

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,NBA休斯敦火箭队官方宣布,球队总经理莫雷(Daryl Morey)辞职,将于11月1日正式离开球队。



Daryl Morey Steps Down as G.M. of the Houston Rockets

The New York Times

Daryl Morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets, is stepping down from his post on Nov. 1, he announced Thursday.

Morey said managing the Rockets was “the most gratifying experience of my professional life” and that he was confident Houston would “continue to perform at the highest level.”

The move came after the Rockets were knocked out of the N.B.A. playoffs in the second round and more than a year after Morey shared an image on Twitter. The tweet upended relations between the N.B.A. and the Chinese government. China’s state-run television network did not broadcast any N.B.A. games from then until Game 5 of the N.B.A. finals last Friday night.

Morey’s tweet, on Oct. 4, 2019, got an immediate rebuke from Tilman Fertitta, the owner of the Rockets, who said in a post on Twitter: “Listen….@dmorey does NOT speak for the @HoustonRockets.”

Shortly after the tweet, Commissioner Adam Silver said the Chinese government demanded that Morey lose his job, a request he said he denied. Several Chinese sponsors, including the shoe company Li-Ning and the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Credit Card Center, suspended their partnerships with the Rockets. In the wake of the controversy, Fertitta referred to Morey as “the best general manager in the league.”

In an interview, Morey and Fertitta declined to answer questions about the China uproar and abruptly ended the interview after receiving questions about it. Morey did say the decision to leave Houston was his own.

Morey said their relationship had “been great the whole time” and that he was not leaving because of a disagreement over the team’s strategy or direction.

Morey was an aggressive dealmaker who made 77 trades during his 13-plus years in charge, and he had been at the forefront of the rising use of advanced statistics in N.B.A. front offices over the past decade.

In September, shortly after Houston’s elimination from the playoffs, Fertitta said that Morey’s job was “safe” and that he was sure Morey would “pick the right head coach” after Coach Mike D’Antoni’s contract expired.

In a statement on Thursday, Fertitta praised Morey as a “brilliant innovator who helped the Rockets become a perennial contender.”

Morey was named the league’s executive of the year in the 2017-18 season and has been the general manager of the franchise since May 2007. His rise in the basketball world was considered unusual at the time. He had been a front office executive for the Boston Celtics, but had never played or coached professional basketball, nor had he been a scout. His background was in consulting.

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Daryl Morey steps down as Rockets GM


Daryl Morey Steps Down as G.M. of the Houston Rockets

The New York Times

Daryl Morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets, is stepping down from his post on Nov. 1, he announced Thursday.

休斯顿火箭队(Houston Rockets)总经理(general manager)达里尔·莫雷(Daryl Morey)周四宣布,他将于11月1日卸任。

step down

step down等同于step aside,表示“退位”,英文解释为“If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place.”举个🌰:

He has decided to step down as captain of the team.



📍quit,除了退出,离开的含义,也有:辞去(工作);辞职,的含义(If you quit, or quit your job, you choose to leave it.)举个🌰:

He quit his job as an office boy.


📺美剧《恋爱手册》(A To Z)中的台词提到:Quit my job and then ask him out? 辞职然后约他出去?

📍resign 1)表示“辞职”,英文解释为“If you resign from a job or position, you formally announce that you are leaving it.举个🌰:

He resigned his position last month.


2)表示“使屈从”,英文解释为“If you resign yourself to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it because you realize that you cannot change it.”举个🌰:

Jane and I resigned ourselves to yet another summer without a boat.



post作名词,表示“职位,职务”,英文解释为“a job in a company or organization”,如:take up a post 就职,resign (from) a post 辞职,举个🌰:

He's held the post for 4 years.


📍 position本身也有“工作;职务”(a job)的意思,举个🌰:

He applied for a position in the firm.


Morey said managing the Rockets was “the most gratifying experience of my professional life” and that he was confident Houston would “continue to perform at the highest level.”



表示“心满意足的”,英文解释为“pleasing and satisfying”举个🌰:

It must be very gratifying to see all your children grown up and happy.


