

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)在面向英国工业联合会(C



‘Embarrassing’: Boris Johnson criticised for rambling speech to CBI

The Guardian

Boris Johnson has been criticised by senior business leaders and Conservative MPs for a “rambling” speech to top industry figures that saw him extensively praise Peppa Pig World, compare himself to Moses and imitate the noise of an accelerating car.

The prime minister's sprawling address to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) was accused of lacking seriousness and professionalism. Johnson lost his place during the speech and spent 20 seconds repeating “forgive me” as he shuffled the printed pages on his podium.

Some hoped the speech would be a chance for Johnson to announce proper policy in the pursuit of his “levelling up” agenda. However, the speech at the Port of Tyne near South Shields only contained an announcement about changing building regulations to ensure all new homes and buildings in England have electric vehicle charging points installed from next year.

One of Johnson's lengthier tangents was about his recent trip to Hampshire's Peppa Pig World – an amusement park dedicated to a children's cartoon character, which he opined on in an apparent dig at civil servants and the BBC.

He said that “the true driver of growth is not the government”, but the private sector, whose energy and originality the prime minister praised. To illustrate this, he explained: “Yesterday I went, as we all must, to Peppa Pig World. Hands up if you’ve been to Peppa Pig World!

“I loved it. Peppa Pig World is very much my kind of place. It has very safe streets, discipline in schools, heavy emphasis on new mass transit systems. Even if they’re a bit stereotypical about Daddy Pig.”

Johnson explained that the “real lesson” he learned on the visit was that the popularity of the main character – who he said resembled a “Picasso-like hairdryer” – was evidence of “the power of UK creativity”. Johnson said the TV show “was rejected by the BBC and has now been exported to 180 countries” and now worth £6bn. “I think that is pure genius, don’t you? No government in the world, no Whitehall civil servant, would conceivably have come up with Peppa.”

Johnson also imitated the sound of an accelerating car with grunts that the official Downing Street release transcribed as “arum arum aaaaaaaaag”. He also compared himself to Moses over his plan to help business invest in tackling climate change. The prime minister said: “I said to my officials the new 10 commandments were that ‘Thou shalt develop industries like offshore wind, hydrogen, nuclear power and carbon capture.’”

However, senior business figures and some Tory MPs were deeply unimpressed. One senior backbencher said it was a “mess”, while another told the Guardian: “I thought today’s performance was the most embarrassing by a Conservative prime minister since last week’s PMQs. Someone needs to get a grip. He is losing the confidence of the party.”

Juergen Maier, vice-chair of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership and a former chief executive of Siemens, told the Guardian it was a “failed speech”. He said the speech was a “massive opportunity” after an absence of detail about levelling up in recent months.

But he said: “It was a flop. It was a ramble. There was lots of disjointed initiatives, some that obviously had no relevance at all … As a businessperson passionate about reindustrialising the north, it was just a huge disappointment.”

Kitty Ussher, of business leaders' group the Institute of Directors, said Johnson’s speech offered little to inspire confidence and was “inappropriate” in places. “What business leaders want more than anything is a calm and reassuring macroeconomic environment that gives them the confidence to invest for the future. We haven’t seen much of that in the reporting of the prime minister’s speech.”

Two other business figures who were in the audience for the speech said they were surprised by Johnson’s promotion of Peppa Pig World, which is located more than 300 miles from the Port of Tyne where the speech was held.

“It was interesting that he asked a group of business leaders in the north-east if they have travelled six hours down the road to Peppa Pig World and then talk about levelling up,” said Michael Stirrup, chief executive of IT consultancy Waterstons.

“I wasn’t expecting a Peppa Pig reference,” said Neil Whittaker, director of marketing and communications at national training firm Learning Curve Group. “He seemed to lose his way quite a bit.”

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‘Embarrassing’: Boris Johnson criticised for rambling speech to CBI

The Guardian

Boris Johnson has been criticised by senior business leaders and Conservative MPs for a “rambling” speech to top industry figures that saw him extensively praise Peppa Pig World, compare himself to Moses and imitate the noise of an accelerating car.

鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)被高级商业领袖和保守党议员批评,因为他在对行业高层人士的演讲中“不知所云”,大加赞扬小猪佩奇世界(Peppa Pig World主题乐园,将自己比作摩西(Moses),并模仿汽车加速的声音。


表示“(英国)保守党的”,英文解释为“belonging to or supporting the British political party that traditionally supports business and opposes high taxes and government involvement in industry”如:the Conservative Party 保守党。


Member of Parliament的缩写,表示“议员”,英文解释为“a person who has been elected to represent the people of a particular area in a parliament”。


rambling /ˈræmblɪŋ/ 表示“杂乱无章的;冗长芜杂的;漫无边际的”,英文解释为“too long and confused”如:a long rambling speech 冗长而不着边际的讲话

🎬电影《像男人一样思考》(Think Like a Man)中的台词提到:I'm rambling, I do that when I get nervous. 我又乱说话了 我紧张时就会这样。

📍下文出现名词:ramble表示“杂乱无章的长篇大论”(a long confused speech or piece of writing)举个🌰:
She went into a long ramble about the evils of television.


表示“模仿,仿效”,英文解释为“to behave in a similar way to someone or something else, or to copy the speech or behaviour, etc. of someone or something”。


📍mock表示“嘲笑;(为了取笑)模仿”,英文解释为“If someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you, or by imitating your behaviour.”举个🌰:

I thought you were mocking me.


🎬电影《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)中的台词提到:If you need to mock somebody, mock me. 如果你们要嘲弄什么人,嘲弄我。

The prime minister's sprawling address to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) was accused of lacking seriousness and professionalism. Johnson lost his place during the speech and spent 20 seconds repeating “forgive me” as he shuffled the printed pages on his podium.



字面意思表示“蔓延的;杂乱无序伸展的”,英文解释为“spreading out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way;existing or reaching over a large area”。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述腾讯游戏业务的文章中提到:Yet the way it operates its sprawling empire may provide it with cover. 不过,腾讯管理自己庞杂帝国的方式可能为它提供了掩护。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述Google的文章中提到:The archetype for this approach is GE in its heyday under Jack Welch, who persuaded shareholders that sprawling businesses could work well, provided they were run by expert managers.这种方法的原型是杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)领导下的全盛时期的GE。韦尔奇让股东们相信,假如那些庞杂的业务由职业经理人来管理,就能很好地运作。


表示“同盟,联盟”,英文解释为“an organization consisting of different groups of people working together for business or political reasons”

lose one's place

指的是“找不到上次读到的地方了”,英文解释为“to fail to keep track of the particular point that one has reached in a book, magazine, etc.”举个🌰:

She dropped the magazine on the floor and lost her place.



shuffle /ˈʃʌfl/ 1)表示“把…搬来搬去;把…移来移去”,英文解释为“to move similar things from one position or place to another, often to give an appearance of activity when nothing useful is being done”举个🌰:

She shuffled her papers nervously on her desk.


2)表示“(因不舒服或尴尬)站着的脚来回挪动;坐立不安”,英文解释为“If you shuffle around, you move your feet about while standing or you move your bottom about while sitting, often because you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.”举个🌰:

He shuffles around in his chair.



表示“讲台;讲坛;(乐队的)指挥台”,英文解释为“a small platform that a person stands on when giving a speech or conducting an orchestra , etc.”


📍区分lectern, podium, dais, rostrum:

A lectern is the stand on which the speaker's notes are placed, the podium is the platform on which the speaker and lectern stand, a dais is a platform for several people, and a rostrum is a platform for one or more.

Some hoped the speech would be a chance for Johnson to announce proper policy in the pursuit of his “levelling up” agenda. However, the speech at the Port of Tyne near South Shields only contained an announcement about changing building regulations to ensure all new homes and buildings in England have electric vehicle charging points installed from next year.

一些人希望这次演讲能成为约翰逊宣布得当的政策以实现其“升级”议程的机会。然而,在南希尔兹(South Shields)附近的泰恩港(Port of Tyne)的演讲只提到了一个关于改变建筑法规的公告,以确保从明年起英格兰所有新住宅和建筑都安装电动汽车充电点。

levelling up

“升级(leveling up)”议程是约翰逊政府今年推出的一项政策,旨在促进脱欧后经济增长、缩小地区差距和维护国家统一。

Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech on the policy on 15 July 2021. Johnson included social and quality of life issues such as fighting gang crime, obesity, mental health, uneven life-expectancy and excessive elective surgery waiting time within the levelling up agenda.



