

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06




1. Which of the following statements most likely aligns with Kate Cashman's viewpoint?

a) Learning a new language will improve global cognition.

b) Learning a new language is an increasingly popular trend among adults.

c) Mastering a new language elevates one's sense of success and overall well-being.

d) Learning a new language requires several thousand hours to become proficient.

2. Which phrase is synonymous with the term "aptitude" as used in the article?

a) Mental energy b) Natural ability

c) Functional connectivity d) Executive functions


Just a few minutes daily learning a language can boost your brain power

From:  The Sydney Morning Herald

June 13, 2021

Learning a second language is often on people's bucket lists. They dream of wooing someone in French, or of striking up a conversation with an interesting stranger in another tongue.

While the rewards of learning a foreign language seem obvious, it's even better for you than you might imagine. In fact, a 2019 Italian study looked at the effects in adults aged between 59 and 79 and found that, after just four months, people learning a second language scored significantly better on two research-backed measures of brain health and acuity: global cognition (such as thinking, understanding and problem-solving) and functional connectivity.

“Learning a foreign language is one of the non-pharmacological cognitive interventions that can boost cognition in young and older adults,” lead author Dr Giovanna Bubbico concluded.

There's a reason why it's so good for you. Usually, when you're learning something new, the brain-boosting benefits tend to fade once you get the hang of things. But that doesn't happen when you're trying to conquer another language. Instead, your brain needs to keep using executive functions to plan, concentrate and make decisions as you switch between the languages.

Learning a second language isn't just great for your brain, it can also lead to a surge in self-esteem, says life and leadership coach Kate Cashman.

“Mastering a new skill or activity, particularly one that's mentally more challenging and requires mental energy [like learning a second language], leads to a greater sense of success, pride and overall wellbeing,” she says.

But Fleur, a 45-year-old mother of two, didn't choose to learn a second language for any of those reasons. Instead, she decided to study Danish so she could help her 12-year-old son, who was learning the language after school. Two years ago, Fleur turned to an app to kick-start the process and fell so head over heels with embracing foreign tongues that she also started dabbling in German and Swedish.

She now does five three-minute lessons a day online and has enrolled in face-to-face classes in which she spends an hour a month immersing herself in all things Danish.

Dr Michiko Weinmann, a senior lecturer in languages education at Deakin University, says Fleur is far from alone, adding that there's been a recent rise in adults seeking to learn a second language: “It's an increasingly popular trend.” And while Weinmann notes that everyone's aptitude for learning a new language is different, anyone who puts their mind to it can “successfully pursue” this endeavour.

If you'd like to say bonjour to another tongue, Weinmann says apps are a good starting point for mastering the basics, such as specific items of vocabulary, expressions and short phrases. But if you want to become more proficient, she says “frequent exposure” is the best way to get there and can be achieved through face-to-face classes.

Just don't expect a new language to roll off your tongue. Weinmann says it takes roughly a few hundred hours for an English speaker to get basic fluency in a similar language, such as European languages. “But it may take several thousand hours to get a basic level of proficiency in Mandarin,” she adds.

Fleur says learning a new language brings so many rewards: she feels more switched on in general, finds her ability to concentrate has improved, and has even started thinking in Danish, a feat she never thought she'd accomplish.

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Just a few minutes daily learning a language can boost your brain power

From:  The Sydney Morning Herald

June 13, 2021

Learning a second language is often on people's bucket lists. They dream of wooing someone in French, or of striking up a conversation with an interesting stranger in another tongue.


bucket list

bucket list /ˈbʌk.ɪt ˌlɪst/ 表示“平生梦想单(一个人在死之前想要做的所有事情的清单)”,英文解释为“a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve before they die”举个🌰:I have so many things on my bucket list yet to do. 在我的平生梦想单上还有许多事情都没做过。


woo /wuː/ 表示“追求;求爱;向…求爱,向…求婚”,英文解释为“to try to persuade a woman to love him and marry him”。

strike up (sth)

strike up (sth)表示“建立(关系);开始(交谈)”,英文解释为“to start a relationship or conversation with someone”举个🌰:It can be difficult to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger. 和完全陌生的人攀谈会是件很困难的事。


tongue /tʌŋ/ 1)表示“舌头”,英文解释为“the large, soft piece of flesh in the mouth that you can move, and is used for tasting, speaking, etc.”

