

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

北京时间7月24日中午12点,“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)无预警发布第八张专辑《Folklore》正式发行。

Taylor Swift – cardigan (. ) (Official Lyric Video)


Taylor Swift's new Folklore album sees the singer go indie


The lockdown has made many of us step back and take stock.

The sudden, seismic change to our lifestyles, the narrowing of our horizons, the inability to escape our families: It's all prompted a wave of self-reflection and re-evaluation.

Taylor Swift was not immune.

In April, she posted a photo to Instagram with the caption: "Not a lot going on at the moment." Twelve weeks later, she's written and recorded an entirely new album, Folklore - a record that fills the void left by a summer of cancelled festival appearances, including a headline slot at Glastonbury.

Fittingly, it's a low-key, sombre record, looking back at old flames and old mistakes. The Technicolor exuberance of last year's Lover is entirely gone. In its place are muted pianos, mournful harmonicas and finger-picked guitars. This is Swift's indie album.

The signs were there in her choice of collaborators - chiefly Aaron Dessner of The National, whose heartfelt and quietly anthemic songs have regularly featured on Swift's playlists, is a co-writer or producer on 11 of the album's 16 songs.

Bon Iver's Justin Vernon crops up for a duet on Exile - a delicate ballad that paints a failing relationship as a territorial war - while the cast list is completed by Swift's frequent collaborator Jack Antonoff, who she says "is basically musical family at this point."

The impact of the pandemic is most apparent on Epiphany - a tribute to health workers working under pressure in times of crisis.

"Something med school did not cover," sings Swift, over sustained minor key chords. "Someone's daughter, someone's mother / Holds your hand through plastic now ' Doc, I think she's crashing out."

But her gaze is mostly turned inwards. These are songs about childhood adventures, teenage feuds, affectionate portraits of ex-lovers and - naturally - a few scores to settle.

On My Tears Ricochet, she even imagines her own funeral, and how her detractors will feel when she's gone.

"If I'm dead to you why are you at the wake? / Cursing my name / Wishing I'd stayed," she sings, more with resignation than anger.

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Taylor Swift's new Folklore album sees the singer go indie


The lockdown has made many of us step back and take stock.


indie /ˈɪndɪ/

1)表示“(音乐或电影作品)独立小公司制作的,独立制作的”,英文解释为“Indie music or films are made by small companies that are not owned by larger companies.”举个🌰:

The popularity of indie bands has soared in recent years.


2)表示“(音乐、电影或电视的)独立制作公司”,英文解释为“a small music, film, or television company that is not owned by a larger company”举个🌰:

She made five records with indies.


🎬电影《恋恋书中人》(Ruby Sparks)中的台词提到:- It's the first album of an indie band. - Thank you. -这是独立乐队的首张专辑 -谢谢。


近半年,疫情期间超级高频的一个词,表示“(建筑或地区)因紧急情况而被封锁了;防范禁闭(期)”,英文解释为“a situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency”举个🌰:

The Secret Service is imposing a virtual lockdown on the city.


take stock

表示“仔细考虑;作出判断;评估”,英文解释为“To take stock (of something) is to think carefully about a situation or event and form an opinion about it, so that you can decide what to do.”举个🌰:

After two years spent teaching overseas, she returned home for a month to take stock of her life.


🎬电影《荒野生存》(Into the wild)中的台词提到:Yeah, I'm gonna take stock of that. 是啊,我要好好考虑一下。

🎬电影《大失踪》(Missing)中的台词提到:We'll meet again to take stockof the situation. 到时我们再来评估一下整个状况。

The sudden, seismic change to our lifestyles, the narrowing of our horizons, the inability to escape our families: It's all prompted a wave of self-reflection and re-evaluation.


seismic /ˈsaɪzmɪk/

1)表示“地震的;地震引起的”,英文解释为“Seismic means caused by or relating to an earthquake.”举个🌰:

Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves.


2)表示“突然的”,英文解释为“A seismic shift or change is a very sudden or dramatic change.”举个🌰:

I have never seen such a seismic shift in public opinion in such a short period of time.


🎬电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)中的台词提到:We are showing seismic activity to the east near Livermore. 东边靠近利弗莫尔处发现地震活动。


表示“眼界;阅历”,英文解释为“Your horizons are the limits of what you want to do or of what you are interested or involved in.”举个🌰:

As your horizons expand, these new ideas can give a whole new meaning to life.


