

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-01-21

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. Hydrogen patents shift towards clean technologies with Europe and Japan in the lead

氢技术创新转向低排放 欧盟和日本专利领先

2. USPTO Calls for Input on Draft 2022-2026 Strategic Plan


3. IP service industry in China to witness a revenue of over 500 billion yuan in 2023


4. Broadcom offers 20 billion won worth of programs in Korea to settle antitrust probe


IP Practice

5. Panasonic settles with Getac over $17.5M design patents infringement judgment


6. U.S. appeals court denies Chinese TP-Link's bid to move patent case


7. Samsung, Nanoco settle patent dispute over LED TVs


8. Illumina to face EU fine of 10% of turnover over Grail deal


Case Analysis

9. Michael Kors (Switzerland) International GmbH v. Shanghai Yiteng Brand Management Co., Ltd. Dongguan Guomaocheng Branch et al.




Hydrogen patents shift towards clean technologies with Europe and Japan in the lead

氢技术创新转向低排放 欧盟和日本专利领先

Innovation in hydrogen is shifting towards low-emission solutions, with Europe and Japan in the lead, according to a new joint study of hydrogen technology patents by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the International Energy Agency (IEA). The report finds that global patenting in hydrogen is led by the EU and Japan, who account for 28% and 24% respectively of all international patent families (IPFs) filed from 2010 to 2020. Both regions also saw significant growth in the past decade. The leading countries in Europe are Germany (11% of the global total), France (6%), and the Netherlands (3%). By contrast, the US, with 20% of all hydrogen-related patents, is the only major innovation center to see international hydrogen patent applications decline in the past decade. International patenting activity in hydrogen technologies is on the rise in South Korea and China, accounting for 7% and 4% respectively.



USPTO Calls for Input on Draft 2022-2026 Strategic Plan


Last week, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced that it is seeking comments from the public on the draft of the organization’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. According to a press release, the plan sets five goals for the organization: spurring U.S. innovation and global competitiveness, promoting IP rights, promoting IP protection against new and persistent threats, bringing innovation to positive impact, and maximizing agency operations. Members of the public can submit their comments to the USPTO via email at strategicplan@uspto.gov until January 31, and the final plan will be published in the spring of 2023.



IP service industry in China to witness a revenue of over 500 billion yuan in 2023


The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and 17 other departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of IP Services", according to news released on the official website of CNIPA on Monday. The Opinions set development goals of expanding high-quality and diversified IP services in 2023. IP service industry in China is expected to witness a revenue of more than 500 billion yuan, with IP service agencies to surpass 2000 and IP practitioners to reach 1.5 million, said the Opinion.



Broadcom offers 20 billion won worth of programs in Korea to settle antitrust probe


US chipmaker Broadcom offered 20 billion won ($ 15.8 million) worth of programs to address concerns about its alleged violation of competition law, South Korea’s antitrust regulator said on Monday. The Korean Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) has been looking into allegations that Broadcom violated local laws by pressing Samsung Electronics to ink long-term contracts for the supply of smart device parts. The regulator believed that Broadcom has abused its position to force its partner to sign contracts with its capacity to cut off shipments and technology support. To avoid penalties from the South Korean Regulator, Broadcom has proposed a voluntary correction plan to offer warranty services of three years for components purchased by Samsung. Broadcom also said it would set up a 20 billion won fund to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the country's semiconductor industry.


IP Practice


Panasonic settles with Getac over $17.5M design patents infringement judgment


Panasonic Holdings Corporation announced on Jan 10 that it has settled with Getac Technology Corp. and Getac, Inc., resolving Panasonic’s $17.5 million patent infringement judgment against Getac, Inc. Under the settlement agreement, Getac has agreed to stop selling its accused K120 and UX10 products in the United States after February 1, 2023. Panasonic commenced legal proceedings in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in June 2019, asserting that Getac’s K120 and UX10 products infringed three of its design patents. On June 8, 2022, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Panasonic, finding willful infringement by Getac’s K120 and UX10 products, and awarding Panasonic $17.5million.



U.S. appeals court denies Chinese TP-Link's bid to move patent case


A U.S. appeals court on Monday reversed a decision that allowed Chinese networking-device maker TP-Link Technologies to move a patent lawsuit against it from East Texas to California federal court. Patent-assertion company Stingray IP Solutions sued TP-Link in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in 2021 for allegedly infringing its wireless communications patents. TP-Link argued that the Texas court lacked jurisdiction over it. A district Judge granted TP-Link's request last year to move the case to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, where the company said it would consent to being sued. The Federal Circuit on Monday said it saw nothing in the federal rules that would let a foreign defendant "achieve transfer to a preferred district simply by unilateral, post-suit consent."

本周一,美国一家上诉法院推翻了一项决定,该决定允许中国网络设备制造商TP-Link将针对其的专利诉讼从美国德克萨斯州转移到美国加州联邦法院。据悉,专利运营公司Stingray IP Solutions于2021年在德州东区地区法院起诉TP-Link,指控TP-Link侵犯了其无线通信专利。TP-Link辩称,德州法院对此缺乏管辖权。去年,一名地区法官批准了TP-Link的请求,将该案件移交到美国加州中部地区法院(TP-Link表示同意在加州中部地区法院应诉)。美国联邦巡回上诉法院周一表示,在联邦法律中没有任何规定,能允许外国被告仅通过诉讼后的单方面同意就能实现转移首选地区。


Samsung, Nanoco settle patent dispute over LED TVs


Samsung and Nanoco have settled their patent dispute over Samsung's QLED televisions just before the trial, according to Reuters. The companies asked the court to halt the lawsuit over Samsung's alleged infringement of Nanoco patents covering "quantum dot" technology. Nanoco sued Samsung in 2020, alleging the Korean tech giant copied its technology after it sent Samsung samples of the dots while discussing a potential collaboration. The lawsuit said Samsung began incorporating Nanoco's technology into high-end QLED TVs launched in 2017. Nanoco had asked the court for an unspecified amount of money damages and an order for Samsung to stop infringing its patents.




Illumina to face EU fine of 10% of turnover over Grail deal


U.S. life sciences company Illumina is likely to face a fine of 10% of its global annual turnover, the maximum penalty, for closing its takeover of Grail without waiting for EU antitrust approval, people familiar with the matter said. Last month Illumina defended its case before senior European Commission and national competition officials at a closed hearing but failed to convince them. The Commission is expected to impose the fine on Illumina in the coming months, the sources said. Illumina has already challenged the EU's veto, the EU decision to examine the case despite the deal not meeting the EU turnover threshold for scrutiny and the EU order to keep Grail separate so that it can unwind the takeover.


Case Analysis


Michael Kors (Switzerland) International GmbH v. Shanghai Yiteng Brand Management Co., Ltd. Dongguan Guomaocheng Branch et al.


When the right holder points out that the "parallel imported" goods do not have the relevant anti-counterfeiting mark, the goods can be deemed to infringe the exclusive right to use registered trademark, and the vendor of the goods shall prove the legal source of the goods. If the logo used on the decoration of a "parallel import" store is a service mark that goes beyond what is necessary for the sale of goods, it will constitute an infringement of the exclusive right to use registered trademark. Even if a warning letter is received, shopping malls will not be jointly and severally liable for the infringement act of the "parallel import" stores because shopping malls haven't committed any related intentional act.




 编译:China IP 国际部







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