
[E234]Apple Music hits 6.5 million paid users but millions ……

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Apple Music hits 6.5 million paid users but millions desert service

Apple Music service now has 15 million users worldwide. The music streaming service was released back in June and was seeded to users through iOS 8.4 update. At the WSJD Live conference on Tuesday, CEO Tim Cook said the figure included 8.5 million users on the free trial[免费试用] and 6.5 million paying users[付费用户]. However, as 11m people entered the debut[首次登台] trial period[试用期], the figures suggest millions deserted[遗弃] the service at the end of the initial three-month period[最初的三个月(试用期)]. The service charges $9.99 per month or $14.99 per family account, which can include up to six members. The new numbers are certainly lower than the paying user base of 20 million on Spotify.

Lots of people are liking it.

Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook

Cook credited a human curation element - actual people who fashion playlists - for creating listening experiences superior to that delivered by “zeroes and ones” of computer algorithms. On another entertainment front, Apple will begin taking orders for new Apple TV hardware beginning on October 26 and shipments[发货] will start by the end of that week, according to Cook. Siri virtual assistant[Siri虚拟助手] software built in Apple TV allowed for natural language searches for shows, such as asking for something funny or a certain actor by name. People should also be able to see what they want on-demand[请求式] instead of being at the mercy of[受…支配] cable broadcast schedules[有线电视广播节目表].

I think it will be disruptive[破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的;颠覆性] of the TV watching experience. This is the foundation of the future of TV.

Apple boss Tim Cook

