
HOW 严肃游戏 | 佩恩恩:天梯系统



艺术家:阿莱克斯·马伊思(Alexis Mailles)、冯晨、哈伦·法罗基(Harun Farocki)、乔恩·拉夫曼(Jon Rafman)、肯特·希里(Kent Sheely)、陆浩明、陆明龙、马修·切拉比尼(Matthieu Cherubini)、佩恩恩、彼得·尼尔森(Peter Nelson)、吴其育



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昊美术馆(上海)最新群展“严肃游戏”将于8月2日开幕。展览同时呈现一系列艺术家关于游戏的写作和创作手记,希望借此激发对电子游戏及相关议题的进一步思考和讨论。本期文章介绍的是此次参展艺术家佩恩恩(Payne Zhu)及其作品《天梯系统》。




阿帕德埃洛(Arpad Elo)与颛顼


阿帕德埃洛(Arpad Elo),一个物理学家,苦于无法与实力接近的棋手对决,在1960年优化了当时的国际象棋评级系统,最终这套埃洛ELO评级系统被广泛用于国际象棋、围棋、网球、F1等锦标赛之中。在电子游戏等待网络传输升级之后,ELO评级摇身一变,成为了游戏世界的天梯系统,阿帕德埃洛在高速通信下遥望颛顼,绝地天通,让混沌的网络游戏世界瞬间变得阶层分明。玩家靠游戏对战中的绩效来积累积分,获得排名,将不同排名的玩家分类至不同的段位。天梯作用于每一个游戏玩家之中,它成为集监控-排名-选拔-奖励-惩罚于一体的24小时实时更新的人才调控系统。它是一个不休市的“股票市场”。

天梯系统, 2018






天梯系统, 2018







天梯系统, 2018








天梯系统, 2018






MOD(modification)是对原游戏的修改或者增强程序。玩家对游戏不满,自己制作一个改良版本。我们玩的热门游戏几乎都是 MOD。王者荣耀是LOL的MOD,LOL是DOTA的MOD,DOTA是魔兽的MOD,魔兽又可以追溯到星际争霸和红色警戒。这种 MOD 行动,带着反叛或者夺权野心终究只是优化了整个系统。也许不该说我们面对游戏该如何反应或者行动,而是在当下所有的游戏外部世界都被游戏化之后,我们如何应对游戏从而去应对这个世界的边界与生态。

天梯系统, 2018





佩恩恩(b. 1990, 上海)毕业于上海对外经贸大学,现工作生活于上海。佩恩恩的实践向来以进入不同的运作体系并成为其中的例外或者破坏者,来揭示或创造这些系统背后的冲突。




变量与供养, 没顶画廊, 上海, 中国

无限游戏, 昊美术馆, 温州, 中国


全球都市 延展智慧, 蓬皮杜艺术中心, 成都, 中国

新冶金者, 尤利娅斯托舍克基金会, 杜塞尔多夫, 德国

个人网站 paynezhu.com

Serious Games

Duration: 2019/08/02 - 2019/11/02

Artists: Alexis Mailles, Feng Chen, Harun Farocki, Jon Rafman, Kent Sheely, Andrew Luk, Lawrence Lek, Matthieu Cherubini, Payne Zhu, Peter Nelson, Wu Chi-Yu

Curator: Fu Liaoliao

Venue:Gallery 6/ 7, 3F, HOW Art Museum, No 1, Lane 2277, Zuchongzhi Road, Shanghai

Serious Games, the coming exhibition of HOW Art Museum Shanghai, will be on view on August 2. The exhibition presents in the same time the writings of participating artists, intending to stimulate further the reflection and discussion on videogames and relevant topics. Today's release is about artist Payne Zhu and his work Ladder System

Ladder System

Payne Zhu


Arprad Elo and Zhuan Xu

In ancient times, heaven and earth were one. Human beings and Gods communicated with each other. Zhuan Xu, the God of the North, believed that the constant travel between two worlds is full of latent dangers. Therefore he asked Zhong and Li to separate heaven from earth. The communication between human beings and Gods was blocked ever since, and the ladder became the only connecting medium, heralding the transition from primitive society to class society. 

Arpad Elo, a physicist who struggled as a chess player unable to find an opponent close to his level, optimized the chess rating system in 1960, and the Elo rating system has since been widely used in international chess, Go, and F1 championships. After videogames upgraded by network transmission, the ELO rating transformed instantly into the ladder system of the game world. Echoing Zhuan Xu in the era of high-speed communication, Arpad Elo separated the heaven from the earth, and instantly made the chaotic online game world become hierarchical. Players rely on their performance in the game to accumulate points, obtain rankings, and the ladder system classifies players in different rankings into different segments. The ladder acts on every game player, and it becomes a 24-hour real-time talent adjustment system that integrates monitoring-ranking- selection-reward-punishment. It is an unstoppable "stock market".

