

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06



1. Based on the articles, what characterizes Faker's status in South Korea's gaming community?

A) He is considered an upcoming talent in e-sports.

B) He is often compared to traditional sports celebrities.

C) His popularity is limited to a niche audience.

D) He is primarily known for his online streaming.

2. What is the significance of the League of Legends world championship being likened to the Super Bowl in the articles?

A) It signifies the event's popularity among a general audience.

B) It indicates the large financial investments involved.

C) It emphasizes the event's cultural impact and global audience.

D) It highlights the event's focus on American players.


Gaming fans throng Seoul for League of Legends world final

From: AFP

Thousands of fans from around the world have descended on South Korea's capital Seoul for the League of Legends world championship final on Sunday, widely considered the Super Bowl of e-sports.

First held in 2011, the League of Legends (LoL) world championship has rapidly grown to become one of the crown jewels of e-sports, which are globally forecast to attract audiences of nearly 1.4 billion by 2025.

South Korean powerhouse T1, who lost in last year's world final, will take on China's Weibo Gaming at the Gocheok Sky Dome, a 16,000-capacity baseball stadium.

"Every time the LoL world championship was held in South Korea, we were not able to advance, but this year, we've secured the opportunity to play... in front of our Korean fans," T1's Faker, a superstar often hailed as the Michael Jordan of e-sports, said at a press conference this week.

"I hope to end this rare... opportunity with a positive result."

Faker, whose real name is Lee Sang-hyeok, is looking to win a record fourth world title with T1. He won gold with South Korea at the Asian Games this year.

He has celebrity status in gaming-mad South Korea, where fans chant his name during matches.

At a fan zone set up for the final in central Seoul, people queued up to take photos with life-sized cutouts of Faker and his team.

"My favourite is Faker," said Park Jeong-hyeon, a 22-year-old student who said she has been playing League of Legends with her friends for three years.

She compared him to K-pop's biggest stars: "He plays so well. It makes me wonder how he does it! I'd say he's the BTS of e-sports."

Many in the fan zone were decked out in costumes and carried props as they posed for photos.

League of Legends involves two teams with five players each competing in a battleground where the goal is to destroy the opponent's base.

During competitive games, screaming and cheering fans follow the action on giant screens above the teams.

Tickets for the final at the 16-000 capacity Sky Dome sold out in 10 minutes when they were made available in August, according to League of Legends maker Riot Games.

Dozens of cinemas across South Korea will also screen the final live. Those tickets also sold out rapidly, according to listings on operator CGV.

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Gaming fans throng Seoul for League of Legends world final

From: AFP

Thousands of fans from around the world have descended on South Korea's capital Seoul for the League of Legends world championship final on Sunday, widely considered the Super Bowl of e-sports.

周日,成千上万的粉丝从世界各地涌向韩国首都首尔,观看《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)全球总决赛,这场赛事被认为是电子竞技界的“超级碗”。


throng /θrɒŋ/ 表示“(人群)蜂拥,群集”,英文解释为“to be or go somewhere in very large numbers”举个🌰:Crowds thronged the market place. 市场里挤满了人。

descend on/upon sb/sth

descend on/upon sb/sth表示“突然造访,突然到达”,英文解释为“If a group of people descend on a place or person, they arrive, usually without warning or without being invited.”举个🌰:Sorry to descend on you like this, but we didn't have a phone to call you. 如此唐突造访非常抱歉,我们没有电话,不能提前通知你们。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述数据经济的文章中提到:In early December tens of thousands of mostly male geeks descend on America’s gambling capital in hope not of winnings but of wisdom about Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world’s biggest cloud-computing provider. 12月初,上万名多为男性的极客来到美国这座赌城,不是为了赢钱,而是要汲取关于世界最大的云计算提供商亚马逊云计算服务(AWS)的智慧。


1)表示“传说;传奇故事”,英文解释为“a story from ancient times about people and events, that may or may not be true; this type of story”;

2)表示“(尤指某领域中的)传奇人物”,英文解释为“a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people”,如:a jazz/tennis legend 爵士乐/网球的传奇人物。

3)表示“(对图画、地图、硬币等的)说明,图例”,英文解释为“the words written on or next to a picture, map, coin, etc. that explain what it is about or what the symbols on it mean”


📍championship表示“(尤指体育比赛的)冠军赛,锦标赛”,英文解释为“a high-level competition to decide who is the best, especially in a sport”,如:the British Diving Championship 英国跳水锦标赛。

📍tournament /ˈtʊənəmənt, ˈtɜː-/表示“锦标赛”,英文解释为“a competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played, and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left”如:a tennis/chess/golf tournament 网球/国际象棋/高尔夫球锦标赛。

Super Bowl

Super Bowl /ˈsuː.pə ˌbəʊl/ 表示“超级碗(美国两大美式橄榄球联盟冠军队之间的年度总决赛)”,英文解释为“in the US, a game of American football played each year between the winners of the two leagues (= groups) in order to decide which is the best team in the country”

