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柯达获得美国联邦政府7.65亿美元贷款,用于药物生产。Kodak has been given a $765 million loan from the federal government to produce drugs in the U.S.
加强关键药物成分的自主生产能力 strengthen self-sufficiency in producing the key pharmaceutical ingredients;
基本药物依赖外国供应链 be dependent on foreign supply chains for their essential medicines;
股价飙升500% shares soared as much as 500%
打造成推动全球共同发展的新型多边开发银行 make the AIIB a new type of multilateral development bank that promotes development across the world;
与时俱进的新型发展实践平台 a new type of development platform progressing with the times;
高标准的新型国际合作机构 a new type of high-performance institution for international cooperation;
国际多边合作新典范 a new paradigm of multilateral cooperation;
推动亚洲地区基础设施建设和互联互通,深化区域合作,实现共同发展 develop infrastructure and connectivity in Asia and deepen regional cooperation for shared development;
为促进亚洲及其他地区经济社会发展提供新动力 give renewed impetus to economic and social development in Asia and beyond;
亚洲基础设施投资银行 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
【水利部介入秦淮河大堤内部违建餐厅事件, 秦淮河大堤下的违建餐厅被连夜拆除】
调查餐厅、酒吧违建 investigate the illegal construction of several restaurants and bars;
在河堤的背水面 on the side of the dike that does not face the water;
长江下游右岸的一条支流 a tributary on the right bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River;
秦淮河启动防汛I级应急响应 raise the emergency response for flood control of the Qinhuai to the highest level;
影响大坝坚固性 have an impact on the solidity of the dike
诱发免疫反应induce an immune response
可能需要增加老年人群体的疫苗剂量,以诱发更强的免疫反应,相关研究正在进行中。It is possible that an additional dose may be needed in order to induce a stronger immune response in the elderly population, but further research is underway to evaluate this.
中国新冠疫苗研发完成并投入使用后,将作为全球公共产品。China has pledged that its COVID-19 vaccine will be made a global public good when it's available.
争分夺秒地开发新疗法和疫苗 race against time to accelerate the development of new treatments and vaccines
【低风险地区电影院7月20日开放营业 电影院复映首日全国票房超330万】
重回心爱的电影院 returned to their beloved silver screen;
获奖影片《第一次的离别》成为影院开业后上映的第一部新片 The award-winning A First Farewell became the first new film to be released after the reopening.
放映过去几年的热门电影 screen old films that have already won great popularity in the past few years;
采用实名制网上提前定票 book online in advance with real identities;
每场上座率不得超过30%。Attendance per show must not exceed 30 percent.
扶持遭受重创的行业 bolster the hard-hit industry
【北京应急响应级别降至三级 全市连续14天无新增确诊病例】
突发公共卫生事件应急响应级别由二级调整为三级 lower the emergency response to COVID-19 from level II to III;
全市连续14天无新增确诊病例。The city has reported no newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 for 14 consecutive days.
尚在观察的无症状感染者14例,密切接触者5例。Fourteen asymptomatic cases and five close contacts are still under observation.
有效遏制病毒传播 effectively contain the spread of the virus;
采取果断、有针对性的措施 take decisive and targeted measures;
切断疫情传播渠道 obstruct infection channels
GDP增长好于预期stronger-than-expected GDP growth;
大幅萎缩 a sharp contraction;
扭转经济下行趋势reverse an economic downturn;
推动受到疫情冲击的经济复苏revive the epidemic-ravaged economy;
主要经济指标key economic indicators;
逆周期政策counter-cyclical policies;
固定资产投资fixed-asset investment;
克服不利影响 overcome the adverse impact;
恢复性增长 restorative growth;
韧性和活力resilience and vitality;
货币政策 monetary policy;
人民币计价资产 yuan-denominated assets
7月11日,路透社播发报道称,比尔•盖茨在国际艾滋病协会主办的远程会议上表示,新冠病毒药物和疫苗应该供给最需要的人和地区,而非“出价最高的人”。否则,将导致医疗资源分配不公,使这场全球大流行的疫情延续时间更长、致死率更高。If we just let drugs and vaccines go to the highest bidder, instead of to the people and the places where they are most needed, we’ll have a longer, more unjust, deadlier pandemic.
抵制华为a Huawei boycott;
延迟5G推出delay 5G roll-out;
增加开支 push up bills;
加深数字鸿沟 deepen the digital divide;
破坏供应链 disrupt supply chain;
使英国坠入数字发展的慢车道 move Britain into the digital slow lane;
宽带服务供应商broadband service providers;
英国对华为政策出现重大转折a U-turn in Britain’s policy concerning Huawei;
网络基础设施 network infrastructure
防汛应急响应提升至二级 raise the emergency response for flood control to level II;
水位上涨 water levels rise;
持续暴雨continuous downpours;
超过警戒线exceed the warning level;
强降雨 intense rains;
直接经济损失 direct economic losses;
淡水湖 freshwater lake;
水文站hydrological stations;
从洪灾易发区域转移evacuated from flood-prone areas
【哈萨克斯坦不明肺炎致死率远超新冠 已有在哈中国公民因不明肺炎死亡】
肺炎暴发pneumonia outbreak;
致死率 fatality rate;
刷新纪录set a fresh record;
放松限制 relax restrictions;
肺炎病例数激增a huge uptick in pneumonia case;
减少户外活动reduce outdoor activities;
人道主义援助 humanitarian assistance;
隔离措施 quarantine measures
新冠病毒溯源trace the origin of the COVID-19 virus;
新发病毒性疾病emerging viral disease;
病毒动物源头the zoonotic source of the disease;
促进对病毒动物宿主和传播途径的理解 advance the understanding of animal reservoirs and the route of transmission to humans;
科学规划 scientific plans;
保持沟通与合作maintain communication and cooperation
冲破护栏 break through a guardrail;
从水库中打捞出来 be salvaged from the reservoir;
接受治疗 receive medical treatment;
进行调查conduct an investigation;
救援工作rescue work;
法律责任 legal responsibility
高考 college entrance exam;
考点test site;
监考老师exam monitors;
降低交叉感染风险 reduce the risk of cross-infection;
居家隔离under home quarantine;
消毒设施disinfection facilities
本土传播病例 locally transmitted cases;
大规模检测mass testing;
集中隔离 centralized quarantine;
切断传播渠道 cut off transmission channels;
居家医学观察home medical observation;
上调应急响应至二级 raise public health emergency response to the second level;
防护服 protective suits;
样本采集点 sampling points;
个位数 single digits
【三人伪造老干妈印章与腾讯签合同被刑拘 案件仍在审理中】
冒充营销人员 impersonate marketing staff;
伪造公章与腾讯签订合同 forge company stamps to sign a contract with Tencent;
获得游戏礼包码 obtain gift codes for Tencent games;
开展价值数千万元的市场推广活动 launch marketing promotions worth of tens of millions yuan;
腾讯起诉老干妈拖欠广告费。Tencent later sued Laoganma over the unpaid advertising fees.