Taylor Swift was not immune.



1)表示“有免疫力”,英文解释为“cannot catch or be affected by a particular disease or illness”举个🌰:

Adults are often immune to German measles.


2)表示“不受影响”,英文解释为“not affected by sth”举个🌰:

You'll eventually become immune to criticism.


3)表示“受保护;免除;豁免”,英文解释为“protected from sth and therefore able to avoid it”举个🌰:

No one should be immune from prosecution.


In April, she posted a photo to Instagram with the caption: "Not a lot going on at the moment." Twelve weeks later, she's written and recorded an entirely new album, Folklore - a record that fills the void left by a summer of cancelled festival appearances, including a headline slot at Glastonbury.



表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”举个🌰:

The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success."



表示“空白;空虚感”,英文解释为“If you describe a situation or a feeling as a void, you mean that it seems empty because there is nothing interesting or worthwhile about it.”举个🌰:

His death has left a void in the entertainment world that can never be filled.



表示“(名单、日程安排或广播节目表中的)位置,时间,机会”,英文解释为“a position, a time or an opportunity for sb/sth, for example in a list, a programme of events or a series of broadcasts”举个🌰:

Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks.


🎬电影《钢铁侠》(Iron Man 2)中的台词提到:I'll make sure I get you a slot. 我肯定会给你个展位的。

Fittingly, it's a low-key, sombre record, looking back at old flames and old mistakes. The Technicolor exuberance of last year's Lover is entirely gone. In its place are muted pianos, mournful harmonicas and finger-picked guitars. This is Swift's indie album.

恰巧的是,这是一张低调、阴郁的唱片,回顾了旧情人和过去的误解。去年《Lover》中的色彩缤纷热情洋溢完全消失了。取而代之的是柔和的钢琴、哀伤的口琴和指弹的吉他。这是泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的独立专辑。


表示“有节制的;低调的”,英文解释为“If you say that something is low-key, you mean that it is on a small scale rather than involving a lot of activity or being made to seem impressive or important.”举个🌰:

The wedding will be a very low-key affair.


sombre /ˈsɒmbə/

1)表示“沉痛的”,英文解释为“If someone is sombre, they are serious or sad. ”举个🌰:

She cried as she described the sombre mood of her colleagues.


2)表示“灰暗的”,英文解释为“Sombre colours and places are dark and dull.”举个🌰:

His room is sombre and dark.



表示“强烈的感情;激情”,英文解释为“a powerful feeling”举个🌰:

Flames of passion swept through both of them.



📍old flame可以表示“旧情人,老相好”,英文解释为“a person that you loved or had a sexual relationship with in the past”。

Technicolor /ˈtɛknɪˌkʌlə/

1)表示“(制作电影的)彩色印片法”,英文解释为“Technicolor is a system of colour photography used in making movies.”如:films in Technicolor 彩色电影。

2)表示“(尤用作夸张)五彩缤纷”,英文解释为“You can use technicolor to describe real or imagined scenes when you want to emphasize that they are very colourful, especially in an exaggerated way.”举个🌰:

I was seeing it all in glorious technicolor: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine.



exuberance /ɪɡˈzjuːbərəns/ 表示“快乐有活力的行为;热情洋溢;兴高采烈;喜气洋洋”,英文解释为“Exuberance is behaviour that is energetic, excited, and cheerful.”举个🌰:

Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me.


📺美剧《囚徒》(The Prisoner)中的台词提到:Let me tell you where you can properly direct your exuberance. 我来告诉你们可以在哪里施展你们的拳脚吧。


1)表示“静静的;减轻的”,英文解释为“quiet; not as loud as usual”举个🌰:

They spoke in muted voices.


2)表示“含糊不清的;表达不明确的”,英文解释为“not strongly expressed”举个🌰:

The proposals received only a muted response.


3)表示“暗淡的;不明亮的”,英文解释为“not bright”如:a dress in muted shades of blue 暗蓝色调的连衣裙。

4)表示“使用弱音器的”,英文解释为“used with a mute”如:muted trumpets 装有弱音器的小号


harmonica /hɑːˈmɒnɪkə/ 表示“口琴”,英文解释为“A harmonica is a small musical instrument. You play the harmonica by moving it across your lips and blowing and sucking air through it.”

The signs were there in her choice of collaborators - chiefly Aaron Dessner of The National, whose heartfelt and quietly anthemic songs have regularly featured on Swift's playlists, is a co-writer or producer on 11 of the album's 16 songs.

