

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06



1. What can be inferred about the public's reaction to the festival's reported thefts?

a) The majority support the organizers.

b) The public is evenly split.

c) Most people are critical of the organizers.

d) The public is indifferent to the issue.

2. What is the festival's organizers' stance on the reported thefts?

a) Indifferent

b) Apologetic

c) Defensive

d) Supportive


Chinese rock festival organisers say they are being 'smeared' with 'exaggerated' complaints about thefts at Henan event headlined by Cui Jian

From: SCMP

The organisers of a rock festival in central China have complained they are being “smeared” over a number of reported thefts at the site.

Numerous festival goers at the Central China Midi Festival, which took place from Friday to Monday in Nanyang, a city in Henan province, took to social media to report that many of their belongings – including tents, mobile phones, bank cards, cash, clothes, shoes, notebooks and even wristbands – had been stolen from the venue and camping area.

A statement from the event's organising committee confirmed that some concertgoers had items stolen, but complained that the problem was being exaggerated.

Hashtags relating to the complaints on Weibo had attracted more than 210 million views and over 24,000 comments by Thursday evening, becoming the hottest trending topic on the social media platform at one point.

The four-day festival, which organisers said had attracted more than 150,000 visitors, took place during a major holiday period that includes both the Mid-Autumn Festival and China's national day – a period when cities across the country are competing to attract visitors.

Midi is one of China's first music festival brands, created by the Beijing Midi School of Music, which was founded three decades ago.

The local authorities in Nanyang had high hopes that the festival – whose headliners included Cui Jian, sometimes described as the “father of Chinese rock” would help boost the local economy and attract younger visitors.

On Tuesday, the Nanyang Daily newspaper touted the event as a “huge success” that would “help Nanyang go abroad through music”.

But on Thursday organisers issued a statement about the thefts on Weibo, saying: “Certain organisations have deliberately exaggerated [the issue] and smeared Nanyang and Midi using the internet, and even spent money to buy trending topics to fan the flames.”

However, it said that the local police had received 73 reports of theft, 65 of which had been confirmed, adding that some suspects had already been detained and some of the stolen goods recovered.

It also said that some online reports had exaggerated the value of the property stolen, saying the police had yet to find any cases where individuals had lost tens of thousands of yuan in property (the equivalent of more than US$1,400).

The committee said it reserved the right to take legal action and that “relevant departments” had had evidence to prove its complaints.

It also said that it had deleted an earlier statement about the thefts published on Tuesday because of “a significant number of comments smearing Henan and Nanyang” and insisted the festival would go ahead next year.

The organisers also said that one internet user had been detained after posting a “false message” on Tuesday morning saying the site needed to be cleaned up.

They said this had prompted locals to go to the camp site and start removing property even though many people had spent the night there and had yet to pack up and go home.

The organisers' statement attracted more than 10,500 comments, many of them critical. “The organisers should bear some responsibility for not ensuring sufficient security, right? It feels like they aren't addressing their own problems,” one Weibo-user in Shandong province wrote.

But others defended the comments, with one saying: “Some old-fashioned people don't know how much damage this will cause to the city.”

The local authorities also issued a statement, expressing “profound apologies” and promising to compensate fans for any stolen items.

Major music events can bring in several billion yuan when the visitors' total expenditure on things like food, accommodation and shopping are taken into account.

Nanyang's local economy grew just 4.7 per cent in the first half of this year compared with the same period in 2022, lagging behind the national average of 5.5 per cent.

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Chinese rock festival organisers say they are being 'smeared' with 'exaggerated' complaints about thefts at Henan event headlined by Cui Jian

From: SCMP

The organisers of a rock festival in central China have complained they are being “smeared” over a number of reported thefts at the site.



smear /smɪə/ 表示“污迹;污渍;污点”,英文解释为“an oily or dirty mark”如:a smear of jam 果酱渍。

作动词,表示“涂抹(黏腻的东西)”,英文解释为“to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface”举个🌰:The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa. 孩子们把花生酱抹得沙发上到处都是。

📍咋还不会拼coronavirus了?文中提到,CGTN在标题中用了smear作动词,还可以表示「诽谤;诋毁」,英文解释为:to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true,举个🌰:They planned to smear him by publishing information about his private life. 他们计划通过公开有关他私生活方面的信息来诋毁他。

Numerous festival goers at the Central China Midi Festival, which took place from Friday to Monday in Nanyang, a city in Henan province, took to social media to report that many of their belongings – including tents, mobile phones, bank cards, cash, clothes, shoes, notebooks and even wristbands – had been stolen from the venue and camping area.



