#1 案情简介
#2 案例分析
#3 法律依据
第八条 涉外民事关系的定性,适用法院地法律。
第二十五条 父母子女人身、财产关系,适用共同经常居所地法律;没有共同经常居所地的,适用一方当事人经常居所地法律或者国籍国法律中有利于保护弱者权益的法律。
第三十条 监护,适用一方当事人经常居所地法律或者国籍国法律中有利于保护被监护人权益的法律。
第十条 父母或者其他监护人应当创造良好、和睦的家庭环境,依法履行对未成年人的监护职责和抚养义务。禁止对未成年人实施家庭暴力,禁止虐待、遗弃未成年人,禁止溺婴和其他残害婴儿的行为,不得歧视女性未成年人或者有残疾的未成年人。
第六十条 违反本法规定,侵害未成年人的合法权益,其他法律、法规已规定行政处罚的,从其规定;造成人身财产损失或者其他损害的,依法承担民事责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第六十二条 父母或者其他监护人不依法履行监护职责,或者侵害未成年人合法权益的,由其所在单位或者居民委员会、村民委员会予以劝诫、制止;构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予行政处罚。
第十三条 家庭暴力受害人及其法定代理人、近亲属可以向加害人或者受害人所在单位、居民委员会、村民委员会、妇女联合会等单位投诉、反映或者求助。有关单位接到家庭暴力投诉、反映或者求助后,应当给予帮助、处理。家庭暴力受害人及其法定代理人、近亲属也可以向公安机关报案或者依法向人民法院起诉。单位、个人发现正在发生的家庭暴力行为,有权及时劝阻。
第十四条 学校、幼儿园、医疗机构、居民委员会、村民委员会、社会工作服务机构、救助管理机构、福利机构及其工作人员在工作中发现无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人遭受或者疑似遭受家庭暴力的,应当及时向公安机关报案。公安机关应当对报案人的信息予以保密。
第二十三条 当事人因遭受家庭暴力或者面临家庭暴力的现实危险,向人民法院申请人身安全保护令的,人民法院应当受理。当事人是无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人,或者因受到强制、威吓等原因无法申请人身安全保护令的,其近亲属、公安机关、妇女联合会、居民委员会、村民委员会、救助管理机构可以代为申请。
第二十四条 申请人身安全保护令应当以书面方式提出;书面申请确有困难的,可以口头申请,由人民法院记入笔录。”和第二十五条规定“人身安全保护令案件由申请人或者被申请人居住地、家庭暴力发生地的基层人民法院管辖。
第四十一条 被父母或者其他监护人遗弃、虐待的未成年人,有权向公安机关、民政部门、共青团、妇联、未成年人保护组织或者学校、居委会、村委会请求保护。被请求的上述部门和组织都应当接受,根据情况需要采取救助措施的,应当先采取救助措施。
第三十六条 监护人有下列情形之一的,人民法院根据有关个人或者组织的申请,撤销其监护人资格,安排必要的临时监护措施,并按照最有利于被监护人的原则依法指定监护人:(一)实施严重损害被监护人身心健康的行为;(二)怠于履行监护职责,或者无法履行监护职责且拒绝将监护职责部分或者全部委托给他人,导致被监护人处于危困状态;(三)实施严重侵害被监护人合法权益的其他行为。本条规定的有关个人、组织包括:其他依法具有监护资格的人,居民委员会、村民委员会、学校、医疗机构、妇女联合会、残疾人联合会、未成年人保护组织、依法设立的老年人组织、民政部门等。前款规定的个人和民政部门以外的组织未及时向人民法院申请撤销监护人资格的,民政部门应当向人民法院申请。[1]
第二百六十条 规定虐待家庭成员,情节恶劣的,处二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。犯前款罪,致使被害人重伤、死亡的,处二年以上七年以下有期徒刑。”
[1] 对应《中华人民共和国民法总则》第三十六条:“监护人有下列情形之一的,人民法院根据有关个人或者组织的申请,撤销其监护人资格,安排必要的临时监护措施,并按照最有利于被监护人的原则依法指定监护人:(一)实施严重损害被监护人身心健康行为的;(二)怠于履行监护职责,或者无法履行监护职责并且拒绝将监护职责部分或者全部委托给他人,导致被监护人处于危困状态的;(三)实施严重侵害被监护人合法权益的其他行为的。本条规定的有关个人和组织包括:其他依法具有监护资格的人,居民委员会、村民委员会、学校、医疗机构、妇女联合会、残疾人联合会、未成年人保护组织、依法设立的老年人组织、民政部门等。前款规定的个人和民政部门以外的组织未及时向人民法院申请撤销监护人资格的,民政部门应当向人民法院申请。”
Hongqiao Street is actively creating a "Shanghai Child-Friendly Community". In order to further publicize laws related to the protection of minors, Legislative contact Point at the basic level of the National people's Congress in Hongqiao Street, the Changning District Law Propaganda Office, and the Law School of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics jointly bring bilingual questions and answers on the protection of foreign minors in the community and let the children take the "first lesson of the rule of law in school".
