
VOA常速-U.S. Welcomes Declaration on Venezuela

2017-11-14 小芳老师


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The United States welcomes the Lima Group's leadership in addressing the deteriorating 恶化,变坏 situation in Venezuela.

The Lima Group was formed in August 2017 with the goal of bringing coordinated international pressure on Venezuela. The group includes Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru.

In a recent meeting in Toronto, the Lima Group declared support for the provision of humanitarian 人道主义的 assistance for the Venezuelan people and condemned electoral abuses. The group called for electoral reforms, including a new National Electoral Council, the release of political prisoners, and support for the democratically-elected National Assembly.

These positions, said State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert, reflect "the same principles and concerns underpinning 支撑 the unwavering 不动摇的 position of the United States. We welcome all efforts in support of the Venezuelan people as they struggle to secure a more democratic, peaceful, and prosperous future."

"We urge others in the international community to join the Lima Group and the United States in opposing the Maduro regime's authoritarian 独裁的 actions, which are responsible for the worsening political, economic, and social crises facing the country and the Venezuelan people," said Ms. Nauert.

Maduro's government crackdown 镇压 on the opposition has taken a toll 造成损失/恶果. Public protests this year have led to more than 125 deaths, thousands of arrests and injuries, and widespread damage to property.

The Lima Group noted that the regime is intent on dividing the opposition, and called on groups to work together.

“It’s a very important point," said Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland. "The people of Venezuela, in their struggle to reestablish democracy in their country ... deserve an opposition 在野党;反对 which is united and can represent them effectively.”

"As long as the Maduro regime 政权 conducts itself as a dictatorship 专政;独裁," said Ms. Nauert, "we will continue to bring the full weight of American economic and diplomatic 外交的 power to bear in support of the Venezuelan people as they seek to restore their democracy 民主."







