
Forest School: Helping Children Connect 和自然连接:北京的森林学校

2017-01-06 YCISBeijing

What is Forest School? Read this recent Beijing Kids article to discover how this unique programme offered by YCIS Beijing can benefit your child.    


When I was young we lived in a house with a forest behind it. Let me clarify: my brothers and I would open the garden gate to the forest! I never knew how lucky I was until I lived with my toddler and husband in London with no forest in sight.


I took her to Forest School playgroups in parks to do the things my brothers and I would do so many years ago in the forest behind our home. I watched with wonder how she played with sticks and leaves. It's hard to find sticks and leaves in Beijing parks so she treasures them like they are family. Yes, she pretends sticks are her brothers and sisters. (I wonder if she is trying to tell me something.)


Karen Killeen is a Learning Support Teacher at Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS Beijing)  北京耀中国际学校, and we asked her what Forest School means.

Karen Killeen 是北京耀中国际学校的特殊教育老师。我们向她请教了森林学校的含义。

She explained, “Forest School is a methodology. It started in Scandinavia in the ’70s, and now there are lots of kindergartens in Europe where children spend all day outside, learning and discovering. It is gaining popularity in the UK and many primary schools have access to a Forest School area which they use. It's about using nature, or the 'forest' as your classroom and your resources. Playing outdoors supports physiological development in children and connecting with nature supports positive emotional well being.”


(By Pauline van Hasselt).

Please click Read more below to read the full article.  


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