
前沿 | 比较政治学顶级期刊:Comparative Political Studies, 2020年第3-4期

政治学人 政治学人 2020-11-04










Comparative Political Studies(比较政治研究)是美国SAGE出版社旗下学术期刊,创刊于1968年,期刊每月出版一次,主要探讨比较政治学相关内容,期刊现任主编为明尼苏达大学教授David Samuels。过去五年的影响因子为4.262,在176个政治科学类期刊中排名第12.




  1. Is Bigger Always Better? How Targeting Aid Windfalls Affects Capture and Social Cohesion


  2. Democracy and Retribution: Transitional Justice and Regime Support in Postwar West Germany


  3. Leader Succession and Civil War


  4. Backing the Incumbent in Difficult Times: The Electoral Impact of Wildfires


  5. To Reform or to Retain? Politicians’ Incentives to Clean Up Corrupt Courts in Hybrid Regimes


  6. Testing the “China Model” of Meritocratic Promotions: Do Democracies Reward Less Competent Ministers Than Autocracies?


  7. Testing the “China Model” of Meritocratic Promotions: Do Democracies Reward Less Competent Ministers Than Autocracies?


  8. Vote Secrecy With Diverse Voters


  9. The Origins of Persistent Current Account Imbalances in the Post-Bretton Woods Era




01 越大就一定越好吗?指定援助的意外收获如何影响捕获和社会凝聚力


Is Bigger Always Better? How Targeting Aid Windfalls Affects Capture and Social Cohesion


Laura Paler, University of Pittsburg

Camille Strauss-Kahn, Columbia University

Korhan Kocak, Princeton University



A central challenge in development involves ensuring that aid reaches those in greatest need. Aid agencies typically try to achieve this by targeting aid to vulnerable individuals or groups. Despite the prevalence of targeting, we know little about its effects on distributional outcomes and social cohesion in communities where some are intended to benefit, and others are excluded. We investigate this by formalizing targeting as a bargaining game with coalition formation involving three players—the target group, the elite, and an excluded group. Our approach yields the counter-intuitive insight that the target group will actually benefit more in communities where elites and the excluded group compete to capture aid. We provide support for predictions using a regression discontinuity design and original survey data from an aid program implemented in Aceh, Indonesia. This article demonstrates the importance of understanding the role of community dynamics in shaping the economic and social outcomes of targeted aid programs.

02 民主与报应:战后西德的过渡性司法和政权支持


Democracy and Retribution: Transitional Justice and Regime Support in Postwar West Germany


Giovanni Capoccia, University of Oxford

Grigore Pop-Eleches, Princeton University



How harshly should perpetrators of past abuses be punished, to reinforce the legitimacy of a new democracy? Drawing on sociopsychological theories, we hypothesize that prodemocratic mass attitudes are favored by the perception that defendants in transitional justice trials have been punished in a way that is morally proportional to their offenses. This perception is shaped by the social categorization of defendants and the opinions about the certainty of their guilt that predominate in the mass public. When defendants are largely seen as co-ethnics and their guilt is contested, like in the West German case, prodemocratic attitudes are likely to be strengthened by lighter punishments and undermined by harsher sanctions. The analysis of subnational variation in patterns of punishment in postwar West Germany confirms this hypothesis and shows that these attitudinal effects persist in the medium term. Our findings have implications for research on transitional justice and democratization.

03 领导人的继任与内战


Leader Succession and Civil War


Andrej Kokkonen, University of Gothenburg

Anders Sundell, University of Gothenburg



Leadership succession is a perennial source of instability in autocratic regimes. Despite this, it has remained a curiously understudied phenomenon in political science. In this article, we compile a novel and comprehensive dataset on civil war in Europe and combine it with data on the fate of monarchs in 28 states over 800 years to investigate how autocratic succession affected the risk of civil war. Exploiting the natural deaths of monarchs to identify exogenous variation in successions, we find that successions substantially increased the risk of civil war. The risk of succession wars could, however, be mitigated by hereditary succession arrangements (i.e., primogeniture—the principle of letting the oldest son inherit the throne). When hereditary monarchies replaced elective monarchies in Europe, succession wars declined drastically. Our results point to the importance of the succession, and the institutions governing it, for political stability in autocratic regimes.

04 在困难时期支持现任者:野火对选举的影响


Backing the Incumbent in Difficult Times: The Electoral Impact of Wildfires


Roberto Ramos, Banco de España

Carlos Sanz, Banco de España



How do voters react to shocks that are outside the control of politicians? We address this question by studying the electoral impact of wildfires in Spain in the period 1983-2014. This context allows us to study (a) the effects of fires at different locations and times, as opposed to a specific disaster; (b) the heterogeneous effects by time relative to election day; and (c) the effects on elections for all levels of government. Using a difference-in-difference strategy, we find that an accidental fire up to 9 months ahead of a municipal election increases the incumbent party’s vote share by up to 8 percentage points, whereas a fire earlier in the term does not affect the election results. In addition, fires have no effect on regional or national elections. We discuss the possible mechanisms behind the results in light of the main theories on electoral accountability.

