国际顶刊 |《比较政治研究》2020年第12-14期
Comparative Political Studies(比较政治研究)是美国SAGE出版社旗下学术期刊,创刊于1968年,期刊每月出版一次,主要探讨比较政治学相关内容,期刊现任主编为明尼苏达大学教授David Samuels。过去五年的影响因子为4.262,在176个政治科学类期刊中排名第12。
Dictators and Their Subjects: Authoritarian Attitudinal Effects and Legacies
Communist Legacies and Left-Authoritarianism
Protests and Voter Defections in Electoral Autocracies: Evidence From Russia
How Do Inclusionary and Exclusionary Autocracies Affect Ordinary People?
The Ideological Shadow of Authoritarianism
Resisting Displacement: Leveraging Interpersonal Ties to Remain despite Criminal Violence in Medellín, Colombia
The Power to Resist: Mobilization and the Logic of Terrorist Attacks in Civil War
Geographic Divides and Cosmopolitanism: Evidence From Switzerland
The Price of Collaboration: How Authoritarian States Retain Control
Disaggregating “China, Inc.”: The Hierarchical Politics of WTO Entry
External Intervention, Identity, and Civil War
The Effect of Election Proximity on Government Responsiveness and Citizens’ Participation: Evidence From English Local Elections
What Drives Unequal Policy Responsiveness? Assessing the Role of Informational Asymmetries in Economic Policy-Making
Bureaucracy and Growth
Countering Violence Against Women by Encouraging Disclosure: A Mass Media Experiment in Rural Uganda
The Role of Corporate Political Connections in Commercial Lawsuits: Evidence From Chinese Courts
01 独裁者及其臣民:威权政治态度的影响与遗产
Dictators and Their Subjects: Authoritarian Attitudinal Effects and Legacies
Anja Neunforf, Grigore Pop-Eleches
This introductory essay outlines the key themes of the special issue on the long-term impact of autocracies on the political attitudes and behavior of their subjects. Here, we highlight several important areas of theoretical and empirical refinements, which can provide a more nuanced picture of the process through which authoritarian attitudinal legacies emerge and persist. First, we define the nature of attitudinal legacies and their driving mechanisms, developing a framework of competing socialization. Second, we use the competing socialization framework to explain two potential sources of heterogeneity in attitudinal and behavioral legacies: varieties of institutional features of authoritarian regimes, which affect the nature of regime socialization efforts; and variations across different subgroups of (post-)authoritarian citizens, which reflect the nature and strength of alternative socialization efforts. This new framework can help us to better understand contradictory findings in this emerging literature as well as set a new agenda for future research.
02 共产主义遗产与左派威权主义
Communist Legacies and Left-Authoritarianism
Grigore Pop-Elches, Joshua A. Tucker
共产主义政权是明确的左派专制政权,在威权政权中相对罕见。越来越多的关于政权遗产的研究预测,与其他地方的民众相比,后共产主义政权下的民众更有可能表现出 “左派威权主义 ”的态度。我们通过来自88个国家的157项调查来检验“共产主义生活经历”的模型是否能够解释更为强烈的左派威权政治态度。我们通过对总体和微观层面数据的分析,为该模型的预测提供了证据支持。除已有的遗产研究之外,本文还通过检验各种假设的机制以解释共产主义统治如何引发与政权相一致的左派威权主义态度。在各项经过检验的机制中,本文发现,国家对社会的渗透程度越高,社会化效应越强,而出席宗教活动(尤其是参加天主教宗教仪式)则与较弱的社会化效应相关联。
Communist regimes were avowedly leftist authoritarian regimes, a relative rarity among autocracies. The growing literature on regime legacies would lead us to expect that postcommunist citizens would be more likely to exhibit “left-authoritarian” attitudes than their counterparts elsewhere. Finding that this is the case, we rely on 157 surveys from 88 countries to test if a living through Communism legacy model can account for this surplus of left-authoritarian attitudes. Employing both aggregate and micro-level analyses, we find strong support for the predictions of this model. Moving beyond previous legacy studies, we then test a variety of hypothesized mechanisms to explain how exposure to communist rule could have led to the regime congruent left-authoritarian attitudes. Of the mechanisms tested, greater state penetration of society is associated with a strong socialization effect and religious attendance—and in particular attending Catholic religious services—is associated with weaker socialization effects.
