

科研圈 科研圈 2019-10-03


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北京时间 9 月 14 日 6 时,第 28 个第一届搞笑诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼在哈佛大学的桑德斯剧院如期举行。今年的主题是“心脏”(the Heart),共颁发 10 个奖项,所有获奖者都将获得 10 万亿津巴布韦币的超高额奖金(欢迎大家自行换算)



该奖项授予两位泌尿科医生 David Wartinger 和 Marc Mitchell,奖励他们发明了一种体验极佳的肾结石疗法:坐过山车。

两位医生将肾结石和尿液装进模型,带着它去了奥兰多迪士尼乐园,坐了 20 次巨雷山铁路(Big Thunder Mountain Railroad)。他们发现,过山车能加速肾结石排出体外,坐后排效果更好。

研究所用的过山车 | 图片来源:Flickr


Validation of a Functional Pyelocalyceal Renal Model for the Evaluation of Renal Calculi Passage While Riding a Roller Coaster

【作者】Marc A. Mitchell, David D. Wartinger

【期刊】The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

【时间】October 2016

【链接】 http://jaoa.org/article.aspx?articleid=2557373


Context: The identification and evaluation of activities capable of dislodging calyceal renal calculi require a patient surrogate or validated functional pyelocalyceal renal model.

Objective: To evaluate roller coaster facilitation of calyceal renal calculi passage using a functional pyelocalyceal renal model.

Methods: A previously described adult ureteroscopy and renoscopy simulator (Ideal Anatomic) was modified and remolded to function as a patient surrogate. Three renal calculi of different sizes from the patient who provided the original computed tomographic urograph on which the simulator was based were used. The renal calculi were suspended in urine in the model and taken for 20 rides on the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad roller coaster at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The roller coaster rides were analyzed using variables of renal calculi volume, calyceal location, model position on the roller coaster, and renal calculi passage.

Results: Sixty renal calculi rides were analyzed. Independent of renal calculi volume and calyceal location, front seating on the roller coaster resulted in a passage rate of 4 of 24. Independent of renal calculi volume and calyceal location, rear seating on the roller coaster resulted in a passage rate of 23 of 36. Independent of renal calculi volume in rear seating, calyceal location differed in passage rates, with an upper calyceal calculi passage rate of 100%; a middle calyceal passage rate of 55.6%; and a lower calyceal passage rate of 40.0%.

Conclusion: The functional pyelocalyceal renal model serves as a functional patient surrogate to evaluate activities that facilitate calyceal renal calculi passage. The rear seating position on the roller coaster led to the most renal calculi passages.


英国科学家 James Cole 证明,吃人在营养学上是不划算的:与食用传统肉类相比,吃人肉获得的卡路里要低得多。这项研究表明,旧石器时代的人类吃人或许并不是出于补充营养的需求,而更多受社会和文化的驱使。


在这项研究中,Cole 还详尽分析了人体不同部位分别提供的能量。


Assessing the calorific significance of episodes of human cannibalism in the Palaeolithic

【作者】James Cole

【期刊】Scientific Reports


【时间】April 06, 2017

【DOI】10.1038/srep44707 (2017)


【摘要】Episodes of Palaeolithic cannibalism have frequently been defined as ‘nutritional’ in nature, but with little empirical evidence to assess their dietary significance. This paper presents a nutritional template that offers a proxy calorie value for the human body. When applied to the Palaeolithic record, the template provides a framework for assessing the dietary value of prehistoric cannibalistic episodes compared to the faunal record. Results show that humans have a comparable nutritional value to those faunal species that match our typical body weight, but significantly lower than a range of fauna often found in association with anthropogenically modified hominin remains. This could suggest that the motivations behind hominin anthropophagy may not have been purely nutritionally motivated. It is proposed here that the comparatively low nutritional value of hominin cannibalism episodes support more socially or culturally driven narratives in the interpretation of Palaeolithic cannibalism.


