
"It's Always the Husband"

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


让人想到美剧《重案组》(Major Crimes)第一季中的一句经典台词,“It’s always the husband”。

还有惊悚恐怖片《运河迷踪》(The canal)里提到的,“People always suspect the husband. You know why that is? Because it's always the husband. Every time”。

不过,今天不看电影,我们来看小说《It’s Always the Husband: A Novel》,作者是米歇尔·坎贝尔(Michele Campbell)。


Review: "It's Always the Husband" is riveting novel


“It’s Always the Husband” (St. Martin’s Press), by Michele Campbell

Relationships - whether marriage or friendship - have the power to enrich lives or destroy them. Some relationships do both as Michele Campbell shows in her riveting novel “It’s Always the Husband.”

Campbell, a former federal prosecutor who has written several novels under different names, expertly explores the line between love and hate and the effect of toxic relationships. While the mystery elements blanket the story, “It’s Always the Husband” spins on the friendship of three very different women and the calm and chaos surrounding them.

Scholarship student Aubrey Miller, ambitious local girl Jenny Vega and wealthy New Yorker Kate Eastman meet on their first day at New Hampshire’s Carlisle College. The three are suite-mates and are soon known as the Whipple Triplets after the dorm where they live. But the nickname isn’t always a term of endearment. The emotionally fragile Aubrey struggles with her background, her grades and her inability to fit in. She hero-worships Kate, a spoiled rich girl with drug and anger issues. Only Jenny seems to rise above, though she is constantly being drawn into her roommates’ drama. At the end of their first year, a tragedy occurs that binds them together and divides them. “It’s Always the Husband” alternates between the women’s college days and 22 years later, when each has a drastically different economic situation and place in society.

The novel opens with the murder of one of the women 22 years after their college days. Campbell keeps the murdered women’s identity secret for nearly half the story - a device that works well to amp the tension. Although readers will probably guess which of the friends met an untimely end, the unveiling is still a surprise, amplified by the shocking motive.

Campbell keeps the tension high as she exposes her very flawed characters, each of whom is realistically explored. As most of the characters must realize, sometimes the only way to save yourself is to sever a toxic relationship, no matter how painful.

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Wednesday Reads: A summer thriller 'It's always the husband' (cr: WFAA)


Review: "It's Always the Husband" is riveting novel


It’s Always the Husband” (St. Martin’s Press), by Michele Campbell

Relationships - whether marriage or friendship - have the power to enrich lives or destroy them. Some relationships do both as Michele Campbell shows in her riveting novel “It's Always the Husband.”

人际关系--无论是婚姻还是友情--能丰富人们的生活,也能摧毁生活。正如米歇尔·坎贝尔(Michele Campbell)在她引人入胜的小说《永远是丈夫》(It's Always the Husband)中所展示的那样,有些关系正是如此。


表示“吸引人的;引人入胜的”,英文解释为“so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely”,如:her riveting new novel 她的引人入胜的新小说。

🎬电影《寻找伴郎》(I Love You, Man)中的台词提到:That sounds riveting. 听起来很吸引人。

Campbell, a former federal prosecutor who has written several novels under different names, expertly explores the line between love and hate and the effect of toxic relationships. While the mystery elements blanket the story, “It's Always the Husband” spins on the friendship of three very different women and the calm and chaos surrounding them.


federal prosecutor 联邦检察官


表示“熟练地;巧妙地”,英文解释为“with great skill”举个🌰:

He carved the meat expertly.


🎬电影《这个男人来自地球》(The Man from Earth)中的台词提到:He struck back expertly...他很专业地反驳了。


1)作动词,表示“有倾向性地陈述;(尤指)以有利于自己的口吻描述”,英文解释为“to present information or a situation in a particular way, especially one that makes you or your ideas seem good”举个🌰:

An aide was already spinning his defeat as ‘almost as good as an outright win’.


2)作动词,spin a story/tale/yarn可以表示“杜撰故事,编造故事”,英文解释为“to tell a story, either to deceive someone or for entertainment”,举个🌰:

He spun some tale about needing to take time off work because his mother was ill.