The theme of this issue
While suffering domestic violence by parents, what should foreign minors do to seek help?
Case Introduction
Hans, a 12-year-old boy from Germany, has lived in Changning District, Shanghai for a year. When Hans's alcoholic father is in a mood, he often insults, intimidates and beats Hans while his mother ignores him, causing him not only physical disability but also depression.
Case Study
12-year-old Hans has long been subjected to domestic violence and even maltreat by his father, while his mother has failed to fulfil her obligation to protect him. Although Hans is from Germany, he has lived in China for a year. According to Article 8, Article 25 and Article 30 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Choice of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relationships, Hans has long suffered domestic violence and maltreat and it is related to the guardianship between parents and children in China. In accordance with the laws applicable to the mutual habitual residence and the laws in favor of protecting the rights and interests of wards, the law on the protection of minors in China shall apply to this case.
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, Anti-domestic Violence Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, in the case of suffering long-term domestic violence and maltreat, Hans and his statutory agents and close relatives may make complaints, report or resort to the employers for whom his parents work, local residents' committee, villagers' committee, women's federation, school, medical institutions, social work service institutions, relief management institutions and welfare institutions, etc. The relevant entities shall also report to the public security organ or file lawsuits with the people's court to request for admonition or administrative penalty to Hans's parents; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated according to law. They can also apply to the basic people's court of the place of Hans's domicile for personal safety protection order. If Hans's parents' conduct is seriously detrimental to his physical and mental health, the people's court shall, upon the application of Hans and his close relatives and other relevant personnel and organizations, disqualify the guardianship of his parents and designate another guardian in accordance with the law under the principle of most benefiting Hans.
Legal basis
Law of the People's Republic of China on Choice of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relationships
Article 8 Lex fori shall apply to the determination on the nature of foreign-related civil relations.
Article 25 The laws at the mutual habitual residence shall apply to the personal and property relations between parents and children; if there is no mutual habitual residence, the laws in favor of protecting the rights and interests of the weak in the laws at the habitual residence or of the state of nationality of one party shall apply.
Article 30 The laws in favor of protecting the rights and interests of the persons under guardianship in the laws at the habitual residence or of the state of nationality of one party shall apply to guardianship.
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors
Article 10 The parents or other guardians of minors shall create a good and harmonious home environment and, according to law, fulfill their responsibility of guardianship and their obligations to bring up the minors.
Domestic violence against minors is prohibited. Maltreating or forsaking of minors is prohibited. Infanticide by drowning, brutally injuring or killing of infants is prohibited. No female or handicapped minors may be discriminated against.
Article 60 With respect to infringement upon the lawful rights and interests of minors committed in violation of the provisions of this Law, where administrative punishment is provided for by other laws or regulations, the provisions there shall prevail; if such infringement causes personal injury, loss of property or other damages, the infringer shall bear civil responsibility according to law; and if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibilities shall be investigated according to law.
Article 62 Where the father or mother or another guardian fails to fulfill his or her duty of guardianship, or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a minor, he or she shall be admonished or dissuaded by the unit where he or she works or by the residents' or villagers committee concerned; if such failure constitutes a violation against the administration of public security, the public security organ shall give him or her an administrative penalty according to law.
Anti-domestic Violence Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 13 Domestic violence victims and their statutory agents and close relatives may make complaints, report or resort to the employers for whom the inflicters or victims work, residents' committees, villagers' committees, women's federations and other entities. The relevant entities shall, upon receipt of the complaints about or reports on domestic violence or requests for help against domestic violence, provide help and handle the domestic violence.
