

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Chinese actor Deng Lun fined 106 million yuan for tax evasion

Adapted from Reuters

Chinese actor Deng Lun has been fined 106 million yuan ($16.65 million) for tax evasion, tax authorities said on Tuesday.

Deng was fined for evading 47.65 million yuan in personal income tax and other offences in 2019 and 2020, according to the tax bureau in Shanghai.

Tax evasion, an age-old practice among China's celebrities, had already sunk the career of several well-known figures in the entertainment industry.

China's "queen of livestreaming" was reported to be under investigation for personal tax evasion last year and was fined 1.34 billion yuan ($210 million). Her livestreaming service has since been closed.

Meet Deng Lun, star of Netflix’s Ashes of Love


While many might not have heard of him yet, the 1992-born star is no stranger to fame and stylish fashion campaigns – here’s everything you need to know about the rising star.

He is one of China’s top young actors

Born in Shijiazhuang in Hebei province, the young actor worked very hard to be where he is today, and has confessed that he failed many auditions along the way. He gained mainstream popularity after Flowers in Fog (2013) and worked hardest during 2015 and 2016 – he once didn’t sleep for more than 50 hours straight once, he told the Who’s the Keyman variety show.

His hard work paid off and he then appeared in a string of successful series: White Deer Plain in 2017, Because of Meeting You and Ashes of Love in 2018, before starring in 2019’s My True Friend opposite Angelababy.

Deng’s shows are among the most watched on Chinese television and streaming sites. His most successful show, Ashes of Love – available on Netflix – has reportedly reached over 15 billion views.

Not only is he a gifted actor, Deng is also known for his singing capability. He has lent his voice to the soundtracks for Ashes of Love, Sweet Dreams and Ode to Joy 2. In a typical year, Deng can star in two to three Chinese dramas and many variety shows – he was seen in six variety shows in 2020 alone.

In 2020, he starred in his first feature film The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity, which grossed over US$68 million at the worldwide box office, according to the Box Office Mojo website.

He is from a military family

Deng graduated from the performance department of Shanghai Theatre Academy, one of China’s most prestigious universities, in 2011. His school’s notable alumni include iconic actress Fan Bingbing and Tong Dawei.

Some fans assumed that Deng Lun was born wealthy, but he is actually from a military family. According to multiple reports, both of his parents were soldiers and many of his elder family members also served. In an interview with Sohu Video, Deng said that he grew up with his grandparents and would spend most of his free time with his grandmother even now. “I would just watch TV with my grandma, sit and chat with her. I feel very blessed and happy in doing so,” he said.

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Chinese actor Deng Lun fined 106 million yuan for tax evasion

Adapted from Reuters

Chinese actor Deng Lun has been fined 106 million yuan ($16.65 million) for tax evasion, tax authorities said on Tuesday.



作名词,表示「罚款」,作动词,表示“处…以罚款,处…以罚金”,英文解释为“to charge someone an amount of money as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law”举个🌰:

Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.



表示“躲避;规避;逃避;回避”,英文解释为“the act of avoiding sb or of avoiding sth that you are supposed to do”举个🌰:

His behaviour was an evasion of his responsibilities as a father.



表示“官方机构;当局;官方;当权者”,英文解释为“a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity”如:the health authority 卫生当局。

Deng was fined for evading 47.65 million yuan in personal income tax and other offences in 2019 and 2020, according to the tax bureau in Shanghai.



表示“犯罪行为;罪行”,英文解释为“an illegal act; a crime”如:a serious/minor offence 重/轻罪。


bureau /ˈbjʊərəʊ/ 1)表示“(政府部门的)局,处,科”,英文解释为“a government organization”如:the Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局。

2)表示“(搜集或提供信息的)办事处,办公室,机构”,英文解释为“an organization or a business that collects or provides information”举个🌰:Her disappearance was reported to the police department's Missing Persons Bureau.


Tax evasion, an age-old practice among China's celebrities, had already sunk the career of several well-known figures in the entertainment industry.



表示“古老的;由来已久的”,英文解释为“very old”如:an age-old story of love and betrayal 关于爱和背叛的古老故事。


表示“使失败;使陷入麻烦”,英文解释为“to cause something to fail or be in trouble”举个🌰:

This rain could sink our plans for the barbecue.


China's "queen of livestreaming" was reported to be under investigation for personal tax evasion last year and was fined 1.34 billion yuan ($210 million). Her livestreaming service has since been closed.



livestream/live-stream 表示“互联网直播,线上直播,流直播”,英文解释为“to broadcast video and sound of an event over the internet as it happens, or to be broadcast in this way”。

Meet Deng Lun, star of Netflix’s Ashes of Love


While many might not have heard of him yet, the 1992-born star is no stranger to fame and stylish fashion campaigns – here’s everything you need to know about the rising star.


be no stranger to

表示“熟悉,对…毫不陌生”,英文解释为“to be familiar with a particular experience or activity”举个🌰:

He is no stranger to hard work.



表示“气派的;格调优雅的”,英文解释为“of a high quality in appearance, design, or behaviour”举个🌰:

The film's direction is subtle and stylish.


