

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

近日,2023年诺贝尔经济学奖揭晓,授予美国哈佛大学经济学教授克劳迪娅·戈尔丁(Claudia Goldin),以表彰她对促进女性劳动力市场结果理解的研究(for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes)。



1. What does Claudia Goldin suggest about the relationship between the workplace and home life?

a) A fair home environment ensures workplace gender equality.

b) What occurs in domestic life often mirrors issues in the workplace.

c) Both are equally responsible for the gender pay gap.

d) Women usually prefer work that allows them to focus more on family.

2. Which of the following is a challenge that Claudia Goldin faced in her research?

a) Lack of support from policymakers.

b) Discrimination due to her gender.

c) Insufficient data related to women in labor markets.

d) Controversial conclusions that were not widely accepted.


Nobel economics prize goes to professor for research on the workplace gender gap


The Nobel economics prize was awarded Monday to Harvard University professor Claudia Goldin for research that has advanced the understanding of the gender gap in the labor market.

The announcement went a tiny step to closing the Nobel committee's own gender gap: Goldin is just the third woman to win the prize out of 93 economics laureates.

She has studied 200 years of women's participation in the workplace, showing that despite continued economic growth, women's pay did not continuously catch up to men's and a divide still exists despite women gaining higher levels of education than men.

“I've always been an optimist. But when I look at the numbers, I think something has happened in America, that we, in the 1990s, our labor force participation rate for women was the highest in the world, and now it isn't the highest in the world,” Goldin told The Associated Press.

“We have to step back and ask questions about piecing together the family, the home, together with the marketplace and employment,” she said.

Goldin's research does not offer solutions, but it allows policymakers to tackle the entrenched problem, said economist Randi Hjalmarsson, a member of the Nobel committee.

“She explains the source of the gap, and how it's changed over time and how it varies with the stage of development. And therefore, there is no single policy,” Hjalmarsson said. “So it's a complicated policy question because if you don't know the underlying reason, a certain policy won't work.”

However, “by finally understanding the problem and calling it by the right name, we will be able to pave a better route forward,” Hjalmarsson said.

Goldin, 77, told AP that what happens in people's homes reflects what happens in the workplace, with women often taking jobs that allow them to be on call at home — work that often pays less.

“Ways in which we can even things out or to create more couple equity also leads to more gender equality,” she said.

Goldin had to become a data sleuth as she sought to fill in missing data for her research, Hjalmarsson said. For parts of history, systematic labor market records did not exist, and, if they did, information about women was missing.

“So how did Claudia Goldin overcome this missing data challenge? She had to be a detective to dig through the archives to find novel data sources and creative ways to use them to measure these unknowns,” Hjalmarsson said.

In Goldin's analysis, a woman's role in the job market and the pay she receives aren't influenced just by broad social and economic changes. They also are determined partly by her individual decisions about, for example, how much education to get.

Often young girls make decisions about future work by looking at their own mother's participation, each generation “learning from the successes and failures of the preceding generation,” Hjalmarsson said.

The process of evaluating prospects as times change “helps explain why change in labor market gender gaps has been so slow,” she said.

Of receiving the Nobel, Goldin “was surprised and very, very glad,” Ellegren said.

The economics award was created in 1968 by Sweden's central bank and is formally known as the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

Last year's winners were former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip Dybvig for their research into bank failures that helped shape America's aggressive response to the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

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Nobel economics prize goes to professor for research on the workplace gender gap


The Nobel economics prize was awarded Monday to Harvard University professor Claudia Goldin for research that has advanced the understanding of the gender gap in the labor market.

周一,诺贝尔经济学奖颁发给哈佛大学教授克劳迪娅·戈尔丁(Claudia Goldin),以表彰她对促进女性劳动力市场结果理解的研究。

The announcement went a tiny step to closing the Nobel committee's own gender gap: Goldin is just the third woman to win the prize out of 93 economics laureates.



laureate /ˈlɔːrɪɪt/ 表示“荣誉获得者;获奖者”,英文解释为“a person who has been given an official honour or prize for sth important they have achieved”,如:a Nobel laureate 诺贝尔奖获得者。

She has studied 200 years of women's participation in the workplace, showing that despite continued economic growth, women's pay did not continuously catch up to men's and a divide still exists despite women gaining higher levels of education than men.


