

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



值得一提的是,国会大厦被特朗普支持者“攻陷”后,一位支持者顺手“抱走”了大厦内的演讲台。随后,有人发出 ebay 上截图,演讲台疑似被挂到网上拍卖。

这个还不是今天的重点。一位记者首先将特朗普支持者“抱走”演讲台的事情发布在社交媒体平台推特上,记者写道“Via Getty, one the rioters steals a podium from the Capitol”。

于是,很快引来了很多网友谴责这位名叫 Via Getty 的“暴徒”的行为。

重点来了,实际上 Getty 是一个图片库网站,全名叫 Getty Images,给用户提供大量的正版图片,Via Getty 可以理解为,来源于 Getty / 图片版权属于 Getty。


Confused Americans Think the Rioter's Name Who Stole Podium from US Capitol is 'Via Getty'


Disturbing images are coming out of US Capitol building which was stormed, ransacked and vandalised by Trump supporters on Wednesday. Security officers in dark suits drew their pistols and trained them on the shouting mob trying to smash their way through the door of the normally sedate House of Representatives chamber. It was one of many shocking moments that played out on television screens across the world as the seat of the world's greatest democracy came under assault from hundreds of protesters angered by Trump's loss to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden in the November presidential election.

One of the shocking images is of a man walking away with the podium and waving cheerfully at the camera. He is seen wearing a cap with "Trump" written on it--a devoted supporter indeed. While his action has angered people, his name has been caught all the wrong--Via Getty.

The confusion began when a journalist shared this man's picture and wrote 'Via Getty' in the caption. He was basically giving the photograph credit to the photo agency Getty. "Via Getty, one the rioters steals a podium from the Capitol," the journalist wrote.

In no time the tweet went viral and people who were already angry over the turn of events, without giving it a thought, thought that Via Getty was his name.

The 'Via Getty' part of the caption was taken so seriously, and so wrong, that the journalist who tweeted the caption had to send out another tweet to clarify that Getty is a photo agency and not this person.

Scary and ugly scenes unfolded at the capitol building on Wednesday. What began as a raucous protest against Trump’s defeat boiled over into a siege of the Capitol, a symbol of US democracy, that paralyzed Congress as it went through the final steps of ratifying the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

Rioters brawled with police officers, pushed their way past metal security barricades, broke windows and forced their way inside the building, forcing lawmakers in both the House and the Senate to suspend their work and instead go into hiding in offices and other secured rooms.

A gray-bearded protester used what looked like a plexiglass riot shield to break a glass window of the Capitol, clearing the way for rioters to climb through.

Members with military experience, including Democratic Representative Jason Crow, a former U.S. Army Ranger, and Republican Representative Markwayne Mullin, a former mixed martial arts fighter, jumped in to help. Representative Reuben Gallego, a former Marine, told fellow House members how to put on their gas masks.

One man posed for a photo in the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in Congress, one booted foot propped on the corner of her desk. Another grinned at a news photographer as he carted a lectern down a hallway. Dozens of lawmakers hunkered in a secure room for hours while officers worked to clear the building. Lawmakers from both parties, riven hours earlier by the election outcome, prayed together for American democracy.

When Congress returned on Wednesday night to resume counting the votes, clusters of armed agents, some wearing tactical gear and carrying automatic weapons, were stationed around the Capitol.

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Confused Americans Think the Rioter's Name Who Stole Podium from US Capitol is 'Via Getty'


Disturbing images are coming out of US Capitol building which was stormed, ransacked and vandalised by Trump supporters on Wednesday. Security officers in dark suits drew their pistols and trained them on the shouting mob trying to smash their way through the door of the normally sedate House of Representatives chamber.



表示“令人不安的,使人震惊的”,英文解释为“worrying or upsetting”,如:a disturbing increase in the crime rate 令人不安的犯罪率增幅。


The Capitol表示“(美国)国会大厦”,英文解释为“the building in Washington DC where the US Congress (= the national parliament) meets to work on new laws”。


熟词僻义,表示“突袭;攻占”,英文解释为“to attack a place or building by entering suddenly in great numbers”举个🌰:

Police stormed the building and captured the gunman.



