
CBBC Attends 2022 Briefing on Shanghai’s Commerce and Investment

英中贸易协会 英中贸易协会 2022-04-08

The "2022 Briefing on Shanghai’s Commerce and Investment" was held by the Shanghai Commission of Commerce (SCOFCOM)

On Thursday morning, 23rd February, the China-Britain Business Council’s China Managing Director, Tom Simpson, attended and spoke at the "2022 Briefing on Shanghai’s Commerce and Investment" held by the Shanghai Commission of Commerce (SCOFCOM).

ZONG Ming, Vice Mayor of Shanghai

GU Honghui, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government

Madame ZONG Ming, Vice Mayor of Shanghai, attended and provided closing remarks for the meeting, and Mr GU Honghui, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government, presided over the meeting.

Tom Simpson, Managing Director and Chief Representative in China, China-Britain Business Council

The meeting was organised as an opportunity for foreign Consulates and investment promotion agencies to learn more about Shanghai’s development plans and raise questions directly with Vice Mayor ZONG and her team.

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The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) is the UK’s national business network promoting trade and investment with China. Since 1954 we have acted as the independent voice of business, located at the heart of the action, engaging across both countries in every sector and region. We support our members and partners by delivering the advice, analysis and access which they need in order to seize the China opportunity. Our diverse membership includes leading UK companies and universities, many of the UK’s most dynamic SMEs, and an ever increasing number of Chinese companies exporting to and investing in the UK.


