
金曲|醒脑神曲 Wellerman:19世纪船歌在TikTok迎来新生

点右关注▷ 英语世界 2022-10-25


Wellerman, a New Zealand folksong dating back to the mid-19th century with no discernible author, gained sudden popularity lately after Scottish postman Nathan Evans posted a video of himself singing it on TikTok, which has given rise to a surge of interest and myriad renditions and remixes.

It results in the revival of sea shanties, the old nautical songs sailors used to sing while working on ships, even though Wellerman does not belong to shanties in the purest sense. With its clear narrative, comparatively long chorus, and preposterous conclusion, Wellerman is a good candidate for forebitters, or fo’c’sle songs. It is for recreation: entertainment, storytelling, and humor. In the broader sense of nautical songs with a strong engaging beat, however, it is eminently a sea shanty, leaving audience an expression of community and camaraderie, of working together in tandem and in harmony—things we sorely miss in person in the COVID era. 

苏格兰邮差兼音乐爱好者内森·埃文斯2020年年底在TikTok上传了自己演唱19世纪新西兰船歌"Wellerman"(意为“Weller公司的雇工”)的视频,歌曲描绘了水手们等待澳大利亚捕鲸公司Weller Brothers供给茶叶、蔗糖和朗姆酒的情形。这首歌在TikTok平台上迅速走红,观看次数超400万,相关视频一时猛增,总流量超7000万。船歌的火爆似乎有迹可循。当今时代,尤其是疫情时期,船歌极具力量感的节奏和词曲间流露出的乐观无畏精神,恰好能激励沮丧的隔离群体,同时也为孤独失落的当代年轻人注入集体感与归属感。个人的世界如今越来越像孤岛,而充满活力的船歌似乎在调动人内心联结彼此、奋力抗争的本能,将一座座岛屿用音乐和网络社交传播的航道连接起来。与其说TikTok用户帮助古老的船歌焕发新生,不如说是歌曲多少帮助了沉郁的人们脱离迷茫。


There once was a ship that put to sea


And The name of that ship was Billy of Tea


The winds blew up, her bow dipped down


Blow, my bully boys, blow (Huh!)


Soon may the Wellerman come


To bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day, when the tonguin' is done


We'll take our leave and go


She had not been two weeks from shore


When down on her a right whale bore


The captain called all hands and swore


He'd take that whale in tow (Hah!)


Soon may the Wellerman come


To bring us sugar and tеa and rum


One day, when the tonguin' is donе


We'll take our leave and go










Before the boat had hit the water


The whale's tail came up and caught her


All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her


When she dived down below (Huh!)


Soon may the Wellerman come


To bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day, when the tonguin' is done


We'll take our leave and go


No line was cut, no whale was freed;


The Captain's mind was not on greed


But he belonged to the whaleman's creed;


She took that ship in tow (Huh!)


Soon may the Wellerman come


To bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day, when the tonguin' is done


We'll take our leave and go










For forty days, or even more


The line went slack, then tight once more


All boats were lost, there were only four


But still that whale did go


Soon may the Wellerman come


To bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day, when the tonguin' is done


We'll take our leave and go


As far as I've heard, the fight's still on;


The line's not cut and the whale's not gone


The Wellerman makes his a regular call


To encourage the Captain, crew, and all


Soon may the Wellerman come


To bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day, when the tonguin' is done


We'll take our leave and go


Soon may the Wellerman come


To bring us sugar and tea and rum


One day, when the tonguin' is done


We'll take our leave and go


▲ 油管超百万合唱版

▲ MALINDA惊艳翻唱版

▲ 超燃摇滚版


柯少杰 整理

金曲|The Man:男人
金曲 | Memories——一支流行摇滚乐队的另辟蹊径
金曲 | Rise : 崛起
金曲|听一曲80年代的恋歌,体味 Glenn Frey 的深情
金曲|Hello : 你好
金曲|The Lakes:湖泊




