

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Not Everyone Should Code (from: PolyMatter)


Should Everyone Learn To Code? Tech Pros Weigh In On Why Or Why Not


Today’s world is growing more and more tech-driven. For example, coding is becoming a must-know for professionals in the technology industry, among others. Because of this, many new workers—whether their role is IT-related or not—are wondering if they should take the time to learn how to code.

We posed this question to the members of Forbes Technology Council. Below, they explained their position, along with how to navigate and get ahead of a tech-inclined world.

1. Coding In The Classroom Can Close The Tech Knowledge Gap

Yes, because coding will be learning a naturally spoken language, and everyone should know at least the fundamentals. We need to start the training in the public school systems so that everyone has an equal opportunity to pick up a technology language. IT experts should encourage those in the workforce to take training in learning the fundamentals of coding as well. - Abhinav Somani, Leverton

2. Tech Jobs Involve More Than Coding

Coding is a valuable skill for anyone working in tech. However, there are many roles in tech that do not require coding. These include roles in marketing, product management or project management. What's important is not just learning to code, but rather having a deep interest in technology and how it can be applied to solve problems. - Andre Yee, Triblio

3. Knowing Just A Little Can Help You Get Ahead A Lot

Coding can create amazing opportunities in your life. And you don’t have to become an expert developer to make a dent in the world. Learning just a little bit of programming opens a new world up. You can speak with software engineers in a language they can understand. This lets you explore valuable opportunities like becoming a product manager, UX designer or leader of your own tech startup. - Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media LLC

4. Professionals Should Constantly Evolve With Technology

Everyone in the technology field should learn to code. Technology is constantly evolving, and the roles that were once less development-focused are now requiring development skills. Help desk evolved into system operator, then evolved into system admin and then became SRE/system engineer, which requires some development efforts. In order to keep up with the industry, you should learn to write code. - Anthony Caiafa, SS&C Technologies, INC

5. Employees Should Know How To Leverage Data For Decisions

It's not essential for everyone to know how to code, but businesses need to help their employees incorporate data in their decision-making. This is partly about having the right tools, but it's also about ingraining a culture in which data truly informs decisions, versus cherry-picking data to support a hunch. Share examples of good data usage widely in the company to help build this culture. - Sudheesh Nair, ThoughtSpot

6. We Need More Than Computer Science Majors

Being part of tech no longer requires a desk in the IT department. Every business in every industry now relies on tech resources and support in ways that require the expertise of professionals in other disciplines. IT leaders can make tech more exciting to people from all backgrounds by emphasizing how tech has played a leading role in every human advancement from moon landings to saving lives. - Anna Frazzetto, Harvey Nash

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Should Everyone Learn To Code? Tech Pros Weigh In On Why Or Why Not


Today's world is growing more and more tech-driven. For example, coding is becoming a must-know for professionals in the technology industry, among others. Because of this, many new workers—whether their role is IT-related or not—are wondering if they should take the time to learn how to code.


weigh in

1)表示“(在讨论、辩论等中)发表有分量的意见,发挥作用”,英文解释为“to join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc. by saying sth important, persuading sb, or doing sth to help”举个🌰:

We all weighed in with our suggestions.


2)表示“(尤指赛前)测体重”,英文解释为“to have your weight measured, especially before a contest, race, etc.”举个🌰:

Both boxers weighed in at several pounds below the limit.


📺美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第6季第5集中谢尔顿就说到:Care to weigh in? 可以理解为想参与讨论,想说点什么吗(To put your opinion into a matter or situation),字幕组将其解释为:有何高见?

📺还是《生活大爆炸》第7季第9集中提到:Can I weigh in here? 所以我能插一句吗?

📺还有如第7季第21集中也提到了:And yet you get to weigh in. 可是你还有话语权啊。

We posed this question to the members of Forbes Technology Council. Below, they explained their position, along with how to navigate and get ahead of a tech-inclined world.



表示“(尤指在正式场合)提出(问题),质询”,英文解释为“to ask a question, especially in a formal situation such as a meeting”举个🌰:

Can we go back to the question that she posed earlier?



表示“态度;看法”,英文解释为“Your position on a particular matter is your attitude toward it or your opinion of it.”举个🌰:

He could be depended on to take a moderate position on most of the key issues.



表示“找到正确方法(对付困难复杂的情况)”,英文解释为“to find the right way to deal with a difficult or complicated situation”举个🌰:

We next had to navigate a complex network of committees.


get ahead of

表示“走在(某人的)前面;领先;胜过(某人)”,英文解释为“to make progress (further than others have done) ”举个🌰:

She wants to get ahead in her career.


1. Coding In The Classroom Can Close The Tech Knowledge Gap 课堂上的编程可以缩小科技知识差距

Yes, because coding will be learning a naturally spoken language, and everyone should know at least the fundamentals. We need to start the training in the public school systems so that everyone has an equal opportunity to pick up a technology language. IT experts should encourage those in the workforce to take training in learning the fundamentals of coding as well. - Abhinav Somani, Leverton

是的,因为编程将学习一门自然的语言,每个人至少应该知道基本的知识。我们需要在公立学校体制中开始培训,使每个人都有平等的机会学习一门技术语言。IT专家应该鼓励在职人员也参加学习编程基础知识的培训。- Abhinav Somani,Leverton。


表示“基本规律;根本法则;基本原理;基础”,英文解释为“a basic rule or principle; an essential part”举个🌰:

He taught me the fundamentals of the job.


pick up

表示“(不费力地)学会;获得”,英文解释为“If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time.”举个🌰:

Where did you pick up your English


2. Tech Jobs Involve More Than Coding 技术工作涉及的不仅仅是编程

Coding is a valuable skill for anyone working in tech. However, there are many roles in tech that do not require coding. These include roles in marketing, product management or project management. What's important is not just learning to code, but rather having a deep interest in technology and how it can be applied to solve problems. - Andre Yee, Triblio

