

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. What does Fang Kecheng suggest about the current state of legal protection against cyberbullying in China?

A. Cyberbullying victims can easily seek legal protection.

B. The offenders and the platforms are frequently punished for cyberbullying.

C. Victims struggle to seek legal protection and offenders are seldom punished.

D. China has strict laws that effectively protect victims from cyberbullying.

2. What does the term "keyboard justice" in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Legal actions taken against cyberbullies

B. The tendency of social media users to express their frustrations online in the form of attacks on public figures

C. Teaching internet users about online safety

D. The implementation of programs that promote responsible decision-making online


Online trolls are taking a toll

From: BBC

26 March 2023

Six months after sharing a photograph on Chinese social media celebrating her graduate school admission with her bedridden grandfather, Zheng Linghua died.

In January 2022, Liu Xuezhou from the city Xingtai killed himself after a reunion with his birth parents turned sour. As their row played out online, some people accused him of being selfish. The 17-year-old, who was orphaned at the age of four, left behind a note detailing his past experiences with bullying and depression.

History teacher Liu Hanbo from central Henan province died in November that same year after trolls gate-crashed her online classes repeatedly. They hurled insults, played loud music, and spammed the group conversation. Authorities ruled out foul play in Liu's death but said they would investigate if she had been bullied online.

Last month, online influencer Sun Fanbao killed himself - his wife said the 38-year-old was repeatedly insulted by one of his followers and became depressed in the months before he died. Sun shot to fame in 2021 after documenting his 4,000-kilometre trip from Shandong to Tibet on a tractor.

While so-called cyber bullying happens everywhere, the lack of pressure on social media companies to stamp out abuse lend the phenomenon a particular momentum. A poll of more than 2,000 social media users in China found that about four in 10 respondents have experienced some form of online abuse. It also found that 16% of the victims had suicidal thoughts. Almost half experienced anxiety, 42% insomnia, and 32% depression.

In collectivist cultures, those perceived as going against the norm tend to be severely punished, experts say. What makes it worse, they add, is a pervasive culture of shame.

"A strong sense of collectivism can mean that cyberbullying, when perpetrated as a symbolic act of violence or aggression towards another in a public setting, may lead to drastic measures, such as suicide, to escape that sense of humiliation," says K Cohen Tan, a vice-provost at University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

Dr Tan says online bullies typically "stigmatise individuals for their personal actions or choices" and that is "later compounded by herd instinct". The combined effect, he says, "leaves victims feeling helpless".

Many believe social media platforms should be held to greater account.

"It has been very difficult for victims to seek legal protection and redress," assistant professor Fang Kecheng says. "There has been very few cases in which the offenders and the platforms are punished."

This is partly because bullying online is not prioritised as a problem by social media companies.

Some are also calling for more public education on online safety.

Schools should implement emotional and social learning programmes that teach students how to resolve disagreements and make responsible decisions, said Janis Whitlock, who directs the Cornell Research Program on Self-Injury and Recovery at Cornell University.

"More fundamentally, mental healthcare should be strengthened in China," says Jonathan Sullivan, a China specialist and political scientist at the University of Nottingham.

Experts say nearly three years of the pandemic may also have increased time spent online, leading to more instances of bullying.

"People felt like they needed an outlet to vent. And in many cases, they turn to 'keyboard justice', unleashing attacks against celebrities and other public figures," he adds.

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Online trolls are taking a toll


From: BBC

26 March 2023

Six months after sharing a photograph on Chinese social media celebrating her graduate school admission with her bedridden grandfather, Zheng Linghua died.



作为名词,原意指“(斯堪的纳维亚地区传说中的)山精,巨人,侏儒”(an imaginary, either very large or very small creature in traditional Scandinavian stories, that has magical powers and lives in mountains or caves);

📍另一个常见意思是,指在因特网上为吸引别人关注或捣乱故意留下令人生气的帖子,可以理解为“喷子,键盘侠”,英文解释为“someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble”。

take its/a toll

表示“造成损失(或伤亡、破坏);产生负面影响”,英文解释为“If something takes its/a toll, it causes suffering, deaths, or damage.”举个🌰:The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows under her eyes. 过去几个月里的问题影响了她的健康,她眼睛出现了黑眼圈。