2)表示“语言”,英文解释为“a language”如:immigrants struggling to learn a foreign tongue 艰难学习外语的移民;

3)表示“说话方式”,英文解释为“a person's way of expressing their ideas and feelings”举个🌰:She is a prolific writer with critical views and a sharp (= severe and critical) tongue. 她是一个多产的作家,观点尖锐,语言犀利。

While the rewards of learning a foreign language seem obvious, it's even better for you than you might imagine. In fact, a 2019 Italian study looked at the effects in adults aged between 59 and 79 and found that, after just four months, people learning a second language scored significantly better on two research-backed measures of brain health and acuity: global cognition (such as thinking, understanding and problem-solving) and functional connectivity.



acuity /əˈkjuː.ə.ti/ 表示“(听力、视力、思维等的)灵敏度;敏锐”,英文解释为“the ability to hear, see, or think accurately and clearly”举个🌰:Tiredness also affects visual acuity. 疲劳也会影响视敏度。


cognition /kɒɡˈnɪʃ.ən/ 表示“认识;认知”,英文解释为“the use of conscious mental processes”如:a book on human learning, memory, and cognition 一本关于人类学习、记忆和认知过程的书。

“Learning a foreign language is one of the non-pharmacological cognitive interventions that can boost cognition in young and older adults,” lead author Dr Giovanna Bubbico concluded.

“学习外语是一种可以提升年轻人和老年人认知能力的非药物性认知干预方式,”第一作者乔瓦娜·布比科博士(Dr. Giovanna Bubbico)总结道。


pharmacological /ˌfɑːrməkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ 表示“用药物治疗的”,英文解释为“relating to treatment that uses drugs”


表示“干涉,介入;(由家庭成员、朋友或医护人员共同开会劝导有酗酒或毒瘾问题者接受现实并开始治疗的)干预活动”,英文解释为“Intervention is the act of intervening in a situation. A meeting at which someone with a drug or alcohol problem is asked by family members, friends, or health workers to accept the fact that they have a problem and is encouraged to get treatment”


可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。

📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.

There's a reason why it's so good for you. Usually, when you're learning something new, the brain-boosting benefits tend to fade once you get the hang of things. But that doesn't happen when you're trying to conquer another language. Instead, your brain needs to keep using executive functions to plan, concentrate and make decisions as you switch between the languages.



fade /feɪd/ 作动词,表示“(使)褪色;(使)变暗;(使)衰弱”,英文解释为“to (cause to) lose colour, brightness, or strength gradually”举个🌰:If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade. 衣服挂在光线强的地方晾晒会褪色。


get the hang of sth

get the hang of sth表示“学会做(尤指不那么简单明了的事)”,英文解释为“to learn how to do something, especially if it is not obvious or simple”举个🌰:"I've never used this program before." "Don't worry - you'll soon get the hang of it." “我以前从未使用过这个系统。”“别担心──你很快就会用的。”


conquer /ˈkɒŋ.kər/ 表示“解决(问题);战胜,克服(恐惧)”,英文解释为“to deal with or successfully fight against a problem or an unreasonable fear”举个🌰:He has finally conquered his fear of spiders. 他终于战胜了对蜘蛛的恐惧。

Learning a second language isn't just great for your brain, it can also lead to a surge in self-esteem, says life and leadership coach Kate Cashman.

生活和领导力教练凯特·卡什曼(Kate Cashman)表示,学习第二语言不仅对你的大脑有益,还会显著提升你的自尊心。


1)作动词,表示“急剧上升;飞涨;剧增”,英文解释为“If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.”举个🌰:The company's profits have surged. 公司的利润激增。

2)作名词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”举个🌰:An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash. 突然出现的电压剧增导致电脑死机。

🎬电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)中的台词提到:But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her. 但她体内涌动的能量太大 她撑不住的。


self-esteem /ˌself.ɪˈstiːm/ 表示“自尊”,英文解释为“belief and confidence in your own ability and value”举个🌰:The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem. 发言后得到的赞誉增强了她的自尊感。

“Mastering a new skill or activity, particularly one that's mentally more challenging and requires mental energy [like learning a second language], leads to a greater sense of success, pride and overall wellbeing,” she says.


But Fleur, a 45-year-old mother of two, didn't choose to learn a second language for any of those reasons. Instead, she decided to study Danish so she could help her 12-year-old son, who was learning the language after school. Two years ago, Fleur turned to an app to kick-start the process and fell so head over heels with embracing foreign tongues that she also started dabbling in German and Swedish.



kick-start /ˈkɪk.stɑːt/ 1)表示“促使…开始”,英文解释为“to make something start to happen”举个🌰:Taxes were drastically cut in an attempt to kick-start the economy. 进行了大幅减税以刺激经济增长。

2)表示“用脚踏启动(摩托车)”,英文解释为“to make the engine of a motorcycle start by forcefully pushing down a metal bar with your foot”

head over heels (in love)

be/fall head over heels表示“坠入爱河;神魂颠倒;深深地爱上;热恋”,英文解释为“completely in love”



dabble /ˈdæbəl/ 表示“涉猎;涉足;浅尝”,英文解释为“If you dabble in something, you take part in it but not very seriously.”举个🌰:He dabbled in business. 他曾涉足商界。

She now does five three-minute lessons a day online and has enrolled in face-to-face classes in which she spends an hour a month immersing herself in all things Danish.



