
Katrina Shi Talks About Her 7 Offers & $335,000 in Scholarships

Sanja Stojkov Jingkids 2022-05-30


Meet Katrina Shi, a graduate from Beijing City International School, who decided to pursue her dream career in interior design at Pratt Institute in New York City. Passionate and strong willed, Katrina has been determined to excel academically, all the while giving back to the community; and these are the actions that have molded her into the person she is today.

Growing up in a warm, loving home provided her with a stable and nurturing environment to develop her passion and share it with people. Katrina has received offers from not one, not two, but from seven of the most prestigious schools in the UK and US and decided to go with Pratt. “Pratt has been my dream school ever since I started doing my college research in grade 10. I’ve also always dreamt about going to New York, experiencing life there. I think it’s the perfect combination with the city being so busy all the time and home to people with different backgrounds, and Pratt being the only school offering campus life the way I want to experience it “. Katrina is so confident with her choice that there’s no question she’ll enjoy every second of her college life.

I really wanted to know how she felt when she received seven college offers with scholarships worth USD335,000. She says it’s a well-deserved gift that is recognition of the hard work she’s done over the years.


“I’ve gone through so many challenges to finish my college application. There’s been a lot of pressure, but the greatest challenge of all has been managing all the tasks“, says Katrina. She’s been working hard to maintain a balance between her academics and her hobbies and interests, a task that can be quite stressful at times. As she had to keep a competitive score in her academic field, but also develop her art portfolio, it was great having her friends and family supporting and encouraging her throughout the process. Although her parents wanted her to choose a more comprehensive university, once she told them about how much she wanted to go to an art school to study what she was passionate about, she got the green light and they have been there to support her ever since.

But this young lady has done more than just excelling at her studies. One of the things she’s most proud of is the fact that she used every opportunity she could to give back to her community. She has been using her passion for spatial design to give people both beautiful and useful things that make them feel the way she feels about them – excited, comfortable, and happy. Katrina organized and took part in numerous projects and community service activities, such as the Renovation Design project where she got to use all her skills and knowledge to design an actual piece of furniture for her school’s library. “I decided to expand my design creativity to positively contribute to the community and inspire future senior students. This led me to use my passion to give back to the community. I’m really glad that the table I designed actually gets to be used by students. I’m really proud of my achievement, and the accumulated practical experience I gained“.

This and many other similar projects, such as the stained glass activity and art exhibition, got her to not only develop her theoretical knowledge but also to apply her skills in practice. She doesn’t like to talk a lot but prefers to let her work speak for her. Her goal is to advance her spatial experience design knowledge by exploring external factors. As a passionate and caring person, it means the world to her when her work gets recognized and appreciated by people around her.

“Community service gives me a sense of belonging. I feel accepted and this kind of spiritual encouragement motivates me to be a better person.”

So what is she most looking forward to about college life? “I am most excited about becoming part of a group of people working together to achieve the same goal. I know that everyone worked hard to get into college and we all want to become experienced designers. I’m looking forward to crossing the finish line with people who want the same things.”

Even though Katrina will miss her friends, family, the supportive environment she’s got here, and the food (though not necessarily in that order), she’s very excited about starting this new chapter in her life. We wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors, Katrina!

Images: Courtesy of Katrina Sh

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