📍2020年意大利约1万名医学生免除考试 投入抗疫一线文中,路透社(Reuters)报道就提到:The epidemic has so far taken a relatively light toll on Italy's main cities, 到目前为止,新冠疫情对意大利主要城市造成的损失相对较小,


bedridden /ˈbed.rɪd.ən/ 表示“(因病或受伤)卧床不起的”,英文解释为“having to stay in bed because of illness or injury”举个🌰:His aunt was 90 and bedridden. 他婶婶90岁了,长年卧床。

In January 2022, Liu Xuezhou from the city Xingtai killed himself after a reunion with his birth parents turned sour. As their row played out online, some people accused him of being selfish. The 17-year-old, who was orphaned at the age of four, left behind a note detailing his past experiences with bullying and depression.



sour /saʊər/ 表示“不友好的;坏脾气的,没好气的”,英文解释为“unfriendly or easily annoyed”举个🌰:Overnight, it seemed, their relationship had turned sour. 他们的关系似乎在一夜之间变糟了。


row /rəʊ/ 表示“(尤指大声地)争吵,吵闹”,英文解释为“to argue, especially loudly”举个🌰:My parents are always rowing (about/over money). 我父母总是(为了钱的事情)吵个不休。

play out

表示“发生;出现”,英文解释为“When a situation plays out, it happens and develops.”举个🌰:The debate will play out in the media over the next week or two. 近一两个星期内,辩论将通过媒体播出。


orphan /ˈɔː.fən/ 作动词,表示“使成为孤儿”,作名词,表示“孤儿”,英文解释为“a child whose parents are dead”举个🌰:The civil war is making orphans of many children. 内战正在使许多孩子成为孤儿。


作名词,表示“恃强凌弱者,以大欺小者”,英文解释为“someone who hurts or frightens someone who is smaller or less powerful, often forcing them to do something that they do not want to do”举个🌰:You're just a big bully! 你欺负人!

作动词,表示“伤害;胁迫;欺负,欺凌”,英文解释为“to hurt or frighten someone who is smaller or less powerful than you, often forcing that person to do something they do not want to do”举个🌰:Our survey indicates that one in four children is bullied at school. 我们的调查表明,有四分之一的孩子在学校受人欺负。

History teacher Liu Hanbo from central Henan province died in November that same year after trolls gate-crashed her online classes repeatedly. They hurled insults, played loud music, and spammed the group conversation. Authorities ruled out foul play in Liu's death but said they would investigate if she had been bullied online.



gatecrash /ˈɡeɪt.kræʃ/ 表示“不请自到;擅自参加”,英文解释为“to go to a party or other event when you have not been invited”举个🌰:He decided to gatecrash the wedding. 虽然没有接到邀请,他还是决定去参加婚礼。


1)表示“猛扔;猛投;猛摔”,英文解释为“to throw sth/sb violently in a particular direction”举个🌰:He hurled a brick through the window. 他往窗户里扔了块砖。

2)表示“ 大声说出(辱骂或斥责等)”的意思,英文解释为“to shout insults, etc. at sb”举个🌰:Rival fans hurled abuse at each other. 两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。

3)另外还有“呕吐”的意思(to vomit)。

🎬电影《伴娘》(Bridesmaids)中的台词提到:I'm going to hurl. I feel really sick, Annie! 我要吐了,好难受。

🎬电影《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》(Finding Dory)中的台词提到:Hey, dude, if you're gonna hurl, 如果你要吐的话,


spam /spæm/ 作名词,表示“垃圾邮件(通常指广告)”,英文解释为“unwanted email, usually advertisements”,作动词,表示“给…发垃圾邮件”,英文解释为“to send someone an advertisement by email that they do not want”

rule sth out

表示“使…成为不可能,使…不可能发生;把…排除在外;拒绝考虑;使无法参加”,英文解释为“If someone rules you out of a contest or activity, they say that you cannot be involved in it. If something rules you out of a contest or activity, it prevents you from being involved in it. To decide or say officially that something is impossible or will not happen, or that something or someone is not suitable”举个🌰:The police haven't yet ruled out murder. 警察尚未排除谋杀的可能性。

foul play

foul play /ˌfaʊl ˈpleɪ/ 表示“暴行;(尤指)谋杀”,英文解释为“a criminal act that results in serious damage or injury, especially murder”举个🌰:It is not clear what caused the explosion, but the police do not suspect foul play. 还不清楚是什么引起了爆炸,但警方没有怀疑是谋杀。

Last month, online influencer Sun Fanbao killed himself - his wife said the 38-year-old was repeatedly insulted by one of his followers and became depressed in the months before he died. Sun shot to fame in 2021 after documenting his 4,000-kilometre trip from Shandong to Tibet on a tractor.