03 选举式专制中的抗议与选民叛变:来自俄罗斯的证据
Protests and Voter Defections in Electoral Autocracies: Evidence From Russia
Katerina Tertytchnaya
A large literature expects that as protests unfold in electoral autocracies, voters who supported the ruling regime in the past will withdraw support and shift to supporting its opponents. Yet there are only a few empirical tests of how opposition protests influence voter defections in these regimes. To gain empirical traction on this question, I draw on evidence from Russia. Tying together evidence from a protest-event dataset and a panel survey of voters conducted prior to and during the 2011-2012 protest wave, I examine how voters who supported the ruling regime in the past respond to anti-regime mobilization. Results reveal differentiation in defections. While opposition protests dampen support for the ruling regime and depress engagement, they do not necessarily translate into greater support for the regime’s challengers. Findings, which have implications for debates on defection cascades in autocracies, speak to the literatures on authoritarian endurance and the legacies of (attempted) revolutions.
04 包容型与排他型的专制统治如何对普通民众产生影响?
How Do Inclusionary and Exclusionary Autocracies Affect Ordinary People?
Anja Neundorf, Johannes Gerschewski, Roman-Gabriel Olar
We propose a distinction between inclusionary and exclusionary autocratic ruling strategies and develop novel theoretical propositions on the legacy that these strategies leave on citizens’ political attitudes once the autocratic regime broke down. Using data of 1.3 million survey respondents from 71 countries and hierarchical age–period–cohort models, we estimate between and within cohort differences in citizens’ democratic support. We find that inclusionary regimes—with wider redistribution of socioeconomic and political benefits—leave a stronger antidemocratic legacy than exclusionary regimes on the political attitudes of their citizens. Similarly, citizens who were part of the winning group in an autocracy are more critical with democracy compared with citizens who were part of discriminated groups. This article contributes to our understanding about how autocracies affect the hearts and minds of ordinary citizens.
05 威权主义的意识形态之影
The Ideological Shadow of Authoritarianism
Elias Dinas, Ksenia Northmore-Ball
How do the labels left and right take on meaning in new democracies? Existing explanations point to the universality of the left–right scheme or, reversely, emphasize regionally dominant social cleavages. We propose an alternative legacy-focused theory based on two observations: Dictatorships are not ideologically neutral and are negatively evaluated by most citizens and elites after democratization. These premises lead us to expect that when the authoritarian regime is associated with the left (right), the citizens of a new democracy will display an antileft (antiright) bias in their left–right self-identification. We test this hypothesis across Latin American and European new democracies. We find significant bias, which in the case of new democracies following left-wing regimes is concealed due to intercohort heterogeneity. Although older cohorts denote a positive bias, cohorts born after Stalin’s era denote negative bias against the left. Consistent with our expectations, repression exacerbates this bias whereas indoctrination mitigates it. Finally, we look at how these biases apply to party preferences. The findings have important implications for understanding authoritarian legacies and party system development in new democracies.
06 拒绝离乡:利用人际关系主动留在硝烟下的哥伦比亚麦德林
Resisting Displacement: Leveraging Interpersonal Ties to Remain despite Criminal Violence in Medellín, Colombia
Jerome F. Marston, Jr.
尽管世界各地逃离冲突的民众数量创下新高,但实际上,大多数人仍留守原地。他们或是生活在战场,或是生活在犯罪组织所控制的领土之上。然而,因受到犯罪团伙威胁而流离失所的个人究竟如何进行抵抗?根据对哥伦比亚麦德林(Medellín, Colombia)边缘地带的深入参与式观察和访谈,本文认为,在面临流离失所的风险的情况下,最有可能留在当地的城市居民是 “有背景”的人。尽管他们也受到威胁,他们仍然利用与公众人物或当地武装团体成员的关系留下来。本文通过原始调查及调查实验的方式验证了一系列相关假设。现有文献多强调居民因受困于资源匮乏,或只能以加入地方团体甚至交战方从而留下,本文则从另一角度出发,揭示了在没有国家的情况下,居民寻求安全保障时的能动性和中立性。
Although civilians across the globe are fleeing conflict in record numbers, the reality is that far more remain behind. In addition to traditional wars, people stay in territories governed by criminal organizations. How might individuals threatened with displacement by a criminal gang manage to resist? Drawing on intensive participant observation and interviews in marginal neighborhoods of Medellín, Colombia, I argue that the urban residents most likely to remain despite being at risk of displacement are the “well connected.” Despite threats, they leverage ties to a community figure or member of the armed group to stay. I test a number of related hypotheses using an original survey and survey experiment. Unlike other work stressing that residents are trapped by scant resources or remain only by joining local associations or belligerents, my theory reveals residents’ agency and neutrality as they seek safety and security in conditions of state absence.
