

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据澳大利亚七号台新闻报道,近日,英国航空工程师理查德·戈弗雷(Richard Godfrey)称其使用一项革命性跟踪技术发现了马来西亚航空370客机。



MH370 expert claims to have found exact spot where doomed plane crashed

New York Post

A British engineer says he is “very confident” he has found the exact spot where MH370 crashed.

The missing Malaysian Airlines plane vanished in 2014 with 239 onboard en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.

Richard Godfrey has been using new tracking technology in a bid to solve one of the greatest aviation mysteries in history.

He claims the system using radio signals acting like “tripwires” has helped him locate the jet which he says lies 13,000ft below the surface of the ocean.

Godfrey says the plane is about 1,200 miles west of Perth, Australia lying at the base of what is known as the Broken Ridge – an underwater plateau with a volcano and ravines in the south-eastern Indian Ocean.

He sensationally told Australia’s 7News he believes the crash happened after a “hijacking” which was an “act of terrorism” by pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

The Brit claims the pilot “decided to divert his aircraft and make it disappear in one of the remotest places in the world.”

The engineer said the new tracking system called Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) is like having a “bunch of tripwires that work in every direction over the horizon to the other side of the globe.”

Godfrey combined the new technology with satellite communications system data from the plane.

He said: “Together the two systems can be used to detect, identify and localize MH370 during its flight path into the Southern Indian Ocean.”

The Brit says he is “very confident” he has found the missing plane which he claims crashed at 8:19 am.

“We have quite a lot of data from the satellite, we have oceanography, drift analysis, we have the performance data from Boeing, and now this new technology,” he added.

“All four align with one particular point in the Indian Ocean.”

The Broken Ridge location was not in the original 2015 search area and was missed by just 28km by Ocean Infinity in 2018, reports say.

However, according to 7News, the area was part of the 2016 search.

Last month, Godfrey discussed claims that pilot Shah simulated a flight at home where he flew an aircraft into the Indian Ocean “to the point of fuel exhaustion.”

He said: “The analysis by Victor Iannello and Yves Guillaume of the Microsoft Flight simulator data found on Zaharie Shah’s extensive home flight computer set up is a smoking gun.

“Zaharie Shah simulated a single flight from Kuala Lumpur via the Malacca Strait to the point of fuel exhaustion in the southern Indian Ocean.”

Since 2014, 33 pieces of debris have been found in six countries – including South Africa and Madagascar – which experts believe proves the plane plunged into the Indian Ocean.

The last full-scale search for MH370 in 2018 by US robotics company Ocean Infinity – using unmanned underwater vehicles – covered nearly 50,000 square miles yet nothing was recovered.

Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) is now being used to accurately calculate the final location of the MH370 before it disappeared.

WSPR is a grid of radio signals which covers the globe allowing planes to be tracked as they set off invisible “digital tripwires” which reveal their position.

Extensive trials of new technology tracking historical data of radio signals bumping off planes have led experts to believe it could hone in on a more specific search area.

Godfrey compares the technology – set up in 2009 – to a web of invisible detectors that record movement among the clouds.

He told The Times: “Imagine crossing a prairie with invisible tripwires crossing the whole area and going back and forth across the length and breadth.”

“Each step you make you tread on particular tripwires and we can locate you at the intersection of the disturbed tripwires. We can track your path as you move across the prairie.”

After the news of the successful WSPR trials, the Ocean Infinity team has revealed they are open to resuming another search.

“We are always interested in resuming the search whether as a result of new information or new technology,” a spokesman said.

MH370 vanished from radar after taking off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport and took an unexplained U-turn from its planned flight path.

Seven years on, some investigators believe the plane’s captain made a series of zig-zagging movements to evade radar systems.

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MH370 expert claims to have found exact spot where doomed plane crashed

New York Post

A British engineer says he is “very confident” he has found the exact spot where MH370 crashed.



表示“注定失败(或灭亡、毁灭)的”,英文解释为“certain to fail, die, or be destroyed”举个🌰:

This is a doomed place.


The missing Malaysian Airlines plane vanished in 2014 with 239 onboard en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.

