

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Alibaba, JD set new records to rack up record $115 billion of sales on Singles Day as regulations loom


Chinese e-commerce giants Alibaba and JD.com racked up around $115 billion in sales across their platforms during the Singles Day shopping event, both setting new records.

The record sales number comes as the Singles Day event, also known as Double 11 because it happens on Nov. 11, was extended beyond just a 24-hour period. Instead, promotions ran from Nov. 1 to midnight on Nov. 12.

Alibaba said its total gross merchandise value (GMV) over the 11-day period, a figure that shows the total value of orders across Alibaba’s shopping platforms, totaled 498.2 billion yuan — or $74.1 billion. That figure nearly doubled last year’s 268.4 billion yuan.

Meanwhile, JD.com’s transaction volume over the same period totaling 271.5 billion yuan ($40.97 billion), more than the 204.4 billion yuan it recorded in 2019.

This year’s Singles Day event came as the Chinese economy continues to show signs of recovery after appearing to broadly control the coronavirus pandemic.

Alibaba’s Hong Kong-listed stock was around 3% higher on Thursday while JD.com’s Hong Kong-listed shares were up over 7%, showing signs of a rebound.

For both Alibaba and JD.com, foreign brands were a big focus. Chinese shoppers who would usually be going abroad to buy foreign products, were expected to purchase them in China, due to travel restrictions, Alvin Liu, the president of Alibaba’s Tmall import and export business, told CNBC in an interview last week.

Alibaba said 250,000 brands participated in the Singles Day event this year of which 31,000 were from overseas. The United States was the top country selling to China by GMV, Alibaba said.

Michael Evans, president of Alibaba, said over $5 billion of Alibaba’s total $74.1 billion GMV, came from U.S. brands.

“A China strategy and a digital strategy is going to be critical in the post-pandemic world,” Evans told CNBC.

Singles Day is not just about driving sales, however. Both Alibaba and JD.com see it as a way to acquire new customers and the companies have been focusing on so-called lower tier Chinese cities which usually have more price-sensitive consumers. The e-commerce giants see this as a critical part to their growth strategy.

“Many brands have come to realize the huge size of the Chinese market, so they customize products for lower-tier cities by leveraging JD’s data and our supply chain capabilities,” Xu Lei, CEO of JD Retail, told CNBC in an interview that aired Thursday.

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Alibaba, JD set new records to rack up record $115 billion of sales on Singles Day as regulations loom


Chinese e-commerce giants Alibaba and JD.com racked up around $115 billion in sales across their platforms during the Singles Day shopping event, both setting new records.


rack up

表示“积累,大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.”举个🌰:

Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months.


The record sales number comes as the Singles Day event, also known as Double 11 because it happens on Nov. 11, was extended beyond just a 24-hour period. Instead, promotions ran from Nov. 1 to midnight on Nov. 12.


Alibaba said its total gross merchandise value (GMV) over the 11-day period, a figure that shows the total value of orders across Alibaba's shopping platforms, totaled 498.2 billion yuan — or $74.1 billion. That figure nearly doubled last year's 268.4 billion yuan.


gross merchandise value



total作动词,表示“总数达;共计”,英文解释为“to reach a particular total”举个🌰:

Imports totalled $1.5 billion last year.


Meanwhile, JD.com's transaction volume over the same period totaling 271.5 billion yuan ($40.97 billion), more than the 204.4 billion yuan it recorded in 2019.



表示“交易”,英文解释为“an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or selling something”。

This year's Singles Day event came as the Chinese economy continues to show signs of recovery after appearing to broadly control the coronavirus pandemic.


Alibaba's Hong Kong-listed stock was around 3% higher on Thursday while JD.com's Hong Kong-listed shares were up over 7%, showing signs of a rebound.



list作动词,表示“使(公司)上市;(公司)上市”(If a company is listed, or if it lists, on a stock exchange, it obtains an official quotation for its shares so that people can buy and sell them.)举个🌰:

Last month, thirty new companies were listed.


📍listing作名词,除了表示“(表册上的)位置,项目”,也有“上市”的含义,英文解释为“a position or an item on a list”举个🌰:

The company is seeking a stock exchange listing(= for trading shares).



1)作名词,表示“复兴;振作;反弹”,英文解释为“a positive reaction that happens after sth negative.”

2)作动词,表示“弹回”,英文解释为“If something rebounds from a solid surface, it bounces or springs back from it.”举个🌰:

His shot in the 21st minute of the game rebounded from a post.


3)作动词,表示“反作用于(尤指对自己产生本想施与别人的不良影响)”,英文解释为“If an action or situation rebounds on you, it has an unpleasant effect on you, especially when this effect was intended for someone else.”举个🌰:

She realized her trick had rebounded on her.


