

LearnAndRecord 2023-07-03



1. What was the common form of protest used in both this year's and last year's Cannes Film Festival?

A. Protesting naked

B. Painting messages on the body

C. Pouring fake blood over oneself

D. Dressing in the colors of the flag

2. Based on the second article, how might the protestor's actions have been perceived by the surrounding public?

A. Her protest was unnoticed.

B. Her protest was met with apathy.

C. Her protest was met with curiosity and attention.

D. Her protest was met with immediate approval.


Anti-war protester covers herself in fake blood on Cannes red carpet

From: The Telegraph

A woman dressed in the colours of the Ukrainian flag was removed from the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday after she poured fake blood over herself in an apparent anti-war protest.

The incident took place ahead of the premiere of the film Acide by French film director Just Philippot on Sunday evening, at the festival in the south of France.

It was not immediately clear why the demonstration took place at that screening.

The protester, wearing a yellow and blue dress and blue-heeled shoes, appeared to reach into her dress and pull out two capsules of the red substance, before releasing them over her head as she smiled for the cameras. The fake blood pooled onto the steps of the red carpet beneath her.

The woman was then escorted down the stairs by a security guard and away from the event.

Thierry Frémaux, the director of the Cannes Film Festival, said before the event began last week that it stood in solidarity with Ukraine.

At the festival’s opening ceremony on Tuesday evening, French actress Catherine Deneuve paid tribute to the victims of the war by reciting the poem Hope by Lesya Ukrainka, the Ukrainian poet.

A ban on Russian delegations or film companies connected to the Russian government remains in place at this year’s festival, after being implemented last year.

At last year’s film festival in Cannes, a Ukrainian woman staged a protest on the red carpet against the Russian forces by stripping naked and revealing the message “stop raping us” written in body paint across her chest, against a blue and yellow flag. 

The demonstration came amid reports that soldiers were committing acts of sexual violence against women in Ukraine.

See the moment when a woman wearing Ukraine's flag colors strode up the stairs at Cannes and poured what looked like blood all over herself


A protestor clad in the colours of Ukraine's flag turned heads at the Cannes Film Festival when she abruptly doused herself in what looked like two bags of blood.

The unnamed woman wore a bejeweled yellow and blue dress, and was seen striding up the red carpet stairs during an event for the film "Acide" on Sunday at Cannes. After scaling a few steps, she stopped, looked over at the cameras, then appeared to reach into the neckline of her dress and pull out two bags of red liquid that resembled blood. 

She then held the two bags over her head and burst them, spraying herself with the liquid. She used her hands to smear it all over her face and torso. 

Before she could do more, security guards rushed over and hauled her off the stairs. Photographers were seen trying to crowd around the woman to get a picture of her before she was removed. 

Last year's Cannes Film Festival was also interrupted by a woman protesting against sexual violence in Ukraine. The topless protestor had painted the country's flag on her chest, with the words "stop raping us" painted on her chest and abdomen, per CNN. 

Representatives for the festival did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment sent outside regular business hours. 

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Anti-war protester covers herself in fake blood on Cannes red carpet

From: The Telegraph

A woman dressed in the colours of the Ukrainian flag was removed from the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday after she poured fake blood over herself in an apparent anti-war protest.



carpet /ˈkɑː.pɪt/ 表示“地毯;地毯织物”,英文解释为“(a shaped piece of) thick material used for covering floors”举个🌰:We've just had a new carpet fitted/laid in our bedroom. 我们刚在卧室里铺了新地毯。


apparent /əˈpær.ənt/ 1)表示“清晰可见的;显而易见的;明白易懂的”,英文解释为“able to be seen or understood”举个🌰:Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone. 谁都看得出来她很不开心。

2)表示“表面上的;貌似(真实)的;显得…的”,英文解释为“seeming to exist or be true”举个🌰:There are one or two apparent discrepancies between the two reports. 这两份报告看上去有一两处出入。

The incident took place ahead of the premiere of the film Acide by French film director Just Philippot on Sunday evening, at the festival in the south of France.

