
恏渏 亾類哋夲能

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

7月23日12时41分,中国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器,由长征五号遥四运载火箭发射升空。央视网官方用“火星文”发了一条微博:恏渏 亾類哋夲能

cr: Seeker


China launches independent, unmanned Mars mission


China’s largest carrier rocket, the Long March 5 Y-4, blasted off with the probe at 12:41 p.m. from Wenchang Space Launch Centre on the southern island of Hainan.

The probe is expected to reach Mars in February where it will attempt to deploy a rover to explore the planet for 90 days.

If successful, the Tianwen-1, or “Questions to Heaven”, which is the name of a poem written two millennia ago, will make China the first country to orbit, land and deploy a rover in its inaugural mission.

There will be challenges ahead as the craft nears Mars, Liu Tongjie, spokesman for the mission, told reporters ahead of the launch.

“When arriving in the vicinity of Mars, it is very critical to decelerate,” he said.

“If the deceleration process is not right, or if flight precision is not sufficient, the probe would not be captured by Mars,” he said, referring to gravity on Mars taking the craft down to the surface.

Liu said the probe would orbit Mars for about two and a half months and look for an opportunity to enter its atmosphere and make a soft landing.

“Entering, deceleration and landing (EDL) is a very difficult (process). We believe China’s EDL process can still be successful, and the spacecraft can land safely,” Liu said.

A brief history of Martian


Martian dates back to at least 2004 but its origins are mysterious. Its use appears to have begun among young people in Taiwan for online chatting, and then it spread to the mainland. The characters randomly combine, split, and rebuild traditional Chinese characters, Japanese characters, pinyin, and sometimes English and kaomoji, a mixture of symbols that conveys an emotion (e.g. O(∩_∩)O: Happy). For example, the word “一个” (yī gè), which means “one of” or “one thing” is transformed into “①嗰” in Martian language. It replaces “一” with the number in a circle and adds a small square to the left of the traditional version of “个.”

A Weibo user who goes by the alias Tangnadeshuo, and is a Martian-language user, says it’s a marker for Chinese people born after 1990: “We use it to make fun and sneer. It’s a cultural symbol of the post-1990s [generation],” he said.

It’s not an easy language to master—the same Chinese character can have more than one Martian counterpart.

Even so, Martian language fever swept across the strait as players chatted in popular online games like Audition Online and then flooded onto Tencent QQ, a widely-used instant messaging app at the time. Soon creative Chinese developed new Martian language input methods for keyboards. The language has online translation tools.

“It was very popular back in my school days… People used Martian language in their ID and profile descriptions on QQ,” Lotus Ruan, a research fellow at University of Toronto, told Quartz.

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China launches independent, unmanned Mars mission


China's largest carrier rocket, the Long March 5 Y-4, blasted off with the probe at 12:41 p.m. from Wenchang Space Launch Centre on the southern island of Hainan.


blast off

表示“(火箭)点火起飞,发射升空”,英文解释为“If a rocket blasts off, it leaves the ground to go into space.”

🎬电影《海啸奇迹》(The Impossible)中在放“孔明灯”时大家就狂喊:Blast off.


作名词有“探索;探查;查究;调查”的意思,英文解释为“an attempt to discover information by asking a lot of questions”,如:an FBI probe into corruption 联邦调查局对腐败的调查;也可以指“(医生或科学家用的)探针”,英文解释为“a long thin metal instrument that doctors and scientists use to examine parts of the body”。

此处的probe解释为“探测器”,英文解释为:a device that is put inside something to test or record information. 如:a space probe 航天探测器/太空探测器。

🎬电影《像素大战》(Pixels)中的台词提到:That videotape will be placed in a space probe 录影带将放在太空探测器中。

The probe is expected to reach Mars in February where it will attempt to deploy a rover to explore the planet for 90 days.



rover常见意思是“ 流浪者;漫游者”(a person who roves; wanderer),此处rover的英文解释为“a vehicle for exploring the surface of an extraterrestrial body (as the moon or Mars)”,即指部署在火星/月球上的探测器,即火星车/月球车,此前在「嗯,用不了多久...」一文中就提到美国的火星探测车(亦称为机遇号/机会号/火星探测漫游者-B,MER-B)因火星尘暴与地球“失联”3个多月时就这么表达:An American rover called Opportunity stopped working six months ago in a dust storm, but may revive if wind blows the dust off its solar panels.

此外,我们常听说的汽车品牌“路虎”的英文就是“Land Rover”。

Land Rover is a luxury car brand that specialises in four-wheel-drive vehicles, owned by British multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover, which has been owned by India's Tata Motors since 2008.(Wikipedia)


If successful, the Tianwen-1, or “Questions to Heaven”, which is the name of a poem written two millennia ago, will make China the first country to orbit, land and deploy a rover in its inaugural mission.



昨天在“侃爷疯狂发推”一文中就接触到,inaugural /ɪnˈɔːɡjʊrəl/ 表示“就职的;开幕的;成立的;创始的”,英文解释为“first, and marking the beginning of sth important, for example the time when a new leader or parliament starts work, when a new organization is formed or when sth is used for the first time”如:the President's inaugural address 总统的就职演说。

📍“侃爷疯狂发推”文中the inaugural Criminal Justice Reform Summit中的inaugural即有“首次,首届”的含义。此处的its inaugural mission也有首次(发射)任务的意思。

📺美剧《大西洋帝国》(Boardwalk Empire)第一季中的台词提到:I'll need something special to wear to the inaugural... 我需要特别的衣服参加就职典礼。

There will be challenges ahead as the craft nears Mars, Liu Tongjie, spokesman for the mission, told reporters ahead of the launch.