对于任何从事技术工作的人来说,编程是一项宝贵的技能。然而,在高科技领域有许多职业不需要编程。这些职业包括市场营销、产品管理或项目管理。重要的是,不仅仅是学会编程,而是对技术有深厚的兴趣,以及如何应用技术解决问题。- Andre Yee, Triblio

3. Knowing Just A Little Can Help You Get Ahead A Lot 只懂一点就能帮你走得更远

Coding can create amazing opportunities in your life. And you don’t have to become an expert developer to make a dent in the world. Learning just a little bit of programming opens a new world up. You can speak with software engineers in a language they can understand. This lets you explore valuable opportunities like becoming a product manager, UX designer or leader of your own tech startup. - Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media LLC

编程可以在你的生活中创造惊人的机会。而且你不一定要成为专家级的开发人员才能在这个世界上有所作为。只要学会一点编程,就能打开一个新的世界。你可以用软件工程师能理解的语言与他们对话。这让你可以探索有价值的机会,比如成为产品经理、用户体验设计师或自己科技创业公司的领导者。- Marc Fischer,Dogtown Media LLC


作形容词,表示“熟练的;内行的;专家的;经验(或知识)丰富的”,英文解释为“done with, having or involving great knowledge or skill”举个🌰:

We need some expert help.


make a dent

表示“取得初步进展;产生印象;引起注意”,英文解释为“To make a depression in something. To make noticeable progress in a task or to consume a noticeable amount of something of which there is a large quantity.”


1)形容词,表示“新创办的(小公司)”,英文解释为“A startup company is a small business that has recently been started by someone.”举个🌰:

Thousands and thousands of startup firms have poured into the computer market.


2)名词,表示“新创办的小公司;初创公司”,英文解释为“Startup is also a noun.”举个🌰:

For now the only bright spots in the labour market are small businesses and high-tech startups. 目前劳务市场上仅有的一些亮点是小企业和新创办的高科技公司。

4. Professionals Should Constantly Evolve With Technology 专业人员应随着技术的发展而不断进步

Everyone in the technology field should learn to code. Technology is constantly evolving, and the roles that were once less development-focused are now requiring development skills. Help desk evolved into system operator, then evolved into system admin and then became SRE/system engineer, which requires some development efforts. In order to keep up with the industry, you should learn to write code. - Anthony Caiafa, SS&C Technologies, INC

每个技术领域的人都应该学习编程。技术是不断发展的,以前不那么注重开发的职业,现在都需要开发能力。帮助台(help desk)演变成系统操作员,再演变成系统管理员,再演变成网站可靠性工程师/系统工程师,这都需要一定的开发工作。为了跟上行业的发展,你应该学会写代码。- Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media LLC

5. Employees Should Know How To Leverage Data For Decisions 员工应该知道如何利用数据进行决策

It's not essential for everyone to know how to code, but businesses need to help their employees incorporate data in their decision-making. This is partly about having the right tools, but it's also about ingraining a culture in which data truly informs decisions, versus cherry-picking data to support a hunch. Share examples of good data usage widely in the company to help build this culture. - Sudheesh Nair, ThoughtSpot

并非每个人都必须懂得如何编程,但企业需要帮助员工将数据纳入决策中。这在一定程度上与拥有正确的工具有关,也与根植某种文化有关,在这种文化中,数据真正为决策提供信息,而不是为了支持直觉而筛选出最好的数据。在公司中广泛分享良好数据使用的例子,以帮助建立这种文化。- Sudheesh Nair,ThoughtSpot


1)表示“包含”,英文解释为“If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing.”举个🌰:

The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements


2)表示“使并入”,英文解释为“If someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area, they become a part of it.”

🎬电影《草叶》(Leaves of Grass)中的台词提到:We've been wanting to incorporate more philosophy into the curriculum. 我们一直很想在课程中增加更多的哲学课程。


表示“使…深深印在脑中;使根深蒂固”,英文解释为“to establish something such as a belief so firmly that it is not likely to change”举个🌰:

We want to ingrain good financial habits in people.


versus /ˈvɜːsəs/

经常看到缩写vs,vs.或者是单单一个v,就是指的versus,表示“(比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对,与…相比”,英文解释为“used to compare two different ideas, choices, etc.”如:private education versus state education 私立教育与公共教育相比,举个🌰:

It is France versus Brazil in the final.



表示“挑捡最好的;筛选;精选”,英文解释为“If someone cherry-picks people or things, they choose the best ones from a group of them, often in a way that other people consider unfair.”举个🌰:

The team is in debt while others are lining up to cherry-pick their best players.



hunch /hʌntʃ/ 表示“直觉;预感”,英文解释为“If you have a hunch about something, you are sure that it is correct or true, even though you do not have any proof.”举个🌰:

I had a hunch that she and I would work well together.


6. We Need More Than Computer Science Majors 我们需要的不仅仅是计算机科学专业的学生

Being part of tech no longer requires a desk in the IT department. Every business in every industry now relies on tech resources and support in ways that require the expertise of professionals in other disciplines. IT leaders can make tech more exciting to people from all backgrounds by emphasizing how tech has played a leading role in every human advancement from moon landings to saving lives. - Anna Frazzetto, Harvey Nash

掌握部分技术,并不意味着需要在IT部门留一个工位。现在,每个行业的每个企业都依赖于技术资源和支持,而这些资源和支持需要其他学科的专业人员的专业知识。IT领导者可以通过强调科技如何在从登月到拯救生命的每一次人类进步中发挥了主导作用,让来自各种背景的人对科技更加感兴趣。- Anna Frazzetto,Harvey Nash






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