The domestic violence victims and their statutory agents and close relatives may also report to public security organs or file lawsuits with the people's courts.
Entities and individuals shall have the right to promptly discourage the occurrent domestic violence they find.
Article 14 Where schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, residents' committees, villagers' committees, social work service institutions, relief management institutions, and welfare institutions and their staff members find in their work that persons with no or limited capacity for civil conduct are suffering or are suspected of suffering domestic violence, they shall report to public security organs in a timely manner. The public security organs shall keep confidential the information on informants.
Article 23 Where a party concerned applies to the people's court for personal safety protective order due to suffering domestic violence or facing real danger of domestic violence, the people's court shall accept the application.
Where the party concerned is unable to apply for personal safety protective order because he or she is a person with no or limited capacity for civil conduct, or is coerced or threatened, his or her close relatives, the public security organ, women's federation, residents' committee, villagers' committee or relief management institution may apply on his or her behalf.
Article 24 An application for personal safety protective order shall be filed in writing; and if the applicant does have difficulty in filing a written application, he or she may file a verbal application, which shall be recorded by the people's court in transcripts.
Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency
Article 41 Juveniles who are abandoned or maltreated by their parents or other guardians shall have the right to request public security organs, administrative departments for civil affairs, organizations of the Communist Youth League, women's federations, organizations for protection of juveniles or schools, neighborhood committee in cities, or villagers' committees in the countryside to furnish them protection. The departments or organizations mentioned above that are request for help shall accept the request and take measures to help the juveniles immediately where necessary.
Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
Article 36 Where a guardian falls under any of the following circumstances, the people's court shall, upon application of the relevant individual or organization, disqualify the guardian, arrange necessary provisional guardianship measures, and designate another guardian in accordance with the law under the principle of most benefiting the ward:
Committing any conduct seriously detrimental to the ward's physical and mental health.
Being slack in performing the duty of guardianship, or being incapable of performing the duty of guardianship but refusing to delegate part or all of the duty of guardianship to another person, which causes distress of the ward.
Otherwise seriously infringing upon the ward's lawful rights and interests.
For the purposes of this article, the relevant individuals and organizations include but are not limited to: any other person legally qualified for guardianship, an urban residents' committee, a villagers' committee, a school, a medical institution, a women's federation, a disabled persons' federation, an organization for the protection of minors, an organization legally formed for seniors, and a civil affairs department.
Where the individuals and organizations except the civil affairs department as prescribed in the preceding paragraph fail to apply for the disqualification of the guardian to the people's court in a timely manner, the civil affairs department shall file such an application with the people's court.[1]
Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 260 Those mistreating their family members, if the case is serious, are to be sentenced to two years or less in prison, or put under criminal detention or surveillance.
Those committing crimes stipulated in the above paragraph and causing the victims to severe injuries or death are to be sentenced to two to seven years in prison.
The crime as provided for in paragraph 1 shall not be handled unless an accusation is filed, except when the victim is unable to file an accusation or fails to file an accusation due to coercion or intimidation.
[1] It corresponds to Article 36 of the General Provisions of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China:“Where a guardian falls under any of the following circumstances, the people's court shall, upon application of the relevant individual or organization, disqualify the guardian, arrange necessary provisional guardianship measures, and designate another guardian in accordance with the law under the principle of most benefiting the ward:(1) Acting seriously to the detriment of the ward's physical and mental health.(2) Being slack in performing the duty of guardianship, or being incapable of performing the duty of guardianship but refusing to delegate part or all of the duty of guardianship to another person, which causes distress of the ward.(3) Otherwise seriously infringing upon the ward's lawful rights and interests.For the purposes of this article, the relevant individuals and organizations include but are not limited to: any other person legally qualified for guardianship, an urban residents' committee, a villagers' committee, a school, a medical institution, a women's federation, a disabled persons' federation, an organization for the protection of minors, an organization legally formed for seniors, and a civil affairs department.Where the individuals and organizations except the civil affairs department as prescribed in the preceding paragraph fail to apply for the disqualification of the guardian to the people's court in a timely manner, the civil affairs department shall file such an application with the people's court.”