

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,奥斯卡颁奖典礼现场直播出现尴尬一幕。因妻子的脱发症被颁奖嘉宾克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)调侃,美国知名演员威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)走上台狠狠地给了洛克一个大耳光,并在台下怒吼两遍:Keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth!(别再用你的臭嘴提我妻子的名字!)




Will Smith hits Chris Rock after joke about his wife, Jada.

The New York Times

In an apparently unscripted moment that stunned viewers and audience members alike, Will Smith strode onstage and hit Chris Rock in the face after the comedian made a joke about the actor’s wife while presenting the best documentary award at the Oscars.

Rock joked that Smith’s wife, the actress Jada Pinkett Smith, was in “G.I. Jane 2,” seemingly a reference to her short-cropped hair. Pinkett Smith has said she has alopecia, a condition that leads to hair loss.

Smith yelled and cursed at Rock after returning to his seat, demanding that Rock not speak about his wife.

During the heated exchange, the telecast went silent on many screens, leaving confusion about what had happened and what had been said.

Rock, a presenter at the show, had been firing off jokes during a mini-monologue when he got around to actors and their spouses.

“Javier Bardem and his wife are both nominated,” Rock said. “Now, if she loses, he can’t win.”

“He is praying that Will Smith wins, like, please, lord,” Rock continued. “Jada, I love you. ‘G.I. Jane 2,’ can’t wait to see it, all right?”

The camera panned to Smith, who appeared initially to be smiling. But the joke drew a lukewarm reception, prompting Rock to add: “That was a nice one!”

Jada Pinkett Smith immediately rolled her eyes at the joke, and her husband was soon out of his seat. Smith walked down the runway toward the stage.

“Uh-oh,” Rock said. Smith approached, and hit Rock; the impact could be heard through his microphone.

Uncensored broadcasts of the telecast outside the United States showed that after being struck, Rock, trying to keep the mood light, acknowledged that Smith had “smacked” him, using an expletive to describe how hard he had been hit.

Back in his seat, Smith told Rock: “Keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth!”

Rock responded, “Wow dude, it was a ‘G.I. Jane’ joke.”

Smith then repeated his demand.

Looking shocked, Rock said, “That was the greatest night in the history of television,” then moved on to awarding the Oscar for documentary feature to “Summer of Soul.”

Soon after, when Smith won the Oscar for best actor, he gave an emotional speech in which he said: “I want to apologize to the Academy. I want to apologize to all my fellow nominees.”

At the end of his speech, Will Smith added: “Thank you. I hope the academy invites me back.”

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Will Smith hits Chris Rock after joke about his wife, Jada. 威尔·史密斯不满妻子被调侃上台打人

The New York Times

In an apparently unscripted moment that stunned viewers and audience members alike, Will Smith strode onstage and hit Chris Rock in the face after the comedian made a joke about the actor's wife while presenting the best documentary award at the Oscars.

在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,喜剧演员克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)在介绍最佳纪录片奖时,拿威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)妻子开了一个玩笑,这位演员冲到台上掌掴洛克,这显然并非事先编排的场面震惊了所有观众和在场嘉宾。


表示“(演讲或广播)不用稿子的;脱稿的;不用剧本的”,英文解释为“An unscripted speech or broadcast has not been written before it is made.”


1)表示“使震惊;使惊讶”,英文解释为“to shock or surprise someone very much”举个🌰:

News of the disaster stunned people throughout the world.


2)表示“使失去知觉,使昏迷;(尤指重击头部)把…打昏”,英文解释为“to make a person or animal unconscious or unable to think normally, especially by hitting their head hard”举个🌰:

Stunned by the impact, he lay on the ground wondering what had happened.



作副词,表示“两者都;同样地,同等地”,英文解释为“used after referring to two groups of people or things to show that both groups are included”举个🌰:

Friends and family alike were devastated by the news of her death.



stride /straɪd/ 1)作动词,表示“大步快走,阔步行进”,英文解释为“to walk somewhere quickly with long steps”举个🌰:

She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.


2)作名词,表示“大步;阔步”,英文解释为“A stride is a long step which you take when you are walking or running.”举个🌰:

She attributes her record-breaking speed to the length of her stride.


3)表示“进展,进步”,英文解释为“an important positive development”举个🌰:

The group has made strides to expand internationally.


