

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Do deep promotional discounts work? New study sheds light on strategy

Science Daily

September 26, 2017

Summary: Promotional discounts increase store traffic and lead to higher overall profits, especially if the advertised products are staples – items such as meat and produce that are purchased frequently and by many customers.

Many retailers employ discounts to attract customers, but it can be difficult for businesses to know what effect these discounts have on overall store performance, and few studies have analyzed store-level data to know for sure whether this strategy works.

A new study published in the Journal of Retailing shows that promotional discounts increase store traffic and lead to higher overall profits, especially if the advertised products are staples -- items such as meat and produce that are purchased frequently and by many customers.

"Our results validate the widespread use of price promotions supported by feature advertising, such as those found in newspaper circulars," said Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing in the Sam M. Walton College of Business. "These featured promotions provided a beneficial impact on several key performance metrics, including store traffic, sales and profits."

Over a 49-week period, Gauri and co-authors Brian Ratchford at the University of Texas at Dallas, Joseph Pancras at the University of Connecticut, and Debabrata Talukdar at the University of Buffalo analyzed data on 27 product categories from 24 branches of a popular Northeastern grocery chain. Each week, the authors compiled data on overall traffic, sales per transaction, and profit margin for each store.

They examined the impact of so-called "loss leader" strategies -- the practice of deep promotional discounts to attract customers who will buy other items -- on several product categories, including penetration (items bought by many people), frequency (frequently purchased items), storability (items that can be stored, such as paper napkins or plates), impulse items and national brand items.

Their analysis of about 677,000 transactions, with an average value of $15.44 per transaction, showed that deep discounting, accompanied by a blitz of advertising promotions, achieved retailers' goal of attracting more customers into stores and increasing overall profits. But the researchers' main finding came with several caveats, Gauri said.

Promotional discounts on both high-penetration, high-frequency items (staples such as meat and produce) and low-penetration, low-frequency items (beer and condiments) led to increased traffic but lower sales per transaction.

"This suggests that these promotional discounts tend to attract small-basket customers," Gauri said.

However, discounts in these same categories were associated with higher overall profit margins, especially in the low-penetration, low-frequency category. Gauri said this suggests that the smaller transactions generated by the discounts contained an above average number of high-margin items, in addition to the discounted items.

"We think this result was driven mainly by beer, which was featured almost every week," Gauri said.

These other findings can also give retailers an edge, the researchers said:

· Broad discounting in one category may lead to diminishing returns.

· On average, discounts on national brand items had a stronger impact on per-transaction sales than discounts on non-brands.

· Consumers who took advantage of deep discount promotions on impulse products tended to buy products in more profitable categories.

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Do deep promotional discounts work? New study sheds light on strategy

Science Daily

September 26, 2017

Summary: Promotional discounts increase store traffic and lead to higher overall profits, especially if the advertised products are staples – items such as meat and produce that are purchased frequently and by many customers.


shed light on

cast/shed/throw light on sth 表示“使(问题等)较容易理解;为…提供解释;使…较容易理解;阐明;使…清楚地显出”,英文解释为“to make a problem, etc. easier to understand”举个🌰:

As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem.



熟词僻义,traffic一词除了熟知的“交通”的意思,还有“流量”的含义,英文解释:the movement of messages and signals through an electronic communication system,如“数据流量”:data traffic。

此外,作为动词,还有“贩卖(人口)”的意思,to illegally buy or sell people, or make money from work they are forced to do, such as sex work. 如:人口贩卖 human trafficking.

📍注:traffic (v.) 过去式 trafficked 过去分词:trafficked 现在分词:trafficking.


staple表示“基本食物;主食;主要产品;某物的主要部分”(a basic type of food that is used a lot;a main product or part of something),如:a table-top staple 可以理解为饭桌上必备的食物,举个🌰:

Aid workers helped distribute corn, milk and other staples.



熟词僻义,不可数名词,表示“产品,(尤指)农产品”,英文解释为“Produce is fruit and vegetables that are grown in large quantities to be sold.”举个🌰:

We manage to get most of our produce in farmers' markets.


Many retailers employ discounts to attract customers, but it can be difficult for businesses to know what effect these discounts have on overall store performance, and few studies have analyzed store-level data to know for sure whether this strategy works.