表示“安装”,英文解释为“to put furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position and make it ready to use”举个🌰:

The plumber is coming tomorrow to install the new washing machine.


One of Johnson's lengthier tangents was about his recent trip to Hampshire's Peppa Pig World – an amusement park dedicated to a children's cartoon character, which he opined on in an apparent dig at civil servants and the BBC.



1)表示“切线;正切”,英文解释为“a straight line that touches the outside of a curve but does not cross it;the ratio of the length of the side opposite an angle in a right-angled triangle to the length of the side next to it”

2)另外还有一个含义,表示“截然不同的一种想法或行为”,常见短语:go off on a tangent 表示“突然离题;突然离开原来的思路”(to suddenly start talking or thinking about a completely new subject)。


表示“认为;发表意见”,英文解释为“to express an opinion”举个🌰:

He opined that his work on radioactive substances would be of little or no practical use.



表示“奚落,取笑,嘲笑”,英文解释为“a remark that is intended to criticize, embarrass, or make a joke about someone”举个🌰:

He's always taking digs/a dig at me.


He said that “the true driver of growth is not the government”, but the private sector, whose energy and originality the prime minister praised. To illustrate this, he explained: “Yesterday I went, as we all must, to Peppa Pig World. Hands up if you’ve been to Peppa Pig World!


“I loved it. Peppa Pig World is very much my kind of place. It has very safe streets, discipline in schools, heavy emphasis on new mass transit systems. Even if they’re a bit stereotypical about Daddy Pig.”



表示“老一套的;陈规的;模式化的;成见的”,英文解释为“A stereotypical idea of a type of person or thing is a fixed general idea that a lot of people have about it, that may be false in many cases.”举个🌰:

Customers are tired of the stereotypical, fast-talking salesperson.


Johnson explained that the “real lesson” he learned on the visit was that the popularity of the main character – who he said resembled a “Picasso-like hairdryer” – was evidence of “the power of UK creativity”. Johnson said the TV show “was rejected by the BBC and has now been exported to 180 countries” and now worth £6bn. “I think that is pure genius, don’t you? No government in the world, no Whitehall civil servant, would conceivably have come up with Peppa.”



表示“看起来像;显得像;像”,英文解释为“to look like or be similar to another person or thing”举个🌰:

So many hotels resemble each other.



表示“白厅;英国政府”,英文解释为“the British civil service (= officials employed to perform the work of the British government)”



Johnson also imitated the sound of an accelerating car with grunts that the official Downing Street release transcribed as “arum arum aaaaaaaaag”. He also compared himself to Moses over his plan to help business invest in tackling climate change. The prime minister said: “I said to my officials the new 10 commandments were that ‘Thou shalt develop industries like offshore wind, hydrogen, nuclear power and carbon capture.’”

约翰逊还模仿了汽车加速的声音,英国首相府唐宁街(Downing Street)的官方新闻稿将其转录为“arum arum aaaaaaag”。他还把自己比作摩西,因为他计划帮助企业投资解决气候变化问题。首相说:“我对我的官员说,新的十条戒律是‘你应该发展海上风电、氢能、核能和碳捕获等产业。’”


grunt /ɡrʌnt/ 表示“哼声;咕哝声;嘟哝声;(尤指猪的)呼噜声”,英文解释为“a short, low sound made by a person or an animal (especially a pig)”如:to give a grunt of effort/pain 发出费力/痛苦的哼声。


表示“转录(为另一种书写形式)”,英文解释为“to change a piece of writing or music into another form, for example into a different writing system or into music for different instruments”。


表示“诫条(尤指《圣经》中上帝给犹太人的十诫之一)”,英文解释为“a law given by God, especially any of the Ten Commandments given to the Jews in the Bible”。

thou shalt

相当于you shall,表示“你应”。

However, senior business figures and some Tory MPs were deeply unimpressed. One senior backbencher said it was a “mess”, while another told the Guardian: “I thought today’s performance was the most embarrassing by a Conservative prime minister since last week’s PMQs. Someone needs to get a grip. He is losing the confidence of the party.