-goer,这个用法很常见,表示“常去...的人;...迷”,如:cinema-goer 或者movie-goer可以表示影迷,电影观众。还有诸如gym-goer, shopping-goer, ...


wristband /ˈrɪst.bænd/ 表示“手腕带(绕在手腕上的带子,如手表带)”,英文解释为“a piece of material that goes around the wrist, for example to hold a watch;a piece of material that people wear around their wrists to show that they support a particular organization or idea”


venue /ˈven.juː/ 表示“(公共事件的)发生场所,举行地点;会场”,英文解释为“the place where a public event or meeting happens”举个🌰:The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings. 这家酒店是举行会议和商务会谈的理想场所。

A statement from the event's organising committee confirmed that some concertgoers had items stolen, but complained that the problem was being exaggerated.



exaggerate /ɪɡˈzædʒ.ə.reɪt/ 表示“夸张;夸大;对…言过其实”,英文解释为“to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is”举个🌰:Don't exaggerate - it wasn't that expensive. 不要言过其实——没有那么贵。

Hashtags relating to the complaints on Weibo had attracted more than 210 million views and over 24,000 comments by Thursday evening, becoming the hottest trending topic on the social media platform at one point.



表示“在社交媒体上发文时用来描述主题的#号”,英文解释为“used on social media for describing the general subject of a Tweet or other post (= message)”.


trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”举个🌰:Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo. 事件发生几分钟后她的名字就在微博上传开了。

trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。

The four-day festival, which organisers said had attracted more than 150,000 visitors, took place during a major holiday period that includes both the Mid-Autumn Festival and China's national day – a period when cities across the country are competing to attract visitors.


Midi is one of China's first music festival brands, created by the Beijing Midi School of Music, which was founded three decades ago.


The local authorities in Nanyang had high hopes that the festival – whose headliners included Cui Jian, sometimes described as the “father of Chinese rock” would help boost the local economy and attract younger visitors.



表示“(演出中的)主要演员,主角”,英文解释为“the main performer at a concert, festival, etc., whose name is printed at the top of the list of performers and who usually comes on stage last”


可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。

📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.

On Tuesday, the Nanyang Daily newspaper touted the event as a “huge success” that would “help Nanyang go abroad through music”.



表示“标榜;吹捧;吹嘘”,英文解释为“to try to persuade people that sb/sth is important or valuable by praising them/it”举个🌰:A local car dealership was touting its services/wares on the radio. 一家地方汽车特许经销商正在当地电台作宣传。

🎬电影《大谎言家》(Big Fat Liar)中的台词提到:Big Fat Liar is already being touted as next summer's must-see movie event. 《大谎言家》已被誉为明年夏天必看的电影。

But on Thursday organisers issued a statement about the thefts on Weibo, saying: “Certain organisations have deliberately exaggerated [the issue] and smeared Nanyang and Midi using the internet, and even spent money to buy trending topics to fan the flames.”



1)表示“故意地”,英文解释为“intentionally”举个🌰:I'm sure he says these things deliberately to annoy me. 我敢肯定他是故意说这些来气我的。

2)表示“不慌不忙地,从容地”,英文解释为“slowly and carefully”举个🌰:Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one. 她平静从容地把他的西服一件一件剪成碎片。

fan the flames

表示“煽风点火,鼓惑人心”,英文解释为“to make a dangerous or unpleasant mood or situation worse”举个🌰:His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension. 他的演说激化了种族间的紧张关系。

However, it said that the local police had received 73 reports of theft, 65 of which had been confirmed, adding that some suspects had already been detained and some of the stolen goods recovered.