这一事件发生在周日晚法国电影导演朱斯特·菲利波特(Just Philippot)的电影《酸雨蚀刻》(Acide)首映礼前。


premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/ 可以作动词和名词,表示“首映,首演,首次上演/映”,英文解释为“the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment“。

📍这里要注意的是这个词去掉末尾的 e 就变成了 premier“首相,总理”;另外,premier作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:He's one of the nation's premier scientists. 他是该国最重要的科学家之一。

It was not immediately clear why the demonstration took place at that screening.



demonstration /ˌdem.ənˈstreɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“演示,示范”,英文解释为“the act of showing someone how to do something, or how something works”举个🌰:This disaster is a clear demonstration of the need for tighter controls. 这场灾难清楚表明需要进一步加强控制。

2)表示“游行,示威”,英文解释为“an occasion when a group of people march or stand together to show that they disagree with or support something or someone”

3)表示“表示;表达;表现;表明”,英文解释为“a way of expressing a feeling or a quality”

The protester, wearing a yellow and blue dress and blue-heeled shoes, appeared to reach into her dress and pull out two capsules of the red substance, before releasing them over her head as she smiled for the cameras. The fake blood pooled onto the steps of the red carpet beneath her.



本身表示“鞋跟”,英文解释为“the raised part at the back of a shoe, under your heel”,也可以指“脚跟”,英文解释为“the rounded back part of the foot”。


1)表示“(装药物的)胶囊”,英文解释为“a small container which has a measured amount of a medicine inside and which dissolves when you swallow it”

2)表示“(装物或装液体的)小塑料容器”,英文解释为“a small plastic container with a substance or liquid inside”

3)表示“太空舱;航天舱”,英文解释为“the part of a spacecraft in which people travel and that often separates from the main rocket”

📍the return capsule / re-entry capsule 返回舱


1)表示“物质;材料”,英文解释为“material with particular physical characteristics”如:an organic/chemical substance 有机/化学物质。

2)表示“重要性;要旨;实质;根据”,英文解释为“importance, seriousness, or relationship to real facts”举个🌰:There is no substance in/to the allegation. 这项指控毫无根据。


beneath /bɪˈniːθ/ 表示“在(或往)…下面;在(或往)…下方”,英文解释为“in or to a lower position than someone or something, under someone or something”举个🌰:He hid the letter beneath a pile of papers. 他把信藏在一叠文件下面。

The woman was then escorted down the stairs by a security guard and away from the event.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“护卫,护送,押送”,英文解释为“If you escort someone somewhere, you accompany them there, usually in order to make sure that they leave a place or get to their destination.”举个🌰:I escorted him to the door. 我护送他到门口。(动词)The members of the jury left the court with a police escort. 陪审团成员在警察的护送下离开了法庭。(名词)

Thierry Frémaux, the director of the Cannes Film Festival, said before the event began last week that it stood in solidarity with Ukraine.

戛纳国际电影节艺术总监、导演蒂耶里·福茂(Thierry Frémaux)在上周活动开始前表示,电影节将声援乌克兰。


solidarity /ˌsɒlɪˈdærɪtɪ/ 表示“团结一致;相互支持”,英文解释为“If a group of people show solidarity, they show support for each other or for another group, especially in political or international affairs.”

At the festival’s opening ceremony on Tuesday evening, French actress Catherine Deneuve paid tribute to the victims of the war by reciting the poem Hope by Lesya Ukrainka, the Ukrainian poet.

