

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

昨天,美国知名歌手“侃爷”坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West)发推称妻子金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)想把他关起来,LR就忍住没推他了。

谁想到,今天他又连续发推,疯狂自爆。在一系列推文中,侃爷表示,想和卡戴珊离婚已经一年多了,并暗指卡戴珊出轨说唱歌手Meek Mill......

还有包括喊他岳母克里斯·詹纳(Kris Jenner)为Kris Jong-Un...指责她是白人至上主义者(White Supremacist)。



Kim Kardashian Is ‘Devastated’ Over Kanye West’s Twitter Rant (cr: Entertainment Tonight)


Kanye West claims he’s been ‘trying to divorce Kim Kardashian since she met with Meek Mill at hotel’


Kanye West has claimed he has been trying to divorce Kim Kardashian ever since she had an alleged hotel meeting with rapper Meek Mill.

The rapper has been causing concern with increasingly erratic tweets and his recent presidential campaign launch, during which he broke down in tears while revealing Kim had considered an abortion when pregnant with her eldest daughter North.

And in a string of worrying tweets this morning, the 43-year-old claimed that his wife was ‘out of line’ when she met rapper Meek Mill to discuss prison reform.

He also claimed that ‘they’ had tried to have him involuntarily committed due to signs of mental illness.

Kanye tweeted: ‘They tried to fly in with 2 doctors to 51/50 me. ‘I been trying to get divorced since Kim met with Meek at the Warldolf for “prison reform”.

‘I got 200 more to go.

‘This my lady tweet of the night … Kris Jong-Un Lil baby my favorite rapper but won’t do a song wit me.’

He has now deleted the tweets.

Kim has worked with Meek, real name Robert Rihmeek Williams, since 2019 after Meek co-founded the REFORM Alliance with activist Van Jones.

They also both spoke at the the inaugural Criminal Justice Reform Summit in Los Angeles in November 2018, which was held at the Jeremy Hotel.

The reality star has been vocal about her support for prison reform and helped facilitate the release of a number of prisoners, including Alice Marie Johnson, who had been serving a life sentence for a non-violent crime.

Last year, Meek, 33, told Ellen DeGeneres of Kim’s activism: ‘Everybody that’s using their platform helps. Kim’s [a good friend]. I think she’s doing a lot of good work.

‘She’s doing a lot of work, more than other people who have platforms who might even [have come] from that situation. So, big ups to her and big ups to everybody that’s working for a better cause – not even just for reform.’

This morning, Kanye – who is questioning his campaign for president – also hit out at his mother-in-law Kris Jenner, accusing her of white supremacy.

He tweeted: ‘Kris I’m in Cody if your not planning another one of your children’s  playboy shoots’, and shared a screengrab of unanswered texts to Kris, the latest of which read: ‘This Ye you wanna talk or go to war?’

The Power rapper captioned the screenshot: ‘White supremacy at its highest no cap.’

A source told People: ‘Kanye is in Cody because he doesn’t want help. If he wanted help, he would come back to LA.’

The source claimed Kim has been consulted with doctors as they added: ‘Kim’s family is around to support her as always. And they love Kanye. They want him to be healthy.

‘They are all trying to figure out how to help Kanye. They are in contact with medical professionals for guidance.’

Kim and Kanye got married in 2014 and have four children together – North, seven, Saint, four, Chicago, two, and one-year-old Psalm.

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Kanye West claims he's been ‘trying to divorce Kim Kardashian since she met with Meek Mill at hotel’


Kanye West has claimed he has been trying to divorce Kim Kardashian ever since she had an alleged hotel meeting with rapper Meek Mill.

坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West)声称,自从金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)被指与说唱歌手米克·米尔(Meek Mill)在酒店会面以来,他一直想与她离婚。

The rapper has been causing concern with increasingly erratic tweets and his recent presidential campaign launch, during which he broke down in tears while revealing Kim had considered an abortion when pregnant with her eldest daughter North.

这位说唱歌手越来越让人难以捉摸的推文和最近的总统竞选活动引起了人们的担忧。在那次竞选活动中,他情绪激动,流下了眼泪,透露了金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)在怀有长女诺斯(North)时曾考虑过堕胎。


表示“不规则的;不确定的;不稳定的;不可靠的”,英文解释为“not happening at regular times; not following any plan or regular pattern; that you cannot rely on举个🌰:

The electricity supply here is quite erratic.


📺美剧《犯罪心理》(Criminal minds)第六季中的台词提到:He'll change his M.O., and that'll make him erratic. 他会改变作案方式 情绪会因此而不稳定。


📍unpredictable:someone who is unpredictable tends to change their behaviour or ideas suddenly, so that you never know what they are going to do or think 反复无常的,捉摸不透的

break down

回顾一下前天在哭了......文中提到的break down,通常表示“出故障,瘫痪”,此处指的是“失控痛哭,崩溃”,英文解释为“If someone breaks down, they lose control of themselves and start crying.举个🌰:

Because she was so kind and concerned, I broke down and cried.


📺美剧《风城火情》(Chicago Fire)第一季中的台词提到:I broke down and called my old man. 我崩溃了 给我老爸打了个电话。

And in a string of worrying tweets this morning, the 43-year-old claimed that his wife was ‘out of line’ when she met rapper Meek Mill to discuss prison reform.


out of line

一般说step out of line,字面意思就是“出线,越线”,指的是“举止出格,行为欠妥,越轨”,英文解释为“behaving in a way that breaks the rules or is considered inappropriate.”举个🌰:

Step out of line one more time, and you're fired!