熟词僻义,表示“使用,利用”,英文解释为“If you employ certain methods, materials, or expressions, you use them.”举个🌰:

The group will employ a mix of tactics to achieve its aim. 


A new study published in the Journal of Retailing shows that promotional discounts increase store traffic and lead to higher overall profits, especially if the advertised products are staples -- items such as meat and produce that are purchased frequently and by many customers.

发表在《零售杂志》(The Journal of Retailing)上的一项新研究表明,促销折扣增加了商店的客流量,并带来了更高的总利润,尤其是当推广产品是基本食物的时候--诸如肉类和农产品等经常被许多顾客购买的商品。

"Our results validate the widespread use of price promotions supported by feature advertising, such as those found in newspaper circulars," said Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing in the Sam M. Walton College of Business. "These featured promotions provided a beneficial impact on several key performance metrics, including store traffic, sales and profits."

“"我们的结果证实了在专题广告中价格促销广泛使用的价值,例如在报纸通告中发现的那些,”山姆·沃尔顿商学院营销学教授迪内希·高里(Dinesh Gauri)说。“这些特色促销活动对几个关键业绩指标产生了正向影响,包括商店的客流量、销售额和利润。”


1)表示“证实”,英文解释为“To validate something such as a claim or statement means to prove or confirm that it is true or correct.”举个🌰:

This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology.


2)表示“证实…有价值”,英文解释为“To validate a person, state, or system means to prove or confirm that they are valuable or worthwhile.”举个🌰:

The Academy Awards appear to validate his career.



circular /ˈsɜːkjʊlə/ 1)作形容词,表示“圆形的”,英文解释为“Something that is circular is shaped like a circle.”如:a circular hole 圆洞。

2)作形容词,表示“(旅行或路线)环行的”,英文解释为“A circular journey or route is one in which you go to a place and return by a different route.”举个🌰:

Both sides of the river can be explored on this circular walk


3)作名词,表示“(同时发给很多人的)通知,通报,传单”,英文解释为“A circular is an official letter or advertisement that is sent to a large number of people at the same time.”举个🌰:

The proposal has been widely publicized in press information circulars sent to 2,345 newspapers.



表示“衡量标准,度量指标”,英文解释为“a set of figures or statistics that measure results”。

Over a 49-week period, Gauri and co-authors Brian Ratchford at the University of Texas at Dallas, Joseph Pancras at the University of Connecticut, and Debabrata Talukdar at the University of Buffalo analyzed data on 27 product categories from 24 branches of a popular Northeastern grocery chain. Each week, the authors compiled data on overall traffic, sales per transaction, and profit margin for each store.

在49周的时间里,高里和共同作者得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(The University of Texas at Dallas)的布莱恩·拉奇福德(Brian Ratchford)、康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut)的约瑟夫·潘克拉斯(Joseph Pancras)和布法罗大学(University of Buffalo)的德布拉塔·塔鲁克达(Debabrata Talukdar)分析了来自东北一家受欢迎的杂货连锁店24家分店的27种产品的数据。每周,作者都会汇编每家商店的总体客流量、每笔交易的销售额和利润率的数据。


表示“汇编;编纂;编辑;编制”,英文解释为“to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report, or list”举个🌰:

We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.



表示“交易”,英文解释为“an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or selling something”。

profit margin

表示“利润率,利润幅度”,英文解释为“the difference between the total cost of making and selling something and the price it is sold for”举个🌰:

Many small companies operate on very narrow profit margins.


They examined the impact of so-called "loss leader" strategies -- the practice of deep promotional discounts to attract customers who will buy other items -- on several product categories, including penetration (items bought by many people), frequency (frequently purchased items), storability (items that can be stored, such as paper napkins or plates), impulse items and national brand items.


loss leader

损失领导物(Loss Leader)是一种刻意将商品的价格订得比成本还低的促销手段。其原理是是透过低价来吸引顾客,再透过顾客购买的其他商品来增加利润。A loss leader (also leader) is a pricing strategy where a product is sold at a price below its market cost to stimulate other sales of more profitable goods or services. With this sales promotion/marketing strategy, a "leader" is any popular article, i.e., sold at a normal price.

