祝贺Valeria全球统考IGCSE获大满贯 9A* | Achieving 9A*s in IGCSE
近期2018年剑桥大学国际考试委员会Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)组织的 IGCSE全球统考成绩刚刚公布,苏州德威国际高中的Valeria L.同学以9个A* (英语,中文,化学,物理,生物,地理,经济学,数学,进阶数学)的成绩荣登榜首,我们以她为骄傲。
IGCSE 是International General Certificate of Secondary Education,是目前国外14岁至16岁全世界最多人读的体系,是CIE(Cambridge International examination)剑桥全球测试的一部分。其证书在大部地区(只要是说英文的)都会得到承认。其广泛性是由于剑桥的名声,以及GCSE(即英国的IGCSE)的成功而来的。每年全球有几千万的莘莘学子在读IGCSE。要想在全球考生中脱颖而出,斩获9门A*的成绩不是一件容易的事情。
外表文静的Valeria谈到自己获得的9门A*感到有些惊讶,她甚至一度以为成绩发错了。说起学习,她说自己最喜欢的就是生物和化学课了,因为她对人体结构非常感兴趣,再加上生物老师Mr. Lam在教学上寓教于乐,各种小游戏总能让她在“玩”中学到重要的知识;同时化学对她来说是较新的学科,既有新鲜感又有一定的挑战,所以她不仅喜欢这两门学科,还希望将来可以进入生物化学跨学科领域深造,而伦敦大学学院就是她的梦想学府。
心中的梦想学府:伦敦大学学院 生物化学领域
伦敦大学学院 (University College London),简称UCL,建校于1826年,位于英国伦敦,是一所世界顶尖公立综合研究型大学,排名稳居世界前十,为享有顶级声誉的英国老牌名校。该校拥有世界领先的盖茨比计算神经科学中心(GCNU),而Valeria就立志要学习该校的认知神经科学专业。
Valeria是四年制的学生,也就是学习两年IGCSE后进入两年A-Level课程。两年制IGCSE课程让学生有机会选择更广泛的学科,从而丰富自己的学习经历,有利于将来的大学申请。在11年级,学生们只需要选择两门科学进行学习,而Valeria是少数几位选了三门科学的学生,虽然她开始时对自己的能力感到有些担心,但在老师的督促和身边同学的激励下,她还是决定挑战自己。因此,Valeria 在其他学科上的学习从不松懈,除了课堂上积极参与外,她也充分利用自由学习时间,规划好各科的学习。经济学并不是让她很感兴趣的科目,但是她出于要强的个性也会花足够的时间去熟记经济学的知识点。最让她感到意外的是英语学科的A*成绩(相当于雅思7分以上),2018年全球只有19%的考生获得了A及以上的成绩。因为全球统考是要与英语为母语的学生们竞争的,所以对于英语为第二语言的Valeria来说并不占优势,再加上口语考试对她也是一种挑战,她并没有想到自己能取得如此高的成绩。德威今年外籍教师比例高达90%,无论在教学楼或宿舍里都保持全英文的环境,让学生们真正浸润在英文语言环境里,在潜移默化中提高学生的语言能力。所以不难发现,学霸不仅仅是把自己感兴趣的学科学好,还会督促自己把并不感兴趣的学科掌握好,科学地规划自己的时间,让自己在各学科上均衡发展。
我们再次祝贺Valeria同学取得IGCSE 9门A*的骄人成绩,并鼓励她再接再厉,最终实现梦想,考上伦敦大学学院!
Achieving 9A*s in IGCSE, Valeria Aims for a UK Top University
The Cambridge International Examination Board(CIE) announced their IGCSE results recently. Valeria L. of Dulwich International High School Suzhou achieved nine A* s (English, Chinese, Chemistry, Physics, Biology,Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics) and we are very proud of her.
IGCSE is the International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is the most widely used examination system in the world for 14 to 16 years old and is part of the CIE (Cambridge International examination) suite of global tests. Respected and recognized in most English speaking countries (due to the reputation of Cambridge), tens of millions of students around the world sit IGCSE exams annually. It is not easy to stand out from such a massive crowd and gain nine A* results!
An unexpected harvest
Both quiet and self-effacing, Valeria was surprised by her astonishing IGCSE success. She even suspected that the results were wrong! When asked about lessons she advised that her favorites are Biology and Chemistry because of her fascination with the structure of the human body. One of her favorite teachers is Mr. Lam who uses games and play in his biology lessons to help students learn. Chemistry, a relatively new subject for Valeria, provides a fresh challenge and she one day hopes to combine her passion for both subjects by studying Biochemistry and Neuroscience at the University College of London, her dream school.
Founded in 1826 and located in London, England, University College London (UCL) is one of the world's top public comprehensive research universities. It ranks among the top ten in the world and is a veteran British university with a reputation to match. The school features the world's leading Gatsby Center for Computational Neuroscience (GCNU), and Valeria is determined to study the school's cognitive neuroscience major.
In addition to interest, self-discipline is also important
Valeria is a four-year student who has entered the two-year A-Level course after two years studying for IGCSE. The two-year IGCSE program gives students the opportunity to choose a wider range of subjects and to enrich their learning experience and facilitate future university applications. In the 11th grade, students only need to choose two sciences to study, and Valeria is one of the few students who have chosen three sciences. Although she was initially worried about her ability, she decided to challenge herself. Valeria's study in other disciplines has never been relaxed. In addition to her active participation in the classroom, she also makes full use of free time to plan and study in various subjects. Economics is not a subject that she is very interested in, but she will spend enough time to memorize the knowledge of economics because of her innate self-discipline.
What surprised her the most was the A* score she achieved in English (equivalent to 7 points or more for IELTS). In 2018, only19% of the candidates in the world received A grades and above. The oral exam was a challenge for her. She did not think she would do so well and achieve such high results. However, the proportion of foreign teachers in Dulwich is as high as 90% this year. Whether in the school or the boarding house, English is spoken everywhere, so that students can truly immerse themselves in the language and continuously improve their linguistic abilities. As a result, she was able to achieve stunning not only in the science subjects she loves, but also in the subjects that are not of such great interest to her.
Follow your Dreams at Dulwich
Valeria feels that biggest difference between Dulwich International High School and her old school (Yixing Experimental High School) is the relationship between students and teachers. In the public school teachers were more like military squad leaders. In Dulwich, she feels that the relationship she has with teachers is far friendlier. She is able to communicate with teachers on a one on one basis, talk about her life and is willing to ask for help when she encounters any difficulties in life or studies.
Beyond her academic studies, Valeria is a team player. She is the marketing advocate at the Model United Nations and is responsible for promoting the activities of the Model Alliance and controlling the related budget. In the summer of the 10th grade, she went to Guizhou to teach as part of a Charity project. At the end of the 11th grade, she joined the student union to develop her leadership skills.
As part of the Dulwich philosophy, we require students to participate in a large number of Co-curricular activities andsocial service projects, which help students prepare for university life.Through a variety of student clubs, on-campus gatherings, and Co-curricular activities, our students gain access to skills outside of the classroom and foster a sense of responsibility. They also learn to cooperate and develop friendships in these activities. The “Dulwich Ideas” shape and nurture students so that they can benefit more from future foreign universities.
We once again congratulate Valeria on her impressive achievements in the IGCSE Nine A*s and encourage her to follow her dreams to be admitted to University College London!
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