和平奖授予了 Francisco Alonso 等人,他们发现,尽管多数司机认为“路怒症”无害,但事实上,开车时的怒气与出车祸的几率正相关。

所以,下次遇到凶悍的司机,请在心里默念:莫生气,莫生气; 别人生气我不气,气出车祸无人替。


Shouting and Cursing while Driving: Frequency, Reasons, Perceived Risk and Punishment

【作者】Francisco Alonso , Cristina Esteban, Andrea Serge, M Luisa Ballestar

【期刊】Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

【时间】December 27, 2016



【摘要】Traffic accidents are a major cause of death and injury in the world. Generally speaking about aggression, evidence has shown that drivers who use to express more aggressive behaviors tend, at the same time, to have higher rates of road crashes or traffic incidents. Furthermore, in most cases, the situations that appear aggressive behaviors are typical of normal current traffic conditions, making this behavior into something very common and very serious road safety issue. It has been also related with the clear lack of Road Safety Education that is evident in most of the countries. The aim of this study was to describe the factors and perceptions related to aggressive behavior of verbally insulting and shouting out while driving. In this study, it was described an extensive list of behaviors that experts consider more or less unanimously as aggressive driving, one of them described as shouting and insult. In this study, the sample was obtained from a random sampling by proportional representation to population segments of age, sex, region and size of the municipality. The survey is aimed at Spanish drivers over 18 years. The starting sample size was 1,100 surveys. As result shout and insult are not considered a dangerous offense as it is driving under the influence of alcohol. Multiple modes of bad or risky maneuvers, will be banned from a legal point of view, uncomfortable and restrict other drivers and pedestrians, creating violent situations for risk and stress. The degree of social tolerance towards such behaviour is variable. Some individuals are limited to ignore them, accepting them as something inevitable. Multiple types of risky maneuvers and deliberated misbehaviors, which are (formally and informally) already forbidden from a legal point of view, uncomfortable and restrict other drivers and pedestrians, creating violent situations for risk and stress, are still performed among drivers. In short, aggression on driving is one of them. As a conclusion, there are a high prevalence of this phenomenon among Spanish drivers. Furthermore, most of the aggressive expressions related to shouting and cursing on the road are preceded by subjective factors such as stress, fatigue and personality traits, which may be intervened through the strengthening of road safety education and road safety campaigns.


Yoshiastu Takahashi 等人发现,可以用邮票来检测男性的生殖器勃起功能是否正常。




Nocturnal penile tumescence monitoring with stamps

【作者】John M. Barry, Bruce Blank, Michael Boileau



【时间】February 1980


【摘要】The usefulness of nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) monitoring with stamps was evaluated in diabetic males with impotence. The stamps, which were similar in paper and size to Japanese 10-yen postage stamps, were wrapped around the penis before sleep and the stamp ring was checked for breakage the next morning. Clinical features of the subjects were investigated by penile blood pressure index (PBPI), neurological examinations, psychological tests, and hormonal measurements. Nineteen out of 37 patients with impotence had a breakage of the stamp rings on one or more of 3 nights. The patients with non-breakage of stamp rings had significantly more serious diabetic neuropathy (peripheral and autonomic), depressive tendency, loss of libido, and a higher prevalence of heavy smoking than those with breakage of the stamp rings. PBPI and hormonal findings showed no difference between the breakage and non-breakage patients. These results show that the diagnostic value of this method is nearly the same as that of NPT recording with a strain gauge.


结肠镜检查谁做谁痛苦,为了改善患者的就医体验,日本医生 Akira Horiuchi 用自己做试验,希望找到一种更加舒适的方式。他在自己身上进行了实验,发现一种为儿童设计的结肠镜比较舒适,采取坐姿更佳。

Horiuchi 并不建议大家在家里自己做结肠镜,但是他希望,他给自己做结肠镜的录像视频能让人们认识到这个检查并没有那么痛苦和困难。

除了上面这张示意图,Horiuchi 还一度试图进行现场演示,幸(ke)好(xi)被及时制止。


Colonoscopy in the sitting position: lessons learned from self-colonoscopy by using a small-caliber, variable-stiffness colonoscope

【作者】Akira Horiuchi, Yoshiko Nakayama

【期刊】Gastrointestinal Endoscopy


【时间】January 2006

【链接】 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gie.2005.10.014

【摘要】Colonoscopy is typically done in the supine position, with the patient's position varied as needed to assist instrument insertion. We found that a newly developed, small-caliber, variable-stiffness colonoscope (PCF-P240AI; Olympus Optical Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan), designed for colonoscopy in pediatric patients, was especially useful in patients with difficult colonoscopy.1 The outside diameter is 10.3 mm, and the working length, the field of view, and the range of the tip flexion are similar to those of standard colonoscopes.