The move came after the Rockets were knocked out of the N.B.A. playoffs in the second round and more than a year after Morey shared an image on Twitter. The tweet upended relations between the N.B.A. and the Chinese government. China's state-run television network did not broadcast any N.B.A. games from then until Game 5 of the N.B.A. finals last Friday night.


knock out

1) 表示“使失去知觉;使昏昏欲睡”,英文解释为“To knock someone out means to cause them to become unconscious or to go to sleep.”举个🌰:

The three drinks knocked him out. 


2) 表示“淘汰”,英文解释为“If a person or team is knocked out of a competition, they are defeated in a game, so that they take no more part in the competition.”举个🌰:

He got knocked out in the first inning. 


3) 表示“破坏”,英文解释为“If something is knocked out by enemy action or bad weather, it is destroyed or stops functioning because of it.”举个🌰:

Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers.



表示“季后赛;夺标决赛”,英文解释为“You use playoffs to refer to a series of games that are played to decide the winner of a championship.”另外也可以指“加时赛”(A playoff is an extra game that is played to decide the winner of a sports competition when two or more people have the same score.)


表示“颠倒”,英文解释为“If you upend something, you turn it upside down.”举个🌰:

He upended the beer, and swallowed.


引申的,也有“使...结束;打倒;推翻”(To end up; to set on end)的含义。

🎬电影《云图》(Cloud Atlas)中的台词提到:And those who try to upend it do not fare well. 那些企图颠覆秩序的人不会善终。


📍fare well值得积累的一个表达,此前在「经济学人」足球客队为啥总是输?文中提到过,fare作动词,表示“进展;成功;遭遇”,直白地解释就是,xxx做得好/做得不好,表现得好/表现不好,后面可接well或者是badly(文中为比较级),英文解释为“If you say that someone or something fares well or badly, you are referring to the degree of success they achieve in a particular situation or activity.”举个🌰:

How did you fare in your exams?


🎬电影《总统杀局》(The Ides of March)中的台词提到:And you wouldn't fare too well in federal prison. 你在联邦监狱也不会好过。

Morey's tweet, on Oct. 4, 2019, got an immediate rebuke from Tilman Fertitta, the owner of the Rockets, who said in a post on Twitter: “Listen….@dmorey does NOT speak for the @HoustonRockets.”

2019年10月4日,莫雷的这条推特,立即得到了火箭队老板蒂尔曼·费尔蒂塔(Tilman Fertitta)的斥责,他在推特上发文称。“听着,...@莫雷 的言论不能代表@休斯顿火箭队。”



His statements drew a stinging rebuke from her.


2)作动词,表示“谴责(正式)”,英文解释为“If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of.”举个🌰:

He rebuked them for not passing those bills within 10 days.


Shortly after the tweet, Commissioner Adam Silver said the Chinese government demanded that Morey lose his job, a request he said he denied. Several Chinese sponsors, including the shoe company Li-Ning and the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Credit Card Center, suspended their partnerships with the Rockets. In the wake of the controversy, Fertitta referred to Morey as “the best general manager in the league.”

在这条推特发出后不久,NBA总裁亚当·萧华(Adam Silver)表示,中方要求解雇莫雷,他拒绝了这一要求。包括鞋业公司李宁和上海浦东发展银行信用卡中心在内的一些中国赞助商暂停了与火箭队的合作。争议过后,费尔蒂塔称莫雷是“联盟最好的总经理”。


表示“(政府部门或某一组织的)委员,专员,特派员,长官”,英文解释为“an important official who has responsibility in a government department or another organization”,此处指NBA现任总裁

in the wake of

in the wake of表示“作为…的后果;随…之后而来”,英文解释为“If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it.”举个🌰:

Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's attacks.


🎬电影《科洛弗道10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)中的台词提到:In the wake of this afternoon's widespread blackout 在今天下午的大面积停电之后,...

