

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



PICTURED: Dr. Fauci, 79, and his wife flanked by body guards while out walking after he receives death threats

Daily Mail

Dr. Anthony Fauci has to be accompanied on walks by federal agents after receiving death threats in response to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The country's top infectious disease expert lives in Washington D.C. and was seen accompanied by the security detail in an episode of 60 Minutes, where it was revealed he must resort to power walking with them due to the harassment his family has received.

Fauci's wife Dr. Christine Grady told the show that it frustrates her husband how 'the same message has to sort of be reiterated over and over again because either people don't hear it, or they don't believe it, or they don't adopt it,' and now their children are having to deal with the repercussions.

'That's sad. The very fact that a public health message to save lives triggers such venom and animosity to me that it results in real and credible threats to my life and my safety,' Dr. Fauci, 79, told interviewer Dr. Jon LaPook on the CBS show.

'But it bothers me less than the hassling of my wife and my children.'

The couple have three adult daughters; Jennifer, 34, Megan, 31, and Alison, 28.

Dr. Fauci explained that the death threats have been for 'mostly me' but Dr. Grady added that there has been 'harassment against all of us.'

Confirming that his other relatives have been threatened, Dr. Fauci responded: 'Yes. I mean, like, give me a break.'

A point of contention with the American public has been mask-wearing. 

At the start of the pandemic when medical professionals were running short on PPE, experts said the general public need not routinely wear masks.

However, once researchers discovered that coronavirus was contagious even from the asymptomatic, face coverings were increasingly encouraged. 

President Trump has questioned Fauci's credibility while former Vice President Joe Biden has defended the advice being altered as experts learned new information.

'So let's see if we could put this to rest once and for all,' Fauci added on 60 Minutes. 

'It became clear that cloth coverings, things like this here, and not necessarily a surgical mask or an N95, cloth coverings, work. 

'So now there's no longer a shortage of masks. Number two, meta-analysis studies show that, contrary to what we thought, masks really do work in preventing infection.'

During a live stream with CNN this August he said the pandemic 'brings out the best of people and the worst of people'. 

'I wouldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams that people who object to things that are pure public health principles are so set against it and don't like what you and I say, namely in the world of science, that they actually threaten you,' he told Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

'Getting death threats for me and my family and harassing my daughters to the point where I have to get security, it's amazing.'

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PICTURED: Dr. Fauci, 79, and his wife flanked by body guards while out walking after he receives death threats

Daily Mail

Dr. Anthony Fauci has to be accompanied on walks by federal agents after receiving death threats in response to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)博士因应对新冠病毒大流行而受到死亡威胁后,不得不由联邦特工陪同散步。


表示“两侧有”,英文解释为“If something is flanked by things, it has them on both sides of it, or sometimes on one side of it.”举个🌰:

The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees. 


The country's top infectious disease expert lives in Washington D.C. and was seen accompanied by the security detail in an episode of 60 Minutes, where it was revealed he must resort to power walking with them due to the harassment his family has received.



表示“分遣队”,英文解释为“A detail of people such as soldiers or prisoners is a small group of them who have been given a special task to carry out.”如:a sergeant with a detail of four men. 1个带4人分遣队的中士。

resort to

表示“诉诸;求助于;依靠”,英文解释为“to make use of sth, especially sth bad, as a means of achieving sth, often because there is no other possible solution”举个🌰:

They felt obliged to resort to violence.



harassment /ˈhəræsmənt, ˈhærəs-/ 表示“骚扰;烦恼”,英文解释为“Harassment is behaviour which is intended to trouble or annoy someone, for example repeated attacks on them or attempts to cause them problems.”举个🌰:

Another survey found that 51 percent of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment in their working lives.


Fauci's wife Dr. Christine Grady told the show that it frustrates her husband how 'the same message has to sort of be reiterated over and over again because either people don't hear it, or they don't believe it, or they don't adopt it,' and now their children are having to deal with the repercussions.

福奇的妻子克里斯汀·格雷迪(Christine Grady)博士表示,这让她的丈夫感到沮丧,‘同样的信息必须一遍又一遍地重申,因为要么人们没有听到它,要么不相信它,要么不采用它,’现在他们的孩子不得不面对由此带来的影响。


表示“反复地说;重申”,英文解释为“to repeat sth that you have already said, especially to emphasize it”举个🌰:

Let me reiterate that we are fully committed to this policy.



repercussion /ˌriːpəˈkʌʃən/表示“(间接的)影响,反响,恶果”,英文解释为“an indirect and usually bad result of an action or event that may happen some time afterwards”举个🌰:

The collapse of the company will have repercussions for the whole industry.


'That's sad. The very fact that a public health message to save lives triggers such venom and animosity to me that it results in real and credible threats to my life and my safety,' Dr. Fauci, 79, told interviewer Dr. Jon LaPook on the CBS show.