这架失踪的马来西亚航空公司飞机于2014年在从吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)飞往北京的途中消失,机上有239人。


表示“(尤指突然)消失,灭绝”,英文解释为“to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way”举个🌰:

The child vanished while on her way home from school.


en route

法语,表示“在途中;在路上”,英文解释为“on the way; while travelling from/to a particular place”,后接(from)...to...;for...,如:a plane en route for Hangzhou 在飞往杭州途中的飞机,举个🌰:

The bus broke down en route from Shanghai to Hangzhou.


Richard Godfrey has been using new tracking technology in a bid to solve one of the greatest aviation mysteries in history.

理查德·戈弗雷(Richard Godfrey)一直在采用新的追踪技术,以解决历史上最大的航空谜团之一。

He claims the system using radio signals acting like “tripwires” has helped him locate the jet which he says lies 13,000ft below the surface of the ocean.



表示“(爆炸装置、枪炮的)引爆线,拉发线;(捕兽装置的)绊索,绊网‍”,英文解释为“a wire stretched low above the ground that operates an explosive device, a gun, or a device for catching animals when it is touched by the foot of a person or animal”。

据维基百科:A tripwire is a passive triggering mechanism. Typically, a wire or cord is attached to some device for detecting or reacting to physical movement.

Godfrey says the plane is about 1,200 miles west of Perth, Australia lying at the base of what is known as the Broken Ridge – an underwater plateau with a volcano and ravines in the south-eastern Indian Ocean.

戈弗雷说,飞机在澳大利亚珀斯以西约1200英里处,位于所谓的布罗肯海岭(Broken Bidge)的底部--印度洋东南部的一个有火山和峡谷的水下高原。


plateau /ˈplætəʊ/ 表示“高原‍”,英文解释为“A plateau is a large area of high and fairly flat land.”

He sensationally told Australia’s 7News he believes the crash happened after a “hijacking” which was an “act of terrorism” by pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

他激动地告诉澳大利亚七号台新闻,他认为坠机是机长扎哈里·艾哈迈德·沙阿(Zaharie Ahmad Shah)的“劫持”之后发生的,这是一种“恐怖主义行为”。


表示“极有趣地;极精彩地”,英文解释为“in an extremely interesting or exciting way举个🌰:

The show ended sensationally with fireworks.



表示“劫持(飞机、轮船、车辆等);劫持事件”,英文解释为“the crime of using force or threats to take control of an aircraft, ship, car, etc., or an occasion when this happens”。

The Brit claims the pilot “decided to divert his aircraft and make it disappear in one of the remotest places in the world.”


The engineer said the new tracking system called Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) is like having a “bunch of tripwires that work in every direction over the horizon to the other side of the globe.”

这位工程师说,名为弱信号传播报告器(Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, WSPR)的新追踪系统就像拥有“一堆绊网,在地球的另一端的地平线上的各个方向发挥作用。”

Godfrey combined the new technology with satellite communications system data from the plane.


He said: “Together the two systems can be used to detect, identify and localize MH370 during its flight path into the Southern Indian Ocean.”


The Brit says he is “very confident” he has found the missing plane which he claims crashed at 8:19 am.


“We have quite a lot of data from the satellite, we have oceanography, drift analysis, we have the performance data from Boeing, and now this new technology,” he added.



表示“海洋学”,英文解释为“the scientific study of the sea”。

“All four align with one particular point in the Indian Ocean.”



1)表示“排整齐;校准;(尤指)使成一条直线”,英文解释为“to arrange sth in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to sth else, especially in a straight line”举个🌰:

Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard.


2)表示“使一致”,英文解释为“to change sth slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to sth else”举个🌰:

Prices have been aligned with those in world markets.


The Broken Ridge location was not in the original 2015 search area and was missed by just 28km by Ocean Infinity in 2018, reports say.

报道称,布罗肯海岭的位置不在最初的2015年搜索区域内,2018年,与海洋无限(Ocean Infinity)公司搜索区域仅差28公里。

However, according to 7News, the area was part of the 2016 search.


Last month, Godfrey discussed claims that pilot Shah simulated a flight at home where he flew an aircraft into the Indian Ocean “to the point of fuel exhaustion.”



表示“模拟”,英文解释为“If you simulate a set of conditions, you create them artificially, for example, in order to conduct an experiment.”举个🌰:

The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate. 


He said: “The analysis by Victor Iannello and Yves Guillaume of the Microsoft Flight simulator data found on Zaharie Shah’s extensive home flight computer set up is a smoking gun.

