
[E327]The world this week|经济学人

2016-01-23 LearnAndRecord


The world this week版块

January 23rd 2016

Jan 23rd 2016

Taiwan elected Tsai Ing-wen as president, the first female one in the Chinese-speaking world. Ms Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party[民进党] (DPP) also won its first majority in the island’s legislature['lɛdʒɪsletʃɚ][(台湾)立法院]. The DPP favours Taiwan’s formal independence[正式独立] from China, but Ms Tsai says she wants to maintain the status quo[维持现状]. She is likely to be more cautious than was her predecessor['priːdɪsesə][前任,前辈], Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang[国民党], in pursuing free-trade[自由贸易] and other agreements with China.

A Swedish[瑞典] human-rights activist[人权活动人士], Peter Dahlin, was shown on Chinese television apparently confessing to crimes[承认犯罪;认罪]. State media said Mr Dahlin, who works for a Beijing-based human-rights group, had “sponsored activities jeopardising China’s national security[危害国家安全]”. Earlier a publisher from Hong Kong, Gui Minhai, who had gone missing in Thailand, was also shown on Chinese TV saying he had turned himself in[自首]to the authorities in relation to a drink- driving conviction[醉酒驾车的指控] 12 years ago.

·jeopardise ['dʒepədaiz] (同jeopardize)

【释义】Jeopardize means to put at risk or pose a threat. Jeopardize your career by posting silly pictures of yourself on Facebook. Jeopardize your friendships by posting silly pictures of your friends on Facebook.

vt. 危及;使…受危险

His foolish behaviour may jeopardize his whole future.


China’s leader, Xi Jinping, began his first trip as president to the Middle East. He travelled to Saudi Arabia[沙特阿拉伯] and Egypt[埃及], and is also due to go to Iran[伊朗]. More than half of China’s imports of crude oil come from the Middle East[中国一半以上的原油都是从中东进口].