结合我们常见的aircraft/spacecraft/hovercraft等词可以猜到,此处craft表示“船,艇;飞行器,航空器”,英文解释为“a vehicle for travelling on water or through the air”,如:

naval craft 军舰

civilian craft 民用船

patrol craft 巡逻艇

rescue craft 救生艇


hovercraft 气垫船

military aircraft 军用飞机

a manned/unmanned spacecraft 载人/无人的宇宙飞船

📍此外,craft作名词还可以指“工艺,手艺;技术”,英文解释为“skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects; a job or activity that needs skill and experience, or something produced using skill and experience”,如:

the craft of furniture making/sewing 家具制作/缝纫工艺

political/literary craft 政治手腕/文学手法

rural/ancient/traditional crafts 乡村的/古老的/传统的手艺

craft workers (= skilled workers) 熟练工人,工匠


Each doll is crafted individually by specialists.


🎬电影《外星人保罗》(Paul)中的台词提到:Hey, imagine if we got buzzed by a craft. 想象一下如果一艘飞船从我们头上掠过。

“When arriving in the vicinity of Mars, it is very critical to decelerate,” he said.



表示“周围地区;邻近地区;附近”,英文解释为“the area around a particular place”举个🌰:

There is no hospital in the immediate vicinity.


🎬电影《萨利机长》(Sully)中的台词提到:Attention, all aircraft in the vicinity of the GW. 全体注意,乔治华盛顿大桥附近的各架飞机。

“If the deceleration process is not right, or if flight precision is not sufficient, the probe would not be captured by Mars,” he said, referring to gravity on Mars taking the craft down to the surface.



1)常见含义表示“(尤指地球的)重力,引力,地心引力”,英文解释为:the force that attracts objects towards one another, especially the force that makes things fall to the ground. 如:the laws of gravity 万有引力定律,物理课上学的g=9.8还是g=10你还记得吗?


I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.


🎬电影《星际迷航》(Star Trek)中的台词提到:Captain, we're caught in the gravity well. It's got us. 舰长 我们被引力井吸住了 它吸住我们了。

Liu said the probe would orbit Mars for about two and a half months and look for an opportunity to enter its atmosphere and make a soft landing.


“Entering, deceleration and landing (EDL) is a very difficult (process). We believe China's EDL process can still be successful, and the spacecraft can land safely,” Liu said.


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A brief history of Martian


Martian dates back to at least 2004 but its origins are mysterious. Its use appears to have begun among young people in Taiwan for online chatting, and then it spread to the mainland.


The characters randomly combine, split, and rebuild traditional Chinese characters, Japanese characters, pinyin, and sometimes English and kaomoji, a mixture of symbols that conveys an emotion (e.g. O(∩_∩)O: Happy). For example, the word “一个” (yī gè), which means “one of” or “one thing” is transformed into “①嗰” in Martian language. It replaces “一” with the number in a circle and adds a small square to the left of the traditional version of “个.”



kaomoji From Japanese 顔文字 ‎(kaomoji), from 顔 ‎(kao, “face”) + 文字 ‎(moji, “letter, character”)

d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b


A Weibo user who goes by the alias Tangnadeshuo, and is a Martian-language user, says it's a marker for Chinese people born after 1990: “We use it to make fun and sneer. It's a cultural symbol of the post-1990s [generation],” he said.



表示“又名,亦名,别名,化名”,英文解释为“a name that can be used instead of the usual name for a file, Internet address, etc.”


表示“嘲笑;讥讽;嗤笑”,英文解释为“to show that you have no respect for sb by the expression on your face or by the way you speak”举个🌰:

He sneered at people who liked pop music.



1)I mean, why would I wanna say something so I can watch you sneer at me. 我为什么有话要说 好让你当面嘲笑我吗。

2)Sneer at you? I don't ever sneer at you. 嘲笑你?我从来没嘲笑过你。

It's not an easy language to master—the same Chinese character can have more than one Martian counterpart.



counterpart一词经常出现,counter-表示“相反的;对立的;相应的”(opposite; against; in return; corresponding),和part一起就是“对立的,相应的事物”,从而表示“职位相当的人;作用相当的事物”,英文解释为“Somene's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.”此处指的就是对应的火星字。

Even so, Martian language fever swept across the strait as players chatted in popular online games like Audition Online and then flooded onto Tencent QQ, a widely-used instant messaging app at the time. Soon creative Chinese developed new Martian language input methods for keyboards. The language has online translation tools.

即便如此,当玩家在诸如劲舞团(Audition Online)之类的热门在线游戏中聊天时,火星文热潮席卷了两岸,然后泛滥到当时广泛使用的即时通讯应用腾讯QQ上。很快,富有创造力的国人开发了新的火星文输入法。火星文也有在线翻译工具。


表示“风行,风靡,迅速蔓延,迅速传播”,英文解释为“to quickly spread through and influence an area”举个🌰:

A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.


📺电视剧《王冠》(The Crown)中的台词提到:Independence is sweeping across the continent. ~席卷这片大陆。

📺动画片《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)中的台词提到:A plague is sweeping through Springfield. 一场瘟疫正席卷斯普林菲尔德。


作动词,表示“大量涌入;蜂拥而至;挤满;充斥”,英文解释为“to fill or enter a place in large numbers or amounts”举个🌰:

He was flooded with (= suddenly felt a lot of) joy when his first child was born.


“It was very popular back in my school days… People used Martian language in their ID and profile descriptions on QQ,” Lotus Ruan, a research fellow at University of Toronto, told Quartz.

多伦多大学研究员Lotus Ruan告诉Quartz,“在我上学的时候非常流行......人们在QQ昵称和个人资料简介中使用火星文。”


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