

问津学术 2021-09-18





请填写附件2《吉林大学学生参加线上涉外(含港澳台)会议审批表》,(审批表签章请联系法学院国际合作与社会服务办公室,东荣大厦A311,电话85166105 ),提前至少15个工作日提交至国际处进行审批。(吉林大学中心校区鼎新楼C区三楼“吉林大学行政服务中心教师办事大厅”)


【附件1 Information_letter_iSLaCo_39_2021 (eng._cn).docx】

附件2 吉林大学学生参加线上涉外(含港澳台)会议审批表20201021.doc】

Saint Petersburg State University

is pleased to invite you to take part in

XXI International Student Legal Scientific Conference

iSLaCo’ 2021

«Law: New & Now»

8 - 10 April 2021


The International Students’ Law Conference iSLaCo is the annual event organized by Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia). This is a great chance for law students to realize their potential, meet new students from other countries and deepen their legal knowledge. All participants will have the opportunity to listen to master-classes of leading lawyers from around the world. This year, due to the epidemiological situation, the conference will be held online, so do not miss the chance to take part in iSLaCo’2021!


The conference is planned to have the following sections, in which only participants who were selected in 2020 can take part:

1. Complex branches of law phenomenon: shaken, not stirred.

Moderators: Vasilyev I. A., Diveeva N. I.

2. Modern criminalization: how criminal law meets the challenges of the fast-moving world.

Moderator: Shatikhina N. S.

3. Five years of the Law of obligations Reform: expectations and results.

Moderator: Pavlov A. A.

4. Legal Tech: the Present and the Future of Jurisprudence.Moderators: Arkhipov V. V., Gracheva A. V.  

5. Administrative Offence Law reform: what to expect from the new Code.

Moderator: Dmitrikova E. A.

6. The section was cancelled.

7. Comparative Law in the modern era.

Moderators: Belov S. A., Zezekalo A. Y., Olennikov S. M

In the conference it is also planned to hold the following sections, selection for which is open:

8. Environmental Law today: modern methods of regulating legal relations in the field of nature management and environmental protection.

Moderators: Khoroshavin A.V., Zharov Ye.V.

9. Actual problems of Tax and Budget Law.

Moderators: Kilinkarova Ye. V., Kustova M. V.

10. Post Covid: changes in Labor Law.

Moderators: Sychenko Ye. V., Filippova M. V.

11. Public international Law: between non-absolute rights and absolute lawlessness.

Moderators: Bartenev D. G., Zezekalo A. Y.

12. The development and improvement of IP legislation.

Moderators: Nevzorov I. V.

13.  Innovations in the Civil Code.

Moderators: Kashkarova I.N., Lyubin I.V.



Themes of the master classes by leading lawyers will be posted later on social networks of iSLaCo’ 2021.

Revised scientific papers of the section winners will be published in Vox Juris Journal (part of RSCI), the second issue of the journal is planned for the summer of 2021.

An electronic certificate of participation in the conference will be sent to all participants and listeners.

The working languages of the conference: Russian, English.

Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation the conference will be held online.


I. Description of sections

1. Complex branches of law phenomenon: shaken, not stirred. 

Sport law, medical law, environmental law, information law… They all are the examples of complex branches. The section is intended to discuss works on sports and medical law. However, it does not imply any restrictions for participants to choose other complex branches for their works.

2. Modern criminalization: how criminal law meets the challenges of the fast-moving world. 

In conditions of constant technical progress and complication of social relations, criminal law has to react quickly to changing world. Drones, digital currency, the achievements of transplantology, bioethics and other signs of time – and rights violations related to them. Frequently before «the new» is evaluated in other branches of law, the socially dangerous acts it creates and ways and means of their commission should be covered by the criminally-legal qualification. How does world science behave facing the new? How will it behave tomorrow? How does the practice handle challenges of time? What trends and issues are on the way?

3. Five years of the Law of obligations Reform: expectations and results. 

The main goal of the section is not only to discuss institutes and solutions, which appeared as a result of the Law of obligation reform, but also to analyze its practical implementation today.

4. Legal Tech: the Present and the Future of Jurisprudence.

Within this section it is intended to discuss the following issues in the field of Legal Tech: LegalTech developments; GovTech; automation of legal activity, computational law; Legal Design in legal practice; Ethic and new technologies; Philosophy of technology and law; Legal regulation of artificial intelligence and big data; Digital skills for a lawyer: programming, working with open data, etc.

5. Administrative Offence Law reform: what to expect from the new Code.

Within the section it is intended to discuss planned changes of the legislation on Administrative Offences Law: categories of offences and measures of liability, distribution of liability of the company and the employee, the mitigation of coercive measures in case of voluntary execution of a sentence, guarantees for the provision of qualified legal assistance, the development of the adversarial system in cases of administrative offenses.  

6. The section was cancelled.

7. Comparative Law in the modern era.

Comparative Law is one of the fundamental elements of the development of domestic legislation. Within this section, participants can conduct a comparative legal analysis of current problems of Russian legislation with the possibility of implementing foreign experience. Participants are not limited to choose law branch and the country with which the comparative analysis will be conducted.