He is one of China’s top young actors 他是中国顶尖的年轻演员之一

Born in Shijiazhuang in Hebei province, the young actor worked very hard to be where he is today, and has confessed that he failed many auditions along the way. He gained mainstream popularity after Flowers in Fog (2013) and worked hardest during 2015 and 2016 – he once didn’t sleep for more than 50 hours straight once, he told the Who’s the Keyman variety show.

这位年轻的演员出生于河北省石家庄市,他非常努力才取得了今天的成就,他承认在这一过程中,有过很多试镜失败的经历。他在《我是大侦探》(Who’s the Keyman)综艺节目中透露,《花非花雾非雾》(2013年)之后他获得了大众的青睐,2015年和2016年的他更加努力--曾经有一次连续50多个小时没有睡觉。


表示“坦白;供认,招认;承认(错误或罪行)”,英文解释为“to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about”举个🌰:

She confessed to her husband that she had sold her wedding ring.



可以作名词,也可以动词,表示“试演;试唱;试音”,英文解释为“to take part in an audition”举个🌰:

She was auditioning for the role of Beth Ann.


We auditioned more than 100 dancers before deciding on Beth Ann.


variety show

表示“综艺节目”,英文解释为“a theatrical entertainment of successive separate performances (as of songs, dances, skits, and acrobatic feats)”.

His hard work paid off and he then appeared in a string of successful series: White Deer Plain in 2017, Because of Meeting You and Ashes of Love in 2018, before starring in 2019’s My True Friend opposite Angelababy.

他的努力得到了回报,随后他出演了一系列获得巨大成功的电视剧。2017年的《白鹿原》(White Deer Plain),2018年的《因为遇见你》(Because of Meeting You)和《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》(Ashes of Love),然后在2019年的《我的真朋友》(My True Friend)中与Angelababy搭档出演。

pay off

表示“取得成功,得到好结果”,英文解释为“If something you have done pays off, it is successful.”举个🌰:

All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam.



表示“一系列;一连串;一批”,英文解释为“a series of things or people that come closely one after another”如:a string of hits 接二连三的成功。


此处opposite为介词,通常用法:play/star/appear opposite sb,表示在影片中“和某人联袂主演,和某人演对手戏”,英文解释为“to act with someone in a film, especially as the two main characters”,如:a comedy in which he stars opposite Maggie Q 他和李美琪联袂主演的一部喜剧片。

Deng’s shows are among the most watched on Chinese television and streaming sites. His most successful show, Ashes of Love – available on Netflix – has reportedly reached over 15 billion views.


Not only is he a gifted actor, Deng is also known for his singing capability. He has lent his voice to the soundtracks for Ashes of Love, Sweet Dreams and Ode to Joy 2. In a typical year, Deng can star in two to three Chinese dramas and many variety shows – he was seen in six variety shows in 2020 alone.

邓伦不仅是一个有天赋的演员,还以其歌唱能力而闻名。他曾为《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》、《一千零一夜》(Sweet Dreams)和《欢乐颂2》(Ode to Joy 2)献唱主题曲。通常一年里,邓伦可以出演两到三部中国电视剧和许多综艺节目--仅在2020年,他就在六个综艺节目中出现。

In 2020, he starred in his first feature film The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity, which grossed over US$68 million at the worldwide box office, according to the Box Office Mojo website.

2020年,他主演了他的第一部电影《阴阳师:晴雅集》(The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity)。根据票房网站Mojo,该片的全球票房超过6800万美元。


gross可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“总收入为,总共赚得,获得…毛利”,英文解释为“to earn a particular amount of money before tax is paid or costs are taken away”举个🌰:

The film has grossed over $200 million this year.


🎬电影《皮克斯的故事》(The Pixar Story)中的台词提到:making it the new highest grossing animated film in history. 成为历史上最卖座的动画电影。

He is from a military family 他来自一个军人世家

Deng graduated from the performance department of Shanghai Theatre Academy, one of China’s most prestigious universities, in 2011. His school’s notable alumni include iconic actress Fan Bingbing and Tong Dawei.



prestigious /prɛˈstɪdʒəs/表示“有威望的,有声望的,有威信的”,英文解释为“A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people.”举个🌰:

It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.



表示“显要的;显著的;值得注意的”,英文解释为“important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting”如:a notable collection of rare plants 一批引人注目的奇花异草。


表示“偶像的;图符的;象征性的;非常出名的,受欢迎的”,英文解释为“An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something.”举个🌰:

He gained iconic status following his death.


Some fans assumed that Deng Lun was born wealthy, but he is actually from a military family. According to multiple reports, both of his parents were soldiers and many of his elder family members also served. In an interview with Sohu Video, Deng said that he grew up with his grandparents and would spend most of his free time with his grandmother even now. “I would just watch TV with my grandma, sit and chat with her. I feel very blessed and happy in doing so,” he said.



表示“假定,假设;臆断,想当然地认为”,英文解释为“to accept something to be true without question or proof”举个🌰:

I assumed (that) you knew each other because you went to the same school.










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