这种办法能流行起来并不是没道理的。葡萄牙的两位博物馆管理员 Paula Romão 和 Adília Alarcão 与里斯本大学化学家 César Viana 合作,分析唾液中的有效成分。他们发现,唾液中的 α-淀粉酶是很好的清洁剂,将来也许可以用面包和微生物制作含有相似成分的“人造唾液”。


Human saliva as a cleaning agent for dirty surfaces

【作者】Paula M. S. Romão, Adília M. Alarcão & César A. N. Viana

【期刊】Studies in Conservation


【时间】Volume 35, 1990 - Issue 3


【摘要】The use of human saliva to clean dirty surfaces has been an intuitive practice for many generations. The authors have established the scientific basis for this practice by means of qualitative tests and chromatographic techniques. α-amylasewas found to be the main constituent responsible for the cleaning power of saliva and therefore amylasic preparations obtained from bread or from microorganisms were tested as saliva substitutes.


当你模仿黑猩猩的时候,黑猩猩也在模仿你。今年的人类学奖授予 Tomas Persson、Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc 和 Elainie Madsen,他们发现动物园中黑猩猩模仿人类的频率、能力,与人类模仿黑猩猩的相仿。


Spontaneous cross-species imitation in interactions between chimpanzees and zoo visitors

【作者】Tomas Persson, Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc, Elainie Alenkær Madsen



【时间】January 2018


【摘要】Imitation is a cornerstone of human development, serving both a cognitive function (e.g. in the acquisition and transmission of skills and knowledge) and a social–communicative function, whereby the imitation of familiar actions serves to maintain social interaction and promote prosociality. In nonhuman primates, this latter function is poorly understood, or even claimed to be absent. In this observational study, we documented interactions between chimpanzees and zoo visitors and found that the two species imitated each other at a similar rate, corresponding to almost 10% of all produced actions. Imitation appeared to accomplish a social–communicative function, as cross-species interactions that contained imitative actions lasted significantly longer than interactions without imitation. In both species, physical proximity promoted cross-species imitation. Overall, imitative precision was higher among visitors than among chimpanzees, but this difference vanished in proximity contexts, i.e. in the indoor environment. Four of five chimpanzees produced imitations; three of them exhibited comparable imitation rates, despite large individual differences in level of cross-species interactivity. We also found that chimpanzees evidenced imitation recognition, yet only when visitors imitated their actions (as opposed to postures). Imitation recognition was expressed by returned imitation in 36% of the cases, and all four imitating chimpanzees engaged in so-called imitative games. Previously regarded as unique to early human socialization, such games serve to maintain social engagement. The results presented here indicate that nonhuman apes exhibit spontaneous imitation that can accomplish a communicative function. The study raises a number of novel questions for imitation research and highlights the imitation of familiar behaviours as a relevant—yet thus far understudied—research topic.


生物学奖授予Paul Becher等人,他们发现:如果一只黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster掉进了葡萄酒里,品酒师能闻出果蝇的味道,甚至分辨出雌雄。

雌性果蝇会释放一种气味强烈而难闻的信息素(Z4-11Al),只要 0.03 nmol/L 的浓度人类就能察觉,一只果蝇就足以毁掉一杯葡萄酒。



The Scent of the Fly

【作者】Paul G. Becher, Sebastien Lebreton, Erika A. Wallin, Erik Hedenström, Felipe Borrero, Marie Bengtsson, Volker Joerger, Peter Witzgall

【期刊】Journal Of Chemical Ecology


【时间】May 2018


【摘要】(Z)-4-undecenal (Z4-11Al) is the volatile pheromone produced by females of the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster. Female flies emit Z4-11Al for species-specific communication and mate-finding. A sensory panel finds that synthetic Z4-11Al has a characteristic flavour, which can be perceived even at the small amounts produced by a single female fly. Since only females produce Z4-11Al, and not males, we can reliably distinguish between single D. melanogaster males and females, according to their scent. Females release Z4-11Al at 2.4 ng/h and we readily sense 1 ng synthetic Z4-11Al in a glass of wine (0.03 nmol/L), while a tenfold concentration is perceived as a loud off-flavour. This corroborates the observation that a glass of wine is spoilt by a single D. melanogaster fly falling into it, which we here show is caused by Z4-11Al. The biological role of Z4-11Al or structurally related aldehydes in humans and the basis for this semiochemical convergence remains yet unclear.