Ladder System, 2018

Payne Zhu

3 Channel Video,4K,11' 49''

Courtesy of the artist and MADEIN Gallery

99.999%-50% -0.001%

50%, this figure is the secret key to unlock social class transcendence. No matter how much hot air tech giants blow with statics and market values, they are just using data to fool the masses. Regardless of the business they are involved in, they are all in pursuit of an extreme number game to approach the 50%. If you have 200 passengers on the map, you have to match them with 200 drivers. If you have 200 products, you have to match them to 200 buyers. Always 50% - 50%. By allowing all the players of the game to have a winning rate close to 50%, the general flow of the market tends to be stable. By gaining 50% of the market or the vote, you can avoid monopolies and maintain the competition. 50% - 50%, same as the Binary code made up of 0 and 1, is the ultimate technic for maintaining control and balance. Whoever is capable to play it, can get rid of being the 99.999% of society and become the 0.001%!

Ladder System, 2018

Payne Zhu

3 Channel Video,4K,11' 49''

Courtesy of the artist and MADEIN Gallery

Matching, ladder system finds the next reincamation of Buddha

The scouts of the young camp at any football club in Europe will tell the parents of African children that their child is talented enough to become a professional football superstar. Once their child becomes someone with an "endowed natural gift", they must be separated from their parents, just like what happens when the reincarnation of a Rinpoche is identified. Yet unlike the Rinpoche, the possibility of becoming a football superstar is only 0.001%. For the rest, sorry, no one is responsible for them, as capitalism only cares about the top 0.001%! Now you know why the African people who sale the fake Louis Vuitton on the streets in Madrid, Barcelona, London, Milan and other cities in Europe has the body shape of a football player. 

Unlike scouts who access to remote areas to find potential stars, eSports agents only need to rely on the ladder system to find the "Reincarnated Buddha".

Ladder System, 2018

Payne Zhu

3 Channel Video,4K,11' 49''

Courtesy of the artist and MADEIN Gallery

A transient career

If the difference of the required skills level in a given filed is distinct between professionals and amateurs, we can say that this field has realized the professionalization. It seems that the pro-players in eSports only need to operate the "mouse-keyboard-screen" instead of relying too much on the body itself. However, as a result, the requirements for tactical sense, fast reflexes and AMP (action per minute) operation are much higher than other sports. The physically exhausting level in a competition of BO7 (best-of-seven) is no less than any other athletic sports. The demand of young body in eSports exceeds most athletic sports.

A perfect basketball player reaches the peak of physical condition at the age of 22, and reaches peak of the professional skills at the age of 27. At the age of 30, the career is on the decline, and it comes to the end of the career at the age of 34. However, a successful professional eSports player already reaches the peak of physical condition at the age of 17, and reaches peak of the professional skills at the age of 19. Then it's time to retire at the age of 21. 

From the perspective of Chinese eSports managements, Chinese eSports market is the only sport market that has the possibility to surpass Europe and the US. "How strongly can you believe that the Chinese football team will win the World Cup? It depends not only on the difference of the body or the gap of techniques, but also the whole ecology of the market. But what if those 'athletes' are controlled by keyboards and screens. Compared with the brain, the reaction and the strategical sense, the west might not be the competitors. It is always about the competition of China and South Korea". Moreover, this mental sport is more cruel than traditional sports, and the career in this field starts earlier and the professional life cycle is shorter.

Ladder System, 2018

Payne Zhu

3 Channel Video,4K,11' 49 ''

Courtesy of the artist and MADEIN Gallery

Reacting to and engaging with Games

The game offers a kind of designed liberation to escape from the real world. How are we to react to and engage with the games we are faced with? No matter how much the player does not play by the rules of the game, nor how many times they test the interface and boundaries within the game, in order to expose this "false sense of freedom", the player is still set within the game. Through the process of coming in contact with the perimeters and thus returning back to the real world the reflection of the game itself takes place.

MOD (modification) is modification or enhancement done to the original game. Such action is carried out when the player is not satisfied with the original version of the game and makes a modified version for himself/herself. The most popular games we play are MODs of some kind or another. The Honor of Kings is a MOD of LOL, LOL is a MOD of DOTA, DOTA is a MOD of Warcraft, Warcraft can be traced back to StarCraft and Red Alert. MOD as a means of engagement with games embodies is essentially a kind of rebellion or seize to power, but in the end, it only optimizes the entire system. Perhaps we should not ask how we react or engage with the games we are faced with, instead, we might ask, after the entire external world has become part of the game, how do we face its boundaries and ecology?

Ladder System, 2018

Payne Zhu

3 Channel Video,4K,11' 49''

Courtesy of the artist and MADEIN Gallery

About the artist

Payne Zhu (b.1990, Shanghai) graduated from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. He engages with different social mechanisms and becomes an exception or a rule-breaker, so as to reveal or create problems that are often neglected behind these systems.

Recent exhibitions:


Lying Sophia & Mocking Alexa, Hyundai Motorstudio, Beijing, China

The Variable and The Generating, Madein Gallery, Shanghai, China

Infinite Games, HOW Art Museum, Wenzhou, China 


COSMOPOLIS #1.5:Enlarged Intelligence, Centre Pompidou, Chengdu, China

New Metallurgists, Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf, Germany

His official website: paynezhu.com










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昊美术馆(温州) 特别项目空间

HOW ART MUSEUM(WENZHOU) Special Project Space