First held in 2011, the League of Legends (LoL) world championship has rapidly grown to become one of the crown jewels of e-sports, which are globally forecast to attract audiences of nearly 1.4 billion by 2025.


crown jewels

crown jewels /ˌkraʊn ˈdʒuː.əlz/ 1)表示“御宝(国王或女王在重要官方典礼上佩戴的王冠和珠宝)”,英文解释为“the crown and other jewels (= precious stones) worn at important official ceremonies by the king or queen”举个🌰:The Scottish crown jewels, called the Honours of Scotland, are on display in Edinburgh Castle. 被称为“苏格兰荣耀”的苏格兰御宝现在陈列在爱丁堡城堡内。

2)表示“(某地方或组织)最重要的方面,最有价值的方面”,英文解释为“one of the most important or valuable features or possessions of a place, organization, etc.”举个🌰:The university system of Maryland is one of our State's crown jewels. 大学体系是我们马里兰州最出色的方面。


forecast /ˈfɔː.kɑːst/ 表示“预测;预报”,英文解释为“to say what you expect to happen in the future”举个🌰:Snow has been forecast for tonight. 预报今晚有雪。

South Korean powerhouse T1, who lost in last year's world final, will take on China's Weibo Gaming at the Gocheok Sky Dome, a 16,000-capacity baseball stadium.

去年全球总决赛中失利的韩国超强战队T1将在可容纳1.6万人的高尺天空穹顶棒球场迎战中国微博战队(Weibo Gaming, WBG)。


表示“强大的集团(或组织);权威人士;强国;权势集团”,英文解释为“A powerhouse is a person, country, or organization that has a lot of power or influence.”举个🌰:Nigeria is the most populous African country and an economic powerhouse for the continent. 尼日利亚是非洲人口最稠密的国家,也是非洲大陆的经济强国。

take sb on

1)表示“同…较量(或争斗)”,英文解释为“to compete against or fight someone”举个🌰:I pretended to agree because I really didn't want to take him on. 我假装同意,因为我真的不想和他较量。

2)表示“雇用(某人)”,英文解释为“to employ someone”举个🌰:She was taken on as a laboratory assistant. 她受雇为实验室助理。


dome /dəʊm/ 1)表示“穹顶;穹顶建筑”,英文解释为“a rounded roof on a building or a room, or a building with such a roof”

2)表示“半球形”,英文解释为“a shape like one-half of a ball”举个🌰:Gerald had a long grey beard and a shiny bald dome (= head). 杰拉尔德留着长长的灰色胡须,头秃得锃亮。


capacity /kəˈpæs.ə.ti/ 表示“容积,容量;生产能力;(尤指某人或某组织的)办事能力”,英文解释为“the total amount that can be contained or produced, or (especially of a person or organization) the ability to do a particular thing”举个🌰:The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000. 这个体育场能容纳5万人。

"Every time the LoL world championship was held in South Korea, we were not able to advance, but this year, we've secured the opportunity to play... in front of our Korean fans," T1's Faker, a superstar often hailed as the Michael Jordan of e-sports, said at a press conference this week.

“每当《英雄联盟》全球总决赛在韩国举行,我们都没能晋级,但今年我们终于获得了在韩国粉丝面前比赛的机会,”T1战队的Faker在本周新闻发布会上表示。Faker是一位常被誉为电子竞技界迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)的超级巨星。


1)熟词僻义,作动词,表示“获得;设法得到;争取到”,英文解释为“to get something, sometimes with difficulty”举个🌰:He was disappointed by his failure to secure the top job with the bank. 他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。

2)表示“使安全;保护;保卫”,英文解释为“to make certain something is protected from danger or risk”举个🌰:This form of investment is an excellent way of securing your children's financial future. 这种投资方式是为你的孩子提供日后经济保障的极佳方式。


hail /heɪl/ 1)表示“招呼,呼喊”,英文解释为“to call someone in order to attract their attention”举个🌰:Shall we hail a taxi? 我们要叫出租车吗?

2)hail sb/sth as sth 表示“把…称赞为,把…誉为”,英文解释为“to describe sb/sth as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.”举个🌰:The conference was hailed as a great success. 会议被称颂为一次巨大的成功。

"I hope to end this rare... opportunity with a positive result."


Faker, whose real name is Lee Sang-hyeok, is looking to win a record fourth world title with T1. He won gold with South Korea at the Asian Games this year.