8. Environmental Law today: modern methods of regulating legal relations in the field of nature management and environmental protection.

The problem of the relationship between society and the environment is of a global nature, in this case it is necessary to expand the legal regulation in this field, relating to scientific progress and increasing human activity. In this section it is supposed to discuss acute problems in the field of regulation of environmental legal relations. 

9. Actual problems of Tax and Budget Law.

In this section, it is planned to conduct a discussion of the latest changes in legislation and issues of law enforcement. The participants are also able to present their papers devoted to comparative budget or tax law. Works related to the problems of international taxation are allowed. 

10. Post Covid: changes in Labor Law.

Within this section, we take into consideration works on changes in labor legislation during the pandemic and scientific papers about the application of new standards in the Post Covid era. In particular, we are interested in a new approach to online and remote work and in problem of monitoring the performance of a remote employee, as well as in a new procedure for determining the minimum wage. 

11. Public international Law: between non-absolute rights and absolute lawlessness.

In the second half of 20th century international cooperation of States on the protection of human rights and freedoms increased. In 21th century the rule of law is considered to be one of the main values of modern society. Nonetheless, the concept of human rights and freedoms is undergoing rapid changes, and the strengthening of the protection of separate social groups’ rights is perceived as the achievement of international law, but at the same time, it is criticized by some States and causes lively disputes among scientists. The participants of the section are invited to discuss approaches to finding a balance of different interests in the context of international legal protection of human rights in the modern world. 

12. The development and improvement of IP legislation.

In this section, participants of the conference can present scientific papers on the consideration of the most pressing problems in such spheres as: Art Law, Fashion Law, turnover of virtual items, research of various types of trademarks and etc. It is allowed to send works on the comparative legal analysis of ways to protect intellectual property.  

13. Innovations in the Civil Code.

Civil procedure law is a mobile branch of Russian legislation, which has recently undergone another large-scale reform. New institutions and mechanisms in the procedure naturally affect the scope of rights of its participants, and any changes should be understood systematically and theoretically. The main goal of the section is not only to discuss institutes and solutions, which appeared as a result of the reform, but also to analyze its practical implementation today.


II. Important dates

Official dates of the conference: 8-10 April 2021 (online format).

Opening of registration: 15 February 2021

The registration deadline for the speakers: 10 March 2021 (inclusive)

The registration deadline for the listeners: 21 March 2021 (inclusive)

Publication of the list of participants who have passed the competitive selection: 17 March 2021


III. How to apply

1. Think of your preferred way of participation in the conference (speaker or listener).


2. If you were selected in 2020 as a participant, you do not need to fill in the form again; but you have to inform the Organizing Committee that participation is relevant for you.

If you registered as a listener in 2020, you need to fill in the form again.


3. Fill in the respective form:


For speakers: Appendix № 4. If you haven’t got the registration form, just write to us (islaco@spbu.ru).

If you plan to take part in the conference as a participant, you need to attach a form of acquaintance of the research supervisor with the abstracts (Appendix №2).

For listeners: Appendix № 3. If you haven’t got the registration form, just write to us (islaco@spbu.ru).


Attention! Please, don’t forget to send your abstracts (for speakers) and the registration form (for everyone) to the official e-mail of the conference (islaco@spbu.ru)!


P. S. You can also find the respective registration form on the official website (section “Registration’): https://islaco.spbu.ru/registration-for-the-conference


4. Once your application is submitted, the Organizing Committee will write to your specified email address within 24 hours.


If you have not received a response from the Organizing Committee, you should write to this email address: islaco@spbu.ru


5. Conference abstracts can be co-authored. However, no more than two per one work is admitted.


6. It is not allowed to submit applications for participation in new sections from the participants selected in 2020.


IV. Competitive pre-selection

Abstracts are subjected to mandatory competitive selection.  

The criteria of selection:

· Conformity to the theme of the conference and theme of the section;

· Relevance;

· Absence of plagiarism (the abstracts will be checked by the Antiplagiat system, papers with originality rate below 70% are nor accepted).

Moderators of the relevant sections will review abstracts and make a decision in respect of each abstract.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to indicate the reasons for refusal to accept abstracts.  


V. Terms of participation

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

The conference will be held online.

Students and post-graduate students are also allowed to participate.

VI. Venue

The World Wide Web with use of video conferencing facilities.


VII. Requirements for abstract’s design

1. Not more than – 5 pages; 

2. Font – Times New Roman;

3. Size – 14;

4. Interval – 1,5;

5. Margins – 20 mm (on all sides: top, bottom, left, right);

6. Indent 0,7 cm, alignment justified;

7. Page numbering – in the center;

8. Footnotes (size) – 10; 

9. Keywords in English (5-7);

10.  A list of references is not required.

11. Example of a document title: «Section 5. Ivanov. I. I.».

Footnotes must meet the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic link ".

If the abstracts’ design doesn’t meet the specified requirements, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse to accept work.


Contact information

Official website: http://islaco.spbu.ru 

E-mail: islaco@spbu.ru 

Social network: https://www.facebook.com/ISLaCo19/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/islaco_spbu/?igshid=s76b40azq51e










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