

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Prominent mayor of Seoul found dead Loading... (cr: Reuters)


Seoul Mayor Is Found Dead After Harassment Complaint Is Filed

The New York Times

The mayor of Seoul, the country’s second-most powerful official and a potential presidential candidate, was found dead just days after a secretary in his office told the police that he had sexually harassed her since 2017, the authorities said on Friday.

A Seoul police officer confirmed early Friday that the body of the mayor, Park Won-soon, had been discovered on a hill in northern Seoul, several hours after his daughter had reported him missing.

Word of the mayor’s death and its possible links to sexual misconduct sent shock waves across the country, not only because Mr. Park was a political star but also because he had long been seen as a champion of women’s rights. His positions stood out in a country where men dominate society’s upper echelons, enforcing a strictly hierarchical code that analysts say makes women vulnerable to abuse and forces its victims to stay silent.

Mr. Park, 64, had canceled his official schedule and called in sick to City Hall on Thursday, the day after the secretary had filed her complaint. His daughter told the police that he had left home after leaving a cryptic, “will-like message,” according to Yonhap, the national news agency, which cited an anonymous police source. That detail immediately fueled speculation that Mr. Park could have taken his own life.

The discovery of Mr. Park’s body came after nearly 600 police officers and emergency medical workers, aided by police dogs, searched the hills in northern Seoul, where his cellphone signal had last been detected.

Mr. Park left his home in a taxi on Thursday morning and got out at a park several minutes later, said Choi Ik-su, a senior detective at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, citing closed-circuit footage. Mr. Park’s body was found in a wooded hill behind the park with the help of a police dog, Mr. Choi said.

The police found no suicide note at the scene, he said, but there was also no sign that Mr. Park had been killed by someone else.

Hundreds of Mr. Park’s supporters  — some tearfully shouting “We love you, Park Won-soon!” — gathered on Friday in front of Seoul National University Hospital, where his body had been taken for an autopsy.

Mr. Park, who was serving his third term as mayor of Seoul, a city of 10 million, had often been cited as a possible successor to President Moon Jae-in, whose single five-year term is set to expire in 2022. Mr. Park’s mayoral term had been scheduled to end in 2022.

Before becoming mayor, Mr. Park was a prominent human rights attorney who founded the country’s most influential civil rights group. As a lawyer, he won several major cases, including South Korea’s first sexual harassment case. He also campaigned for the rights of so-called comfort women, Korean sex slaves who were lured or forced to work in brothels for the Japanese Army during World War II.

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Seoul Mayor Is Found Dead After Harassment Complaint Is Filed

The New York Times

The mayor of Seoul, the country's second-most powerful official and a potential presidential candidate, was found dead just days after a secretary in his office told the police that he had sexually harassed her since 2017, the authorities said on Friday.



harass /ˈhærəs, həˈræs/ 表示“骚扰”,英文解释为“If someone harasses you, they trouble or annoy you, for example by attacking you repeatedly or by causing you as many problems as they can.”举个🌰:

A woman reporter complained one of them sexually harassed her in the locker room.


电影《拜见岳父大人3》(Little Fockers)中的台词提到:Don't be mad. I totally don't want to harass you.不要生气 我不是要来骚扰你。

A Seoul police officer confirmed early Friday that the body of the mayor, Park Won-soon, had been discovered on a hill in northern Seoul, several hours after his daughter had reported him missing.


Word of the mayor's death and its possible links to sexual misconduct sent shock waves across the country, not only because Mr. Park was a political star but also because he had long been seen as a champion of women’s rights. His positions stood out in a country where men dominate society's upper echelons, enforcing a strictly hierarchical code that analysts say makes women vulnerable to abuse and forces its victims to stay silent.


stand out

1)表示“显眼”,英文解释为“If something stands out, it is very noticeable.”举个🌰:

Every tree, wall and fence stood out against dazzling white fields.


2)表示“突出”,英文解释为“If something stands out from a surface, it rises up from it.”举个🌰:

His tendons stood out like rope beneath his skin.



echelon /ˈɛʃəˌlɒn/ 通常复数,表示“职权的等级;阶层”,英文解释为“a rank or position of authority in an organization or a society”如:the lower/upper/top/higher echelons of the Civil Service 文职部门的低层/上层/最高层/高层。

美剧《犯罪心理》(Criminal Minds)第五季中的台词提到:She'll be at home in Nashville's upper echelon. 她住在纳什维尔高级住宅区。


hierarchical /ˌhaɪərˈɑːkɪkəl/ 表示“等级制度的”,英文解释为“A hierarchical system or organization is one in which people have different ranks or positions, depending on how important they are.”如:

the traditional hierarchical system 传统等级制度。

电影《1984》(Nineteen Eighty-Four)中的台词提到:a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance 一个等级社会必须建立在贫困和愚昧的基础上。

Mr. Park, 64, had canceled his official schedule and called in sick to City Hall on Thursday, the day after the secretary had filed her complaint. His daughter told the police that he had left home after leaving a cryptic, “will-like message,” according to Yonhap, the national news agency, which cited an anonymous police source. That detail immediately fueled speculation that Mr. Park could have taken his own life.


call in

1)表示“(给工作单位、电台或电视台)打电话”,英文解释为“If you call in, you phone a place, such as the place where you work, or a radio or TV station.”举个🌰:

She reached for the phone to call in sick.