表示“洗劫;劫掠;粗暴地搜翻”,英文解释为“to search a place or container in a violent and careless way”举个🌰:

The burglars ransacked the house but found nothing valuable.



表示“故意破坏,肆意破坏(尤指公共财物)”,英文解释为“to damage sth, especially public property, deliberately and for no good reason”举个🌰:

The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint.


📺动画片《鲍勃汉堡店》(Bob's Burgers)中的台词提到:They ride around town on their bikes, vandalize stuff, 他们骑车四处乱逛 肆意破坏。


熟词僻义,表示“把(枪、相机、光等)对准,将…瞄准”,英文解释为“to aim or point a gun, camera, light, etc. at someone or something”举个🌰:

With five guns suddenly trained on him, he was understandably nervous.



表示“暴民,乱民”,英文解释为“a large, angry crowd, especially one that could easily become violent”。

📍对比下文出现的 rioter 暴徒;暴民;骚乱者(one of a group of people who meet in a public place and behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way, often as a protest)


1)表示“打碎;破碎”,英文解释为“If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped.”举个🌰:

Someone smashed a bottle.


2)表示“猛撞,猛冲,猛击(通常造成破坏或伤害)”,英文解释为“to cause something to move with great force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury”举个🌰:

He tried to smash the door down to get to me.



表示“安静的;平静的”,英文解释为“avoiding excitement or great activity and usually calm and relaxed”。


1)表示“(用于特定用途或官方用途的)房间,室,厅;会议厅”,英文解释为“a hall in a public building that is used for formal meetings”,如:the Senate/House chamber 参议院/众议院会议厅,举个🌰:

The members left the council chamber.


2)表示“(议会的)议院”,英文解释为“one of the parts of a parliament”,如:the Lower / Upper Chamber (= in Britain, the House of Commons/House of Lords) 下 / 上议院(英国为the House of Commons / House of Lords)。

📍the House of Representatives 众议院

📍Congress:the name of the group of people who are elected to make laws, in the US consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives (美国及其他一些国家的)国会,议会

📍Senate:The Senate is the smaller and more important of the two parts of the legislature in some US states and in some countries, for example, the United States and Australia. (美国、澳大利亚等国的) 参议院

It was one of many shocking moments that played out on television screens across the world as the seat of the world's greatest democracy came under assault from hundreds of protesters angered by Trump's loss to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden in the November presidential election.

这是世界各地电视屏幕上播放的许多令人震惊的时刻之一,因为世界上最伟大的民主国家的所在地受到数百名抗议者的攻击,他们因特朗普在11月总统选举中输给民主党对手乔·拜登(Joe Biden)而感到愤怒。


表示“基地,中心”,英文解释为“a place that acts as a base or centre for an important activity”举个🌰:

The seat of government in the US is in Washington, DC.



assault可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“袭击,攻击,猛攻”,英文解释为“a violent attack”;作名词时以表示“侵犯人身(罪),殴击他人身体(罪)”,如:sexual/indecent assault 性侵/猥亵。

One of the shocking images is of a man walking away with the podium and waving cheerfully at the camera. He is seen wearing a cap with "Trump" written on it--a devoted supporter indeed. While his action has angered people, his name has been caught all the wrong--Via Getty.

其中一个令人震惊的画面是,一名男子拿着讲台走了出来,并对着镜头欢快地挥手。人们看到他戴着一顶写有“特朗普”的帽子--这的确是一位忠实的支持者。虽然他的行为激怒了人们,但他的名字却被搞错了--Via Getty。


表示“挚爱的;忠实的,忠诚的”,英文解释为“extremely loving and loyal”如:a devoted fan 忠实的支持者。

The confusion began when a journalist shared this man's picture and wrote 'Via Getty' in the caption. He was basically giving the photograph credit to the photo agency Getty. "Via Getty, one the rioters steals a podium from the Capitol," the journalist wrote.

当一位记者分享了这个人的照片,并在标题中写上“Via Getty”时,混乱就开始了。他实际上是把照片的功劳归于图片社 Getty。记者写道:“Via Getty,一名暴徒从国会大厦偷走了一个讲台”。


可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”如:a captioned photograph 一幅带有文字说明的照片,举个🌰:

The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success."


In no time the tweet went viral and people who were already angry over the turn of events, without giving it a thought, thought that Via Getty was his name.

很快,这条推文火了,本来就因为该事件而愤怒的人们,毫不思索,认为 Via Getty 就是他的名字。

in no time

表示“很快,马上,立刻”,英文解释为“very quickly or very soon”举个🌰:

The kids ate their dinner in no time.


The 'Via Getty' part of the caption was taken so seriously, and so wrong, that the journalist who tweeted the caption had to send out another tweet to clarify that Getty is a photo agency and not this person.

配文中的“Via Getty”被人当真了,而且错得离谱,以至于发推特的记者不得不又发了一条推文,澄清 Getty 是一家图片社,而不是这个人。


表示“澄清;阐明;使更清晰易懂”,英文解释为“to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation”举个🌰:

Could you clarify the first point please?


Scary and ugly scenes unfolded at the capitol building on Wednesday. What began as a raucous protest against Trump's defeat boiled over into a siege of the Capitol, a symbol of US democracy, that paralyzed Congress as it went through the final steps of ratifying the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

周三,可怕而丑陋的场面在国会大厦上演。起初是一场针对特朗普败选的喧闹抗议,后来演变成了对美国民主的象征--国会大厦的围攻,在国会进行批准当选总统拜登(Joe Biden)胜选的最后步骤时,国会陷入瘫痪。


字面意思就是“打开;展开;摊开”,也可以指形势或故事的“发展,展现,呈现,披露”,英文解释为“If a situation or story unfolds, it develops or becomes clear to other people.”举个🌰:

As the plot unfolds, you gradually realize that all your initial assumptions were wrong.



raucous /ˈrɔːkəs/ 表示“刺耳的;尖厉的”,英文解释为“sounding loud and rough”,如:raucous laughter 刺耳的笑声,a raucous voice 沙哑的声音,a group of raucous young men 一群吵闹的年轻人。

boil over

1)表示“(形势或负面情绪)失去控制,爆发”,英文解释为“When someone's feelings boil over, they lose their temper or become violent.”举个🌰:

Sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into direct and violent action.


2)表示“煮沸而溢出”,英文解释为“When a liquid that is being heated boils over, it rises and flows over the edge of the container.”举个🌰:

Take the milk off the heat before it boils over.



siege /siːdʒ/ 表示“围攻;包围”,英文解释为“the surrounding of a place by an armed force in order to defeat those defending it”。


paralyse /ˈpærəlaɪz/ 表示“使不能正常运作,使陷入瘫痪”,英文解释为“ to make something unable to operate normally”举个🌰:

Motor traffic was paralysed in much of the city.



表示“(尤指政府或组织)正式批准,使正式生效,正式签署”,英文解释为“(especially of governments or organizations) to make an agreement official”举个🌰:

Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child.


Rioters brawled with police officers, pushed their way past metal security barricades, broke windows and forced their way inside the building, forcing lawmakers in both the House and the Senate to suspend their work and instead go into hiding in offices and other secured rooms.



brawl /brɔːl/ 表示“(尤指在公共场所)争吵,打斗,闹事”,英文解释为“to quarrel or fight in a noisy way, especially in a public place”举个🌰:

Fans brawled outside the stadium.


A gray-bearded protester used what looked like a plexiglass riot shield to break a glass window of the Capitol, clearing the way for rioters to climb through.


Members with military experience, including Democratic Representative Jason Crow, a former U.S. Army Ranger, and Republican Representative Markwayne Mullin, a former mixed martial arts fighter, jumped in to help. Representative Reuben Gallego, a former Marine, told fellow House members how to put on their gas masks.

