
Awesome Advice for Aspiring Artists

2016-12-05 YCISBeijing

This fall, renowned space and sculpture artist Megan Mosholder joined YCIS Beijing as our Artist-in-Residence, a unique role at the school that gives students the opportunity to learn directly from a professional, practicing artist. In her interview, Ms. Mosholder offers important tips and guidance for parents with a child considering careers in art. 

今年秋季,著名的空间及雕塑艺术家Megan Mosholder加入北京耀中国际学校,成为我校的驻校艺术家,为学生与当代艺术家的直接交流提供了一个良好的平台。在这个采访中,Mosholder女士与有志于艺术职业生涯的学生分享了重要的提示和指导。

Please click Read more for more advice on how to hone your artistic abilities from Ms. Mosholder. 

详情请点击“阅读原文”,查看驻校艺术家Megan Mosholder更多有关打磨您艺术能力的建议。

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