📍take sth. in your stride / take sth. in stride 表示“从容处理,对…泰然处之”,英文解释为“to deal with a problem or difficulty calmly and not to allow it to influence what you are doing”举个🌰:

When you become a leader, you soon learn to take criticism in your stride.


Rock joked that Smith's wife, the actress Jada Pinkett Smith, was in “G.I. Jane 2,” seemingly a reference to her short-cropped hair. Pinkett Smith has said she has alopecia, a condition that leads to hair loss.

洛克开玩笑说,史密斯的妻子——女演员贾达·平克特·史密斯(Jada Pinkett Smith)——出演了“《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane)续集”,大概是在调侃她的平头造型。平克特·史密斯曾透露自己有脱发问题。


1)作名词,通常表示“庄稼,作物;收成,收获量”;还有“平头发型”的含义,英文解释为“a short hairstyle”举个🌰:

Her hair was cut in a short crop.


2)表示“修剪;剪短”,英文解释为“to make something shorter or smaller, especially by cutting”举个🌰:

He had his hair cropped when he went into the army.



alopecia /ˌæləˈpiːʃɪə/ 表示“脱发(症),秃头(症)”,英文解释为“loss of hair, esp on the head; baldness”。


熟词僻义,除了表示“情况,状况”,condition本身可以表示“疾病”,英文解释为“any of different types of diseases”如:to suffer from a heart/skin condition 患有心脏/皮肤病。

📍out of condition 可以表示“身体状况不佳,不在状态”(not healthy enough for hard physical exercise, as a result of not taking part in sport or other physical activities)。

Smith yelled and cursed at Rock after returning to his seat, demanding that Rock not speak about his wife.



表示“(通常指生气、疼痛或激动时)叫喊,吼叫(着说)”,英文解释为“to shout something or make a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain, or excited”举个🌰:

Our neighbours were yelling (obscenities) at each other this morning.



1)作名词,表示“咒骂语;骂人话”,英文解释为“a rude or offensive word or phrase that some people use when they are very angry

2)作动词,表示“诅咒,咒骂;骂人”,英文解释为“to use a word or an expression that is not polite and shows that you are very angry”举个🌰:

She was cursing her brother for losing her keys.


During the heated exchange, the telecast went silent on many screens, leaving confusion about what had happened and what had been said.



表示“(短暂的)交谈,对话;争吵”,英文解释为“a short conversation or argument”举个🌰:

There was a brief exchange between them.



表示“(尤指现场直播的)电视节目;电视广播”,英文解释为“A telecast is a programme that is broadcast on television, especially a programme that is broadcast live.”

Rock, a presenter at the show, had been firing off jokes during a mini-monologue when he got around to actors and their spouses.



monologue /ˈmɒnəˌlɒɡ/ 又作monolog,表示“独白;独角戏”,英文解释为“A monologue is a long speech which is spoken by one person as an entertainment, or as part of an entertainment such as a play.” 还可以表示“滔滔不绝的讲话;长篇大论”,英文解释为“If you refer to a long speech by one person during a conversation as a monologue, you mean it prevents other people from talking or expressing their opinions.”举个🌰:

He ignored the question and continued his monologue.


Javier Bardem and his wife are both nominated,Rock said. “Now, if she loses, he can’t win.



表示“提名;推荐”,英文解释为“to formally suggest that sb should be chosen for an important role, prize, position, etc.”举个🌰:

He was nominated (as) best actor.


“He is praying that Will Smith wins, like, please, lord,” Rock continued. “Jada, I love you. ‘G.I. Jane 2,’ can't wait to see it, all right?”

“他在祈祷威尔·史密斯获奖,真的很虔诚了,”洛克继续说。“贾达,我爱你。《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane)续集,我等不及看你演了,好不好?”

The camera panned to Smith, who appeared initially to be smiling. But the joke drew a lukewarm reception, prompting Rock to add: “That was a nice one!”



作动词,表示“(移动摄像机)追拍,摇摄”,英文解释为“if a television or video camera pans somewhere, or a person pans or pans a camera , the camera moves in a particular direction, to follow an object or to film a wide area”举个🌰:

The camera panned back to the audience.


📍霉霉成格莱美第一位三次拿下头奖女歌手文中也出现过这个表达:The camera panned out to reveal an environment very in line with “Folklore”: a dreamy forest, with Swift on the roof of a cabin. 镜头一转,出现了一个非常符合《Folklore》的环境:一个梦幻般的森林,斯威夫特在一个小木屋的屋顶上。


lukewarm /ˈluːk.wɔːrm/ 表示“冷淡的,不热情的”,英文解释为“not enthusiastic or interested”举个🌰:

Her proposals got a lukewarm response.



