
Furry Tales: Introducing Beijing's Latest Pet Rescue Group

Vivienne Rush Jingkids 2022-05-30


Since we should all be staying at home, or at least close to home these days, one purposeful way we could be spending our time is to help foster a furry friend! Introducing Furry Tales - a Beijing born animal rescue group that was started by Elizabeth Rodewald and Sorcha Moore-Smith earlier this year to give abandoned and abused pets in Beijing a chance to find their forever homes.

Both Rodewald and Moore-Smith are teachers by day and fervent animal lovers by night and on weekends. Since coming to Beijing, both ladies were part of the Lost Puppies team that is similarly dedicated to the cause of animal rescue. One key difference between Furry Tales and Lost Puppies is that the latter stays focused only on pups while Furry Tales is open to both cats and dogs.

Scroll to see more pets for adoption!

"I'm definitely a dog person myself, but I saw a need for cats to be rescued too!" Rodewald admits, "It's actually so easy to collect cats since they need no registration and require a little less hassle to raise." As testament to that, she most recently adopted a feline to join her two canines - Tilly and Lola, at home.

"Atticus was one of a litter of cats that was abandoned at the roadside by a breeder. Sadly, one of them died at the vet. Atticus actually had both his eyes at first, but he had tears in both eyes which the vet believed the breeder tried to treat on their own. Once they found their home remedies weren't working and that the cats also had mites and ringworm and other dieases as well, they abandoned them. Atticus' sister also has just one eye so they're both little "Cyclopes"!

One of Furry Tales' fundraising efforts is a weekly deal where Tales teams up with local entrepreneurs to offer a sweet deal for us supporters. A percentage of every purchase will be donated to Furry Tales, which uses the funds to offset veterinary bills.


This week's Sweet Deal features Cammymade Confections' Blondies which pair chewy chocolate chip cookie crust with extra large Belgian white chocolate chunks, priced at RMB170 (excluding shipping) for 12 pieces. Furry Tales generously receives RMB50 from each purchase so your dollar will not only go towards filling your belly, but also your heart. Scan the QR code to order!

You can also show your support by joining Furry Tales' Foster Program where you serve as the bridge between a rescue and its forever home, helping to care and love the animal in preparation for it to find its forever family.

This is always a great option for families who enjoy the responsibility of pet ownership but are unable to adopt pets while living abroad. Pet ownership can teach children so much about empathy and responsibility, plus we could all do with a good dose of fur therapy these days!

For more details, scan the QR code in the poster below to add Rodewald on WeChat and hear more Furry Tales!

KEEP READING: The Foster Fail Puppy: One Beijing Family Finds Value in Lost Puppies

Images: Courtesy of Furry Tales

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