
[E300]Landslide Survivor in Stable Condition after Surgery

2015-12-23 LearnAndRecord

Landslide Survivor in Stable Condition after Surgery, Rescue Continues


The survivor Tian Zeming had been buried for 67 hours after the landslide['lændslaɪd][山崩;滑坡] hit an industrial park[工业园区] in south China's Shenzhen City on Sunday.

After detecting signs of life[生命迹象] at around 3:30 am, rescuers successfully rescued Tian just over three hours later.

Armed police[武警] officer Wang Yongxing is one of the rescuers who pulled Tian out of the debris[də'bri][碎片,残骸].

"Since it is a four storied steel concrete building[四层钢筋混凝土(结构)建筑], its structure is very complex[kəm'plɛks; 'kɑm,plɛks][复杂的] after the collapse[kə'læps][倒塌]. To avoid secondary injury[二次损伤] to the survivor and ensure the safety of rescuers, we can't be too careful."

Tian left the operation room[手术室] at around 11:20 local time, after a three-hour procedure to remove damaged tissue[受损组织].

He was then sent to a ward at the Shenzhen Guangming hospital of Guangdong Province.

President of the hospital, Wang Guangming, gave details of[透露细节] Tian's condition.

"The victim, Tian, is 21 years old. He was brought to the hospital by ambulance at 06:53. The victim is extremely weak, suffering from severe dehydration[,dihaɪ'dreʃən][脱水] and with multiple injuries[多发性损伤;多处损伤]. Soft tissue injuries[软组织损伤] and fractures['fræktʃɚ][骨折] can be found on his body. Severe crush injury[挤压伤] and cutaneous necrosis[皮肤坏死] can be found on his right lower limb[下肢;腿]."

Tian, a migrant worker[外来工] from southwest China's Chongqing, was able to speak when found.

He reportedly told rescuers that one of his co-workers remained trapped under deep rubble['rʌbl][碎石,碎砖]. The rescuers found a dead body near the place where they found Tian, but haven't confirmed the identity of the victim.

Gao Cunyi with the Guangdong public security and fire control[消防] authority said they have found several areas with signs of life[生命迹象] among the 14 buildings which were engulfed[ɛnˈɡʌlf][吞没;吞食].

"We have found four spots with signs of life[生命迹象] at this time. At one spot we found survivor Tian, at another we found a dog which was still alive, and at a third spot we just found a water tank[水箱;水槽]. Now we're continuing to dig at the remaining spot, but the signs of life[生命迹象] are weakening[弱化;疲软;衰减] and have almost faded['fedɪd][已褪色的;已凋谢的]. But, we haven't given up yet."

Residents['rɛzədənt][居民] and workers at the industrial park[工业园区] who escaped from[从…逃跑] the tragedy['trædʒədi][悲剧;灾难;惨案] have also been helping the rescuers locate possible locations where their family members and colleagues may be buried.

Deputy leader of the third armed police traffic brigade[brɪ'ged][旅;大部队;队列], Chen Lijin, said the glutinous['ɡlutənəs][粘的;粘性的;胶状的] mud[mʌd][泥] poses a great challenge to the rescue work.

"The mud is muck transferred here[(拉回来的)泥土]. Having been soaked[sokt][湿透的,浸透的] in rain, it becomes very glutinous['ɡlutənəs][粘的;粘性的;胶状的] and difficult for machines to operate in. So it is difficult to dig it, and our equipment falls in it, so it's very difficult."

Despite the difficulties, rescue efforts are still underway[进行中的] and the excavation[ekskə'veɪʃ(ə)n][挖掘,发掘] has been expanded.

China's cabinet[中国内阁;国务院;政府] has set up an investigation team to look into the causes of the landslide.

For CRI, this is Qian Shanming.