1)表示“拘留;扣押”,英文解释为“When people such as the police detain someone, they keep them in a place under their control.”举个🌰:Police have detained two suspects in connection with the attack. 警方拘留了2名与该袭击事件有关的嫌疑人。

2)表示“耽搁;留住;阻留”,英文解释为“To detain someone means to delay them, for example, by talking to them.”举个🌰:"Thank you. We won't detain you any further." “谢谢您。我们不再耽搁您了。”

It also said that some online reports had exaggerated the value of the property stolen, saying the police had yet to find any cases where individuals had lost tens of thousands of yuan in property (the equivalent of more than US$1,400).



property /ˈprɒp.ə.ti/ 1)表示“所有物;财产;资产”,英文解释为“an object or objects that belong to someone”举个🌰:The club does not accept responsibility for loss of or damage to club members' personal property. 该俱乐部不承担会员个人财产丢失或损坏的责任。

2)表示“属性,性能,特性”,英文解释为“a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means that it can be used in a particular way”举个🌰:One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well. 铜的特性之一是导热导电能力强。

3)表示“房产,地产,房地产”,英文解释为“a building or area of land, or both together”举个🌰:He owns a number of properties on the south coast. 他在南部海滨拥有几处房产。


1)作形容词,表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles. 八公里约等于五英里。

2)作名词,表示“相等的东西;等量;对应词”,英文解释为“a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equivalent to sth else”。


🧣Weibo, China's Twitter-like service (SCMP)

🧣Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)

🧣Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)

🧣Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (NYT)

The committee said it reserved the right to take legal action and that “relevant departments” had had evidence to prove its complaints.



作名词,1)表示“贮藏(物);储备(物);备用(物)”,英文解释为“the act of keeping something or a supply of something until it is needed, or a supply that you keep”举个🌰:She keeps a little money in reserve (= for use if and when needed). 她留下了一些钱以备不时之需。

2)等于reservation,表示“(尤指保护野生动物生存的)自然保护区,禁猎区,保护区”,英文解释为“an area of land kept in its natural state, especially for wild animals to live in and be protected”如:a nature/game/wildlife reserve 自然保护区/禁猎区/野生动物保护区。

作动词,表示“把…专门留给;把…留作;保留”,英文解释为“to keep something for a particular purpose or time”举个🌰:I reserve Mondays for tidying my desk and answering letters. 我把周一的时间留出来专门清理办公桌和回复信件。

It also said that it had deleted an earlier statement about the thefts published on Tuesday because of “a significant number of comments smearing Henan and Nanyang” and insisted the festival would go ahead next year.


The organisers also said that one internet user had been detained after posting a “false message” on Tuesday morning saying the site needed to be cleaned up.


They said this had prompted locals to go to the camp site and start removing property even though many people had spent the night there and had yet to pack up and go home.



作名词,1)表示“(计算机屏幕上的)提示符(显示计算机已经准备好接受指令)”,英文解释为“a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions”

2)表示“(给演员的)提词,提白”,英文解释为“words that are spoken to an actor who has forgotten what he or she is going to say during the performance of a play”

3)作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. 他的讲话激起了人群中一男子的愤怒。

📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。

4)作动词,表示“(尤指)给(演员)提词”,英文解释为“to help someone, especially an actor, to remember what they were going to say or do”举个🌰:I forgot my line and had to be prompted. 我忘词了,只好让人提词。

The organisers' statement attracted more than 10,500 comments, many of them critical. “The organisers should bear some responsibility for not ensuring sufficient security, right? It feels like they aren't addressing their own problems,” one Weibo-user in Shandong province wrote.



1)表示“忍受;容忍;经受;承担”,英文解释为“to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant”举个🌰:The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well. 当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。

2)熟词僻义,表示“生(孩子);结(果实);开(花)”,英文解释为“to give birth to young, or (of a tree or plant) to give or produce fruit or flowers”举个🌰:She had borne three children by the time she was 30. 她到30岁时已经生了3个孩子。

But others defended the comments, with one saying: “Some old-fashioned people don't know how much damage this will cause to the city.”