表示“(使)加入;注册;招(生);吸收”,英文解释为“If you enrol or are enrolled at an institution or in a class, you officially join it.”举个🌰:I was enrolled at the University in 2016. 我是2016年上大学的。


immerse /ɪˈmɜːs/ yourself in sth 表示“(使)深陷于,沉浸在”,英文解释为“to become or make sb completely involved in sth”举个🌰:She immersed herself in her work. 她埋头工作。

Dr Michiko Weinmann, a senior lecturer in languages education at Deakin University, says Fleur is far from alone, adding that there's been a recent rise in adults seeking to learn a second language: “It's an increasingly popular trend.” And while Weinmann notes that everyone's aptitude for learning a new language is different, anyone who puts their mind to it can “successfully pursue” this endeavour.

迪肯大学语言教育高级讲师美智子·韦曼博士(Dr. Michiko Weinmann)表示,芙勒尔远非个案,还补充说最近有越来越多的成年人寻求学习第二语言:“这是一个日益流行的趋势。”虽然韦曼指出每个人学习新语言的能力各不相同,但只要用心,任何人都能“成功地”学习这门语言。


aptitude /ˈæp.tɪ.tʃuːd/ 表示“天资,资质;才能”,英文解释为“a natural ability or skill”举个🌰:We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account. 我们会考虑你的个人天赋和才能。


美式 endeavor 英式 endeavour /enˈdev.ər/ 可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“努力;奋力”,英文解释为“to try to do something”举个🌰:Engineers are endeavoring to locate the source of the problem. 工程师们正竭尽全力查找问题的根源。

If you'd like to say bonjour to another tongue, Weinmann says apps are a good starting point for mastering the basics, such as specific items of vocabulary, expressions and short phrases. But if you want to become more proficient, she says “frequent exposure” is the best way to get there and can be achieved through face-to-face classes.



1)表示“短语”,英文解释为“a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence”。

2)表示“说法;用语;警句”,英文解释为“a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular meaning”

Just don't expect a new language to roll off your tongue. Weinmann says it takes roughly a few hundred hours for an English speaker to get basic fluency in a similar language, such as European languages. “But it may take several thousand hours to get a basic level of proficiency in Mandarin,” she adds.


roll off your tongue

roll off your tongue/roll off the tongue 用来描述某事(通常是言语或名称)非常容易说出或记住。这个表达形象地描绘了话语就像自然地从舌头上“滚下来”一样,毫不费力,可以翻译为“脱口而出,顺口说出,张嘴儿就来”。

Fleur says learning a new language brings so many rewards: she feels more switched on in general, finds her ability to concentrate has improved, and has even started thinking in Danish, a feat she never thought she'd accomplish.


switch on

switched on /ˌswɪtʃt ˈɒn/ 表示“紧跟时尚的,时新的,新潮的;对新事物有认识的;激起兴趣的;兴致勃勃的;为之振奋的”,通常用来描述某人或某事非常活跃、警觉、或者聪明,英文解释为“quick to know about or be involved with the most recent fashions and ideas”


feat表示“功绩;技艺;武艺;功绩;英勇事迹”,英文解释为“If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement.”如:to perform/attempt/achieve astonishing feats 表演惊人的技艺;争取/取得惊人的功绩,举个🌰:The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering. 这条隧道是工程方面的光辉业绩。

📍be no easy feat 不容易,非易事。类似的还有be no small feat/ be no mean feat可以理解为“是了不起的成就,绝非易事”,英文解释为:to be a great achievement,举个🌰:Getting the job finished in under a week was no mean feat. 一周内就把这项任务完成了,真了不起。

🎬电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:by performing what he calls an impossible feat. 在这里上演他所谓不可能的奇迹。

- 词汇盘点 -

bucket list、 woo、 strike up (sth)、 tongue、 acuity、 cognition、 pharmacological、 intervention、 boost、 fade、 get the hang of sth、 conquer、 surge、 self-esteem、 kick-start、 head over heels (in love)、 dabble、 enroll、 immerse、 aptitude、 endeavour、 phrase、 roll off your tongue、 switch on、 feat

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

After a pharmacological intervention boosted his cognition and acuity, Joe enrolled in a language course, an item on his bucket list. He quickly got the hang of it and phrases began to roll off his tongue. Eager to woo Sarah, he struck up a conversation, using his newfound aptitude. The feat surged his self-esteem, kick-starting his endeavor to conquer the skill. Immersed and head over heels, Joe switched from dabbling to full-time learning.
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