07 抵抗的力量:内战中恐怖主义活动的动员与逻辑
The Power to Resist: Mobilization and the Logic of Terrorist Attacks in Civil War
Sara M. T. Polo and Belén González
现有的研究认为,恐怖主义在内战中常见的原因在于其“有效性”。然而,令人惊讶的是,仅有一些团体在内战期间发动恐怖主义,而许多其他团体则完全不使用该战略。我们还观察到,恐怖主义的使用在不同时期存在着较大差异。本文将恐怖主义视为内战中的一种动员策略,考虑因素包括收益、成本和时间态势。我们认为,发动恐怖主义活动的决定及时机,均源于有效动员条件与战场动态之间的相互作用。当恐怖主义活动引发政府无差别镇压时,或当其通过对抗特定的社会群体而激化反叛分子的支持者(选民)时,恐怖主义可以起到动员支持的作用。然而,战败会影响进行恐怖主义活动的时机,反叛分子因而更需要争取平民的支持。针对1989-2009年间冲突中反叛组织恐怖袭击以及伊斯兰国(ISIS )在伊拉克和叙利亚所用战术的新非汇总数据分析支持了本文的理论主张。
Existing research has argued that terrorism is common in civil war because it is “effective.” Surprisingly, however, only some groups use terrorism during civil wars, while many refrain altogether. We also see considerable variation in the use of terrorism over time. This article presents a theory of terrorism as a mobilization strategy in civil war, taking into account benefits, costs, and temporal dynamics. We argue that the choice and the timing of terrorism arise from the interaction between conditions for effective mobilization and battlefield dynamics. Terrorism can mobilize support when it provokes indiscriminate government repression or when it radicalizes rebels’ constituency by antagonizing specific societal groups. The timing of attacks, however, is influenced by battlefield losses, which increase rebels’ need to rally civilian support. The analyses of new disaggregated data on rebels’ terrorist attacks during conflicts (1989–2009) and of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) tactics in Iraq and Syria support our theoretical argument.
08 地理性差异与世界主义:来自瑞士的证据
Geographic Divides and Cosmopolitanism: Evidence From Switzerland
Rahsaan Maxwell
Large cities are cosmopolitan environments where people embrace inter-national connections whereas small towns, villages, and the countryside are more likely to prioritize the maintenance of national traditions. These geographic divides are at the center of contemporary politics but we do not know why they exist. One possibility is that cities make people more cosmopolitan while smaller areas make people less cosmopolitan. However, credibly measuring geographic effects is difficult because people sort across geography in ways that are correlated with political attitudes. I address these methodological challenges with longitudinal data from the Swiss Household Panel. My central result is that evidence of contextual effects is limited and unlikely to account for the broad geographic divides. Instead, sorting is likely to be the most important explanation for spatial polarization over cosmopolitanism. These findings have several implications for our understanding of geographic divides.
09 情报合作的价格:威权政府如何保持控制
The Price of Collaboration: How Authoritarian States Retain Control
Barbara Maria Piotrowska
与外国或独立媒体的接触将如何影响国家安全机构的运作?本文通过关注东德史塔西线人(告密者)网络的两个特点,即线人的数量及线人的 “价格”,集中回答了这一问题。与西德电视台的接触会潜在地减少线人的供给,因而需求增加,从而推高线人所获的报酬,但理论上线人的数量是不确定的。本文通过一组稀有的史塔西探员的原始数据验证了上述推理。结果显示,与无法接触到西德电视台的地区相比,在可接触到西德电视台的地区,线人每年多获得了价值约70东德马克的奖励——具有讽刺意味的是,这个数额大致相当于东德电视台一年的订阅费用。这些发现展现了一个威权国家如何对抗外国媒体的潜在不稳定影响。
How does access to foreign or independent media affect the operation of a state security apparatus? This article answers this question concentrating on two characteristics of the informant network of the East German Stasi: the number of informants and their “price.” Exposure to West German TV (WGTV) had the potential to decrease the supply of informants and increase the demand for them, pushing up the value of the payments the informants received, but leaving their quantity theoretically ambiguous. I verify this reasoning using a rare original data set of Stasi informants. Results show that informants were given approximately 70 East German marks worth of rewards more per year in the areas that had access to WGTV, as compared with areas with no reception—ironically an amount roughly equivalent to the cost of an annual East German TV subscription. These findings demonstrate how an authoritarian state can counteract the potentially destabilizing effect of foreign media.