从她的合作者中可以看出一些迹象--首先是The National乐团的Aaron Dessner,他真诚动听的歌曲多次出现在专辑的歌单中,这张专辑的16首歌曲中有11首,Aaron Dessner都是共同创作者或制作人。


anthemic /ænˈθiːmɪk/ 表示“欢乐的;激发热情的”,英文解释为“(of a piece of music) that makes you feel happy and enthusiastic”。

Bon Iver's Justin Vernon crops up for a duet on Exile - a delicate ballad that paints a failing relationship as a territorial war - while the cast list is completed by Swift's frequent collaborator Jack Antonoff, who she says "is basically musical family at this point."

独立民谣乐队Bon Iver的贾斯汀·弗农(Justin Vernon)在《Exile》歌曲中参与了合唱,这首柔和的民谣将一段失败的关系描绘成了一场领土之战;还有泰勒·斯威夫特经常合作的Jack Antonoff,她说,他“现在基本上算是音乐上的家人”。

crop up

表示“意外出现;突然发生”,英文解释为“If something crops up, it appears or happens, usually unexpectedly.举个🌰:

His name has cropped up at every selection meeting this season.


🎬电影《星际迷航》(Star Trek)中的台词提到:A solar flare might crop up, 太阳耀斑可能会突发,

duet /djuːˈɛt/

此处应该指的就是和霉霉两人合唱了这首歌,duet表示“二重唱;二重奏”,英文解释为“A duet is a piece of music sung or played by two people.举个🌰:

Tonight she sings a duet with her husband.



ballad /ˈbæləd/ 表示“叙事诗;民歌;民谣;流行情歌”,英文解释为“a song or poem that tells a story;a slow popular song about love”。

The impact of the pandemic is most apparent on Epiphany - a tribute to health workers working under pressure in times of crisis.



表示“(尤指对死者的)致敬,颂词;悼念;致哀;吊唁礼物”,英文解释为“an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person”举个🌰:

At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.


"Something med school did not cover," sings Swift, over sustained minor key chords. "Someone's daughter, someone's mother / Holds your hand through plastic now ' Doc, I think she's crashing out."

chord /kɔːd/

表示“和弦”,英文解释为“A chord is a number of musical notes played or sung at the same time with a pleasing effect.”举个🌰:

I could play a few chords on the guitar and sing a song.


crash out

1)表示“(因非常劳累而)很快入睡”,英文解释为“to go to sleep very quickly because you are very tired”举个🌰:

I just want to go home and crash out.


2)表示“(在某处)过夜”,英文解释为“to spend the night (in a place)”,举个🌰:

We crashed out at his place.


📺美剧《兄弟姐妹》(Brothers & Sisters)第五季中的台词提到:so I'm gonna crash out for a few hours. 我想再睡会儿。

But her gaze is mostly turned inwards. These are songs about childhood adventures, teenage feuds, affectionate portraits of ex-lovers and - naturally - a few scores to settle.



表示“凝视;注视;盯着”,英文解释为“You can talk about someone's gaze as a way of describing how they are looking at something, especially when they are looking steadily at it.”举个🌰:

He met her gaze (= looked at her while she looked at him).


feud /fjuːd/

表示“长期不和;争吵不休;世仇;夙怨”,英文解释为“an angry and bitter argument between two people or groups of people that continues over a long period of time”如:a long-running feud between the two artists 两个艺术家之间的夙怨。

scores to settle

表示“报复;算旧账”,英文解释为“If you settle a score or settle an old score with someone, you take revenge on them for something they have done in the past.”举个🌰:

The groups had historic scores to settle with each other.


On My Tears Ricochet, she even imagines her own funeral, and how her detractors will feel when she's gone.

在《My Tears Ricochet》歌中,她甚至想象着自己的葬礼,以及当她离开后,她的诋毁者们会有怎样的感受。


表示“诋毁者”,英文解释为“The detractors of a person or thing are people who criticize that person or thing. ”举个🌰:

This performance will silence many of his detractors.


"If I'm dead to you why are you at the wake? / Cursing my name / Wishing I'd stayed," she sings, more with resignation than anger.


表示“无奈的顺从;顺从;听任”,英文解释为“Resignation is the acceptance of an unpleasant situation or fact because you realize that you cannot change it.举个🌰

He sighed with profound resignation.



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