Unit 1 The Modern Hospital
1. Medicare is a federally funded and administered program that provides health insurance for older Americans and those who are disabled.
2. Medicaid is a health insurance program financed and run jointly by the federal and state governments for low-income people of all ages who do not have the money or insurance to pay for health care. 医疗救助项目
1. 医院部门及科室名称
out-patient department 门诊部
In-patient department 住院部
Nursing department 护理部
Admission office 住院处
Discharge office 出院处
Registration office 挂号处
Reception /waiting room 侯诊室
Consultation room 诊察室
Isolation room 隔离室
Delivery room 分娩室
Emergency room 急诊室
Ward 病室
内科 Department of internal medicine
外科 Department of surgery
儿科 Department of pediatrics
神经科 Department of neurology
眼科 Department of ophtalmology
耳鼻喉科 E.N.T.department
口腔科Department of stomatology
泌尿科 Department of urology
骨科Department of orthopedic
创伤科 Department of traumatology
2. 各类医院
综合医院 general hospital, polyclinic
麻风病院 hospital for lepers
产科医院 maternity hospital,
精神病院 mental hospital, mental home
整形外科医院 plastic surgery hospital
口腔医院 stomatological hospital
肿瘤医院 tumour hospital
3. 人员 staff
院长 director of the hospital
门诊部主任 head of out-patient department
主治医生physician in charge, surgeon in charge,
化验员 laboratory technician
麻醉师 anaesthetist
药剂师 pharmacist, druggist
脑科专家 brain specialist
心外科医生 cardiac surgeon
Unit 2 Hypertension
Idiopathic: 自发/原发的
hypertrophy: n. 肥大/过度生长
coarctation: n. congenital narrowing of the aorta 先天性主动脉狭窄
Renin: 肾素
Angiotensin: 血管紧张素
Stenosis: 狭窄
myocardial: adj. 心肌的
Inflate: v. distend (swell 使膨胀/扩张) with air (使气球等)充气
aldosterone (醛固酮):a corticosteroid hormone which stimulates absorption of sodium(钠) by the kidneys and so regulates water and salt balance
Stethoscope: n. 听诊器
Thump: v. beat strongly 怦怦跳动
Tinnitus:n. a ringing in the ears 耳鸣
Unit 3 TCM
Treatment determination based on syndrome differentiation 辨证论治
materia medica (Latin): 药物学;药物;药品
Auscultation(闻/听诊)/ and Olfaction 闻诊/嗅诊)
Interrogation (问诊)
TCM Pediatrics:中医儿科
The TCM Science of the Five Sense Organs(五官科)
TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology(骨伤科):
TCM Acupuncture and Moxibustion(针灸学) :
Chinese Massage(推拿学)
Unit 4 Diabetes
1.gestational: adj. 怀孕的;妊娠的
2. pasta: 意大利面制品
3. confectionery: sweet food 甜食
4.retina: 视网膜
5.glucagon: 升糖素
6.somatostatin: 生长激素
8.epinephrine: 肾上腺素
9.onset: 攻击;开始
10.dl= decilitres 分升 1分升= 0.1L
Unit 5 The Respiratory System and Asthma
Larynx 喉部
Pharynx 咽腔
trachea (windpipe) 气管
bronchi 支气管
intercostal muscles 肋间肌
diaphragm 隔膜
Alveoli 肺泡
Hypoxia 氧不足;低氧症
Spirometry test 肺活量测定
spirometer 肺活量计
Albuterol: rescue drugs for acute asthma attacks. This drug provides quick relief.