“I've always been an optimist. But when I look at the numbers, I think something has happened in America, that we, in the 1990s, our labor force participation rate for women was the highest in the world, and now it isn't the highest in the world,” Goldin told The Associated Press.

“我一直是个乐观主义者。但当我看到这些数据时,我感到美国在90年代有所不同,当时我们的女性劳动力参与率是世界最高的,但现在不是了,”戈尔丁在接受美联社(The Associated Press)采访时说。


optimist /ˈɒp.tɪ.mɪst/ 表示“乐观主义者,乐天派”,英文解释为“someone who always believes that good things will happen”举个🌰:She's a born optimist (= someone who has always been optimistic). 她天生是个乐天派。

“We have to step back and ask questions about piecing together the family, the home, together with the marketplace and employment,” she said.


piece sth together

表示“拼合;凑集”,英文解释为“to create something by joining the separate parts of it together or by joining different things together”举个🌰:The ancient skull has been pieced together from fragments. 这个古人类头骨是由头骨碎片拼合起来的。

Goldin's research does not offer solutions, but it allows policymakers to tackle the entrenched problem, said economist Randi Hjalmarsson, a member of the Nobel committee.

诺贝尔委员会成员、经济学家兰迪·哈尔马松(Randi Hjalmarsson)表示,戈尔丁的研究并没有提供解决方案,但它为政策制定者带来了解决这一根深蒂固问题的可能。


entrenched /ɪnˈtrentʃt/ 表示“牢固确立的;根深蒂固的;积重难返的”,英文解释为“Entrenched ideas are so fixed or have existed for so long that they cannot be changed.”举个🌰:It's very difficult to change attitudes that have become so deeply entrenched over the years. 改变多年以来形成的根深蒂固的旧看法是很困难的。

🎬电影《别让我走》(Never Let Me Go)中的台词提到:The tide is with the entrenched mindset, with values that are still unexamined 他们固步自封 抱残守缺 坚守着未经证实的价值观。

“She explains the source of the gap, and how it's changed over time and how it varies with the stage of development. And therefore, there is no single policy,” Hjalmarsson said. “So it's a complicated policy question because if you don't know the underlying reason, a certain policy won't work.”



1)表示“暗含的;深层的;潜在的”,英文解释为“real but not immediately obvious”举个🌰:And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts? 这些看似偶然的行为,其暗含的意义可能是什么呢?

2)表示“以…为基础的”,英文解释为“used to describe something on which something else is based”举个🌰:The price of the investment fell below the value of the underlying assets. 这一投资项目的价格已经跌至低于标的资产价值。

However, “by finally understanding the problem and calling it by the right name, we will be able to pave a better route forward,” Hjalmarsson said.


Goldin, 77, told AP that what happens in people's homes reflects what happens in the workplace, with women often taking jobs that allow them to be on call at home — work that often pays less.


on call

1)表示“(工作人员)随叫随到的,待命的”,英文解释为“used to describe workers who are available to make official visits at any time when they are needed”如:an on-call specialist/firefighter/judge 一名待命的专家/消防员/法官;

2)表示“(工作)需要所叫随到的,随时待命的”,英文解释为“relating to the work of someone who is available at any time when needed”举个🌰:My new job is 20 hours per week, with no on-call work. 我的新工作每周工作20小时,没有待命任务。

“Ways in which we can even things out or to create more couple equity also leads to more gender equality,” she said.


even (sth) out

even (sth) out 表示“使平;(使)均等,拉平”,英文解释为“to become equal, or to make something equal”举个🌰:The league is divided into two skill levels in order to even out the competition. 联合会按能力分成两个级别,旨在均衡竞争。


equity /ˈek.wɪ.ti/  1)表示“(公司的)股本,股票值;股票”,英文解释为“the value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided”举个🌰:He sold his equity in the company last year. 他去年卖掉了这家公司的股票。

2)表示“公平;公正”,英文解释为“the situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally”如:a society based on equity and social justice 建立在公平公正和社会正义基础之上的社会。

📍private equity (PE) 私募股权;私人股本。据百度百科介绍,PE也就是私募股权投资,从投资方式角度看,是指通过私募形式对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资,在交易实施过程中附带考虑了将来的退出机制,即通过上市、并购或管理层回购等方式,出售持股获利。

Goldin had to become a data sleuth as she sought to fill in missing data for her research, Hjalmarsson said. For parts of history, systematic labor market records did not exist, and, if they did, information about women was missing.



