刚果(金)暴发第11轮埃博拉疫情 4人已死亡】

新一轮埃博拉疫情a fresh outbreak of the Ebola virus disease;

已有6名感染者,其中4人已死亡confirm six cases, including four already dead;

第10轮埃博拉疫情结束的倒计时阶段a countdown to declare the end of the tenth Ebola epidemic;

史上最致命的一轮(第10轮)the deadliest in the history;

新病例卷土重来new cases resurfacing

【六一儿童节 向全国各族少年儿童致以节日的祝贺】

国际儿童节International Children's Day;

亲眼目睹了中国人民众志成城、迎难而上的伟大壮举witness the great feats of the Chinese people standing united and rising to challenges;

刻苦学习知识study hard;

坚定理想信念firm up ideals and beliefs;

磨练坚强意志,锻炼强健体魄train themselves to be both physically and mentally stronger;

为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦时刻准备着work to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation













