

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





5 Tips For College Freshman To Help Maximize Year One


Heading to college for the first time can be daunting, and that's true whether you're attending a public four-year university or a prestigious Ivy League school. You have to get the lay of the land, make friends, and figure out how to do well in your courses all within a few weeks. And with the effects of Covid-19 still lingering in some spots, you may be stuck trying to navigate a college world that is still partly online. While convenient, the virtual aspects of higher education can make forging connections that last a challenge to say the least.

Still, college freshmen can set themselves up for success if they're willing to make the right moves and put in some legwork. At least, that's what the experts I interviewed had to say.

1. Always Go To Class

Mark Beal, who is a college professor and the author of 101 Lessons They Never Taught You In High School About Going To College, says skipping class is one of the easiest things to do, which is why too many college freshmen do it. However, this is one big mistake you should avoid.

"No matter how early in the morning a class takes place or how late on a Thursday night, never skip class," he says, adding that it doesn't take too much to walk across campus and attend class for 80 minutes.

From there, Beal says to be an active participant — as in, listen, take notes and ask or answer questions. Not only do you have the chance to learn more this way, but you never know who is paying attention to you and your actions.

"The students I have taught who have taken this strategic approach to classroom participation have made a lasting impression with me and are the same students who I am eager to recommend for future internships and jobs or write a strong recommendation letter on their behalf," says Beal.

2. Be Proactive About Your College Education

You may not have any idea what you want to study when you head off to college, or perhaps you have chosen a major but you're still unsure of the way you want to go. Either way, Mark A. Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit, Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You, says you can spend your first year of college exploring potential majors. Go to department open houses, he says, but also sit in on a class or two in a field you're interested in. If you find something that piques your interest, you can also find an upperclassman or professor and ask if you can stop by their lab and learn more about what they do. 

"Most people find it flattering when you take an interest in their work," he says.

You can also ask other students about cool classes they have taken. Herschberg points out that Steve Jobs famously sat in on calligraphy classes.  

"Look at some weird, random classes and ask people who took them what they're about," says Herschberg. "You never know when it could lead to something interesting."

3. Focus On Networking

Tammy Huang, a 10-year interviewer for Harvard Admissions and the founder of College Launch, says college freshmen should go out of their way to meet people that can help make their college experience a success. This includes getting to know your college counselor and making a plan for general education courses. 

Huang also recommends forming a positive support group by joining meaningful clubs and making friends with people within your dorm or apartment community and other organizations that align with your interests and goals. Finally, Huang suggests finding a mentor by looking for a professor that has a professional background you are interested in that also matches well with your personality. 

"Mentors can open doors to opportunities and also write future letters of recommendations," she says.

4. Take Care Of Your Mental Health

The first year of college is an incredible time of change, and some first-year students handle it a lot differently than others. 

Cory Trevena, Senior Director of Education at Caron Treatment Centers, says college freshmen should learn the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression just like they know the Wednesday specials at the cafeteria.

A little anxiety, homesickness and sadness is normal as you transition into college life, she says. "But if you’re feeling hopeless for days on end or you notice a radical change in your behavior, it’s time to reach out."

Where can you go for help? Trevena points out that campus counseling centers offer services for students that can help them figure out whether they would benefit from regular therapy. In some cases, students might also just need help creating a healthy structure and support system for their new lives.

5. Be Mindful About Money

We have all heard stories of students blowing student loans on spring break trips and clothes only to regret those choices years or even decades later. Regardless of how your college career is being funded — through a merit scholarship, through parents or with student loans — it's important to be careful about spending and not overborrowing.

Brian Gawor, the Vice President for Research at RNL (a platform company that helps colleges and universities amplify student enrollment, success and philanthropic support), says freshmen should learn to utilize what is already available and paid for at school. For example, don't spend a ton on food and dining out while also paying for a meal plan. Also learn about the tutoring, help with writing, and technology assistance that are available at your school. 

"You’ll find a lot of value in these things you’re probably already paying for with your tuition and fees," notes Gawor.

Casey Welch, CEO of Tallo, also points out that students who are anxious about their finances can be proactive about earning money.

“Students looking for part-time work should consider applying to companies that offer some type of tuition assistance program, such as Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, or Starbucks," says Welch. "This way, students will receive both a paycheck and additional financial support to put towards tuition — all while getting valuable work experience to show off on their resume.”

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5 Tips For College Freshman To Help Maximize Year One


Heading to college for the first time can be daunting, and that's true whether you're attending a public four-year university or a prestigious Ivy League school. You have to get the lay of the land, make friends, and figure out how to do well in your courses all within a few weeks. And with the effects of Covid-19 still lingering in some spots, you may be stuck trying to navigate a college world that is still partly online. While convenient, the virtual aspects of higher education can make forging connections that last a challenge to say the least.



daunting /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ 表示“使人气馁的,吓人的;使人畏缩的;令人发怵的”,英文解释为“Something that is daunting makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.”举个🌰:

He and his wife Jane were faced with the daunting task of restoring the gardens to their former splendour.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:and those standards can at first seem daunting. 这些规矩起初令人望而生畏。

📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:Just the idea of owning a car wash seems daunting, 收购洗车房的主意听起来不切实际。


prestigious /prɛˈstɪdʒəs/表示“有威望的,有声望的,有威信的”,英文解释为“A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people.”举个🌰:

It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.



表示“常春藤”,英文解释为“a climbing plant, especially one with dark green shiny leaves with five points”,如:stone walls covered in ivy 爬满常春藤的石墙。

我们常听说的,常春藤盟校或常春藤联盟就是:Ivy League.

The Ivy League is an American collegiate athletic conference comprising sports teams from eight private universities in the Northeastern United States. 包括:布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯学院、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学。

get the lay of the land

the lie of the land/the lay of the land表示「地形;地势」,英文解释为“the shape or height of the land”;

get the lay of the land可以解释为「了解一下情况」,举个🌰:

He would like to get the lay of the land there before deciding on the investment.



1)表示“(想法、感觉、疾病)继续存留”,英文解释为“When something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected.”举个🌰:

The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room. 


2)表示“继续逗留”,英文解释为“If you linger somewhere, you stay there for a longer time than is necessary, for example, because you are enjoying yourself.”举个🌰:

Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情下的生活成本的文章中提到:For as long as fears of viral contagion linger, many businesses could struggle to attract new custom, 只要对病毒蔓延的恐惧未消,许多企业可能很难吸引到新客户。


1)表示“努力地缔造”,英文解释为“If one person or institution forges an agreement or relationship with another, they create it with a lot of hard work, hoping that it will be strong or lasting.”举个🌰:

They agreed to forge closer economic ties.


2)表示“伪造 (纸币、文件或画作等)”,英文解释为“If someone forges something such as paper money, a document, or a painting, they copy it or make it so that it looks genuine, in order to deceive people.”举个🌰:

He admitted three charges including forging passports.


Still, college freshmen can set themselves up for success if they're willing to make the right moves and put in some legwork. At least, that's what the experts I interviewed had to say.



表示“跑腿活儿;吃力不讨好的活儿”,英文解释为“difficult or boring work that takes a lot of time and effort, but that is thought to be less important”。

1. Always Go To Class 别逃课

Mark Beal, who is a college professor and the author of 101 Lessons They Never Taught You In High School About Going To College, says skipping class is one of the easiest things to do, which is why too many college freshmen do it. However, this is one big mistake you should avoid.

马克·比尔(Mark Beal)是一位大学教授,也是《101条他们在高中时从未教给你的上大学经验》的作者,他说逃课是最容易做的事之一,这就是为什么太多的大学新生会这样做。然而,这是你应该避免的一个大错误。

"No matter how early in the morning a class takes place or how late on a Thursday night, never skip class," he says, adding that it doesn't take too much to walk across campus and attend class for 80 minutes.


From there, Beal says to be an active participant — as in, listen, take notes and ask or answer questions. Not only do you have the chance to learn more this way, but you never know who is paying attention to you and your actions.


"The students I have taught who have taken this strategic approach to classroom participation have made a lasting impression with me and are the same students who I am eager to recommend for future internships and jobs or write a strong recommendation letter on their behalf," says Beal.


2. Be Proactive About Your College Education 对你的大学教育采取积极主动的态度

You may not have any idea what you want to study when you head off to college, or perhaps you have chosen a major but you're still unsure of the way you want to go. Either way, Mark A. Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit, Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You, says you can spend your first year of college exploring potential majors. Go to department open houses, he says, but also sit in on a class or two in a field you're interested in. If you find something that piques your interest, you can also find an upperclassman or professor and ask if you can stop by their lab and learn more about what they do.

你可能根本不知道你上大学时想学什么,或者你已经选择了一个专业,但你仍然不确定你想走的路。无论是哪种情况,《职业工具包:没人教你的成功必备技能》的作者马克-A-赫斯伯格(Mark A. Herschberg)说,你可以在大学的第一年探索潜在的专业。他说,你可以去参加系里的开放日,也可以去听一两节你感兴趣的课程。如果你找到了引起你兴趣的东西,你也可以找到一个高年级学生或教授,询问你是否可以去他们的实验室,了解他们的工作。

open house

表示“开放日”,英文解释为“An open house is a day on which members of the public are encouraged to visit a particular institution or place to see what it is like.”


pique /piːk/ 表示“产生(兴趣或好奇心)”,英文解释为“If something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes you interested or curious.”举个🌰:

This phenomenon piqued his interest.


"Most people find it flattering when you take an interest in their work," he says.



表示“使人显得更漂亮的;奉承的”,英文解释为“making someone look or seem better or more attractive than usual”,如:a flattering photograph 更显漂亮的照片 ,举个🌰:

That suit is very flattering.


You can also ask other students about cool classes they have taken. Herschberg points out that Steve Jobs famously sat in on calligraphy classes.

你也可以向其他学生询问他们所上的很酷的课程。赫斯伯格指出,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)曾参加过著名的书法课。


calligraphy /kəˈlɪɡrəfɪ/ 表示“书法;书法艺术”,英文解释为“(the art of producing) beautiful writing, often created with a special pen or brush”举个🌰:

There's some wonderful calligraphy in these old manuscripts.


"Look at some weird, random classes and ask people who took them what they're about," says Herschberg. "You never know when it could lead to something interesting."


3. Focus On Networking 专注于(社交)网络

Tammy Huang, a 10-year interviewer for Harvard Admissions and the founder of College Launch, says college freshmen should go out of their way to meet people that can help make their college experience a success. This includes getting to know your college counselor and making a plan for general education courses.

哈佛大学招生处的10年面试官和College Launch的创始人黄塔米(Tammy Huang)说,大学新生应该不遗余力地去认识那些可以帮助他们的大学生活取得成功的人。这包括认识你的大学辅导员,并为普通教育课程制定计划。

Huang also recommends forming a positive support group by joining meaningful clubs and making friends with people within your dorm or apartment community and other organizations that align with your interests and goals. Finally, Huang suggests finding a mentor by looking for a professor that has a professional background you are interested in that also matches well with your personality.



1)表示“排整齐;校准;(尤指)使成一条直线”,英文解释为“to arrange sth in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to sth else, especially in a straight line”举个🌰:

Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard.


2)表示“使一致”,英文解释为“to change sth slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to sth else”举个🌰:

Prices have been aligned with those in world markets.


"Mentors can open doors to opportunities and also write future letters of recommendations," she says.


4. Take Care Of Your Mental Health 注意心理健康

The first year of college is an incredible time of change, and some first-year students handle it a lot differently than others.


Cory Trevena, Senior Director of Education at Caron Treatment Centers, says college freshmen should learn the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression just like they know the Wednesday specials at the cafeteria.

卡隆治疗中心的高级教育主任科里·特雷维纳(Cory Trevena)说,大学新生应该了解焦虑和抑郁的迹象和症状,就像他们了解食堂的周三特价菜一样。


熟词僻义,作名词,表示“特产; 特别节目; 特色菜”,英文解释为“A special is a product, programme, or meal which is not normally available, or which is made for a particular purpose.”

A little anxiety, homesickness and sadness is normal as you transition into college life, she says. "But if you’re feeling hopeless for days on end or you notice a radical change in your behavior, it’s time to reach out."


on end

1)表示“竖着;直立着”,英文解释为“in a vertical position”举个🌰:

It'll fit if you stand it on end.


2)表示“连续地;不断地”,英文解释为“for the stated length of time, without stopping”举个🌰:

He would disappear for weeks on end.



表示“根本的;彻底的,完全的”,英文解释为“relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme”举个🌰:

We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures.


Where can you go for help? Trevena points out that campus counseling centers offer services for students that can help them figure out whether they would benefit from regular therapy. In some cases, students might also just need help creating a healthy structure and support system for their new lives.


5. Be Mindful About Money 谨慎对待金钱

We have all heard stories of students blowing student loans on spring break trips and clothes only to regret those choices years or even decades later. Regardless of how your college career is being funded — through a merit scholarship, through parents or with student loans — it's important to be careful about spending and not overborrowing.




1)表示“挥霍,浪费”,英文解释为“to spend a large amount of money, especially on things that are not really necessary”举个🌰:

When I got paid I blew it all on a night out.


2)表示“浪费(机会)”,英文解释为“to waste an opportunity”举个🌰:She blew her chances by arriving late for the interview.


3)表示“泄露;暴露”,英文解释为“to make known sth that was secret”举个🌰:

One mistake could blow your cover (= make your real name, job, intentions, etc. known).


Brian Gawor, the Vice President for Research at RNL (a platform company that helps colleges and universities amplify student enrollment, success and philanthropic support), says freshmen should learn to utilize what is already available and paid for at school. For example, don't spend a ton on food and dining out while also paying for a meal plan. Also learn about the tutoring, help with writing, and technology assistance that are available at your school.

RNL(一家帮助高校扩大学生入学率、成功率和慈善资助的平台公司)的研究副总裁布莱恩·加沃(Brian Gawor)说,新生应该学会利用学校已经提供和支付的东西。例如,不要在食物和外出就餐上花费大量资金,同时还要支付膳食计划。还要了解你的学校所提供的辅导、写作帮助和技术援助。


表示“增强,放大”,英文解释为“To amplify something means to increase its strength or intensity.”举个🌰:

These stories only amplified her fears.



philanthropic /ˌfɪlənˈθrɒpɪk/ 表示“慈善的;乐善好施的(尤指通过捐款帮助穷人)”,英文解释为“helping poor people, especially by giving them money”。

"You’ll find a lot of value in these things you’re probably already paying for with your tuition and fees," notes Gawor.


Casey Welch, CEO of Tallo, also points out that students who are anxious about their finances can be proactive about earning money.

Tallo的首席执行官凯西·韦尔奇(Casey Welch)也指出,对自己的财务状况感到焦虑的学生可以积极主动地去赚钱。

“Students looking for part-time work should consider applying to companies that offer some type of tuition assistance program, such as Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, or Starbucks," says Welch. "This way, students will receive both a paycheck and additional financial support to put towards tuition — all while getting valuable work experience to show off on their resume.”



表示“工资支票;工薪;工资”,英文解释为“Your paycheque is a piece of paper that your employer gives you as your wages or salary, and which you can then cash at a bank. You can also use paycheque as a way of referring to your wages or salary.”








- 那年今日 -

2020 75年了,我们永远不会忘记!

2019 为啥都在骂周琦?

2018 日本投降书你见过吗


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