10 分解“中国股份有限公司“:加入世贸组织过程中的分级政治
Disaggregating “China, Inc.”: The Hierarchical Politics of WTO Entry
Yeling Tan
Gabriella Sacramone-Lutz Columbia University
How does state structure affect responses to globalization? This article examines why some parts of the Chinese state enacted more liberalizing policies than others in response to World Trade Organization (WTO) entry. It shows that, despite single-party rule, China’s WTO-era policy trajectories were neither top-down nor monolithic. Instead, central and subnational governments diverged in their policy responses. The study identifies three competing economic strategies from which these responses are drawn: market-replacing (directive), market-shaping (developmental), and market-enhancing (regulatory). The analysis uses an original dataset of Chinese industry regulations from 1978 to 2014 and employs machine learning methods in text analysis to identify words associated with each strategy. Combining tariff, industry, and textual data, the article demonstrates that the divergent strategies adopted by central and subnational governments are driven by each unit’s differential accountability to the WTO and by the diversity of that unit’s industrial base.
11 外部干预,身份(认同)与内战
External Intervention, Identity, and Civil War
Nicholas Sambanis*, Stergios Skaperdas*, William Wohlforth*
We examine how external intervention interacts with ethnic polarization to induce rebellion and civil war. Previous literature views polarization as internally produced—the result of demographic characteristics or intergroup differences made salient by ethnic entrepreneurs. We complement these approaches by showing that polarization is also affected by international politics. We model intervention’s effect on civil war via the pathway of ethnic identification—a mechanism not previously identified in the literature. In our model, local actors representing different groups are emboldened by foreign patrons to pursue their objectives violently. This, in turn, makes ethnic identity salient and induces polarization. Without the specter of intervention, polarization is often insufficient to induce war and, in turn, in the absence of polarization, intervention is insufficient to induce war. We illustrate the model with case evidence from Ukraine.
12 选举临近对于政府回应与公民参与的影响:来自英国地方选举的证据
The Effect of Election Proximity on Government Responsiveness and Citizens’ Participation: Evidence From English Local Elections
Gemma Dipoppa, Guy Grossman
Does political engagement depend on government responsiveness? Identifying the drivers of political action is challenging because it requires disentangling instrumental from expressive motives for engagement and because government responsiveness is likely endogenous. We overcome the first challenge by studying citizens’ reporting of street-problems—a form of participation arguably driven by instrumental considerations. We overcome the second challenge by taking advantage of variation in local elections timing in England’s district authorities. We report three key results. First, local governments address requests faster in the months leading to elections. Second, street-problem reporting increases in (pre)electoral periods. Third, the increase in requests sent in preelection periods is driven by districts in which government responsiveness is higher. These findings show that, individuals consider expected benefits when choosing to undertake at least some instrumental forms of participation. Our results also underscore the importance of temporal factors that increase the perceived benefits of one’s political engagement.
13 是什么推动了不平等的政策回应?评估信息不对称在经济政策制定过程中的作用
What Drives Unequal Policy Responsiveness? Assessing the Role of Informational Asymmetries in Economic Policy-Making
Mads Andreas Elkjar
Recent scholarship on inequality and political representation argues that economic elites are dominating democratic policy-making, yet it struggles to explain the underlying mechanisms. This article proposes that unequal responsiveness reflects asymmetries in information about fiscal policy across income classes, as opposed to being a structural bias inherent in capitalist democracy. I test the argument in a pathway case study of economic policy-making in Denmark, using a new data set that combines preference and spending data spanning 18 spending domains between 1985 and 2017. I find that governments that pursue standard macroeconomic policies coincidentally respond more strongly to the preferences of the affluent, owing to a closer adjustment of preferences to the state of the economy among citizens in upper income groups. These findings have important democratic and theoretical implications, as they suggest that unequal responsiveness may not reflect substantive misrepresentation of majority interests, but rather differences in information levels across groups.