sleuth /sluːθ/ 作名词,表示“侦探”,英文解释为“someone who tries to find out information about a crime”,如:an amateur sleuth 业余侦探;作动词时,指的就是做侦探;侦查,调查(carry out a careful investigation into a crime or mystery)。

“So how did Claudia Goldin overcome this missing data challenge? She had to be a detective to dig through the archives to find novel data sources and creative ways to use them to measure these unknowns,” Hjalmarsson said.



detective /dɪˈtek.tɪv/ 1)表示“侦探”,英文解释为“someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them”如:a private detective 私家侦探;

2)表示“警探(用于某些级别的警察头衔)”,英文解释为“used as part of the title of particular ranks in the police force”


dig /dɪɡ/ 1)表示“挖,挖掘(土)”,英文解释为“to break up and move soil using a tool, a machine, or your hands”举个🌰:Digging (in) the garden is good exercise. 在花园里挖土是一种很好的锻炼。

2)表示“寻找,搜寻,找到”,英文解释为“to search somewhere when you are looking for an object or information ”举个🌰:He dug into his pocket and took out a few coins. 他把手伸进口袋里摸索一番后掏出了几枚硬币。

作名词,表示“奚落,取笑,嘲笑”,英文解释为“a remark that is intended to criticize, embarrass, or make a joke about someone”举个🌰:He's always taking digs/a dig at me. 他总是奚落我。


archives / archive /ˈɑː.kaɪv/ 1)表示“档案;案卷”,英文解释为“a collection of historical records relating to a place, organization, or family”如:archive film/footage/material 档案胶片/影片/材料。

2)表示“档案馆;档案室”,英文解释为“a place where historical records are kept”举个🌰:I've been studying village records in the local archive. 我一直在当地的档案馆中研究村庄的史料。

In Goldin's analysis, a woman's role in the job market and the pay she receives aren't influenced just by broad social and economic changes. They also are determined partly by her individual decisions about, for example, how much education to get.


Often young girls make decisions about future work by looking at their own mother's participation, each generation “learning from the successes and failures of the preceding generation,” Hjalmarsson said.



preceding /prɪˈsiː.dɪŋ/ 表示“在前的,在先的,前面的”,英文解释为“existing or happening before someone or something”举个🌰:The paintings are a development of ideas she explored in the preceding decade. 这些画是她过去10年以来思想探索的成果。

The process of evaluating prospects as times change “helps explain why change in labor market gender gaps has been so slow,” she said.



1)表示“(发生好事情的)可能,可能性,机会”,英文解释为“the possibility that something good might happen in the future”举个🌰:Is there any prospect of the weather improving? 天气有可能好转吗?

2)表示“前景;展望;设想”,英文解释为“the idea of something that will or might happen in the future”

Of receiving the Nobel, Goldin “was surprised and very, very glad,” Ellegren said.


The economics award was created in 1968 by Sweden's central bank and is formally known as the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

诺贝尔经济学奖由瑞典中央银行于1968年创立,正式名称为“瑞典中央银行纪念阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔经济学奖”(Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel)。

Last year's winners were former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip Dybvig for their research into bank failures that helped shape America's aggressive response to the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

去年的获奖者是前美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)、道格拉斯·W·戴蒙德(Douglas W. Diamond)和菲利普·戴布维格(Philip Dybvig),他们对银行倒闭的研究帮助美国制定了积极应对2007-2008年金融危机的措施。

Federal Reserve

the Federal Reserve /ˌfed.ər.əl rɪˈzɜːv/ 表示“美国联邦储备系统(简称美联储,即美国中央银行)”,英文解释为“the central bank of the US”


aggressive /əˈɡres.ɪv/ 1)表示“好斗的;挑衅的;侵略的”,英文解释为“angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack”;

2)表示“气势汹汹的;声势浩大的;志在必得的;积极进取的;有冲劲的;雄心勃勃的”,英文解释为“acting with force and determination in order to succeed”如:an aggressive advertising campaign 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。

- 词汇盘点 -

laureate、 optimist、 piece sth together、 entrenched、 underlying、 on call、 even (sth) out、 equity、 sleuth、 detective、 dig、 archive、 preceding、 prospect、 Federal Reserve、 aggressive

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Laureate detective and optimist sleuth, always on call, dug into the Federal Reserve's archives. They pieced together an entrenched, underlying issue preceding aggressive policies. Their prospect? Even out equity.
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