他说,“维克多·扬内洛(Victor Iannello)和伊夫·纪尧姆(Yves Guillaume)对在扎哈里·沙阿(Zaharie Shah)的大量家庭飞行电脑装置上发现的微软飞行模拟器数据的分析是确凿的罪证。”

smoking gun

表示“确凿的罪证”,英文解释为“information that proves who committed a crime”举个🌰:

The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.


Zaharie Shah simulated a single flight from Kuala Lumpur via the Malacca Strait to the point of fuel exhaustion in the southern Indian Ocean.”

“扎哈里·沙阿模拟了一次从吉隆坡经马六甲海峡(the Malacca Strait)到南印度洋燃料耗尽的飞行。”

Since 2014, 33 pieces of debris have been found in six countries – including South Africa and Madagascar – which experts believe proves the plane plunged into the Indian Ocean.

自2014年以来,在六个国家--包括南非(South Africa)和马达加斯加(Madagascar)--发现了33块碎片,专家认为这些碎片证明飞机坠入了印度洋。


表示“残渣;垃圾;废弃物”,英文解释为“pieces of material that are not wanted and rubbish/garbage that are left somewhere”举个🌰:

Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.



表示“(使)(某人或某物)骤然移动,骤然下降”,英文解释为“to (cause someone or something to) move or fall suddenly and often a long way forward, down, or into something”举个🌰:

We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea.


The last full-scale search for MH370 in 2018 by US robotics company Ocean Infinity – using unmanned underwater vehicles – covered nearly 50,000 square miles yet nothing was recovered.

美国机器人公司海洋无限(Ocean Infinity)在2018年对MH370进行的最后一次全面搜索--使用无人驾驶的水下飞行器--覆盖了近5万平方英里,却没有找到任何东西。

Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) is now being used to accurately calculate the final location of the MH370 before it disappeared.


WSPR is a grid of radio signals which covers the globe allowing planes to be tracked as they set off invisible “digital tripwires” which reveal their position.


Extensive trials of new technology tracking historical data of radio signals bumping off planes have led experts to believe it could hone in on a more specific search area.


hone in on

表示“专注于;专找...”,英文解释为“to find and go directly toward (someone or something); to give all your attention to something”举个🌰:

The missile was honing in on its target.


Godfrey compares the technology – set up in 2009 – to a web of invisible detectors that record movement among the clouds.


He told The Times: “Imagine crossing a prairie with invisible tripwires crossing the whole area and going back and forth across the length and breadth.”

他告诉《泰晤士报》(The Times),“想象一下,穿过一片大草原时,无形的绊网横穿整个地区,到处来回穿梭。”


prairie /ˈpreri/ 表示“(加拿大和美国北部的)大草原”,英文解释为“a wide area of flat land without trees in Canada and the northern US”。

the length and breadth

表示“四处,到处,遍及”,英文解释为“If you travel the length and breadth of a place, you go to every part of it.”举个🌰:

She travelled the length and breadth of China looking for her missing brother.


“Each step you make you tread on particular tripwires and we can locate you at the intersection of the disturbed tripwires. We can track your path as you move across the prairie.”



表示“踩;踏”,英文解释为“to put your foot on something or to press something down with your foot”举个🌰:

I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing.


After the news of the successful WSPR trials, the Ocean Infinity team has revealed they are open to resuming another search.



表示“(中断后)继续,重新开始”,英文解释为“If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause.”举个🌰:

Normal services will be resumed in the spring.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情之下学生上课问题的文章中提到复课就用的resume classes:As well as letting final-year secondary-school students facing exams resume classes, Denmark has also begun to reopen crèches and primary schools. 丹麦除了让面临毕业考试的中学毕业班复课外,还开始逐步重开幼儿园和小学。

“We are always interested in resuming the search whether as a result of new information or new technology,” a spokesman said.


MH370 vanished from radar after taking off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport and took an unexplained U-turn from its planned flight path.

马航MH370在从吉隆坡国际机场(Kuala Lumpur International Airport)起飞后从雷达上消失,并在计划的飞行路线上不明不白地转了个弯。

Seven years on, some investigators believe the plane’s captain made a series of zig-zagging movements to evade radar systems.



zigzag /ˈzɪɡˌzæɡ/ 作动词,表示“呈之字形移动,曲折行进”,英文解释为“to make a movement or shape like a zigzag”举个🌰:

The road zigzags along a rocky coastline.










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