14 官僚制度与经济增长
Bureaucracy and Growth
Agnes Cornell, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Jan Teorell
We revisit the hypothesis that a Weberian bureaucracy enhances economic growth. Theoretically, we develop arguments for why such a bureaucracy may enhance growth and discuss plausible counterarguments. Empirically, we use new measures capturing various Weberian features in countries across the world, with some time series extending back to 1789. The evidence base from previous large-N studies is surprisingly thin, but our extensive data enable us to move beyond the problematic cross-country correlations used in previous studies. Hence, we conduct tests that control for country-specific characteristics while ensuring sufficient variation on the slow-moving bureaucracy variables to enable precise estimation. Our analysis suggests that previous cross-country regressions have vastly overstated the strength of the relationship. While this casts uncertainty on the proposition that there is an effect of Weberian bureaucracy on growth, our further analysis suggests that—if an effect exists—it may operate in the short term and be stronger in recent decades.
15 鼓励揭发以打击针对妇女的暴力行为:乌干达农村地区的大众媒体实验
Countering Violence Against Women by Encouraging Disclosure: A Mass Media Experiment in Rural Uganda
Donald P. Green, Anna M. Wilke, Jasper Cooper
对妇女的暴力行为(Violence against women)在东非地区十分普遍,几乎半数的已婚妇女曾遭受身体上的虐待。解决这一问题有两个难点:一、某些形式的家庭暴力被广泛纵容;二、证人不举报已成常态。越来越多的文献表明,教育娱乐(education-entertainment)可以改变社会规范和行为。基于此,本文提供来自112个农村的一万余名乌干达民众参加的媒体宣传的实验证据。在随机分配的村庄中,录像剧遏制了暴力侵害妇女的行为,鼓励了对于此类案件的举报行为。根据实施干预数月后的回访结果,虽然纵容暴力侵害妇女行为的态度没有改变,但向当局报告的意愿却明显增加,尤其是在妇女之中,且遭受暴力的妇女比例下降。研究的理论意义在于,影响视不揭发对社会有害的行为为“常态”的干预措施,即使不对降低人们对于此类行为的接受度起作用,也可以减少此类行为的发生。
Violence against women (VAW) is widespread in East Africa, with almost half of married women experiencing physical abuse. Those seeking to address this issue confront two challenges: some forms of domestic violence are widely condoned and it is the norm for witnesses to not report incidents. Building on a growing literature showing that education-entertainment can change norms and behaviors, we present experimental evidence from a media campaign attended by more than 10,000 Ugandans in 112 rural villages. In randomly assigned villages, video dramatizations discouraged VAW and encouraged reporting. Results from interviews conducted several months after the intervention show no change in attitudes condoning VAW yet a substantial increase in willingness to report to authorities, especially among women, and a decline in the share of women who experienced violence. The theoretical implication is that interventions that affect disclosure norms may reduce socially harmful behavior even if they do not reduce its acceptability.
16 企业的政治关系在商业诉讼中的作用——来自中国法院的证据
The Role of Corporate Political Connections in Commercial Lawsuits: Evidence From Chinese Courts
Jian Xu
Like courts in democratic regimes, courts under authoritarianism play an important role in the regulation of complex economies. In particular, scholars suggest that authoritarian judiciaries are commonly encouraged to provide independent adjudication in the context of economic disputes between firms. Yet because regime insiders are often connected to firms, judges have strong incentives to consider the political implications of their decisions even in areas of the law where they are allegedly more independent. In this article, I propose a new theory about the role of corporations’ political background in commercial lawsuits. Using a data set on the litigation outcomes of firms in China, I find that the composition of a firm’s board membership is a significant predictor of its lawsuit outcomes. A higher percentage of corporate board members with political connections leads to a higher probability of lawsuit success. The results point to the limitations of the selective judicial independence theory.
翻 译:宋文佳 欧阳博雅
校 对:宋文佳 欧阳博雅
二审:袁 丁