For both Alibaba and JD.com, foreign brands were a big focus. Chinese shoppers who would usually be going abroad to buy foreign products, were expected to purchase them in China, due to travel restrictions, Alvin Liu, the president of Alibaba's Tmall import and export business, told CNBC in an interview last week.

对于阿里巴巴和京东来说,海外品牌是一大焦点。阿里巴巴集团天猫进出口事业部总经理刘鹏(Alvin Liu)上周在接受CNBC采访时表示,由于旅行禁令,通常会去国外购买外国产品的中国购物者,有望在中国购买。

Alibaba said 250,000 brands participated in the Singles Day event this year of which 31,000 were from overseas. The United States was the top country selling to China by GMV, Alibaba said.


Michael Evans, president of Alibaba, said over $5 billion of Alibaba's total $74.1 billion GMV, came from U.S. brands.

阿里巴巴集团总裁迈克尔·埃文斯(Michael Evans)表示,在阿里巴巴741亿美元的成交总额中,超过50亿美元来自美国品牌。

“A China strategy and a digital strategy is going to be critical in the post-pandemic world,” Evans told CNBC.


Singles Day is not just about driving sales, however. Both Alibaba and JD.com see it as a way to acquire new customers and the companies have been focusing on so-called lower tier Chinese cities which usually have more price-sensitive consumers. The e-commerce giants see this as a critical part to their growth strategy.



acquire作动词,表示“取得,获得;购得;学到;收购”,英文解释为“to get something”举个🌰:

He acquired the firm in 2019.


表示“(商品销售)对价格敏感的,易受价格变化影响的”,英文解释为“A price-sensitive product is one whose sales are influenced by price rather than quality.”

📍正所谓,不要说我穷,太伤人,请叫我价格敏感型消费者(price-sensitive consumers)。

“Many brands have come to realize the huge size of the Chinese market, so they customize products for lower-tier cities by leveraging JD's data and our supply chain capabilities,” Xu Lei, CEO of JD Retail, told CNBC in an interview that aired Thursday.



leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/ 表示“利用;借助已有的…实现新(或更好)的目标”,英文解释为“to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better”,举个🌰:

We can gain a market advantage by leveraging our partners.



📍leverage作动词还有“举债经营”的含义 (to use borrowed money to buy an investment or company),举个🌰:

They can leverage a very small investment into millions of dollars.


Alibaba and JD Retail set record Singles Day transactions this year (CNBC)


◉CNN标题:Singles Day: Alibaba sales blitz rakes in $75 billion as Chinese shake off Covid-19

📍blitz /blɪts/ 表示“集中力量的行动;闪电式行动”,英文解释为“a lot of energetic activity”举个🌰:

The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio.


blitz一词前阵子在怎么李姓消费?现在依萍如洗了文中也出现过,指代的都是双十一狂欢购物节这一活动:This year's blitz is being watched as a barometer for how strong consumer appetite is rebounding in China. 今年的购物狂欢活动被看作是中国消费欲望反弹力度的晴雨表。

◉除了blitz,路透社(Reuters)提到:China's Alibaba Group Holding Ltd will kick off its mega-shopping extravaganza “Singles Day” early this year 中国的阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司将在今年提早开启其大型购物盛典“光棍节”。

📍extravaganza /ɪkˌstrævəˈɡænzə/ 表示“盛大展示; 盛大表演”,英文解释为“An extravaganza is a very elaborate and expensive show or performance.”如:a magnificent fireworks extravaganza 一场壮观的焰火表演,a musical/dance extravaganza 场面宏大华丽的歌曲汇演/舞蹈盛宴。

📍rake in表示“轻易赚(很多钱);赚大钱”,英文解释为“to earn or get a large amount of money”举个🌰:

He rakes in over $200,000 a year.


📍shake off表示“摆脱(疾病)”,英文解释为“to get rid of an illness”举个🌰:

I hope I can shake off this cold before the weekend.


◉同样是CNN,去年双十一还提到了另一个词:China's annual Singles Day online shopping bonanza has brought in a record $31 billion in sales for Alibaba.

📍bonanza /bəˈnænzə/ 有“发财(或成功)的机遇;获利之道;发财的机会;鸿运”(a situation in which people can make a lot of money or be very successful),以及“繁荣;兴盛”(a large amount of something good)的含义,举个🌰:

The magazine will hold another fashion bonanza in the spring.


The expected sales bonanza hadn't materialized.


◉此外,去年双十一文中BBC提到双十一购物狂欢节用的是:Singles' Day shopping frenzy.

📍frenzy表示“疯狂,狂热,狂暴”,英文解释为“(an example of) uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent”,如:an outbreak of patriotic frenzy 爱国狂热的迸发,举个🌰:

The audience worked/whipped themselves into a frenzy as they waited for her to come on stage.


◉总结:blitz / extravaganza / bonanza / frenzy








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