在周二晚上的电影节开幕式上,法国女演员凯瑟琳·德纳芙(Catherine Deneuve)朗诵了乌克兰诗人莱斯亚·乌克兰卡(Lesya Ukrainka)的诗《希望》(Hope)以向战争受害者致敬。


1)表示“有成效的结果”,英文解释为“If one thing is a tribute to another, the first thing is the result of the second and shows how good it is.”举个🌰:His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism. 他的成功是辛勤工作和兢兢业业的结果。

2)表示“(尤指在正式场合表达敬意的)颂词,礼物;称赞;敬意;(尤指对死者的)致敬,颂词;悼念;致哀;吊唁礼物”,英文解释为“A tribute is something that you say, do, or make to show your admiration and respect for someone. An act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person”举个🌰:The song is a tribute to him. 这首歌是敬献给他的。

📍pay tribute to sb/sth 表示“赞扬,称赞”,英文解释为“to praise someone or something”举个🌰:The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze. 部长高度赞扬了奋力扑灭大火的勇士们。


表示“背诵;朗诵;当众吟诵”,英文解释为“to say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to publicly say a list of things”

A ban on Russian delegations or film companies connected to the Russian government remains in place at this year’s festival, after being implemented last year.



表示“代表团”,英文解释为“a group of delegates”。

At last year’s film festival in Cannes, a Ukrainian woman staged a protest on the red carpet against the Russian forces by stripping naked and revealing the message “stop raping us” written in body paint across her chest, against a blue and yellow flag.



1)表示“上演;举办;举行”,英文解释为“to organize and present a play or an event for people to see”,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 举行仪式/活动/展览,举个🌰:The local theatre group is staging a production of ‘Hamlet’. 当地剧团在上演《哈姆雷特》。

2)表示“组织;筹划”,英文解释为“to organize and take part in action that needs careful planning, especially as a public protest”,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 举行仪式/活动/展览。

3)表示“使发生;使出现”,英文解释为“to make sth happen”举个🌰:After five years in retirement, he staged a comeback to international tennis. 退役五年之后,他又复出国际网坛。

🎬电影《无罪的罪人》(Presumed Innocent)中的台词提到:Your opinion is that this was... a staged rape? 你的看法是这是…有预谋的强奸?

📍wage 作名词,表示“工资,工钱,报酬”,作动词,表示“发动(战争);组织,筹备(活动)”,英文解释为“to fight a war or organize a series of activities in order to achieve something”举个🌰:They've been waging a long campaign to change the law. 他们为修改这一法律已组织发起了一场持久的运动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇介绍拉美电商平台美卡多的文章中提到:The biggest is Amazon, against which his firm has waged a costly battle in Mexico. 最大的威胁来自亚马逊,美卡多与它在墨西哥展开了一场较量,代价高昂。


2019年现代版「甄嬛传」?泰国王妃被剥夺全部头衔时,各大媒体几乎都用了strip这个词,后接of,strip of 1)表示“剥夺(财产、权利);撤销(头衔)”,英文解释为“To strip someone of their property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them.”举个🌰:The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document. 那些士兵们已经夺走了市民的护照以及所有其他证件。

2)strip还有“脱衣服;脱光…的衣服”的意思,英文解释为“to remove your clothing, or to remove all the clothing of someone else”,举个🌰:He had been stripped naked, beaten and robbed. 他被脱光衣服,遭受殴打,东西还被抢了。


naked /ˈneɪ.kɪd/ 表示“未穿衣的,裸体的”,英文解释为“not covered by clothes”如:a naked man 赤身裸体的男子;也可以表示“(感觉或特质)毫不掩饰的,明摆着的,赤裸裸的”,英文解释为“A naked feeling or quality is not hidden, although it is bad.”如:naked greed 赤裸裸的贪婪。

The demonstration came amid reports that soldiers were committing acts of sexual violence against women in Ukraine.


See the moment when a woman wearing Ukraine's flag colors strode up the stairs at Cannes and poured what looked like blood all over herself


A protestor clad in the colours of Ukraine's flag turned heads at the Cannes Film Festival when she abruptly doused herself in what looked like two bags of blood.