Unit 6
Starch 淀粉
Wheatgerm 燕麦
almond: 杏仁
Scurvy 坏血病:由缺乏Vc引起,有牙龈出血或愈合伤口复开等症状
citron 香橼;
grapefruit 葡萄柚
ricket: 软骨病;佝偻病
Marginal 不足的
retinol, 视黄醇
Beta-Carotene:β-胡萝卜素是一种抗氧化物。食用富含β-胡萝卜素中的食物可以防止身体接触一种称为自由基的破坏分子。通过一个氧化的过程,自由基会对细胞造成伤害而致慢性病。 可能减少患上心脏病和癌症危险。;可帮助治疗由于被太阳暴晒而引起皮肤病。
红薯:sweet potato
荠菜:shepherd’s purse
四季豆 Kidney bean
苋(现)菜:three-colored amaranth
哈蜜瓜:Hami melon
冬瓜 White gourd
Cantaloupes: a small round ribbed variety of melon with orange flesh 罗马甜瓜
Papaya=pawpaw 番木瓜
Squash: 南瓜属植物(南瓜、倭瓜、西葫芦)
thrombocytosis 血小板增多症
edema 水肿
offal 内脏/下水
alkalis 碱性物质
Dermatitis /Cutitis 皮炎
Glossitis 舌炎
Ceratitis 角膜炎
Antihyperlipid agent 抗高脂血药物
Thiamin 硫胺素 VB2
Niacin 烟酸 VB3
Convulsion (尤婴儿)惊厥;抽搐
Pellagra 糙皮病
Avocado 鳄梨
anorexia 食欲减退;厌食症
sluggish 迟钝
Shuffling 曳足而行
Unit 7 Coronary Heart Disease
1.spasm: 痉挛
2.plaque:a fibrous lesion in atherosclerosis (动脉粥样硬化引起的)纤维器官损害
atherosclerosis: the degeneration (衰退/恶化) of the arteries because of the build-up of fatty deposits (由脂肪积存形成的)动脉粥样硬化
3.cardiomyopathy:chronic disease of the heart muscle(心肌病)
5. rheumatic: adj.患风湿病的 rheumatic fever 风湿病 rheumatism:风湿性疾病
rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病
6. cyanosis: 血液缺氧造成的皮肤青紫
7. dyspnoea / dyspnea /disp ‘ni: a /: 呼吸困难
8. lipoprotein: any of a group of soluble proteins that combine with and transport fat or other lipids in the blood plasma 脂蛋白
9.Mnemonic:/ ni’monik/ (助记/记忆的)
10. catheterization : catheterize:/ kitraiz/ v. 将导管插入 心脏导管
11. angioplasty:血管修复术;冠状动脉疏通手术
12. Echocardiogram 超声心电图;心回波图: A test that uses sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart. The picture is much more detailed than x-ray image and involves no radiation exposure.
13 Ejection fraction (EF):射血分数 The fraction of blood pumped out of a ventricle with each heart beat. It determines how well your heart pumps with each beat.
14. hypertrophy:肥大;过度生长
15.tachypnea: 呼吸困难
Unit 8 The Peptic Ulcer
1.peptic: adj. concerning/promoting digestion; 有消化功能的;促进消化的
2. gastric mucosa:胃粘膜
1) gastric: adj. 胃/部的
2) mucosa:n. a mucous membrane 黏(液)膜
3) mucous: adj.黏液的
3.gastrin: 胃泌素
4.Pepsin: n. a digestive enzyme contained in the gastric juice, which hydrolyses(水解)proteins under acid conditions (胃液中的)胃蛋白酶
5.Pepsinogen: 胃蛋白酶原
6. the belly button /navel:肚脐
7.Helicobacter pylori: 幽门螺杆菌
8. Carcinomatous: adj.癌变的 carcinoma: 癌症(尤指上皮组织癌症)
9.Herpes:a virus disease with outbreaks of blisters 小水疱; 疱疹
10. Perforation: n. /perforate: v.穿孔
11. Peritonitis:腹膜炎
12. Aspirin: 解热止痛药。1)用于发热、头痛、神经痛、肌肉痛、风湿热、急性风湿性关节炎及类风湿性关节炎等,为风湿热、风湿性关节炎及类风湿性关节炎首选药,可迅速缓解急性风湿性关节炎的症状。2)用于痛风。 3)预防心肌梗塞、动脉血栓、动脉粥样硬化等。 4)用于治疗胆道蛔虫病(有效率90%以上) 5).粉末外用可治足癣。
13. ibuprofen 布洛芬
14. naproxen 奈普生 (Aleve止痛药 萘普生钠 )
15. ketoprofen 酮洛芬 (系苯丙酸类非甾体抗炎、解热、镇痛药,作用强于阿司匹林、布洛芬、吲哚美辛等,临床广泛用于治疗风湿性及类风湿性关节炎,亦用于痛风、高热等 )
17.epithelium: n. 上皮组织
18.gastroscope: n. an optical instrument used for inspecting the interior of the stomach胃(窥)镜
Unit 9 First Aid
Compress: 缓解炎症、止血的敷布/压布
dress: 给伤口服药/包扎
sterile: 无菌的
blisters: 小水疱
paramedic: 医务辅助人员
CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Suffocation: 感觉窒息
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