

2018-03-23 留学上外

“中国政府奖学金-高校自主招生项目”系全额奖学金,用于部分中国高校直接遴选和招收优秀的外国青年学生来华学习。上海外国语大学“中国政府奖学金-高校自主招生项目”(Type B)重点支持政治学科和翻译学科。

Chinese University Program is a full scholarship for designated Chinese universities to recruit outstanding international students for graduate studies in China. It only supports graduate students and with the focus on supporting Political and Translation majors.

一、 资助类别、期限及授课语言 


1. 资助类别:硕士研究和博士研究生。硕士研究生 2-3 学年;博士研究生 3 学年。

Supporting Category: Type B only supports master’s students or doctoral students for no more than 3 academic years. 

2. 授课语言:汉语或英语授课。

Instruction Language: Scholarship students can register for either Chinese-taught program or English-taught program if applicable. 

二、 奖学金内容



Type B provides a full scholarship which covers tuition waiver, accommodation, stipend, and comprehensive medical insurance.

三、 申请时间 



Application deadline: March 31



1. 非中国籍公民,身体健康;

Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health.

2. 学历和年龄要求:来华攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过 35 岁;来华攻读博士学位者, 须具有硕士学位,年龄不超过 40 岁;

The requirements for applicants’ degree and age are that applicants must: be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for the master’s programs; be a master’s degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for the doctoral programs.

3. 语言要求:申请汉语授课的专业,需达到 HSK5 级或相应水平。 申请英语授课的硕士,需达到 IELTS 6.0 分或相应水平。

Language Proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate a good command of Chinese or English, certified by HSK level 5 with score of at least 180 points, or IELTS test score of at least 6.0.

五、 可申请专业 


1. 汉语授课学术型硕士(学制 3 年):国际关系、国际政治、外交学、翻译学;

Academic Master’s Degree (Taught in Chinese, 3 years): International Politics, International Relations, Diplomacy, Translation Studies.

2. 汉语授课专业学位硕士(学制 2.5 年):翻译硕士(法英汉口译、俄英汉口译、日英汉口译、阿英汉口 译、朝英汉口译、西英汉口译);

Professional  Master’s  Degree  (Taught  in  Chinese,  2.5  years):  Master  of  Interpreting (Chinese-English-French, Chinese-English-Russian,                Chinese-English-Japanese, Chinese-English-Arabic, Chinese-English-Korean, Chinese-English-Spanish).

3. 英语授课硕士(学制 2 年):国际关系、中国学;

Master’s Degree (Taught in English, 2 years): International Relations, China Studies.

4. 博士(学制 3 年):翻译学、国际关系、国际政治、外交学、中东研究、中国学、区域国别研究。

Doctor’s Degree (3 years): Translation Studies, International Relations, International Politics, Diplomacy, Middle Eastern Studies, China Studies, Area Studies.

六、 申请流程 


1. 登录“国家留学基金委来华留学网上报名系统”(登录 http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/,点击“网上报名学 生入口”图标进入)填写申请信息,请务必仔细阅读“操作流程”后开始填写,选择申请类别 B 类,上海外 国语大学“受理机构编号”为 10271;

Complete the online application procedure at CSC Online Application System for International Students (Visit   htt p:// stud yinchina. csc.edu. cn  and click “Create an account” to log in),  submit online the completed Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship and print  a hard copy. You should choose Type B and our Agency Number is 10271.

2. 填写《上海外国语大学外国留学生入学申请表(学历生)》,下载网址为 http://www.oisa.shisu.edu.cn;

Fill application Form for International Student (Degree program), available at oisa.shisu.edu.cn.

3. 最高学历证明。如申请人为在校学生,须提交学校出具的在学证明或预计毕业证明。中英文以外文本 须附提交经公证的中文或英文的翻译件;

Highest diploma; Prospective diploma recipients must submit official document issued by your current school to prove your current student status or expected graduation date. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

4. 学习成绩单。中英文以外文本须附经公证的中文或英文的译文;

Academic transcripts (written in Chinese or English); Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

5. 来华学习和研究计划。用中文或英文书写(不少于 800 字);

A Study Plan or Research Proposal (written in Chinese or English, 800 words minimum).

6. 推荐信。两名教授或副教授的推荐信,用中文或英文书写;

Two Recommendation Letters (written in Chinese or English); Applicants must submit two recommendation letters signed by a professor or an associate professor.

7. 已获得的 HSK 或 IELTS 证书复印件;

The copy of valid HSK or IELTS Certificate (if available).

8. 《外国人体格检查表》复印件;

Foreigner Physical Examination Form

9. 护照复印件;

Copy of Passport.

10. 护照用照片 2 张;

2 photos

11. 报名费 800 元(或境外汇款 130 美元)。

Application fee: 800 RMB

七、 注意事项   NOTES

准备好所有申请材料,并装订成册(一式两份)交至或特快专递寄至上海外国语大学外 国留学生部。同时,学生需把所有申请材料的电子版发至  scholarship@shisu.edu.cn  邮箱。无论录取与否, 申请材料均不返还;

Prepare all the application documents and submit to SISU. Please send two sets of documents by post or express. Meanwhile, you should send photocopy of these documents to the following email address:  scholarship@shisu.edu.cn. SISU reviews the application documents, organizes the entrance examinations and decides the nominated candidates. Nominated candidates will get Chinese Government Scholarships to study in China with the approval of CSC.

八、 联系方式 


中国上海市大连西路 550 号 2 号楼 202 室


 电话:86-21-3537 2963

上海外国语大学 外国留学生部

Office of International Student Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University Room 202, Teaching Building 2, 550 Dalian Road (W), Shanghai 200083, P. R. China

Tel: 86-21-35372963



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