
Tell Me You're Online Teaching Again, Without Telling Me

Julie Wolf Jingkids 2022-05-07


Teachers HATE online learning just as much as students and parents do. Tell me you are online teaching (again) without telling me.

It's not ALL bad...

“I am not a fan of e-learning and 90% of the time love being in a real-life classroom instead of online. But I won’t lie, I missed the mute button a lot.”

“Loving the return of the comfy pajama bottoms and slippers with a nice shirt on top!”


Some of it is just awkward...

“Why do some kids take the computer into the bathroom with them?! I don’t go with you into the stall at school? At the very least turn your camera off please!”

“Parents, we can see you. Please put on your pants before assisting your child with their mic and headset, or at least make sure the robe is properly tied.”

“We teach class in English but many parents use their mother tongue at home. One parent told their child in their native language, 'your teacher is very sexy'! I happen to speak that language... um, thanks?”

And some of it, well it's only for a few more weeks … right?

“Teaching my online class, while assisting my own kids with their online work and hubby comes home and says ‘everyone is still in their pajamas today?’ my response? “we are all alive, you are welcome, order pizza and a bottle of wine.”

“Last time we did this there was a child in my class named Alexi, every time I asked him a direct question my Alexa would answer. Once it gave an incorrect response.”

Ok teachers, your turn. What’s the best, worst, and just plain strange of online learning. Comment below!

KEEP READING: Process, Not Product: Let Your Kids Try … and Fail

Images: Istock, Canva

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