音乐的历史,即人类的历史 | Frontiers in Sociology 论文推荐
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音乐从何而来?我们的祖先是首先用敲击创造了节奏,还是一开始就放声高歌?他们使用了什么样的乐器?在人类社会中,音乐是否一直扮演着重要角色?如果是这样的话,又是为什么呢?最近发表在 Frontiersin Sociology 上的一篇理论性论文探讨了上述一系列问题。答案就是:音乐的发展史,亦是人类的发展史。
首先得回答“音乐是什么”,每个人对此都有自己的理解。文章的作者、来自牛津大学的 Jeremy Montagu 的定义是“音乐是传递情感的声音”。这样的定义下,母亲安抚孩子时的哼唱也可以算作是音乐,而这种简单的音乐可能比说话还早。
那该如何划清音乐和说话的界限?你可能觉得韵律、节拍和音调是音乐的重要元素,然而在人们朗诵十四行诗或饱含激情地演讲时,也都会用到上述元素。在 Montagu 看来,每个人都可以根据自己的理解去把它归为音乐或讲话。
How Music and Instruments Began: A Brief Overview of the Origin and EntireDevelopment of Music, from Its Earliest Stages.
作者 Jeremy Montagu
期刊 Frontiers in Sociology
Music must first bedefined and distinguished from speech, and from animal and bird cries. We discussthe stages of hominid anatomy that permit music to be perceived and created,with the likelihood of both Homo neanderthalensis and Homosapiens both being capable. The earlier hominid ability to emit sounds ofvariable pitch with some meaning shows that music at its simplest level musthave predated speech. The possibilities of anthropoid motor impulse suggestthat rhythm may have preceded melody, though full control of rhythm may wellnot have come any earlier than the perception of music above. There are fourevident purposes for music: dance, ritual, entertainment personal, andcommunal, and above all social cohesion, again on both personal and communallevels. We then proceed to how instruments began, with a brief survey of thesurviving examples from the Mousterian period onward, including the possibleNeanderthal evidence and the extent to which they showed “artistic” potentialin other fields. We warn that our performance on replicas of survivinginstruments may bear little or no resemblance to that of the original players.We continue with how later instruments, strings, and skin-drums began anddeveloped into instruments we know in worldwide cultures today. The sound ofmusic is then discussed, scales and intervals, and the lack of any consistencyof consonant tonality around the world. This is followed by iconographicevidence of the instruments of later antiquity into the European Middle Ages,and finally, the history of public performance, again from the possibilities ofearly humanity into more modern times.This paper draws theethnomusicological perspective on the entire development of music, instruments,and performance, from the times of H. neanderthalensisand H.sapiens into those of modern musical history, and it is written with thedeliberate intention of informing readers who are without special education inmusic, and providing necessary information for inquiries into the origin ofmusic by cognitive scientists.
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