🎬电影《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13)中的台词提到:lt was that phosphorescent stuff that gets churned up in the wake of a big ship. 就是在大船驶过后被搅上来 会发出磷光的那种东西。

🎬传记电影《史蒂夫·乔布斯》(Steve Jobs)中的台词提到:Apple Computers closed two of its factories today in the wake of disappointing sales. 因为销量不佳 苹果电脑今天关闭了两家工厂。

In an interview, Morey and Fertitta declined to answer questions about the China uproar and abruptly ended the interview after receiving questions about it. Morey did say the decision to leave Houston was his own.



表示“骚动;怨愤”,英文解释为“a situation in which there is a lot of public criticism and angry argument about sth that sb has said or done”举个🌰:

The article caused (an) uproar.


Morey said their relationship had “been great the whole time” and that he was not leaving because of a disagreement over the team's strategy or direction.


Morey was an aggressive dealmaker who made 77 trades during his 13-plus years in charge, and he had been at the forefront of the rising use of advanced statistics in N.B.A. front offices over the past decade.


In September, shortly after Houston's elimination from the playoffs, Fertitta said that Morey's job was “safe” and that he was sure Morey would “pick the right head coach” after Coach Mike D'Antoni's contract expired.

9月,在休斯敦被淘汰出季后赛后不久,费尔蒂塔表示,莫雷的工作“很安全”,他确信莫雷会在迈克·德安东尼(Mike D'Antoni)教练合同到期后“选择合适的主教练”。


除了表示“排除;消除,清除”,也有“淘汰”的含义,英文解释为“the process of removing something”如:their elimination from the competition 他们被淘汰出比赛,the elimination of disease/pain 消除疾病/解除疼痛。

In a statement on Thursday, Fertitta praised Morey as a “brilliant innovator who helped the Rockets become a perennial contender.”


perennial /pəˈrɛnɪəl/

表示“长期存在的;常年的;不断发生的;反复的”,英文解释为“lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time”举个🌰:

We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.



表示“竞争者;争夺者”,英文解释为“someone who competes with other people to try to win something”举个🌰:

Now aged 51, he is no longer considered a serious contender for the title.



📍contestant,表示“参赛者,选手”,英文解释为:A contestant in a competition or game show is a person who takes part in it.

Morey was named the league's executive of the year in the 2017-18 season and has been the general manager of the franchise since May 2007. His rise in the basketball world was considered unusual at the time. He had been a front office executive for the Boston Celtics, but had never played or coached professional basketball, nor had he been a scout. His background was in consulting.

莫雷在2017-18赛季被评为联盟年度最佳执行官,自2007年5月以来一直担任球队的总经理。他在篮球界的崛起在当时被认为是不寻常的。他曾是波士顿凯尔特人队(Boston Celtics)的前台主管,但从未打过或执教过职业篮球,也没有当过球探。此前从事咨询工作。


franchise /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ 这个词经常出现,前几天在“湖人总冠军!”文中刚出现,这里再复习一下。最常见的意思与“特许经营权”有关,既可以作可数名词,又可以做及物动词。作可数名词时具体表示“(公司授予某人的)特许经营权”,英文解释为“A franchise is an authority that is given by an organization to someone, allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls.”比如“建造、运营隧道的特许权”就可以用“the franchise to build and operate the tunnel.”表示。

📍作及物动词时具体表示“出售…的特许经营权”,英文解释为“If a company franchises its business, it sells franchises to other companies, allowing them to sell its goods or services.”举个🌰:
She has recently franchised her business.

📍它还有另外一个意思,表示“选举权”,用作不可数名词,英文解释为“Franchise is the right to vote in an election.”

📍然而,此处熟词僻义,意思是“职业运动队”(a professional sports team),代指的就是“火箭队”。

scout /skaʊt/

表示“(尤指体育或娱乐界的)人才发掘者,星探”,英文解释为“a person employed to look for people with particular skills, especially in sport or entertainment”如:a talent/modelling scout 星探。


表示“背景”大家也是比较熟悉,也可以解释为“学历;经历;出身背景”,英文解释为“your family and your experience of education, living conditions, money, etc.”如:a background in publishing 出版方面的经历,举个🌰:

hey come from a wealthy background.







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