
Woman buys Volkswagen Passat with 130,000 yuan in spare change

Shanghaiist Shanghaiist 2019-06-01


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Always remember to save up your spare change because, one day, you might just be able to break open your piggy bank and buy a car.

Earlier this month, a woman agreed to purchase a new Volkswagen Passat from a dealership in the Hebei city of Cangzhou for 190,000 yuan ($27,500). To pay this amount, she began hauling in heavy bags filled with coins — 66 bags in total.

Over the next three days, a team of 17 workers counted up all the change — 10,000 yuan on the first day, 50,000 yuan the next, and the remainder on the third, adding up to a grand total of around 130,000 yuan ($18,800) in coins. The woman then paid the last 60,000 yuan via online bank transfer.

Footage shared online shows employees painstakingly counting up the coins, which included denomination as low as 1 jiao (equal to a little more than a penny). “It was quite tiring but fun,” remarked one worker about the experience while showing off his hands which had been stained black by all the coinage.


It turns out that this woman had come into this fortune of sorts as the owner of a small restaurant. She had been saving up the change at her home for a decade, deciding that it would be too much trouble to deposit all those coins in a bank.

While 130,000 yuan in coins may be an impressive amount, it’s not the record. Back in 2015, a Shenyang gas station owner purchased a car with 660,000 yuan ($95,000) in spare change.


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