字面上的意思就是影响者,有影响力的人,柯林斯词典中的解释分为两种,一个就是字面上的意思:any person or thing that exerts an influence;另一种解释为:a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers. 利用社交媒体向自己的粉丝推广或推荐产品和服务的人,就是类似于现在网络中的“网红、博主”,或者说关键意见领袖,Key Opinion Leader,KOL.


insult可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“侮辱,辱骂”,英文解释为“to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive”举个🌰:First he drank all my wine and then he insulted all my friends. 他先喝光了我的酒,然后又辱骂了我所有的朋友。

📍insulting作形容词,表示“侮辱的,有冒犯性的,无礼的”(rude or offensive)。

shoot to fame

rise to fame / shoot to fame,表示“成名,出名”,英文解释为“to become famous”举个🌰:He rose to fame in the 90s as a TV presenter. 他在90年代作为电视节目主持人成名。


作动词,表示“记录,记载”,英文解释为“to record the details of an event, a process, etc.”举个🌰:His interest in cars has been well-documented (= recorded and written about) by the media. 他对汽车的兴趣在媒体的报道中都有详细的记载。

While so-called cyber bullying happens everywhere, the lack of pressure on social media companies to stamp out abuse lend the phenomenon a particular momentum. A poll of more than 2,000 social media users in China found that about four in 10 respondents have experienced some form of online abuse. It also found that 16% of the victims had suicidal thoughts. Almost half experienced anxiety, 42% insomnia, and 32% depression.

尽管所谓的网暴(cyber bullying)随处可见,但社交媒体公司在杜绝网络欺凌方面缺乏监管,为这种现象提供了特别的助推作用。一项针对中国2000多名社交媒体用户的调查发现,约四成受访者经历过某种形式的网络暴力。调查还发现,16%的受害者有自杀的想法。近一半的人感到焦虑,42%的人失眠,32%的人抑郁。

stamp out

表示“消除,消灭”,英文解释为“to get rid of something that is wrong or harmful”举个🌰:The new legislation is intended to stamp out bullying in schools. 新的立法旨在消除校园霸凌问题。

🎬电影《上帝也疯狂》(The Gods Must Be Crazy)中的台词提到:You stamped out the fire. I saw you. 是你把火踏灭的,我看见了。

🎬电影《1984》(Nineteen Eighty-Four)中的台词提到:We must stamp them out. 我们必须消灭他们。


momentum /məˈmen.təm/ 表示“动量,冲量;冲力;推动力;势头”,英文解释为“the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it has started”举个🌰:Once you push it, it keeps going under its own momentum. 一旦你推动了它,它就会在自己的动量作用下持续运动。


1)作名词,表示“民意测验;民意调查”,英文解释为“A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future.”

复数形式polls可以特指“选举投票;计票”(the process of voting at an election; the process of counting the votes),举个🌰:Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark. 民意测验显示,欧洲条约已经在丹麦获得支持。

2)作动词,表示“对…进行民意调查”,英文解释为“If you are polled on something, you are asked what you think about it as part of a survey.”举个🌰:More than 2,000 people were polled. 2000多人接受了民意调查。

3)作动词,表示“获得…选票”,英文解释为“If a political party or a candidate polls a particular number or percentage of votes, they get that number or percentage of votes in an election.”举个🌰:The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot. 结果显示他获得了足够的选票来促使第二轮选举。


insomnia /ɪnˈsɒmnɪə/ 表示“失眠(症)”,英文解释为“the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time”举个🌰:He suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work. 他因为工作压力失眠了好几个月。

In collectivist cultures, those perceived as going against the norm tend to be severely punished, experts say. What makes it worse, they add, is a pervasive culture of shame.



1)表示“感知,察觉,注意到,意识到”,英文解释为“to see something or someone, or to notice something that is obvious”举个🌰:He perceived a tiny figure in the distance. 他注意到远处有个很小的身影。

2)表示“认为;看待;视为”,英文解释为“to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something”举个🌰:How do the French perceive the British? 法国人是如何看待英国人的?