然而,高级商业人士和一些保守党议员对其印象极差。一位资深后座议员说这是“一团糟”,而另一位则告诉《卫报》(The Guardian):“我认为今天的表现是自上周的首相问答以来保守党首相最尴尬的一次。某人需要控制一下自己。他正在失去党内的信任。”


表示“(英国议会的)普通议员,后座议员”,英文解释为“a member of the UK parliament who does not have any official position in the government or in one of the opposing parties”。

get a grip (on yourself)

表示“控制自己的感情,使自己镇定下来”,英文解释为“to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly”举个🌰:

I just think he ought to get a grip on himself - he's behaving like a child.


Juergen Maier, vice-chair of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership and a former chief executive of Siemens, told the Guardian it was a “failed speech”. He said the speech was a “massive opportunity” after an absence of detail about levelling up in recent months.

“北方动力”合伙人计划(Northern Powerhouse Partnership)副主席、西门子前首席执行官尤尔根·迈尔(Juergen Maier)告诉《卫报》,这是一次“失败的演讲”。他说,因近几个月缺少关于“升级”议程的细节,这次演讲(本)是一次“大机会”(宣布)。

But he said: “It was a flop. It was a ramble. There was lots of disjointed initiatives, some that obviously had no relevance at all … As a businessperson passionate about reindustrialising the north, it was just a huge disappointment.”



表示“(产品、戏剧、想法等因无人喜欢而)失败,砸锅”,英文解释为“if something such as a product, play, or idea flops, it is not successful because people do not like it”。


表示“(尤指词语或想法)不连贯的,没有条理的,杂乱无章的”,英文解释为“(especially of words or ideas) not well connected or well ordered 举个🌰:

The script was disjointed and hard to follow.


Kitty Ussher, of business leaders' group the Institute of Directors, said Johnson’s speech offered little to inspire confidence and was “inappropriate” in places. “What business leaders want more than anything is a calm and reassuring macroeconomic environment that gives them the confidence to invest for the future. We haven’t seen much of that in the reporting of the prime minister’s speech.”

商业领袖团体“董事学会”(the Institute of Directors)的姬蒂·厄谢尔(Kitty Ussher)说,约翰逊的演讲没有提供什么鼓舞人心的东西,有些地方是“不合适的”。“企业领导人最想要的是一个稳定且令人放心的宏观经济环境,让他们有信心为未来投资。在对首相讲话的报道中,我们没有看到多少这样的内容。”


表示“令人感到宽慰的;使人安心的;使人放心的”,英文解释为“making you feel less worried”举个🌰:

He smiled at me in a reassuring way.


Two other business figures who were in the audience for the speech said they were surprised by Johnson’s promotion of Peppa Pig World, which is located more than 300 miles from the Port of Tyne where the speech was held.


“It was interesting that he asked a group of business leaders in the north-east if they have travelled six hours down the road to Peppa Pig World and then talk about levelling up,” said Michael Stirrup, chief executive of IT consultancy Waterstons.

IT咨询公司Waterstons的首席执行官迈克尔·斯特拉普(Michael Stirrup)说:“有意思的是,他问东北部的一群商业领袖,他们是否已经花了六个小时去了小猪佩奇世界,然后又谈起了“升级”战略。”

“I wasn’t expecting a Peppa Pig reference,” said Neil Whittaker, director of marketing and communications at national training firm Learning Curve Group. “He seemed to lose his way quite a bit.”

全国性培训公司Learning Curve Group的营销和传播总监尼尔·惠特克(Neil Whittaker)说:“我没有想到会提到小猪佩奇。他似乎有点迷失方向。”









- 那年今日 -

2020 必胜客推出巨型“披萨毯”

2019 韩国歌手具荷拉在家中死亡

2018 制止暴力侵害妇女行为国际日

2017 红黄蓝CEO的致歉你接受吗

2016 奥巴马的最后一个感恩节讲话

2015 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Needs…


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