🎬电影《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)中的台词提到:If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home! 你要是敢再惹是生非 我们马上把你弄回家。

He also claimed that ‘they’ had tried to have him involuntarily committed due to signs of mental illness.


Kanye tweeted: ‘They tried to fly in with 2 doctors to 51/50 me.I been trying to get divorced since Kim met with Meek at the Warldolf for “prison reform”.


原先含义:5150 refers to the California law code for the temporary, involuntary psychiatric commitment of individuals who present a danger to themselves or others due to signs of mental illness. It has been more generally applied to people who are considered threateningly unstable or “crazy.”

📍按他推文提到的“They tried to fly in with 2 doctors to 51/50 me.”字面意思就是“他们试图带着两名医生飞到我这里来把我xxx。”可以理解为强制把他关起来,或者是送进医院,当然都是非自愿的。

其实上一段:they had tried to have him involuntarily committed due to signs of mental illness, 就已经对51/50进行解释。51/50 him就等同于have him involuntarily committed.

📍其中,commit有个含义,表示“(正式地)将…送进(监狱或医院)”(to send someone officially to prison or hospital)举个🌰:

She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.


What is 51/50?

I got 200 more to go.

This my lady tweet of the night … Kris Jong-Un    Lil baby my favorite rapper but won't do a song wit me.

‘... 小宝贝(Lil Baby)是我最喜欢的说唱歌手,想和他合作一首歌但他不愿意。’

He has now deleted the tweets.


Kim has worked with Meek, real name Robert Rihmeek Williams, since 2019 after Meek co-founded the REFORM Alliance with activist Van Jones.

2019年以来,自米克·米尔与激进主义者范·琼斯(Van Jones)共同创立了REFORM联盟之后,金·卡戴珊就一直与米克·米尔(本名Robert Rihmeek Williams)合作。

They also both spoke at the the inaugural Criminal Justice Reform Summit in Los Angeles in November 2018, which was held at the Jeremy Hotel.

他们还都在2018年11月于洛杉矶杰里米酒店(Jeremy Hotel)举行的首届刑事司法改革峰会上发表了讲话。


inaugural /ɪnˈɔːɡjʊrəl/ 表示“就职的;开幕的;成立的;创始的”,英文解释为“first, and marking the beginning of sth important, for example the time when a new leader or parliament starts work, when a new organization is formed or when sth is used for the first time”如:the President's inaugural address 总统的就职演说。此处,the inaugural Criminal Justice Reform Summit中的inaugural即有“首次,首届”的含义。

📺美剧《大西洋帝国》(Boardwalk Empire)第一季中的台词提到:I'll need something special to wear to the inaugural... 我需要特别的衣服参加就职典礼。

The reality star has been vocal about her support for prison reform and helped facilitate the release of a number of prisoners, including Alice Marie Johnson, who had been serving a life sentence for a non-violent crime.

这位真人秀明星一直公开表示支持监狱改革,并帮助释放了许多囚犯,包括因非暴力犯罪而被判无期徒刑的爱丽丝·玛丽·约翰逊(Alice Marie Johnson)。

a life sentence 终身监禁,无期徒刑


1)表示“喜欢畅所欲言的;直言不讳的;大声表达的”,英文解释为“often expressing opinions and complaints in speech”举个🌰:

During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal.


2)表示“嗓音的;发声的”,英文解释为“connected with the voice”,如:vocal music 声乐。

3)作名词,通常复数,表示“(乐曲中的)歌唱部分,声乐部分”(the part of a piece of music that is sung, rather than played on a musical instrument),如:backing vocals 伴唱。

📍看《乘风破浪的姐姐》的小伙伴应该对这个词很熟悉,所谓的“倭寇担当”,就是“vocal 担当”,可惜 vocal /ˈvəʊkl/ 真的不是读作“倭寇”。

How to pronounce VOCAL in British English (cr: Collins A-Z)

Last year, Meek, 33, told Ellen DeGeneres of Kim's activism: ‘Everybody that's using their platform helps. Kim's [a good friend]. I think she's doing a lot of good work.

‘She's doing a lot of work, more than other people who have platforms who might even [have come] from that situation. So, big ups to her and big ups to everybody that's working for a better cause – not even just for reform.’


表示“(支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,思想”,英文解释为“an organization or idea that people support or fight for”如:a good cause (= an organization that does good work, such as a charity) 崇高的事业。

This morning, Kanye – who is questioning his campaign for president – also hit out at his mother-in-law Kris Jenner, accusing her of white supremacy.

hit out at

hit out表示“猛烈批评,严厉抨击”,英文解释为“to criticize something or someone strongly ”举个🌰:

He hit out at cuts in healthcare services.


He tweeted: ‘Kris I'm in Cody if your not planning another one of your children's  playboy shoots’, and shared a screengrab of unanswered texts to Kris, the latest of which read: ‘This Ye you wanna talk or go to war?’

The Power rapper captioned the screenshot: ‘White supremacy at its highest no cap.’

no cap

no cap = "no lie"或者是"for real," 可以理解为“说真的,说实话,没骗你,没跟你撒谎”,英文解释为“No cap basically mean that their not lying or capping like they did something. Used to emphasize someone is not exaggerating about something hard to believe”。

此外,no cap还有另一个种解释,没有上限。

A source told People: ‘Kanye is in Cody because he doesn't want help. If he wanted help, he would come back to LA.’


The source claimed Kim has been consulted with doctors as they added: ‘Kim's family is around to support her as always. And they love Kanye. They want him to be healthy.


‘They are all trying to figure out how to help Kanye. They are in contact with medical professionals for guidance.’


Kim and Kanye got married in 2014 and have four children together – North, seven, Saint, four, Chicago, two, and one-year-old Psalm.



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