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述比特币的文章中提到:Scarcity is a trait of many things that are perceived to have value. 稀缺性正是许多被视为有价值的事物共有的特征。


表示“规范;行为标准”,英文解释为“standards of behaviour that are typical of or accepted within a particular group or society”,如:social/cultural norms 社会/文化规范。

📍the norm 表示“常态,正常行为”,英文解释为“a situation or type of behaviour that is expected and considered to be typical”举个🌰:One child per family is fast becoming the norm in some countries. 每个家庭一个孩子在一些国家正迅速普遍起来。


表示“到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的”,英文解释为“Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.”如:the pervasive influence of mobile phones in daily life 手机在日常生活中无处不在的影响。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情带来的影响的文章中提到:But there will also be residual fear, pervasive uncertainty, a lack of innovative fervour and deepened inequalities. 但同时也会有残留的恐惧感、普遍的不确定性、匮乏的创新激情,以及加剧的不平等。

"A strong sense of collectivism can mean that cyberbullying, when perpetrated as a symbolic act of violence or aggression towards another in a public setting, may lead to drastic measures, such as suicide, to escape that sense of humiliation," says K Cohen Tan, a vice-provost at University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

宁波诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham Ningbo China)教学副校长陈志伟(K. Cohen Tan)表示:“强烈的集体主义意识可能意味着,当网络欺凌作为一种在公共场合对他人的象征性暴力或攻击行为时,人们可能会采取自杀等极端措施,以逃避羞辱感。”


collectivism /kəˈlek.tɪ.vɪ.zəm/ 表示“集体主义;集体主义制度”,英文解释为“a theory or political system based on the principle that all of the farms, factories, and other places of work in a country should be owned by or for all the people in that country”


perpetrate /'pɝpətret/ 表示“犯(罪);做(不道德、有害之事)”,英文解释为“to do something that is morally wrong or illegal”,举个🌰:Who could have perpetrated such a dreadful crime? 谁会犯下如此可怕的罪行?


📍commit作动词也可以表示“犯(错误或罪行),做(坏事)”(to do something wrong or illegal),如:commit murder/rape/arson,举个🌰:Women commit fewer crimes than men. 女性犯罪比男性少。


📍perpetrator作名词,指人,“作恶者;犯罪者”(someone who does something morally wrong or illegal),举个🌰:The perpetrators were never caught. 作案者始终逍遥法外。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)


表示“使用象征的;作为象征的;象征性的”,英文解释为“containing symbols, or being used as a symbol”举个🌰:The dove is symbolic of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。


表示“剧烈的,极端的”,英文解释为“A drastic change is a very great change.”举个🌰:Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation. 外国的食品援助使得因饥饿而死亡的人数大幅下降。


provost /ˈprɒv.əst/ 1)表示“(某些大学中的)学院院长”,英文解释为“(in some universities) the person in charge of a particular college”如:the Provost of King's College, Cambridge 剑桥大学国王学院的院长;

2)表示“(学院或大学的)教务长”,英文解释为“an important official who helps to run a college or university”

Dr Tan says online bullies typically "stigmatise individuals for their personal actions or choices" and that is "later compounded by herd instinct". The combined effect, he says, "leaves victims feeling helpless".



表示“使背负恶名,侮辱”,英文解释为“If someone or something is stigmatized, they are unfairly regarded by many people as being bad or having something to be ashamed of.”举个🌰:Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatised. 单亲家庭的孩子不应该受到侮辱。


compound /ˈkɒm.paʊnd/ 作名词,1)表示“化合物,复合物,混合物”,英文解释为“a chemical that combines two or more elements”举个🌰:Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. 盐是钠和氯的化合物。

2)表示“(围起来的)场地,楼群,院落”,英文解释为“an area surrounded by fences or walls that contains a group of buildings”举个🌰:They marched into the compound. 他们进入大院。

作动词,表示“使加重,使加剧,使恶化”,英文解释为“to make a problem or difficult situation worse”举个🌰:Her terror was compounded by the feeling that she was being watched. 她有种被人监视的感觉,这加剧了她的恐惧感。

🎬电影《盗梦空间》(Inception)中的台词提到:And when you enter a dream within that dream, the effect is compounded. 当你进入梦中梦,效果会更强。