Thea Blackler 等人研究了一类没什么人会读的文学作品——产品说明书。他们发现:






Life Is Too Short to RTFM: How Users Relate to Documentation and Excess Features in Consumer Products

【作者】Alethea L Blackler, Rafael Gomez, Vesna Popovic, M Helen Thompson

【期刊】Interacting with Computers


【时间】1 January 2016


【摘要】This paper addresses two common problems that users of various products and interfaces encounter—over-featured interfaces and product documentation. Over-featured interfaces are seen as a problem as they can confuse and over-complicate everyday interactions. Researchers also often claim that users do not read product documentation, although they are often exhorted to ‘RTFM’ (read the field manual). We conducted two sets of studies with users which looked at the issues of both manuals and excess features with common domestic and personal products. The quantitative set was a series of questionnaires administered to 170 people over 7 years. The qualitative set consisted of two 6-month longitudinal studies based on diaries and interviews with a total of 15 participants. We found that manuals are not read by the majority of people, and most do not use all the features of the products that they own and use regularly. Men are more likely to do both than women, and younger people are less likely to use manuals than middle-aged and older ones. More educated people are also less likely to read manuals. Over-featuring and being forced to consult manuals also appears to cause negative emotional experiences. Implications of these findings are discussed.


经济学奖关注职场中紧张的人际关系。Lindie Liang 等人发现,扎小人诅咒自己的残暴老板,真的能提升员工的斗志、提高工作效率。



Righting a wrong: Retaliation on a voodoo doll symbolizing an abusive supervisor restores justice

【作者】Lindie H. Liang, Douglas J. Brown, Huiwen Lian, Samuel Hanig, D. Lance Ferris, Lisa M. Keeping

【期刊】The Leadership Quarterly


【时间】August 2018


【摘要】When a subordinate receives abusive treatment from a supervisor, a natural response is to retaliate against the supervisor. Although retaliation is dysfunctional and should be discouraged, we examine the potential functional role retaliation plays in terms of alleviating the negative consequences of abusive supervision on subordinate justice perceptions. Based on the notion that retaliation following mistreatment can restore justice for victims, we propose a model whereby retaliation following abusive supervision alleviates the negative effect of abusive supervision on subordinate justice perceptions. In two experimental studies (Study 1 and 2), whereby we manipulated abusive supervision and subordinate symbolic retaliation—in particular, harming a voodoo doll that represents the abusive supervisor—we found general support for our predictions. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


搞笑诺贝尔奖创立于 1991 年,由科学幽默杂志《不可思议研究年报》(Annals of Improbable Research)主办,其初衷是表彰那些“乍一看很好笑,之后又值得人们深思”的研究。

搞笑诺贝尔奖每年颁发 10 个奖项。除了五个与诺奖相同的奖项设置(注:今年没有颁物理学奖),还有五个你死也猜不对名字的随机奖项。

今年的暖场音乐:小提琴与特斯拉线圈二重奏 | 图片来源:improbable.com

虽然名为“搞笑”,但其阵容相当豪华:不仅评审及颁奖者中有多位正儿八经的诺奖得主;因研究“磁悬浮青蛙”而在 2000 年喜提搞笑诺奖的安德烈·海姆,在 10 年后荣获诺贝尔物理学奖;甚至连搞笑诺奖曾经的扫地大爷——物理学家罗伊·格劳伯,也在 2005 年因“光学相干的量子理论”领取了真正的诺奖奖杯。






▽ 故事

· 懒者生存:越是懒惰,越容易活到现在

· 这个兽医发明的“牛奶”,让2亿人受益 | 拉斯克奖背后故事

· “诺奖风向标”:2018年拉斯克奖揭晓

· 3周减重45%:这种来自剧毒中药的成分,或可成为减肥神药

▽ 论文推荐 

· 你的基因里,写着祖父母过去的经历

· 如何把大象囚禁在冰箱里:在时间和空间上实现对光子的极限束缚

▽ 论文导读

· Nature 一周论文导读 | 2018 年 8 月 30 日

· Science 一周论文导读 | 2018 年 8 月 31 日