📍另一种将商品价格订得比成本还低的手段是掠夺性订价(Predatory pricing)。即以本伤人,是指产品厂商或服务提供者刻意地以低于生产成本的价格来销售该产品或服务,以期能排挤市场上的其他竞争对手,并达成控制市场的目的,然后再提高价格。


常见含义表示“穿透;渗透;进入”,英文解释为“the act or process of making a way into or through sth”,如:the company's successful penetration of overseas markets 公司对海外市场的顺利开拓,举个🌰:

The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration.


📍此处表示,市场渗透(率),Penetration defines how many users are there for a product. It is one of the measures of a company or industry's success in getting consumers to use their products. The penetration numbers for India are very low in most products, like telephones (tele density) or shampoos, soaps, cosmetics and so on.


表示“餐巾;餐巾纸”,英文解释为“a small square piece of cloth or paper, used while you are eating to protect your clothes or to clean your mouth or fingers”。


此处可以解释为“心血来潮的;一时的念头”,英文解释为“An impulse buy or impulse purchase is something that you decide to buy when you see it, although you had not planned to buy it.”举个🌰:

The books were an impulse buy.


Their analysis of about 677,000 transactions, with an average value of $15.44 per transaction, showed that deep discounting, accompanied by a blitz of advertising promotions, achieved retailers' goal of attracting more customers into stores and increasing overall profits. But the researchers' main finding came with several caveats, Gauri said.



blitz /blɪts/ 表示“集中力量的行动;闪电式行动”,英文解释为“a lot of energetic activity举个🌰:

The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio.


📍此前在双十一这个千亿大项目,你贡献了多少呢?一文中提到了“双十一购物狂欢节”,BBC用了the 24-hour shopping blitz,来表示。


caveat /ˈkeɪvɪˌæt/ 表示“(进一步行动前的)警告,告诫;限制条款”,英文解释为“a warning to consider something before taking any more action, or a statement that limits a more general statement”举个🌰:

He agreed to the interview, with the caveat that he could approve the final article.


Promotional discounts on both high-penetration, high-frequency items (staples such as meat and produce) and low-penetration, low-frequency items (beer and condiments) led to increased traffic but lower sales per transaction.



condiment /ˈkɒndɪmənt/ 表示“调味品”,英文解释为“a substance, such as salt, that you add to food to improve its taste”。

"This suggests that these promotional discounts tend to attract small-basket customers," Gauri said.


However, discounts in these same categories were associated with higher overall profit margins, especially in the low-penetration, low-frequency category. Gauri said this suggests that the smaller transactions generated by the discounts contained an above average number of high-margin items, in addition to the discounted items.



Gauri said (that) [this sugests (that) {the smaller transactions generated by the discounts contained an above average number of high-margin items, in addition to the discounted items.}]


📍第二个宾语从句中,从句主语:the smaller transactions;从句谓语:contained an above average number of high-margin items;

📍其中,generated by the discounts 过去分词作定语,修饰transactions,什么交易?由折扣产生的那些交易,也可以理解为定语从句省略了[that were],还原:the smaller transactions (that were) generated by the discounts.

"We think this result was driven mainly by beer, which was featured almost every week," Gauri said.


These other findings can also give retailers an edge, the researchers said:


· Broad discounting in one category may lead to diminishing returns. 在一个类别中范围过广的折扣可能会导致收益递减。


1)表示“减少;(使)减弱,缩减;降低”,英文解释为“to become or to make sth become smaller, weaker, etc.”举个🌰:

His influence has diminished with time.


2)表示“贬低;贬损;轻视”,英文解释为“to make sb/sth seem less important than they really are”举个🌰:

I don't wish to diminish the importance of their contribution.



作名词,表示“收益;利润;收入”,英文解释为“the profit that you get from an investment”。

· On average, discounts on national brand items had a stronger impact on per-transaction sales than discounts on non-brands. 平均来说,全国性品牌商品的折扣比非品牌的折扣对每笔交易销售额的影响更大。

· Consumers who took advantage of deep discount promotions on impulse products tended to buy products in more profitable categories. 利用冲动型产品的大幅折扣促销的消费者倾向于购买利润更高的类别的产品。







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