作动词或者形容词,还可以表示“(利息)以复利计算的”,英文解释为“used to refer to a system of paying interest in which interest is paid both on the original amount of money invested (= given to companies hoping to get more back) or borrowed and on the interest that has collected over a period of time”如:compound interest 复利。

herd instinct

herd instinct /ˈhɜːd ˌɪn.stɪŋkt/ 表示“群体本能(指行为盲目从众的倾向)”,英文解释为“a situation in which people act like everyone else without considering the reason why”

Many believe social media platforms should be held to greater account.


hold sb to account

表示“追究某人的责任”,英文解释为“to make someone accept that they are responsible for something and explain their actions or decisions”

"It has been very difficult for victims to seek legal protection and redress," assistant professor Fang Kecheng says. "There has been very few cases in which the offenders and the platforms are punished."



表示“犯罪者;违法者;罪犯”,英文解释为“An offender is a person who has committed a crime.” 还可以指“制造麻烦者; 造成麻烦之物”(a person or thing that does sth wrong)

This is partly because bullying online is not prioritised as a problem by social media companies.


Some are also calling for more public education on online safety.


Schools should implement emotional and social learning programmes that teach students how to resolve disagreements and make responsible decisions, said Janis Whitlock, who directs the Cornell Research Program on Self-Injury and Recovery at Cornell University.

康奈尔大学(Cornell University)自我伤害与康复研究项目负责人贾尼斯·惠特洛克(Janis Whitlock)说,学校应该开展情感和社会学习项目,教导学生如何解决分歧并做出负责任的决定。


implement表示“执行;贯彻;实施”英文解释为“to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen”,举个🌰:A nine year compulsory education is implemented in China. 中国实行九年制义务教育。

"More fundamentally, mental healthcare should be strengthened in China," says Jonathan Sullivan, a China specialist and political scientist at the University of Nottingham.

英国诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)中国问题专家、政治学家乔纳森·苏利文(Jonathan Sullivan)博士表示,更根本的是,精神医疗保健应该得到加强。

Experts say nearly three years of the pandemic may also have increased time spent online, leading to more instances of bullying.



instance /ˈɪn.stəns/ 表示“实例;情况”,英文解释为“a particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of something that happens generally”举个🌰:There have been several instances of violence at the school. 学校里发生过几起暴力事件。

📍for instance = for example 表示“例如”。

"People felt like they needed an outlet to vent. And in many cases, they turn to 'keyboard justice', unleashing attacks against celebrities and other public figures," he adds.



outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 在工厂的直销店里,你会找到比常规价低75%的打折商品。


此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个🌰:Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。


vent /vent/ 表示“发泄,表达(负面的情绪)”,英文解释为“to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way”举个🌰:I didn't mean to upset anyone, I just needed to vent. 我没想要针对任何人,我只是想发泄一下。


表示“解放、释放;发泄;爆发”,英文解释为“If you say that someone or something unleashes a powerful force, feeling, activity, or group, you mean that they suddenly start it or send it somewhere”。

- 今日要点 -

  • Case studies
    • Deaths and suicides linked to online trolling and cyberbullying
  • Extent of problem
    • Poll indicates substantial impact, societal factors contribute
  • Solutions
    • Greater accountability for platforms, legal protection, public education, better mental healthcare
  • Pandemic effect
    • Increased online time, "keyboard justice"

- 词汇盘点 -

troll、 take its/a toll、 bedridden、 sour、 row、 play out、 orphan、 bully、 gatecrash、 hurl、 spam、 rule sth out、 foul play、 influencer、 insult、 shoot to fame、 document、 stamp out、 momentum、 poll、 insomnia、 perceive、 norm、 pervasive、 collectivism、 perpetrate、 symbolic、 drastic、 provost、 stigmatise、 compound、 herd instinct、 hold sb to account、 offender、 implement、 instance、 outlet、 vent、 unleash

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

An influencer, perceived as an orphan, shot to fame after documenting her bedridden days, soured by insomnia, a toll taken by incessant online trolls. This ordeal played out, fueling a row among outlets as foul play, including bullying and insult hurling, became the pervasive norm. Gatecrashing her space, trolls unleashed a spam storm, compounding her plight. She didn't rule out their drastic impact on her mental health and held the offenders to account, venting her frustration. The provost called to implement stricter measures to stamp out such instances of bullying, perpetrating the symbolic momentum against the herd instinct of stigmatizing victims. The poll indicated a shift towards collectivism, hoping to counter this drastic cyber issue.
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