‘这是可悲的。事实是,一个拯救生命的公共卫生信息对我来说引发了这样的仇恨和敌意,导致我的生命和安全受到真真切切的威胁,’79岁的福奇博士在CBS节目中告诉采访者乔恩·拉普克(Jon LaPook)博士。


表示“发动;引起;触发”,英文解释为“to make sth happen suddenly”举个🌰:

Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.



📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。

venom /ˈvɛnəm/

1)表示“怨恨”,英文解释为“You can use venom to refer to someone's feelings of great bitterness and anger toward someone.”举个🌰:

He reserved particular venom for critics of his policy.


2)表示“(蛇或蜘蛛等分泌的)毒液”,英文解释为“The venom of a creature such as a snake or spider is the poison that it puts into your body when it bites or stings you.”如:snake handlers who grow immune to snake venom 对蛇毒产生免疫力的训蛇者们。


animosity /ˌænɪˈmɒsɪtɪ/表示“仇恨;愤怒;敌意;憎恶”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of opposition, anger or hatred”,举个🌰:

He felt no animosity towards his critics.


'But it bothers me less than the hassling of my wife and my children.'



hassle /ˈhæsəl/ 表示“烦扰”,英文解释为“If someone hassles you, they cause problems for you, often by repeatedly telling you or asking you to do something, in an annoying way.”举个🌰:

Then my husband started hassling me.


The couple have three adult daughters; Jennifer, 34, Megan, 31, and Alison, 28.


Dr. Fauci explained that the death threats have been for 'mostly me' but Dr. Grady added that there has been 'harassment against all of us.'


Confirming that his other relatives have been threatened, Dr. Fauci responded: 'Yes. I mean, like, give me a break.'


give sb a break

1)表示“给…一些休息时间;让…有机会搁下日常的活动或工作”,英文解释为“to allow someone some time away from their work or regular activities”举个🌰:

I babysit every Friday to give her a break.


2)表示“停止批评…;饶恕…”,英文解释为“to stop criticizing or annoying someone, or behaving in an unpleasant way”举个🌰:

Give her a break - she's only a child and she didn't mean any harm.


A point of contention with the American public has been mask-wearing.



1)可数名词,表示“(辩论或讨论中表达的)观点”,英文解释为“Someone's contention is the idea or opinion that they are expressing in an argument or discussion.”举个🌰:

It is my contention that death and murder always lurk as potentials in violent relationships.


2)不可数名词,表示“争论”,英文解释为“If something is a cause of contention, it is a cause of disagreement or argument.”举个🌰:

His case has become a source of contention between civil liberties activists and the government.


At the start of the pandemic when medical professionals were running short on PPE, experts said the general public need not routinely wear masks.


However, once researchers discovered that coronavirus was contagious even from the asymptomatic, face coverings were increasingly encouraged.



contagious /kən'teɪdʒəs/ 1) 表示“(疾病)接触传染的”,英文解释为“A disease that is contagious can be caught by touching people or things that are infected with it.”

2) 表示“(感情、态度、行动)富于感染力的,会蔓延的”,英文解释为“If a feeling, attitude, or action is contagious, other people are quickly affected by it and begin to have it or do it”,如:her contagious enthusiasm 她那富有感染力的热情。


asymptomatic /æˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk/ 表示“无症状的”,英文解释为“If someone with a disease is asymptomatic, it means that they do not show any symptoms of the disease.”

President Trump has questioned Fauci's credibility while former Vice President Joe Biden has defended the advice being altered as experts learned new information.



表示“可信性”,英文解释为“If someone or something has credibility, people believe in them and trust them.”举个🌰:

The police have lost their credibility.



表示“为…争辩;保护,防卫;为…辩护”,英文解释为“If you defend someone or something when they have been criticized, you argue in support of them.”举个🌰:

He vigorously defended his point of view.


'So let's see if we could put this to rest once and for all,' Fauci added on 60 Minutes.


once and for all

表示“最终地;最后地;彻底地;一次了结地”,英文解释为“now and for the last time; finally or completely”举个🌰:

We need to settle this once and for all.


'It became clear that cloth coverings, things like this here, and not necessarily a surgical mask or an N95, cloth coverings, work.


'So now there's no longer a shortage of masks. Number two, meta-analysis studies show that, contrary to what we thought, masks really do work in preventing infection.'



A meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies. Meta-analysis can be performed when there are multiple scientific studies addressing the same question, with each individual study reporting measurements that are expected to have some degree of error.(Wikipedia)


During a live stream with CNN this August he said the pandemic 'brings out the best of people and the worst of people'.


'I wouldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams that people who object to things that are pure public health principles are so set against it and don't like what you and I say, namely in the world of science, that they actually threaten you,' he told Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

‘我做梦都不会想到,那些反对纯属公共卫生原则的东西的人是如此的反对,不喜欢你我说的话,即在科学的世界里,他们实际上是在威胁你,’他告诉古普塔(Sanjay Gupta)博士。

'Getting death threats for me and my family and harassing my daughters to the point where I have to get security, it's amazing.'







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