


这是什么梗?据了解,这个人有三个抖音号:@闻神 负责搞笑,@闻会军 负责深情,@利安闻会军驾驶员服务部 负责给逆子挣学费。

在@闻会军 抖音作品中,全是自拍照加上一句伤感文案。


- 言语是把杀人不见血的刀。
- 海的那边是什么已经不重要了。
- 你失约的海我替你看了。
- 走散的人 或许一开始就不顺路。
- 她是我的青春岁月里勇敢而又失败的一章。
- 人总是要和握不住的东西说再见。
- 天气越来越冷 我的心也是。
- 我们总以为机会无限 所以不珍惜眼前人。
- 岁月总是亏欠那些记忆力好 却又偏偏念旧的人。
- 不循环的缘 断不了的念。
- 时间不会回头 感情岂会有如果。
- 我们总觉得截图就能留住一些东西。
- 情绪很多 语言又有限。
- 人与人的羁绊本就薄如蝉翼。
- 念的不是旧 是付出的真心。
- 人可以被代替 但记忆不行。
- 释怀太难 只能等着烂在回忆里。
- 也许人生要有遗憾才算圆满。
- 我们都不善表达 心里都藏着真话。
- 再听一遍须尽欢 敬我们的初相识。

What is Emo?

From: soEMO

EMO means "emotional"...


Emo is a slang term known to be short for emotional, but that doesn't make much sense really. If you claim "emo" were to mean "emotional" it then becomes an all encompassing word. It becomes extremely vague and it has no limit as to what it can describe. Emo when wrongfully used to mean "emotional" describes every living thing, every song, every word, every breath, every statement.


EMO is a subculture...


The term emo is used to describe a subculture which has evolved dramatically over time so the emo of yesterday and today will be discussed.


Emo of yesterday...


Emo was created as a shortened term to describe a specific thing, in this case "emotive hardcore" developed out of the D.C. punk scene in the 80s. In its original incarnation, emo was short for emocore, or emotional-hardcore. The name was applied to hardcore punk rock bands who distinguished themselves from their peers by adding an emotional element to their music. Themes of sadness, love and angst were dealt with in their lyrics. The music was also characterised by particularly dramatic vocals which left the audience in an emotionally charged state, crying or screaming. Real Emo was manly and hard. This genre is still alive today, although very obscure and unknown to most.

Emo是作为描述一个特定事物的简称而产生的,在这种情况下,“情绪化硬核”(emotive hardcore)是在80年代从华盛顿特区的朋克圈子中发展出来的。最初,Emo是emocore的缩写,或称情绪化硬核。这个名字适用于那些通过在音乐中加入情绪化元素而区别于同行的硬核朋克摇滚乐队。他们的歌词中涉及到悲伤、爱和忧虑的主题。这种音乐的特点是特别戏剧性的唱法,使观众处于情绪激动的状态,哭泣或尖叫。真正的Emo是男子气概和硬朗的。这种风格今天仍然存在,虽然非常晦涩,不为大多数人所知。

The history of emo is somewhat less ambiguous than its current meaning which is detailed next.


Emo of today...


The emo culture continued to develop through the 90's and into the new millennium really kicking off around 2003 and reaching the height of its popularity to date. The word has been adopted by a whole generation of teenage music lovers for whom a melodramatic attitude and style of dress is just as important as musical taste. It's now seen as one of the more consumer-driven subcultures.


Initially defined as a genre of music, nowadays the cultural phenomenon that is Emo is much more than that encompassing its own set of fashion, style, behavior, and perspectives on life within the definition. The music is also significantly different to what was once classed as emo. These changes/evolution obviously are the subject of debate and anger the true emos of the past.


Punk which can be described as Emo's predecessor also evolved to encompass a diversified set of lifestyle suggestions above and beyond the kind of music, including certain behaviors, fashion imperatives and identity traits which are indicative of an emerging new culture. Emo still has its roots firmly planted in music with "emotion" at its core though.


The behaviors, attitudes, and values expressed through the music involve emotionally turbulent themes often associated with adolescence such as despair, nostalgia, heartbreak, hope, and self-loathing. The various and sometimes conflicting social practices associated with Emo subculture contain valuable insights into what it means to be an adolescent today. For many youth, Emo subculture facilitates identity formation, social interactions and emotional involvement. It is a place where many adolescents share their experiences about the world and express their feelings about life through music.


Emo Music


These days, emo (inc. screamo, etc) music has been popularised and sent into the mainstream through bands like Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, MCR, Aiden, Atreyu, Hawthorne Heights, Silverstein, Funeral For A Friend, etc...

目前,emo(包括screamamo等)音乐通过Dashboard Confessional、Taking Back Sunday、Fall Out Boy、MCR、Aiden、Atreyu、Hawthorne Heights、Silverstein、Funeral For A Friend等乐队得到普及并进入主流。

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