1)表示“保护,防卫;为…辩护”,英文解释为“to protect someone or something against attack or criticism; to speak in favour of someone or something”举个🌰:They are fighting to defend their beliefs/interests/rights. 他们在为捍卫自己的信仰/利益/权利而战。

2)表示“(在法庭上)为…辩护,当…的辩护律师”,英文解释为“to act as a lawyer for someone who has been accused of something in a court of law and try to prove that they are not guilty”举个🌰:I can't afford a lawyer, so I shall defend myself (= argue my own case in a court of law). 我请不起律师,所以我将在法庭上自辩。

3)表示“(运动比赛中)卫冕;蝉联冠军”,英文解释为“to compete in a sports competition that you won before and try to win it again”举个🌰:He will defend his 1,500 metre title this weekend. 他会在周末1500米比赛中争取卫冕。

4)表示“(在体育比赛中)防守,防卫”,英文解释为“to try to prevent the opposing player or players from scoring points, goals, etc. in a sport”举个🌰:In the last ten minutes of the game, we needed to defend. 我们得在比赛的最后十分钟内进行防守。


old-fashioned /ˌəʊldˈfæʃ.ənd/ 表示“旧式的;老式的;过时的;老派的”,英文解释为“not modern; belonging to or typical of a time in the past”如:old-fashioned clothes/ideas/furniture 过时的衣服/观点/家具。

The local authorities also issued a statement, expressing “profound apologies” and promising to compensate fans for any stolen items.



compensate /ˈkɒm.pən.seɪt/ 表示“弥补,补偿,抵消”,英文解释为“to provide something good or useful in place of something or to make someone feel better about something that has failed or been lost or missed”举个🌰:Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood. 什么也不能弥补他失去的童年。

Major music events can bring in several billion yuan when the visitors' total expenditure on things like food, accommodation and shopping are taken into account.



expenditure /ɪkˈspen.dɪ.tʃər/ 表示“花费;消费;费用;开支”(the act of spending or using money; an amount of money spent)如:a reduction in public/government/military expenditure 公共/政府/军费开支的削减。


📍spending表示“(政府或其他机构的)开支,支出,花销”(the amount of money that is spent by a government or an organization)如:to increase public spending 增加公共开支。

📍outlay表示“(启动新项目的)开支,费用”(the money that you have to spend in order to start a new project)如:the initial outlay on advertising 初期的广告费。


accommodation /əˌkɒm.əˈdeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“住处;工作场所;停留处”,英文解释为“a place to live, work, stay, etc. in”举个🌰:There's a shortage of cheap accommodation (= places to live). 便宜的住所供不应求。

📍美式英语中通常复数accommodations,表示“(尤指度假时或供大学生使用的)住宿”,英文解释为“a place to live or stay, especially on holiday or for students at college”

Nanyang's local economy grew just 4.7 per cent in the first half of this year compared with the same period in 2022, lagging behind the national average of 5.5 per cent.



表示“缓慢移动;掉队,滞后”,英文解释为“to move or make progress so slowly that you are behind other people or things”举个🌰:Sales are lagging at the moment. 目前的销售很不景气。

📍lag behind 表示“落后”,英文解释为“If one thing or person lags behind another thing or person, their progress is slower than that of the other thing or person.”举个🌰:The restructuring of the pattern of consumption also lagged behind. 消费结构的调整也落后了。

- 词汇盘点 -

smear、 goer、 wristband、 venue、 exaggerate、 hashtag、 trend、 headliner、 boost、 tout、 deliberately、 fan the flames、 detain、 property、 equivalent、 reserve、 prompt、 bear、 defend、 old-fashioned、 compensate、 expenditure、 accommodation、 lag

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

At a trending venue, the headliner was detained for a smear campaign. Goers with wristbands were compensated for the lag in performance. Old-fashioned security defended the property, but hashtags fanned the flames. Exaggerated expenditure on accommodations prompted equivalent reserve to boost and tout the event.
- 推荐阅读 -
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