Faker,本名李相赫(Lee Sang-hyeok),正希望与T1一起赢得其创纪录的第四个世界冠军。他今年在亚运会上为韩国赢得了金牌。


作名词,熟词僻义,表示“(竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军”,英文解释为“the position of being the winner of a competition, especially a sports competition”如:the world heavyweight title 重量级世界拳击冠军。

title还可以表示「书」举个🌰:Last year we published over a hundred new titles. 去年我们出版了100多种新书。

He has celebrity status in gaming-mad South Korea, where fans chant his name during matches.



chant /tʃɑːnt/ 可以作名词,也可以作动词,1)表示“重复地说(或唱);反复吟唱;反复念诵”,英文解释为“to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously”举个🌰:The crowd were chanting the team's name. 人群正反复呼唤着自己足球队的名字。

2)表示“吟诵;唱圣歌”,英文解释为“If you chant or if you chant something, you sing a religious song or prayer.”举个🌰:Muslims chanted and prayed. 穆斯林唱了圣歌并祈祷了。

At a fan zone set up for the final in central Seoul, people queued up to take photos with life-sized cutouts of Faker and his team.



queue /kjuː/  = queue up 1)表示“排队”,英文解释为“to wait in a line of people, often to buy something”举个🌰:Dozens of people were queueing up to get tickets. 几十个人在排队买票。

2)表示“排队(等候)做…,非常想做…”,英文解释为“to want very much to do something”举个🌰:There are thousands of young people queueing up to be models. 成千上万的年轻人对当模特趋之若鹜。


life-size = life-sized 表示“真人大小的;实物大小的”,英文解释为“A life-sized work of art or model is the same size as the person or thing that it represents.”如:a life-size statue of an elephant 一尊实物大小的大象雕像。


cutout /ˈkʌt.aʊt/ 表示“(尤指可竖立起来的)剪下的图样”,英文解释为“a shape that has been cut out from something, especially a flat one that can stand vertically”如:a life-size cutout of the actor 真人大小的演员剪像。

"My favourite is Faker," said Park Jeong-hyeon, a 22-year-old student who said she has been playing League of Legends with her friends for three years.

“我最喜欢的是Faker,”22岁的学生朴正贤(Park Jeong-hyeon)说,她表示自己和朋友们一起玩《英雄联盟》已经有三年了。

She compared him to K-pop's biggest stars: "He plays so well. It makes me wonder how he does it! I'd say he's the BTS of e-sports."


Many in the fan zone were decked out in costumes and carried props as they posed for photos.



deck /dek/ 作名词,表示“甲板,舱面”,英文解释为“a flat area for walking on, built across the space between the sides of a boat”举个🌰:We sat on deck until it was dark. 我们在甲板上一直坐到天黑。

作动词,表示“装饰;装点;打扮”,英文解释为“to decorate or add something to something to make an effect”举个🌰:The room was decked with flowers. 房间里装点着花朵。The wedding guests were decked out in their finery (= wearing their best clothes). 参加婚礼的宾客都穿着自己最好的礼服。


表示“道具”,英文解释为“an object used by the actors performing in a play or film”举个🌰:The set is minimal and the only props used in the show are a table, a chair, and a glass of water. 布景极其简单,剧中所用的道具只有一张桌子、一把椅子和一杯水。

League of Legends involves two teams with five players each competing in a battleground where the goal is to destroy the opponent's base.



opponent /əˈpəʊ.nənt/ 表示“反对者”,英文解释为“a person who disagrees with something and speaks against it or tries to change it”或者表示“(体育比赛中的)对手”,英文解释为“a person who someone is competing against in a sports event”

During competitive games, screaming and cheering fans follow the action on giant screens above the teams.


Tickets for the final at the 16-000 capacity Sky Dome sold out in 10 minutes when they were made available in August, according to League of Legends maker Riot Games.

据《英雄联盟》开发商拳头游戏(Riot Games)称,在高尺天空穹顶棒球场(可容纳1.6万人)举行的决赛门票于8月发售时在10分钟内售罄。


表示“暴乱;骚乱;聚众闹事”,英文解释为“a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting”。

📍rioter 暴徒;暴民;骚乱者(one of a group of people who meet in a public place and behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way, often as a protest)

Dozens of cinemas across South Korea will also screen the final live. Those tickets also sold out rapidly, according to listings on operator CGV.



screen /skriːn/ 作动词,表示“放映;播出”,英文解释为“to show or broadcast a film or television programme”举个🌰:The programme was not screened on British television. 这个节目没有在英国电视上播出过。

- 词汇盘点 -

throng、 descend on/upon sb/sth、 legend、 championship、 Super Bowl、 crown jewels、 forecast、 powerhouse、 take sb on、 dome、 capacity、 secure、 hail、 title、 chant、 queue、 life-sized、 cutout、 deck、 prop、 opponent、 riot、 screen

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Throngs descended on the Super Bowl, where football legends vied for the crown jewel of championships. Powerhouses took on formidable opponents under the dome, its capacity secured. Fans, hailing their teams, chanted titles and queued beside life-sized cutouts. Decks were props for a riot of colors, with every play screened live.
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