构建与学术的桥梁 拉近与权威的距离
Postdoc Fellowship and Tenure-track Professorship in Geoscience
Wuhan University
Wuhan University(WHU), located at Wuhan City in Central China, is a comprehensive and keynational university directly under the administration of the Ministry ofEducation. For the past century, Wuhan University has built an elegant palatialarchitectural complex of primitive simplicity which blends perfectly the easternarchitectural style with that of the west. It is honored as the "MostBeautiful University in China." In the history of more than 100 years,Wuhan University has cultivated more than 300 thousand professional talents invarious occupations for the country, among whom there are over 100 members ofthe Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.Burgeoning are the international exchanges and cooperation of Wuhan Universityin recent years. Now Wuhan University is endeavoring to shape itself into aworld-class comprehensive research university domestically and internationally. We are proud of the good relations we have with industry and otherplayers in the world.
LIESMARS - State KeyLaboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing
LIESMARS is aleading institution for the development of geospatial information science andtechnology in China. Since its foundation in 1989, LIESMARS has been at theinternational academic forefront, focusing on basic theoretical research andnational strategic goals concerning rapid acquisition and processing ofgeospatial information and provision of geospatial services. The Lab employscurrently about 100 permanent staffs and has 600 graduate students. LIESMARS isdedicated to research on a variety of Geoscience topics, from Geodesy,Photogrammetry, Geospatial Information Services, Navigation, Positioning, DeepSpace Exploration, to Remote Sensing of land cover, water environment, polarenvironments and global changes.
Job description
Four research scientists in Earth System Science andGeomatics. The positions of Earth SystemScience are supported for scientific exploration research in Geoscience,including but not limited to, Solar and Earth Physics and the interactions,climate/global changes, Solid Earth and Glacier, and Polar Sciences. Thepositions of Geomatics include mainly geodesy, GNSS, navigation, andpositioning technologies. Upon the qualification of the candidates; (s)he canbe appointed as tenure-track professorship or Post-doc fellowship.
Salaries and benefits areprovided according to relevant postdoctoral provisions of Wuhan University. Youmay get key subsidies, please refer to the HR Department, .
UbiquitousNavigation and Spatial Cognition (UNSC) Group
UbiquitousNavigation and Spatial Cognition Group is led by Prof. Ruizhi Chen, who issponsored by States "Thousand Talents Program". Our researchinterests include indoor and outdoor seamless positioning and navigation,intelligent space cognition and location based services, etc. We coordinatecurrently several research projects funded by the National Key R & D Program,Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and so on.
Job description
One research scientist in IndoorNavigation. The position is committed to indoor navigation technology, such asindoor positioning, smartphone navigation, inertial navigation, and filteringalgorithms of positioning and localization. This position is sponsored by one5-years project funded by the National Key R & D Program, Upon the qualification of thecandidates; (s)he can be appointed as tenure-track professorship or Post-docfellowship.
Salaries and benefits areprovided according to relevant postdoctoral provisions of Wuhan University. Youmay get key subsidies, please refer to the HR Department, .
Salary for tenure-track assistant professor:
400,000 RMB/year + comprehensive compensation package (see more about the Thousand-Talent Programme, contactwith Jingbin.liu@whu.edu.cn).
Salary for Postdoc:
Class A: 300,000RMB/year;
Class B: 200,000~250,000RMB/year;
Class C: 150,000~200,000RMB/year;
Salary and research funding arenegotiable upon qualifications. Post-doc fellowship will start with a two-yearfixed term, and the term can be extended. The position can be also transmittedto tenure-track professorship upon review.
The position requires:
A PhD in Earth System Sciences, Physics, Geomatics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or other natural science disciplines.
Demonstrated ability and potential to write scientific papers and reports.
That you are highly motivated and able to work independently and in a team environment.
The application should include:
· CV including relevant education and professional experience.
· Copies of diplomas and transcripts from your previous universities.Translation into English or Chinese is necessary if the original documents arenot issued in one of these languages.
· Brief description of your research plan, including your academic interestsand how they relate to your previous studies and future goals, highlighting thepublication potentials; maximum 2 pages long.
· Representative publications or technical reports: Maximum of 10 pageseach. For longer documents (eg thesis), attach a summary (abstract) and a Weblink to the full text.
· Contact information for two references. We reserve the right to contactthe references only for selected candidates.
Contact: Prof. Jingbin Liu (Head of Department of Navigation, Positioning and LBS in LIESMARS)
E-mail: Jingbin.liu@whu.edu.cn
Tel: +86-13971082735
Visiting address: Rm. 2007, Bldg. Luojia Creativity City, No.129Luoyu Rd., Wuhan, Hubei Prov., China. Postcode: 430079
Consulting for managementpolicy:
PostdoctoralManagement Office of Wuhan university
E-mail: pdto@whu.edu.cn
Tel: +86-27-68754011
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