有军事经验的成员,包括前美国陆军游骑兵、民主党众议员杰森·克劳(Jason Crow)和前综合格斗家、共和党众议员马克韦恩·穆林(Markwayne Mullin)都跳出来帮忙。前海军陆战队员、众议院议员鲁本·加列戈(Ruben Gallego)教众议员们如何戴上防毒面具。


表示“海军陆战队士兵”,英文解释为“a soldier who works closely with the navy and is trained especially for military operations on land that begin from the sea”。

One man posed for a photo in the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in Congress, one booted foot propped on the corner of her desk. Another grinned at a news photographer as he carted a lectern down a hallway. Dozens of lawmakers hunkered in a secure room for hours while officers worked to clear the building. Lawmakers from both parties, riven hours earlier by the election outcome, prayed together for American democracy.

一名男子在民主党领袖、众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)的办公室里合影,一只穿了鞋的脚架在她的办公桌角上。另一个人在走廊上抱着讲台,对着新闻摄影师笑。数十名议员在一个安全的房间里蹲守了几个小时,而警察们则在努力清理大楼。来自两党的立法者,几个小时前因选举结果分歧而四分五裂的他们一起为美国民主祈祷。


表示“架;搁”,英文解释为“If you prop an object on or against something, you support it by putting something underneath it or by resting it somewhere.”举个🌰:

He rocked back in the chair and propped his feet on the desk.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述芬兰人用科技协助病弱老人在家生活的文章中提到:IN A GREY office building on the outskirts of Helsinki, a chatty social worker is meeting six elderly people from around town for lunch—via tablets propped on their kitchen tables. 在赫尔辛基郊区一幢灰色的写字楼里,一位健谈的社工正与该市的六位老人共进午餐——通过在餐桌上的平板电脑。


1)表示“咧嘴笑”,英文解释为“When you grin, you smile broadly.”举个🌰:

He grins, delighted at the memory.


2)也可以作名词,A grin is a broad smile.


📍grin and bear it意思是:默默地忍受,苦笑着忍受(If you grin and bear it, you accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining because you know there is nothing you can do to make things better.)举个🌰:

They cannot stand the sight of each other, but they will just have to grin and bear it



cart /kɑːt/ 作动词,表示“(尤指费力地)运送,搬运”,英文解释为“to take something or someone somewhere, especially using a lot of effort”举个🌰:

We carted all the rubbish to the bottom of the garden and burned it.



1)表示“保持低调;避免引人注目”,英文解释为“If you say that someone hunkers down, you mean that they are trying to avoid doing things that will make them noticed or put them in danger.”举个🌰:

Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.


2)表示“蹲下;蹲坐”,英文解释为“If you hunker down, you bend your knees so that you are in a low position, balancing on your feet.”举个🌰:

He ended up hunkering down beside her.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述上网求诊的文章中提到:WHEN SARS, a coronavirus, hit China in 2003 citizens hunkered down at home. 当2003年由一种冠状病毒引发的非典疫情席卷中国时,人们宅在家中闭门不出。

rive /raɪv/

表示“劈开,扯开;断绝(关系);破坏(团结)”,英文解释为“to cut something apart with great force;to divide people”举个🌰:

Such conclusions have begun a debate that has increasingly riven archaeologists.



When Congress returned on Wednesday night to resume counting the votes, clusters of armed agents, some wearing tactical gear and carrying automatic weapons, were stationed around the Capitol.



表示“(中断后)继续,重新开始”,英文解释为“If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause.”举个🌰:

Normal services will be resumed in the spring.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情之下学生上课问题的文章中提到复课就用的resume classes:As well as letting final-year secondary-school students facing exams resume classes, Denmark has also begun to reopen crèches and primary schools. 丹麦除了让面临毕业考试的中学毕业班复课外,还开始逐步重开幼儿园和小学。








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