3)作名词,表示“(尤指有利于自己的)导向性陈述;(特意做的)诠释与宣传”,英文解释为“the presentation of information in a particular way; a slant, especially a favourable one; a way of presenting information or a situation in a particular way, especially one that makes you or your ideas seem good”举个🌰:

They put their own spin on the situation.


🎬电影《蓝精灵2》(The Smurfs 2)中的台词提到:Hard to put a positive spin on that. 保持乐观可真不容易啊。

Scholarship student Aubrey Miller, ambitious local girl Jenny Vega and wealthy New Yorker Kate Eastman meet on their first day at New Hampshire's Carlisle College. The three are suite-mates and are soon known as the Whipple Triplets after the dorm where they live. But the nickname isn't always a term of endearment.

拿奖学金的学生奥布里·米勒(Aubrey Miller),雄心勃勃的当地女孩珍妮·维加(Jenny Vega)和富有的纽约人凯特·伊斯曼(Kate Eastman)在新罕布什尔州的卡莱尔学院(Carlisle College)的第一天就相遇了。他们三人是室友,因他们所住的宿舍而被称为“惠普尔三姐妹”。然而,这个绰号并不是个爱称。

suite-mate 室友


endearment /ɪnˈdɪəmənt/ 表示“表示爱慕的话语;亲热的表示”,英文解释为“a word or phrase that you use to show that you love someone”,如:terms of endearment such as "darling" or "sweetheart" 表达爱意的词汇,比如“亲爱的”或者“甜心”。

🎬电影《爱很复杂》(It's Complicated)中的台词提到:Is it because I'm fat, or is it a term of endearment? 是因为我胖 还是对我的爱称

The emotionally fragile Aubrey struggles with her background, her grades and her inability to fit in. She hero-worships Kate, a spoiled rich girl with drug and anger issues. Only Jenny seems to rise above, though she is constantly being drawn into her roommates' drama. At the end of their first year, a tragedy occurs that binds them together and divides them. “It's Always the Husband” alternates between the women's college days and 22 years later, when each has a drastically different economic situation and place in society.


表示“易损坏的;易碎的;脆弱的”,英文解释为“easily damaged, broken, or harmed”举个🌰:

I felt rather fragile (= weak) for a few days after the operation.



表示“崇拜(某人)”,英文解释为“to admire sb very much because you think they are extremely beautiful, intelligent, etc.”举个🌰:

Younger actors started to hero-worship and copy him.



spoiled作形容词可以解释为“被宠坏的,娇生惯养的,被溺爱的”,spoil作动词,本身有“溺爱;娇惯;宠坏”的意思,英文解释为“to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discipline in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behaviour”举个🌰:

She spoils those kids of hers.


rise above

表示“克服;摆脱;不受…的影响”,英文解释为“to not allow something bad to affect your behaviour or upset you”举个🌰:

He rose above his pain/bad luck/difficulties.


🎬电影《怎么又是你》(You Again)中的台词提到:With a little luck, you'll rise above it. 如果运气好一点 你会挺过去的。

draw into

表示“把…卷入,使…参与”,英文解释为“to make someone become involved in a difficult or unpleasant situation”举个🌰:

They tried to draw me into their argument, but I refused.



表示“使团结;使联合”,英文解释为“to unite people”举个🌰:

The things that bind them together are greater than their differences.


The novel opens with the murder of one of the women 22 years after their college days. Campbell keeps the murdered women's identity secret for nearly half the story - a device that works well to amp the tension. Although readers will probably guess which of the friends met an untimely end, the unveiling is still a surprise, amplified by the shocking motive.


表示“增强,放大”,英文解释为“To amplify something means to increase its strength or intensity.”举个🌰:

These stories only amplified her fears.


Campbell keeps the tension high as she exposes her very flawed characters, each of whom is realistically explored. As most of the characters must realize, sometimes the only way to save yourself is to sever a toxic relationship, no matter how painful.


sever /ˈsevər/ 表示“断绝;中断”,英文解释为“to completely end a relationship or all communication with sb”举个🌰:

She severed her ties with her mother.


🎬电影《三个火枪手》(The Three Musketeers)中的台词提到:It's quite easy for an employer to sever all ties with his operative, 主子想彻底除掉密探绝对轻而易举。


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恏渏 亾類哋夲能


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