1)作动词,表示“大步快走,阔步行进”,英文解释为“to walk somewhere quickly with long steps”举个🌰:He strode across/into/out of the room. 他大步走过/进/出房间。

2)作名词,表示“大步;阔步”,英文解释为“A stride is a long step which you take when you are walking or running.”举个🌰:She attributes her record-breaking speed to the length of her stride. 她认为她的速度之所以能打破纪录是因为步幅大。

3)表示“进展,进步”,英文解释为“an important positive development”举个🌰:The group has made strides to expand internationally. 这个集团在拓展国际市场方面取得了很大进展。

clad in

clad in表示“穿着”,clad作形容词,表示“穿…衣服的;覆盖着…的”,英文解释为“(of people) dressed, or (of things) covered”举个🌰:A strange figure appeared in the doorway, clad in black. 一个奇怪的人出现在门口,穿着黑衣服。

🎬电影《极盗车神》(Baby Driver)中的台词提到:Two men and a woman came into the bank branch, clad in black business clothing 两名男性和一名女性劫匪进入银行 穿着黑色西装。


douse /daʊs/ 1)表示“向…泼液体,朝…洒液体”,英文解释为“to make something or someone wet by throwing a lot of liquid over it, him, or her”

2)表示“灭(火);熄灭;浇灭”,英文解释为“to stop a fire or light from burning or shining, especially by putting water on it or by covering it with something”如:to douse the fire with water. 用水将火浇灭。

The unnamed woman wore a bejeweled yellow and blue dress, and was seen striding up the red carpet stairs during an event for the film "Acide" on Sunday at Cannes. After scaling a few steps, she stopped, looked over at the cameras, then appeared to reach into the neckline of her dress and pull out two bags of red liquid that resembled blood. 



bejewelled /bɪˈdʒuː.əld/ 表示“饰以珠宝的;佩戴珠宝的”,英文解释为“wearing a lot of jewellery or decorated with precious stones”如:a bejewelled woman 珠光宝气的女人。


1)表示“标度,刻度;等级”,英文解释为“a set of numbers, amounts, etc., used to measure or compare the level of something”如:the Centigrade/Fahrenheit scale 摄氏/华氏温标。

2)表示“比例;比例尺”,英文解释为“the relation between the real size of something and its size on a map, model, or diagram”如:a scale of 1:10,000 比例尺为1:10000。

3)表示“大小;规模;范围”,英文解释为“the size or level of something, especially when this is large”举个🌰:We don't yet know the scale of the problem. 我们还不知道问题有多严重。

作动词,表示“爬越;攀登”,英文解释为“to climb up a steep surface, such as a wall or the side of a mountain, often using special equipment”举个🌰:The prisoner scaled the high prison wall and ran off. 囚犯攀越监狱的高墙逃跑了。


neckline /ˈnek.laɪn/ 表示“领口,开领”,英文解释为“the shape made by the edge of a dress or shirt at the front of the neck or on the chest”


表示“看起来像;显得像;像”,英文解释为“to look like or be similar to another person or thing”举个🌰:So many hotels resemble each other. 许多酒店看上去都差不多。

She then held the two bags over her head and burst them, spraying herself with the liquid. She used her hands to smear it all over her face and torso



表示“(使)爆裂,胀开”,英文解释为“to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make sth break in this way”举个🌰:That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more. 你再给气球充气,它就要爆了。

📍burst in/into (somewhere) 表示“突然闯入(房间或建筑)”,英文解释为“to enter a room or building suddenly and without warning”举个🌰:The side door of the bar flew open and three men burst in. 酒吧的侧门猛地开了,三个男人闯了进来。


表示“喷;喷洒;向…喷洒”,英文解释为“to cover sb/sth with very small drops of a liquid that are forced out of a container or sent through the air”举个🌰:The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide. 庄稼定期喷洒杀虫剂。


smear /smɪə/ 表示“污迹;污渍;污点”,英文解释为“an oily or dirty mark”如:a smear of jam 果酱渍。

作动词,表示“涂抹(黏腻的东西)”,英文解释为“to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface”举个🌰:The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa. 孩子们把花生酱抹得沙发上到处都是。