05 要改革还是要保持?在混合政权中政客清算腐败法庭的动机


To Reform or to Retain? Politicians’ Incentives to Clean Up Corrupt Courts in Hybrid Regimes


Ketevan Bolkvadze, Lund University



This article offers a novel take on the problem of judicial independence in nondemocracies. Some scholars hold that political fragmentation leads to more judicial independence; others argue that it leads to less independence in nondemocracies. These studies have focused on judicial politicization and neglected judicial corruption. Using a process-tracing controlled comparison of reforms in Georgia and Moldova, I investigate the impact of political fragmentation on judicial corruption. I argue that politicians in less fragmented regimes, as in Georgia, have stronger incentives to reform corrupt courts, and utilize anticorruption measures for establishing long-term political control. In more fragmented regimes, as in Moldova, politicians have stronger incentives to resist anticorruption measures and instead utilize corrupt courts for short-term private gains. These findings suggest that political fragmentation in hybrid regimes can propel politicians to delegate neither more, nor less power to courts, but instead to use distinct avenues, or “entry-points,” to influence judicial outcomes.

06 检验精英主义晋升的“中国模式”:民主政体比专制政体对部长的奖励更少吗?


Testing the “China Model” of Meritocratic Promotions: Do Democracies Reward Less Competent Ministers Than Autocracies?


Don S. Lee, University of Nottingham

Paul Schuler, University of Arizona



Proponents of the “China Model” suggest that autocracies, particularly in East Asia, reward competence more than democracies. However, a competing literature argues that autocracies are less likely to reward competence because autocrats fear that competent officials could challenge for power. We argue that autocracies do not fear technical competence; they fear political competence. As such, autocracies may promote ministers with technical competence but punish the politically competent. Democracies, by contrast, place a premium on political competence when deciding whom to promote. We provide the first test of this theory on how ministerial behavior is rewarded using a unique data set of political performance and promotions in nine East Asian countries. Our findings show that autocracies promote officials with technical competence as long as the ministers limit their political behavior. In democracies, parliamentary and presidential democracies promote those displaying political competence.

07 多样化选民与投票保密


Vote Secrecy With Diverse Voters


Daniel W. Gingerich, University of Virginia

Danilo Medeiros, University of Virginia



Why would incumbent politicians adopt the secret ballot when doing so weakens the advantages of incumbency? Why is the secret ballot considered a democratizing reform in some settings, whereas in others it is associated with democratic backsliding? We provide theory and empirics to address these questions. Our starting point is the observation that the secret ballot had two consequences. It reduced the capacity to monitor the vote, thereby dampening the efficacy of clientelism. Yet, depending on literacy and electoral rules, it could also narrow political participation. Recognizing this, we endogenize politicians’ preferences over the secret ballot, concentrating on the role of their personal and constituency characteristics. Legislative roll call voting data from Brazil’s Second Republic (1945-1964) is used to test our framework. Consistent with expectations, the level of literacy of legislators’ supporters and the strength of their local ties strongly influenced the choice to adopt the secret ballot.

08 选民是如何歧视女参选者的?来自马拉维的实验性和定性证据


(How) Do Voters Discriminate Against Women Candidates? Experimental and Qualitative Evidence From Malawi


Amanda Clayton, Vanderbilt University

Amanda Lea Robinson, The Ohio State University

Martha C. Johnson, Mills College

Ragnhild Muriaas, University of Bergen



How do voters evaluate women candidates in places where traditional gender norms are strong? We conduct a survey experiment in Malawi to assess both whether citizens discriminate against women candidates and how other salient candidate characteristics—political experience, family status, policy focus, and gendered kinship practices—interact with candidate gender to affect citizen support. Contrary to our expectations, we find citizens prefer women candidates ceteris paribus, and women and men with the same traits are evaluated similarly. Yet, we find two unexpected ways women candidates are disadvantaged in the electoral process. First, we find that citizens prefer candidates who are married with young children, a profile much more common among men than women candidates in practice. Second, we find pervasive qualitative reports of negative campaigning that likely affected citizens’ evaluations of actual women candidates, while not affecting evaluations of hypothetical candidates. We discuss how our results speak to the ways gender biases operate in practice across political contexts.

09 后布雷顿森林时代持续性经常账户失衡的根源


The Origins of Persistent Current Account Imbalances in the Post-Bretton Woods Era


Mark S. Manger, University of Toronto

Thomas Sattler, Université de Genève



Why do some countries run persistent current account surpluses? Why do others run deficits, often over decades, leading to enduring global imbalances? Such persistent imbalances are the root cause of many financial crises and a major source of international economic conflict. We propose that differences in wage-bargaining institutions explain a large share of imbalances through their effect on the trade balance. In countries with coordinated wage bargaining, wage growth in export industries can be restrained to ensure competitiveness, leading to persistent trade surpluses. We estimate the contribution of these institutions to trade balances in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries since 1977 and find ample support for our hypothesis. Contrary to much of the literature, the choice of fixed or floating exchange rate regimes has only a small effect on trade or current account balances. In other words, internal adjustment in surplus countries via wage-bargaining institutions trumps external adjustment by deficit countries.

编  译:王悦霖

校  对:林俊斯



前沿 | Journal of Politics(政治学杂志)Number 4 - October 2019(上)

前沿 | Journal of Politics(政治学杂志)Number 4 - October 2019(下)


一审:袁    丁

二审:袁    丁


Modified on