📍 call in sick (打电话)请病假 To inform one's employer that one will be absent due to illness (real or feigned).

2)表示“短暂访问”,英文解释为“If you call in somewhere, you make a short visit there.”举个🌰:

He just calls in occasionally.


美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)第2季中的台词提到:You call in sick the day after receiving a long-awaited career-boosting promotion. 得到了梦寐以求的升职以后你居然请了病假躲在这里。


cryptic /ˈkrɪptɪk/ 表示“隐晦的”,英文解释为“A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand.”举个🌰:

He has issued a short, cryptic statement denying the spying charges. 



表示“加剧;增加;加强;刺激”,英文解释为“To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense.”如:to fuel speculation/rumours/fears 引起猜测/谣传/恐惧,举个🌰:

The result will inevitably fuel speculation about his future.



表示“推测;猜测;推断”,英文解释为“the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts”举个🌰:

There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.


take one's own life

take one's own life 表示“自杀”,英文解释为“kill oneself”;take sb's life 指的就是“杀掉(某人),取(某人)的性命”(to kill someone)。

The discovery of Mr. Park’s body came after nearly 600 police officers and emergency medical workers, aided by police dogs, searched the hills in northern Seoul, where his cellphone signal had last been detected.


Mr. Park left his home in a taxi on Thursday morning and got out at a park several minutes later, said Choi Ik-su, a senior detective at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, citing closed-circuit footage. Mr. Park's body was found in a wooded hill behind the park with the help of a police dog, Mr. Choi said.

首尔地方警察厅高级警探崔益秀(Choi Ik-su,音)说,监控画面显示,周四早上,朴元淳乘坐出租车出门,几分钟后,他下车来到一个公园。崔益秀说,朴元淳的尸体是在警犬的协助下,在公园后面树木繁茂的山上被发现的。


1)作名词,表示“侦探”,英文解释为“A detective is someone whose job is to discover what has happened in a crime or other situation and to find the people involved. Some detectives work in the police force and others work privately.”举个🌰:

Now detectives are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious last night.


2)作形容词,表示“侦探的”,英文解释为“A detective novel or story is one in which a detective tries to solve a crime.”如:Arthur Conan Doyle's classic detective novel 阿瑟·柯南·道尔的经典侦探小说。


metropolitan /ˌmɛtrəˈpɒlɪtən/

1)表示“大城市的;大都会的”,英文解释为“connected with a large or capital city”如:the New York metropolitan area 纽约市区。

2)表示“本土的”,英文解释为“connected with a particular country rather than with the other regions of the world that the country controls”如:metropolitan France 法国本土。


表示“闭路式的”,英文解释为“A closed-circuit television or video system is one that operates within a limited area such as a building.”举个🌰:

There's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area. 



表示“(描述某一事件的)片段镜头”,英文解释为“Footage of a particular event is a film of it or the part of a film which shows this event.”举个🌰:

They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals. 


📍 此处closed-circuit footage指的就是监控录像画面,补充一个说法,CCTV. 此CCTV非彼CCTV,其中的CC就是Closed Circuit的缩写,TV就是电视Television的缩写。

📍 那么CCTV,闭路电视什么意思呢?据维基百科,闭路电视(简称CCTV)是指在特定的区域进行视频传输,并只在固定回路设备里播放的电视系统。例如录像机、大楼内的监视器等。这类播放模式就被称作闭路电视。下次看看你可以观察下监控摄像头墙边上是不是有CCTV的字样。

The police found no suicide note at the scene, he said, but there was also no sign that Mr. Park had been killed by someone else.


Hundreds of Mr. Park’s supporters  — some tearfully shouting “We love you, Park Won-soon!” — gathered on Friday in front of Seoul National University Hospital, where his body had been taken for an autopsy.



autopsy /ˈɔːtəpsɪ/ 表示“验尸”,英文解释为“An autopsy is an examination of a dead body by a doctor who cuts it open in order to try to discover the cause of death.”举个🌰:

He had the grim task of carrying out an autopsy on his friend. 


Mr. Park, who was serving his third term as mayor of Seoul, a city of 10 million, had often been cited as a possible successor to President Moon Jae-in, whose single five-year term is set to expire in 2022. Mr. Park’s mayoral term had been scheduled to end in 2022.

作为有着1000万人口的首尔市市长,连任三届的朴元淳常常被视为有望接替文在寅(Moon Jae-in)总统的人,后者的五年任期将于2022年结束。朴元淳的市长任期原定于2022年结束。


表示“到期;失效”,英文解释为“When something such as a contract, deadline, or visa expires, it comes to an end or is no longer valid.”举个🌰:

He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitor's visa expired.


动画片《超级大坏蛋》(Megamind)中的台词提到:Well,I think your warranty is about to expire. 估计你的微波炉保质期快到了。

Before becoming mayor, Mr. Park was a prominent human rights attorney who founded the country’s most influential civil rights group. As a lawyer, he won several major cases, including South Korea’s first sexual harassment case. He also campaigned for the rights of so-called comfort women, Korean sex slaves who were lured or forced to work in brothels for the Japanese Army during World War II.



表示“律师”,英文解释为“In the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer. ”举个🌰:

At the hearing, her attorney did not enter a plea.



brothel /ˈbrɒθəl/ 表示“妓院”,英文解释为“A brothel is a building where men can go to pay to have sex with prostitutes.”

- 注:中文文本为NYT官方译文,仅供参考 -