📍咋还不会拼coronavirus了?文中提到,CGTN在标题中用了smear作动词,还可以表示「诽谤;诋毁」,英文解释为:to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true,举个🌰:They planned to smear him by publishing information about his private life. 他们计划通过公开有关他私生活方面的信息来诋毁他。


torso /ˈtɔː.səʊ/ 复数torsos,表示“(身体的)躯干”,英文解释为“the main part of the body, not including the head, arms or legs”举个🌰:The man had the bulky upper torso of a weightlifter. 这名男子有着举重运动员的粗壮身躯。

Before she could do more, security guards rushed over and hauled her off the stairs. Photographers were seen trying to crowd around the woman to get a picture of her before she was removed. 



作名词 1)haul可以表示“(一大批)非法物品,赃物”,相对比较负面的,英文解释为“a large amount of illegal or stolen goods”如:a haul of weapons 大批非法武器,a drugs haul 一大批毒品,举个🌰:A haul of stolen cars has been seized by police officers. 一批被盗汽车被警察截获。

2)表示“很高的(得分)”(a large number of points, goals, etc.);His haul of 37 goals in a season is a record. 他在一个赛季中得了37分,创下了纪录。

3)表示“旅行的距离;旅程”(the distance covered in a particular journey),举个🌰:They began the long slow haul to the summit. 他们踏上了攀登顶峰的漫长行程。

补充:📍a long haul可以特指“耗时费力的事”,英文解释为“something that takes a lot of time and effort”,举个🌰:Revitalizing the economy will be a long haul. 复兴经济将是一项长期艰巨的工作。

作动词,haul /hɔːl/ 表示“拉,拽”,英文解释为“to take something or someone somewhere, especially by force”举个🌰:FBI agents hauled away boxes of records. FBI特工拉走了几箱记录。

Last year's Cannes Film Festival was also interrupted by a woman protesting against sexual violence in Ukraine. The topless protestor had painted the country's flag on her chest, with the words "stop raping us" painted on her chest and abdomen, per CNN. 



表示“裸露上身的(地)”,英文解释为“used to describe someone, usually a woman, wearing nothing on the upper part of the body, or something connected with this way of dressing”


abdomen /ˈæbdəmən/表示“(人或动物的)腹(部);(昆虫的)腹部”,英文解释为“the lower part of a person's or animal's body, containing the stomach, bowels, and other organs, or the end of an insect's body”。

Representatives for the festival did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment sent outside regular business hours.


- 今日要点 -

  • Woman in Ukrainian colors
  • Poured fake blood on herself
  • During "Acide" premiere
  • Handled by security
Previous Protest
  • Against sexual violence in Ukraine
  • "Stop raping us" message
Festival Stance
  • Solidarity with Ukraine
  • Ban on Russian delegations

- 词汇盘点 -

carpet、 apparent、 premiere、 demonstration、 heel、 capsule、 substance、 beneath、 escort、 solidarity、 tribute、 recite、 delegation、 stage、 strip、 naked、 stride、 clad in、 douse、 bejewelled、 scale、 neckline、 resemble、 burst、 spray、 smear、 torso、 haul、 topless、 abdomen

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

At a premiere, a delegation demonstrated solidarity, reciting a tribute as their escort strutted the carpet, apparently clad in a topless dress. Underneath, a capsule containing a substance resembling a bejewelled necklace was hidden. On stage, she stripped, her bare torso smeared with a spray that burst from the capsule, the substance scaling her abdomen and neck. The crowd gasped as she, resembling a walking art piece, strode heel-first across the stage, her naked ambition apparent beneath the lights. She hauled herself off stage, leaving a lasting impression.
- 推荐阅读 -
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