表示“感受;反应;回应”,英文解释为“the way in which people react to something or someone”举个🌰:

Her first book got a wonderful/warm/frosty reception from the critics.



作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。

Jada Pinkett Smith immediately rolled her eyes at the joke, and her husband was soon out of his seat. Smith walked down the runway toward the stage.


roll one's eyes

表示“(表示恼火或厌烦)翻白眼”,英文解释为“to move your eyes upwards as a way of showing that you are annoyed or bored after someone has done or said something”。


runway表示“(时装表演)台道;过道,通道”,英文解释为“the long, narrow stage that models walk along in a fashion show”;


📍catway表示“(时装表演时模特走的)T形台,展示台”(the long, narrow stage that models walk along in a fashion show)。

“Uh-oh,” Rock said. Smith approached, and hit Rock; the impact could be heard through his microphone.



作名词,表示“冲击(力);撞击(力)”,英文解释为“the force or action of one object hitting another”举个🌰:

The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.


Uncensored broadcasts of the telecast outside the United States showed that after being struck, Rock, trying to keep the mood light, acknowledged that Smith had “smacked” him, using an expletive to describe how hard he had been hit.



表示“审查(对书,电影等进行删改,以筛除当中冒犯粗劣的内容)”,英文解释为“to remove anything offensive from books, films, etc., or to remove parts considered unsuitable from private letters, especially ones sent during war or from a prison”


表示“(尤指作为惩戒孩子的方式)掌掴,打”,英文解释为“to hit someone or something forcefully with the flat inside part of your hand, producing a short, loud noise, especially as a way of punishing a child”举个🌰:

I never smack my children.


📰《路透社》(Reuters)在相关报道的标题中就用了“smack”这个词:Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage, then wins an Oscar.

再补充一下,除了《纽约时报》(The New York Times)用的hit、smack,还有如:

📰《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)的标题:Will Smith slaps Chris Rock after Jada Pinkett Smith joke at Oscars.

📍slap 表示“拍,打;掌掴”,英文解释为“to hit someone or something with the flat part of the hand or other flat object”举个🌰:
She slapped his face.

📰《纽约邮报》(New York Post)的标题:Will Smith wins Best Actor Oscar for ‘King Richard’ after Chris Rock punch.

第一段:Will Smith has won the Oscar for Best Actor at the 2022 Academy Awards moments after he punched Chris Rock in a dramatic on-stage scene. 威尔·史密斯在2022年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上获得了最佳男主角奖,此前他在舞台上戏剧性一幕中打了克里斯·洛克一拳。

📍punch 表示“用拳猛击”,英文解释为“If you punch someone or something, you hit them hard with your fist.”举个🌰: After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head. 她对准他的下巴猛击一拳,最后又在他的头上打了一拳。

📰《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的标题:Will Smith Takes to Oscar Stage, Appears to Strike Chris Rock After Joke About Jada Pinkett Smith.

📍strike表示“击,打;撞击;碰撞;攻击”,英文解释为“to hit or attack someone or something forcefully or violently”举个🌰:
Her car went out of control and struck an oncoming vehicle.


expletive /ɪkˈspliːtɪv/ 表示“咒骂语,脏话”,英文解释为“a word that is considered offensive”举个🌰:

She dropped the book on her foot and let out a row/string of expletives.


Back in his seat, Smith told Rock: “Keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth!


Rock responded, “Wow dude, it was a ‘G.I. Jane’ joke.


Smith then repeated his demand.


Looking shocked, Rock said, “That was the greatest night in the history of television,” then moved on to awarding the Oscar for documentary feature to “Summer of Soul.”

看上去非常震惊的洛克说,“这可真是电视史上最伟大的夜晚,”之后他转移了话题,将奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖颁给了《灵魂乐之夏》(Summer of Soul)。

Soon after, when Smith won the Oscar for best actor, he gave an emotional speech in which he said: “I want to apologize to the Academy. I want to apologize to all my fellow nominees.”



nominee /ˌnɒmɪˈniː/ 表示“候选人;被提名人”,英文解释为“A nominee is someone who is nominated for a job, position, or award.”如:an Oscar nominee 获得奥斯卡提名的人。

At the end of his speech, Will Smith added: “Thank you. I hope the academy invites me back.










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